Register of Baronial Petitions and Gatherings

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Roll of the Court Advisor

The Court Advisor sits at the right hand of the Baron and serves as his voice in all matters when appropriate. A conduit by which information from the people and provincial representatives communicate with His Grace.

Current Court Advisor

Court Advisor Aaiyaah Kenman, Paladin, Citizenship, Therengia.
Aaiyaah has an aristocratic face, pointed ears and piercing blue-grey eyes. His snow-white hair is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn tied back. He has warm caramel-hued skin and a broad-shouldered build. He is statuesque for an Elf.

Meetings and Petitions

It has been 442 years, 44 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 2nd month of Ka'len the Sea Drake in the year of the Bronze Wyvern.

Log provided from the point of view of Kaelie, Order of the Black Fox - Council

~~ In Attendance ~~
Court Advisor Aaiyaah
Monster Elec
Voidwalker Zynell
Apprentice Warrior Mage Anuri
Lady of Frostbite Siendra
War Shaman Ohiyesa
Holy Fist Slarc
Carnage Darling Dantia
Bastion of Life Karthor
Mrod's Shield Remyngton
Archivist Dayferlin
Pack Brother Finnris
Pack Doctor Vekara
Ambassador Elizzibiana
Harmless Biomancer Kaelie
New petions:  
   Kaelie put forward a petition requesting that a gaming area in one of the pubs or inns be made available.  Including darts,  arm wrestling, and perhaps a little less justice for those bar room brawls.
   Siendra put forward two petitions:  The first is the demeanor of the guard in the Pack House.  While people of all races  are allowed in there now, in the entry way the guard still comes across as a bit old-fashioned.
   The second request is music.  The Rakash are a people of songs and stories, but we lack our own instruments.  Many Bards are in my Pack who I know would appreciate some traditional instruments.
No updates on petitions that are pending

