Category:Barbarian masteries
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Masteries are passive bonuses that Barbarians can purchase with ability slots.
Masteries are taught by the Pit Masters.
Although masteries belong to different paths (Horde, Flame, Predator), they do not count towards requirements for learning other abilities.
- They are named after types of warriors.
Summary of Masteries
Ability | Type | Skill | Difficulty | Path | Cost | Prereqs | Effect |
Templar | mastery | Flame | 1 | 0 | Provides bonus to effective ranks (Augmentation, Warding, or Utility) when using forms, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks. | ||
Yogi | mastery | Flame | 1 | 0 | Reduces up-front inner fire cost of meditations (meditations have no pulsing cost). | ||
Powermonger | mastery | Flame | 1 | 0 | +Primary Magic skill, Provides effective bonus to inner fire skill when calculating inner fire usage, 20% up to a maximum of 50 ranks. | ||
Titan | mastery | Horde | 1 | 0 | Provides a reduction to the start-up cost and pulsing cost of berserks. Chance to reset War Stomp cooldown with a kill. | ||
Strategos | mastery | Horde | 1 | 0 | Unlocks ROAR AREA and ROAR CREATURE | ||
Juggernaut | mastery | Horde | 1 | 0 | Increases inner fire gain from all kills against critters, and from strikes in PvP (60 second timer). | ||
War Stomp | mastery | None | 0 | 100th circle | +No buffs, -No debuffs, Impact damage, Fire damage | ||
Duelist | mastery | Predator | 1 | 0 | Increases passive regen cap of inner fire pool by around 30%, providing more inner fire out of combat. | ||
Tribalist | mastery | Predator | 1 | 0 | +Debilitation skill, Provides bonus to effective ranks when using Barbarian debilitation such as roars or Earthquake berserk, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks. | ||
Exemplar | mastery | Predator | 1 | 0 | Form inner fire cost reduction | ||
Paragon | mastery | Predator | 1 | 0 | 20% (capped at 50 ranks) bonus to effective skill when using a meditation |