Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings

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Roll of the Court Advisor

The Court Advisor sits at the right hand of the Baron and serves as his voice in all matters when appropriate. A conduit by which information from the people and provincial representatives communicate with His Grace.

Current Court Advisor

Court Advisor Aaiyaah Kenman, Paladin, Citizenship, Therengia.
Aaiyaah has an aristocratic face, pointed ears and piercing blue-grey eyes. His snow-white hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn tied back. He has warm caramel-hued skin and a broad-shouldered build. He is statuesque for an Elf.

Meetings and Petitions

It has been 442 years, 128 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Bronze Wyvern.

Log provided from the point of view of Kaelie, Order of the Black Fox - Council

 ~~In Attendance~~
 Court Advisor Aaiyaah
 Philosopher Zorthuric
 War Wizard Etasia
 Dragon Son Edrac
 Sir Madigan who is shining with a dark golden glow
 Carnage Darling Dantia
 Mercy Penrhyn
 Shield of Eylhaar Arkalye
 Knight of Meraud Tirost
 Mrod's Shield Remyngton
 Twilight Tippler Lasaia
 Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne
 Ameliorator Leayne
 Fearless Crobin
 Lady Knight Elurora
 Archivist Dayferlin 
 Coshivi's Daughter Clairseach 
 Harmless Biomancer Kaelie