Aaiyaah exclaims, "Hello and welcome everyone! It is so very good to see everyone! A special welcome to Northern Watch, Theren Guard, and Dragon Shield in attendance!! Please make yourselves comfortable, get your classes going, and help yourselves to all the booze you want!"
Aaiyaah says, "Agenda for today is as follows.....Welcome and introduction (what we are doing now), discussion of current events and happenings, petitions, and then open floor."
Aaiyaah says, "Assuming we do not have any fights break out and we gotta close up shop like last week..."
Vekara says to Remyngton, "Thank you."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "I understand that each of you could be doing any number of things right now and I want to personally thank each of you for making time to be here today! The purpose of these meetings is to help foster better communication among Therengians, allies, and friends to foster closer working relationships!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "That said, I am here at your disposal to assist you in any and all means to carry out His Grace's wishes in an effort to realize his vision for Therengia! Please do not hesitate to call on me to help in anyway possible!"
Aaiyaah asks, "With that, let us get started! Who would like to kick us off with current events?"
Anuril respectfully says to Mazrian, "Halipa."
Mazrian dryly says, "Well, there were some shennanigans at the last Theren meeting."
Aaiyaah says, "Welcome folks, please make yourselves comfortable."
Slarc says, "Cease your slander."
Slarc says, "Or risk a fine."
Mazrian politely says to Slarc, "Keep working on your sass."
Mazrian says, "One day you'll hit a good line and we'll all just laugh and laugh."
Aaiyaah asks, "Yes, seems things were addressed and settled during and after my last meeting. I do appreciate everyone understanding the need to halt the meeting. So, lets see what we can accomplish today shall we?"
Slarc says to Mazrian, "You cannot afford the fines you are about to incur."
Slarc says, "Now silence, you're being disrespectful."
Dantia says, "I'll go ahead and give a quick Watch update then."
Mazrian says to Slarc, "Atuen does it better."
Dantia says, "Sergeant Warbrolus held an impromptu community spar in the Crossing Cemetery, and had fantastic turnout."
Dantia says, "We're very happy to see NW Members out sharing their training with others. It creates a nice sense of community."
Dantia says, "We have also had yet another successful Gauntlet run, which brings our membership up to 16 strong."
Slarc quietly says to Mazrian, "I understand you enjoy my brother's tongue, but I'm really trying to pay attention."
Dantia says, "In celebration we had a little darts and poker evening last night, and we'd like to thank the ODS for letting us use their dartboard."
Mazrian says to Slarc, "See, you needed that line 20 seconds ago."
Slarc says, "I try not to finish too early."
Dantia says to Aaiyaah, "That's all we had for today, thank you."
Mazrian says, "Well, the important thing is that you try."
Aaiyaah says, "Yes, the spars that Warb held was fantastic. I personally thoroughly enjoyed learning a bunch from armor proves it..."
Elizzibiana asks Slarc something in S'Kra.
Aaiyaah says, "Oh yes , love darts myself. I imagine everyone had a great time."
Dantia says, "I had less fun because I lost several times."
Remyngton says to Dantia, "You just got to drink more, I see that as a win."
Mazrian says, "We were informed that apparantly there is to be no fighting or other monkey business in the Tankard, so that was a new development."
Mazrian says, "I'm sure miscrients everywhere will heed that strongly worded notice."
Dantia says, "Unfortunately that sounds like it means no more of their bar brawls, which seemed to be their most popular events."
Slarc says something in S'Kra.
Rifkinn quietly says to Slarc, "Your aptitude at attracting the females will never cease to amaze me Brother."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "A good bar brawl does wonders for stress relief though!"
Delani asks, "What's a night in a bar without a brawl or two?"
Mazrian asks Delani, "Right?"
Aaiyaah says, "Need a good table flip from time to time."
Elizzibiana says to Slarc something in S'Kra.
Dantia says to Delani, "It was unfortunate. As soon as a friendly spar was proposed, we were asked to leave the premise."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you Dantia, it is so wonderful to hear the Watch is thriving."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who would like the floor next?"
Siendra says, "I just wanted to thank everyone who was able to come to the most recent Siksrajan Rendezvous. A few here did, and quite a few others, which made for a wonderful group."
Slarc asks Elizzibiana something in S'Kra.
Slarc says to Elizzibiana something in S'Kra.
Siendra says, "We had many share stories in the Pack House, and even though Katamba made things a little messy - so much fur... - it was a delightful time."
Elizzibiana says to Slarc, "He is not arming himself, he tends to do that."
Elizzibiana says to Slarc, "Lots of them do that during meetings, I have on occasion too but not as a defense or attacking mode."
Siendra cheerfully exclaims, "That's all I have for current event sharing!"
