Moon Mage vision list 2019

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This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2019.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Everything goes black, and an oppressive weight begins to press against you from all sides. Against the inky nothingness, you make out a series of creeping capillary-like tendrils worming towards you, wrapping around your ankles and writhing up your legs. The tendrils reach your knees, and high above, a piercing pair of massive green eyes open and gaze upon you. You hear a woman's malicious laughter in the distance, horribly echoing around and through you. With a lurch, you manage to tear one of your feet free of the creeping tendrils, and suddenly the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You find yourself looking out a narrow stone window, breathtakingly high in the air, with birds and clouds wheeling far below you. Turning around, you see the mutilated corpse of an Elothean woman shackled to the far wall, a thin bright red scar perfectly encircling the crown of her skull. A tall man dressed in fine robes stands by the open cell door holding an empty bowl and a jug of water. He gazes upon the body of the woman impassively for a moment, then turns to leave the cell. Beyond the jailer, you see a hallway that -- given the dimensions of the tower -- seems to stretch incongruously long. Countless cell doors line the hallway. You briefly hear someone scream in the distance, and the jailer slams the cell door shut, locking you in with the dead woman. The vision fades..
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Everything fades to black, and you find yourself standing on the shore of a mighty river. The stars seem to resonate in place, reflecting angry, radiant light along the ripples and whorls of the rushing waters. Downriver, a horde of perfectly white protea blossoms slowly bobbles against the current, working their slow way upstream. The river courses defiantly, surging erratically, but the blossoms continue undeterred. After some time, the blossoms have blanketed the river, and the water quiets, as if subdued. A heady fragrance begins to fill your nose, and the scene suddenly vanishes.
Possible Subjects: King protea flower, Taisidon Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
An endless library stretches before you, with shelving twice the height of a Gor'Tog stretching as far as you can see. Soft gaethzen lamps illuminate the room, and bright sunlight streams in through wide stained glass windows. A wizened librarian walks down an aisle, past two students sitting at a bench, studying from large tomes. One of them coughs, eliciting a loud shush from the other. They both glare at one another a moment, then go back to their studies. The librarian smiles softly, and continues walking down the aisle.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A large wheel rests next to a sturdy bench, and a kiln glows with heat. A man sits at the bench, and leaning over the wheel, manipulates something you cannot see and mutters words you cannot hear. With a smooth start, the wheel begins to turn of its own volition, and slowly gains in speed. Nodding, the man grabs a handful of clay and after working it in his hands a bit, slaps it down on the wheel and expertly begins to shape it into a beautiful piece of art. The wheel spins quickly, and the man's skill is evident in the gentle curves and elegant form that take shape under his hands. Finalizing the project, he presses a heavily booted foot against the corner of the wheel to slow it down. Oddly, the wheel simply continues spinning, still gaining in speed. The man looks down at the wheel with a mix of confusion and worry, and your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Before you sprawls a market, each stall festooned with brilliantly dyed fabrics, sheets of wool and linen and cotton snapping in the gentle breeze. A large gathering of guards, merchants, and customers appear to be arguing, with no clear divisions between the groups. At the center of the crowd stands a guard holding a bloodied and battered child by the collar. The child's nose is broken and his front tooth snapped in half. Gruesomely, his left arm ends in a bloody stump just below the elbow. Blood loss has left the child pale, his tear-streaked face a mask of pain. However, he glares defiantly upward at the guard constraining him. The chaos intensifies, as everyone shouts in both condemnation and defense of the actions of both the child and the guard, and you notice the child slipping his remaining hand around the hilt of his distracted captor's dagger. The din grows, the child tightens his grip, and your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a stack of lumber drying in the setting sun, thick grass and idyllic hills spreading out to the horizon. A Dwarven man leans against the stack, eating a simple meal and watching the sun set. A warm breeze plays across the scene, stirring the grass, and the man smiles slightly as he closes his eyes and inhales deeply. A single hawk circles far above, floating effortlessly against the bright sky. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You hear the snarling of something made of glass and steel and violations, and in a panic you begin to run. Your lungs burst with the effort, and your legs feel leaden as your every step fails to add any distance between you and the thing behind you. As you feel yourself slowing, and the hot acrid breath of the thing begins to fill your nostrils, you suddenly fall and tumble. Dazed, you look up from the soft dirt, and find yourself next to a massive chunk of marble. A chain extends from the marble, snaking across the ground around the neck of a massive albino lion. The lion gives an ear-splittingly loud roar, and leaps at you, massive claws extending, as it soars over your shoulder and collides savagely with the thing. You cower behind the marble, listening to the sounds of battle, and after a while, the lion roars in victory -- and in pain. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Chadatru Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a long shelf with numerous glass specimen jars. A tall man walks over to one of the jars, and carefully removes the corpse of a beetle. The man gently turns the beetle over in his hands, and you notice a faint line marring the abdominal portion of the beetle's carapace. Placing the beetle's corpse on the table, the man reaches for a stoppered vial, but hesitates. He leaves the vial, places the beetle back in the jar, and replaces the jar on the shelf. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You hear a squeal of laughter and see a small child running down a richly carpeted hallway, awkward but full of joy. Turning abruptly and pulling a heavy door open, the child tries to sneak into a work room, where a woman is scratching symbols onto a chalkboard. The woman pauses in her work, tilts her head mischievously at the child, and with a wink invites him over. The boy rushes to her side, and careful to not disturb her work, begins drawing his own childish pictures and symbols in one of the corners of the blackboard. The woman smiles as she watches him play, and does not seem to notice that with every addition to his own project, something shifts slightly in hers. After a moment, she refocuses on her own work, and the sounds of chalk scratching against board fade.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True