   No new petitions put forward.
No updates on petitions that are pending

Aaiyaah exclaims, "Hello and welcome everyone! It is so very good to see everyone! A special welcome to Northern Watch, Theren Guard, and Dragon Shield in attendance!! Please make yourselves comfortable, get your classes going, and help yourselves to all the booze you want!"
Clairseach says to Remyngton, "I was going to try my skills at herding kittens. But I lost track of time killing orcs to keep the rope bridge safe."
Aaiyaah says, "Agenda for today is as follows.....Welcome and introduction (what we are doing now), discussion of current events and happenings, petitions, and then open floor."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I understand that each of you could be doing any number of things right now and I want to personally thank each of you for making time to be here today! The purpose of these meetings is to help foster better communication among Therengians, allies, and friends to foster closer working relationships!"
Remyngton asks Clairseach, "Oh that seems like a rather.. interesting activity?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That said, I am here at your disposal to assist you in any and all means to carry out His Grace's wishes in an effort to realize his vision for Therengia! Please do not hesitate to call on me to help in anyway possible!"
Mazrian says, "Ah, there we are."
Aaiyaah asks, "With that, let us get started! Who would like to kick us off with current events?"
Penrhyn says to Aaiyaah, "In terms of current events..."
Penrhyn says, "I would like to applaud that wonderful song we just heard."
Aaiyaah asks, "Maybe if we are lucky we could sweet talk Ahneya in doing that before every meeting?"
Ahneya says, "You are all too kind, which I like, easy to take advantage of."
Penrhyn impishly says, "Fart jokes are always a good way to start off a serious conversation."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anyone second that motion?"
Aaiyaah asks Penrhyn, "Anything else m lady?"
Leayne softly says, "Thoughts."
Penrhyn says to Aaiyaah, "Well, I wasn't planning to give a report at this time, but I could tell you about the work that the civil service crews have been engaging on, here in the city."
Aaiyaah asks, "Oh, please do?"
Penrhyn says, "There have been reports of a mysterious force or presence beeing seen or sensed, especially along the river at night. There doesn't yet seem to be any connection between them."
Penrhyn says, "But one occurance that came to our attention..."
Penrhyn says, "There were a number of litters of feral kittens born extremely early, in the dead of winter. Locals who noticed them contacted the proper authorities, of course...."
Penrhyn says, "But the normal means of capturing these unnatural kittens proved ineffective, so they reached out to us to see if some wiley adventurers could lend their particular skills to the task."
Penrhyn says, "Thanks to some clever and dedicated work indeed..."
Penrhyn says to Elurora, "Including by one incredible young paladin in particular..."
Elurora quietly says to Penrhyn, "Glad to help out, Miss."
Elurora says, "But really, Senthic was the brave one."
Penrhyn says, "A number of these Winter Kittens, as they're being called, with magical or unusual abilities, have been successfully captured, treated by veterinarians, and placed into new permanent homes among the city's residents."
Aaiyaah says, "Huge fan of ole Senthic."
Elurora quietly says to Lasaia, "You should have him show you his new sword."
Tirost says, "Master storyteller, Senthic."
Penrhyn says to Aaiyaah, "As the mystery itself is not yet solved, we expect to have futher news and perhaps need of assistance, as things develop."
Aaiyaah says, "Understood m lady, yes please let us all know."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Welcome, thank you for coming!"
Penrhyn says to Aaiyaah, "I think that's all the recent events I have to share about."
Aaiyaah asks, "Thank you Penrhyn! Who would like the floor next?"
Dantia says, "If we're on the topic of activities in this area, I suppose I can go next."
Aaiyaah says, "All yours m lady."
Dantia says, "Appreciate it, Court Advisor."
Dantia says, "As many of you know, Maelshyve is for all intents and purposes dead. However, her death is a slow one, and can still be witnessed in the deepest portion of her fortress known as the Pith, just out the East gate here in Riverhaven."
Dantia says, "The nasty ur-maeldryths that can be found there were a sort of automatic fail safe of Maelshyve's to try to secure her essence on this Plane."
Dantia says, "There was some concern expressed that the Watch's training activities in the Pith were in some way empowering Maelshyve."
Dantia says, "Out of an abundance of caution, the Support branch of the Watch has begun a series of research and defensive operations to ensure this is not the case."
Dantia says, "The first of those operations, a detailed study of the ur-maeldryth's and their evolutionary phases has recently completed."
Dantia says, "We have a much better idea of what conditions cause them to evolve, and their strengths and weaknesses during each phase."
Dantia says, "Information that previously has not been made available."
Dantia says, "All of these findings will be submitted to the Keep, but any individual who would like to know the details are invited to reach out to Support Unit LT Sekmeht for details."
Dantia says, "Not many folks are willing to go down there, so we don't anticipate too many people are interested... but the information is certainly available now."
Dantia says, "Support Unit would also like to report that our ur-maeldryth kills to death ratio is now up to 112.67 to 1. They intend to lead additional expeditions to raise that even more."
Aaiyaah says, "I am liking the detail in that math."
Dantia says to Aaiyaah, "And that's coming from the barbarians."
Dantia says, "They have really taken to this mission, and we appreciate their hard work."
Aaiyaah asks, "Did they carry the one or maybe need to add a decimal?"
Dantia says, "That is all the Watch has at this time."
Dantia says to Aaiyaah, "Very likely. The report came to me in crayon. I'll be sure to double check before we submit to the Keep."
Crobin says, "They round up I am sure."
Remyngton says, "Judging by the amount of demon-hide coming out with them.. their numbers aren't far off."
Dantia says, "That's all for us, thank you for the floor."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you so much m lady."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who would like the floor next?"
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, with that, before we get to the petitions."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Ah, yes, delay action presented by Zorth , thank you !"
Zorthuric asks, "Um, excuse me, but what are ur-Maeldrith?"
Tylevyn says, "Ah."
Tylevyn says, "Hello."
Tylevyn says, "You seem to have confiscated my table."
Tylevyn says, "I had this one reserved."