Slarc says, "It is escalation."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you m lady."
Mazrian says, "Merely prudence."
Mazrian says, "As you and yours should well know."
Aaiyaah asks, "Whom would care for the floor next?"
Elizzibiana says to Aaiyaah something in S'Kra.
Elizzibiana says to Aaiyaah, "Sorry bout that, didnt mean to disrupt you."
Aaiyaah says to Elizzibiana, "Oh it is quite alright m lady."
Slarc asks, "Can you speak up?"
Aaiyaah asks, "No other items of note or events folks wish to speak of before we move to petitions?"
Slarc loudly says, "Mazrian's tornado hands are really loud."
Elizzibiana asks Aaiyaah, "I'll wait till after the petitions if that is okay?"
Aaiyaah says, "Of course m lady."
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, lets move to petitions. We have a few weeks worth I am sure."
Mazrian says, "Standing petition for a skylight in every meeting area."
You say, "I'd like to petition the Baron to perhaps encourage a perhaps a bar or inn to add a dartboard and maybe turn a blind eye to some friendly shenanigans."
Aaiyaah says, "I will see if he would authorize a dartboard at the Baron's Table perhaps."
Vekara says, "I'd like to second the dartboard."
Remyngton asks, "And um.. some drinks there too?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Oh yes, booze at the Baron's table. I like it!"
Aaiyaah says, "Booze, dartboards, table flipping at Barons Table."
Aaiyaah says, "Got it."
You say, "Just so."
Karthor asks, "The Baron's Inverted Table?"
Dantia exclaims to Aaiyaah, "The Baron himself could come out and play a round!"
Aaiyaah says, "Might as well add a armwrestling table tooo."
Aaiyaah says, "Dragaus would enjoy that."
Teyl exclaims, "Yes!"
Dantia says to Aaiyaah, "I like this. Shoot high and see where we land."
You say, "That was on my list to ask for, but I felt like that was pushing it."
Aaiyaah asks, "Surely he cannot say no to all of that, right?"
You ask, "A new pub with all that and named The Barons Flipped Table. That should be super easy compared to a church or bridge, right?"
Rifkinn asks, "And what "friendly shenanigas" would he be turning a blind eye to?"
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, so we got the Baron's Table refurbishing to Flipped table status on the petition list."
Aaiyaah says, "I will report back on how he responds to me and if he lets me keep my job."
Aaiyaah says to Rifkinn, "Oh we Therengians can get pretty rowdy after a few drinks."
Aaiyaah says, "Sometimes have friendly shenanigans after. You know, nothing serious."
Rifkinn says, "Oh im sure."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alight, we have two solid petitions. Lets move on! Who is next?"
Siendra asks, "I have two, I hope that's okay?"
Aaiyaah says, "Oh yes, after I have been slacking for a while, I deserve the extra work."
Slarc says, "Sister."
Siendra says, "The first is the demeanor of the guard in the Pack House. While people of all races are allowed in there now, in the entry way the guard still comes across as a bit old-fashioned, let's say."
Siendra says, "I hope just a small talking to would help him understand his orders have changed."
Remyngton says to Siendra, "Well I mean... how old IS he? he was old when I was a cub."
Siendra says to Remyngton, "Okay...more than a small talking to..."
Slarc asks, "Are you guys going to howl soon?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Are we talking like a getting fired kind of talking to or more like a , hey knock it off kinda talkin to?"
Vekara says, "Only if you hiss in unison."
Finnris says to Aaiyaah, "Yes."
Siendra exclaims, "Oh, no, certainly not a firing!"
Siendra says to Finnris, "Go back to grunting."
Slarc says, "I definitely would."
Aaiyaah says, "Ok, going to talk to the Guard about firing...."
Siendra says, "Perfect notes."
Siendra exclaims, "Secondly!"
Aaiyaah says, "We wont award you the nick name of hatchet just yet Siendra, promise."
Siendra says, "Oh nooo..."
Siendra says, "They'll call me that after it's buried in my back, I'm sure."
Aaiyaah asks, "Who else we talking to now?"
Rifkinn says, "Well Kenny isnt here, so maybe moving on."
Siendra says, "The second request is music. The Rakash are a people of songs and stories, but we lack our own instruments. Many Bards are in my Pack who I know would appreciate some traditional instruments."
Siendra asks, "If there's any way to begin construction on a shop in Siksraja?"
Vekara says, "Maybe that guard always wanted to be a Bard, he can work there, two birds one stone."
Karthor says, "Solid problem solvin' there."
Aaiyaah says, "Ok so I will lead with the firing of the guard."
Aaiyaah says, "Then follow up with the new shop."
Siendra says, "And then help him become realize his lifelong dream, yes."
Aaiyaah says, "In all seriousness though, of course m lady. I will submit these petitions to His Grace."
Siendra says to Aaiyaah, "I appreciate you."
Aaiyaah asks, "Ok, got some really good petitions so far! Who has another?"
Aaiyaah says, "Going once....."
Aaiyaah says, "Twice."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Gone!! Next, upcoming events!!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Who would like to speak on that?"
Elizzibiana says, "Thank you."
Elizzibiana says, "Iron Circle is having their Get Drunk as a Swain on Ratha in little less than a week. Check the calendar for time and more info."
