Lockpick carving

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Lockpick Carving is a Thief-only ability in which keyblanks are carved into lockpicks using with a knife.



Skill Factors

  • Lockpick Repair is taught by the Crossing guild leader at 12th (this is probably when lockpick carving may first be attempted, or perhaps it is an innate ability available from the time of joining).
  • There are three main factors that go into lockpick carving: Lockpicking skill, Agility, and Mechanical Lore skill. Potentially Perception skill, Disarm Traps skill, Reflex, or other skills may play some small role in lockpick carving.
  • Lockpicking skill and Agility factor into the quality level of the lockpick and Mechanical Lore skill factors into whether the lockpick snaps while it is being carved.
  • Anything that boosts Lockpicking skill or Agility will result in a higher chance for a higher quality lockpick. There are many abilities, bonuses, and spells that effect these two factors and therefore a locksmith could potentially carve much higher than their natural ability.

Lockpick Properties

Material Properties

Keyblank materials can be classified on a scale of very soft to very hard. The properties change as the materials move from one end of the scale to the other.

  • Soft materials will be easier to carve to a higher quality, though they cannot ever reach the top qualities of Master's or Grandmaster's.
  • Soft materials will snap more frequently in the carving porcess.
  • Soft materials will bend and break more quickly when being used as a lockpick.

Common Materials

  • Ivory: Very Soft material
  • Bronze: Moderately Soft material
  • Copper: Moderately Hard material
  • Iron: Hard material

Rare Materials

  • Soapstone: Very Soft Material
  • Mother-of-Pearl: Soft Material
  • Ironwood: Soft Material
  • Silver-hued: Moderately Soft Material
  • Gold-hued: Moderately Hard Material
  • Platinum-hued: Hard Material
  • Steel: Very Hard Material

Lockpick Qualities

Quality Approx Min Skill
Crude ?
Rough ?
Stout ?
Common ?
Slim ?
Quality ?
High Quality ?
Superior ?
Professional ?
Master's 200
Grandmaster's 350

Initialing and Signing Lockpicks

Only Grandmaster's lockpicks can be initialed or signed with the carver's full name. To do this simply attempt one more carve after the lockpick is completed. Ability to carve either initials or name is based on the same skills as the initial carving of the lockpick. If you have a lesser ability you will carve only initials, and if you have greater ability you may carve your full name. If you wait too long you will not be able to make the attempt.

Also See

Lockpick Fixing