Clairseach exclaims, "I've been keeping the rope bridge leading to Theren safter by cutting down as many Orc Bandits as I can! Hundreds!"
Dantia quietly says to Zorthuric, "The ur-maeldryth are a gigantic being made of clawed tentacles with plated blue-black scales. They are very nasty creatures that were left behind when adventurers drove back Maelshyve."
Zorthuric asks, "Are they a product of her death throes, then?"
Zalinyar says, "Heart and Helm Jousting Club will have our regularly announced events this month, now that all the festivities have died down."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Fantastic!"
Crobin says, "Oh."
Madigan says, "There is a ton of interest in Jousting. Thanks for doing that."
Crobin says, "I need to go see my horse."
Remyngton quietly says to Zorthuric, "Yes killing them hastens her full departure from this plane."
Tirost asks Crobin, "Been in the stables a while?"
Remyngton quietly says to Zorthuric, "Or so is speculated by the temple."
Crobin says, "I fear I have not."
Crobin says, "Yes he has."
Zalinyar says, "Our events team is in the beginning stages of planning a spectacular tournament."
Crobin says, "Oh boy."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Thank you Zalinyar, we are really excited about your news about jousting!"
Crobin says, "I have a feeling he is going to kick me when I see him."
Dantia says to Zalinyar, "That's wonderful news."
Kintryn asks Crobin, "Hard getting acclamated again eh?"
Crobin says, "Much so."
Aaiyaah asks, "Anyone else wish to have the floor?"
Zalinyar exclaims, "Here's to long pointy sticks and sweaty horses!"
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, then lets move to my favorite part, petitions."
Aaiyaah says, "So before we start, I do have an update on the rope bridge."
Crobin says, "I hope the message is."
Crobin says, "That it will no longer be rope."
Aaiyaah says, "I want everyone to know, I have been going through extraordinary measures to help us get this bridge..."
Aaiyaah says, "So much so I am wearing this..."
Kintryn says, "Please excuse me all."
Aaiyaah says, "I even will present it to His Grace next time I see him."
Salvitoriel says, "Aye i am going to have to duck out early."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "So I promise, I am working on it too!"
Remyngton quietly says, "And this is how Aaiyaah ended up taking 100 turns in the moat."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Ok, so, lets get the petitions going!"
Aaiyaah says, "You mean, this is how Court Advisor Aaiyaah got fired."
Madigan says, "May send him to the moat for just teasing us like that."
Crobin says, "Oh nothing wrong with a good teasing Mad."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I have to keep everyone interested in the rope bridge, noone ever talks about it, ever!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, any additional petitions?"
Aaiyaah says, "You are all going to let me off easy this week , I like it."
Aaiyaah says, "If no petitions, going once..."
Crobin says, "Oh no."
Crobin says, "I have a meeting with you after this."
Aaiyaah says, "Going twice...."
Aaiyaah asks, "Gone, Petitions done. Who has antyhing for upcoming events?"
Tweedee says, "I petition..."
Tweedee exclaims, "You all need to eat more ham!"
Tylevyn says, "I petition that Tweedee has a point."
Tweedee exclaims, "Thats two!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Surely we have some more upcoming events folks wish to speak on?"
Crobin says, "I hear chicken tastes better though."
Remyngton says, "I shall shamlessly plug that in a few weeks time, My pack will be hosting a rakash rumble in riverhaven.. there will be a brief lecture on rakash weaponary followed by spars using the weapons discussed."
Tirost says, "I wanted to thank those who came to help investigate what's happened in the Wolf Clan."
Aaiyaah asks Tirost, "Oh yes, I hated to miss that. Please, how did that go?"
Tirost says, "Miskton and I plan to visit the Spell Library in Throne City soon. We'd appreciate the company of any who might wish to join us."
Tirost says to Aaiyaah, "It's much better, thanks to some who are present here."
Aaiyaah asks, "What happened if you could please share?"
Tirost says, "Apparently someone's poisoned the crops and animal feed."
Tirost says, "We don't know who or why."
Crobin asks, "Poison you say?"
Ahneya asks, "Crops you say?"
Crobin asks, "Can you identify what kind?"
Tylevyn asks, "What has put the fear in this one?"
Tylevyn says, "He looks like he's going to have a nervous breakdown."
Tirost says to Crobin, "I've asked an alchemist to help with that. If you know anyone skilled in the arts, please let me know."
Crobin asks, "Can you get a sample?"
Crobin says, "I may have some people I could try and talk to."
Tirost says to Crobin, "I'll get you what we have. Thanks, Crobin."
Crobin says, "Thank you."
Aaiyaah says to Tirost, "Many thanks for speaking on that m friend."
Tirost respectfully says to Aaiyaah, "Thank you for recognizing me."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who is next?"
Ahneya says to Aaiyaah, "I need more poison if anyone has some extra."
Madigan says, "Gads."
Madigan says, "Combat One is putting on regular spars. The purpose is to hone our fighting, but also to teach a bit if you are new."
Madigan says, "That is all. We even had Delani at the last one."
Leayne softly asks, "How do we find out about them?"
Madigan says, "Sarg Warb typically posts about them in advance."
Madigan says, "But, if you are interested, I will make sure he reaches out to you specifically."
Madigan says, "If you are new, we work on an opener for you."
Aaiyaah says, "Warbs good people if you do not know him, totally encourage you all to get to know him if you do not."
Madigan says, "Warb is top notch."
Madigan says, "That is all I had. Thanks."
Crobin says, "I second that."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who is next?"
Aaiyaah says, "Ok, so next week's meeting will be in Rossman's Landing, in the manor specifically. First time we will hold a meeting here so I am excited."
You hear a voice say, "Fancy."
Aaiyaah says, "Plus, do not need to take the rope bridge to get there."
Madigan says, "Just so on that point."
Zorthuric asks, "There's something other than the bridge?"
Aaiyaah says, "Oh no, you just do not need to head across the rope bridge to get there."
Elurora quietly says, "Unless you're coming from Theren."
Crobin says, "Bringing up the bridge again I see."
Aaiyaah says, "It is never talked about, this is so odd."
Madigan says, "Everyone loves the rope bridge."
Zorthuric says, "I have to cross that deathtrap after this meeting."
Crobin says, "Yeah we do."
Leayne softly says, "NOT."
Crobin says, "Every part of it."
Shaylynne says, "Rangers definitely love the rope bridge, because we skip it."
Aaiyaah says, "Alright! If there is nothing else...going once..."
Zorthuric says, "If only there was some way to move a moonbeam across it."
Aaiyaah says, "Twice......"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Meeting adjourned!! Thank you all for coming and see you next week!!!!"