Aaiyaah says, "You had me at get drunk."
Aaiyaah says, "Sold."
Elizzibiana says, "Also this evening, very shortly as a matter of fact is Misktons Vision meeting down in the Shard moon mage tower. Its always a interesting time to hear about visions and such."
Elizzibiana says, "Thats all I had, thank you."
Aaiyaah says, "Thank you m lady."
Aaiyaah says, "Big fan of Miskton."
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who else?"
Karthor says, "In several days the Guard's got a spar session in the usual Gorbesh fortress."
Karthor says, "Then later on one o' those song an' story things in out o' the way places, this time Hvaral."
Karthor says, "That about sums it up fer us methinks."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Thank you Karthor, sounds fantastic!"
Teyl exclaims, "Hey!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, who wants the floor next?"
Clairseach apprehensively says, " Some of you may remember me from this meeting a week ago."
Clairseach regretfully says, "When fighting started and I knew none or the real reason for such acts. I ran. I sat outside and hid."
Clairseach mindfully says, "Until I saw Remyngton step in. I followed. I joined the party that they joined. For no other reason than respect and faith in them."
Clairseach apologetically says to Aaiyaah, "I am a citizen of Therengia and I never should have abandon or questioned your stand. If I am ever going to be helpful to Siendra, Remy, anyone that is working to make things better I will not accomplish this by turning away. I offer my apology to you, Advisor. And vow that will not happen twice."
Aaiyaah says to Clairseach, "Absolutely nothing to apologize for."
Clairseach faithfully says to Aaiyaah, "My offer to protect and serve will not waiver again. As anyone that serves the Baron be it through the Order of the Dragon Shield or the Theren Guard or the Northern Watch. To not have your back in those moments is a sign of disrespect and I, for one, will never disgrace myself again. You have my solemn word."
Siendra says to Clairseach, "Your spirit is what defines you, and clearly it burns brightly."
Clairseach says, "Thank you for letting me speak."
Remyngton says to Clairseach, "You are in no way a disgrace."
Aaiyaah says to Clairseach, "Well m lady, I appreciate your words, but again, nothing to apologize for. All in service to His Grace."
Aaiyaah asks, "Ok, who wishes to have the floor next?"
Rifkinn quietly asks Delani, "Did he just say running away and hiding was in service to His Grace?"
Slarc quietly says to Clairseach, "They are filling you full of false bravado, don't listen to them."
Aaiyaah says to Rifkinn, "If you have a question for me, ask me directly. I stand right here."
Delani quietly asks Rifkinn, "I wasn't paying attention. What now?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "Oh no, it was just a question to lovely Delani here."
Vekara quietly says to herself, "I really thought people were running from Ahneya's offer to finish petitions..."
Aaiyaah says, "His Grace understands there are many ways to serve Therengia. Not all in combat."
Aaiyaah says, "Clair, you do what you feel you must to serve m lady."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Alright, open floor!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Whom wishes to speak on anything new or interesting?"
You hear the voice of Kintryn ask, "Aaiyaah quick petition. I forgot. Can you add chicken soup to that menu? And snake bites?"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "You know me, a walking petition taker!"
Aaiyaah asks, "Why not?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Alright, noone wishes to speak?"
Rifkinn says, "So if there is an opeen floor, may i speak."
Aaiyaah says to Rifkinn, "Of course sir, all yours."
Rifkinn asks, "So there was a bit of a disruption at thee other meeting?"
Mazrian whispers, "Can I get a MEF, dear?"
Slarc says, "News to me."
Anuril says, "That's putting it mildly."
Aaiyaah says, "Oh I am sorry, are you asking me? Yes, we had one."
Rifkinn says to Teyl, "And i think there is appologies owed to you for the reason of that death...."
Teyl says, "Thank you for that."
Rifkinn says to Teyl, "Oh i just had a conceern that Aaiyaah had left you high and dry with appologising to you for having you killed,."
Teyl asks, "That what?"
Teyl asks, "Having me killed?"
Slarc asks Aaiyaah, "Would you care to reply to this accusation?"
Rifkinn says to Teyl, "But that isnt really my buisness, so moving on."
Aaiyaah says, "Let me get this straight..."
Teyl says, "I don't blame Aaiyaah in the least."
Karthor says, "Impressive mental acrobatics, yeesh."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "Wee Ravens would like to give you another opertunity to meet with us."
Aaiyaah asks, "You accuse me of having my fiancee killed?"
Aaiyaah says, "Just making sure I heard that right."
Slarc says, "I am also shocked that you would be so cold hearted."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "Oh lets not bother with symantics here, there has been anough arguing and such."
Aaiyaah says, "Oh no, please, speak directly."
Rifkinn says, "Who really killed who."
Rifkinn says, "Anyway."
