Property:Description is

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Description: A property to hold the description of verbs, objects, etc.
Type: text

There are currently 233 items in this property, 23 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
While in water, such as a brook or river, you can use the verb to roleplay that you're swimming about. When paired with a direction, such as <tt>SWIM NORTH</tt>, it's an alias for moving in that direction.  +
Emotive verb for tail movement of Prydaen, Rakash and Skra'Mur.  +
Command to pick up items from the ground and command used by Empaths to transfer wounds, poison, and disease from other players or to grant vitality to other players.  +
Emotive command to laugh at yourself, other people, and various items in a different way. Type of a laugh.  +
Emotive command to playfully tease another player.  +
The THUMP command is used to remove the speech ability of other characters at least 20 circles below you. The greater the difference in circle, the longer speech is removed. THUMPing another character gives them consent, but is considered a no-GM situation.  +
Role-playing command to tickle another person.  +
Used for a variety of contexts, including: tying weapon straps to weapons, arranging a character's hair, and tying off gem pouches.  +
Emotive command used to tilt ones head in a particular way.  +
Prints the current time in-game.  +
Tells you when a real world date falls within the in-game calendar.  +
Emotive command to express anger, derision, or to throw an object around.  +
Create an Empathic link; roleplaying verb to touch your nose to to touch someone else.  +
Role-playing command to trace various lines.  +
Emotive verb to make a trilling sound if you're a Prydaen or S'Kra Mur and uncomfortable gurgling if you are not.  +
Trim facial hair. Trim other things?  +
Command to tune an instrument, or role-playing command to touch your or other player's nose.  +
Command to turn a variety of items in the environment, custom messaging for verbed items, and to manipulate facial hair.  +
Role-playing verb with various ways to move your fingers, and custom messaging for different races. All players can use the SELF, PLAYER and OBJECT versions of the verb, however, only Premium players can use the emotes.<br/> Both of the character's hands must be empty in order to successfully TWIDDLE; there is different messaging for full hands.  +
Role-playing command to unbraid hair. Note that hair must be braided before it can be UNbraided.  +