Aaiyaah asks, "It is very simple. Do you accuse me of having you and your Ravens kill my fiancee?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Is this really the route you wish to take?"
Aaiyaah says, "How about this. Try again."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "I can only go by what wwas relayed back to me by my Brothers, but alot of them do get upset wheen they are stood up."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "But you knmow me, im just here to cleear the air."
Aaiyaah says, "Not clearing the air it seems. Seems like a break from reality."
Aaiyaah says, "The fact is your Ravens attacked my fiancee for some imagined wrong."
Aaiyaah asks, "Now, I had thought you may all have had more honor and would accept you attacked and killed a woman over a meeting not being held?"
Aaiyaah asks, "Instead of just asking?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, " Well again, lets not go over old Buisness."
Rifkinn says, "The ravens are all about moving forward."
Aaiyaah says, "Sounds like not accepting responsibility is what the Ravens are about."
Aaiyaah asks, "What exactly would you like to move forward with?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "Well some of the Ravens did kill your betrothed cause you missed a meeting...."
Rifkinn says, "But anyway."
Aaiyaah says, "And yes, that sounds like a perfectly rational action to take."
Dantia asks, "Has a make up meeting been scheduled?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "Im sure they thought so...."
Teyl says, "Seems kinda harsh."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "So we would very much like to host you, as im sure you have questions you would like to ask us."
Aaiyaah says, "You can first have Atuen, and all who attacked Teyl stand here in front of everyone and offer sincere apologies to her."
Siendra says, "If onlny there was a way to be a reasonable Wren and, I don't know, not kill people for such small reasons."
Aaiyaah says, "Then we can discuss meeting."
Rifkinn says to Teyl, "And i promise you, no one will be killed."
Aaiyaah asks, "Now that sounds like a step in the right direction, yes?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "We Ravens have alot of things wee would like to have the Baron appologise for asweell, so why dont we meet and we can all speak about appologies."
Aaiyaah says, "Well, I can just go ahead and help with the whole Baron apologizing for anything. Which will not happen."
Aaiyaah says, "The only apologies owed at this time are to this woman."
Slarc says to Teyl, "I am sorry your husband missed his meeting."
Rifkinn says to Slarc, "Brother please...."
Delani asks, "Some of the Ravens are a bit fiesty and short-tempered. Sometimes you just have a bad day and you murder someone. Is it really such a big deal?"
Teyl asks, "But was the meeting actually set?"
Teyl asks, "As in a time and place?"
Teyl says, "Because I"m not sure the meeting was ....... missed."
Rifkinn says to Teyl, "Well yes it was, we had a place.... and Synamon even had food."
Aaiyaah says, "I do sort of have a track record of holding meetings on time..."
Aaiyaah asks, "I mean...right?"
You ask Delani, "What's a little anger issue leading to death, right?"
Aaiyaah says, "Just ask Karthor or anyone in the Guard."
Aaiyaah says, "Got decades of track record there."
Karthor says, "The fellow thrives on meetings, really."
Delani says, "I waited entirely too long for that meeting, and I was promised a cruise. I got neither a meeting nor a cruise."
Elizzibiana asks Rifkinn, "Maybe the messenger with the time and place was killed on its way to Aaiyaah? So he didnt get it?"
Aaiyaah asks, "In truth, I will be happy to meet with you Rifkinn and the Ravens. I always was, however killing my fiancee was not the best of moves. Surely you see that?"
Aaiyaah says, "Make it right with Teyl, then maybe we talk about a meeting."
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "So we will sendd a missive with another time and placee."
Aaiyaah says, "After making it right with Teyl, sounds like a plan."
Kintryn says to Teyl, "You have a good man there."
Rifkinn says, "And, we will go from there."
Rifkinn asks, "Really do we want these hostilities to contine?"
Aaiyaah says, "Well Rifkinn, we didnt start them, but I assure you we can finish them."
Slarc says to Teyl, "I believe we can come to an arrangement that allows us to move forward."
Rifkinn quietly says to Teyl, "Im starting to see the issue now...."
Teyl asks, "You are?"
Rifkinn says to Aaiyaah, "I jest Sir, pleasee a friendly joke."
Siendra exclaims, "Alas, having to leave as it's getting good. I'm sure you'll all have fun. Take care!"
Aaiyaah says, "Alright, maybe by next meeting we will have resolution and we can move forward in meeting preparations."
Rifkinn says, "Is this our meeting or your meeting..."
Aaiyaah asks Teyl, "Are you agreeable to that m lady?"
Rifkinn says, "Or should we have a meeeting to discuss what meeting."
Teyl says, "I am."
Delani says, "Too many meetings."
Aaiyaah says, "By my next meeting."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Alright friends. Thank you all for coming!"
Karthor says, "I should probly be off as well, take care folks."
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Have a wonderful rest of your day!!"
Aaiyaah exclaims, "Meeting adjourned!!!"