Property:Messaging is

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Description: A property for messaging, such as verb syntax outputs or spell messaging.
Type: Text

There are currently 271 items in this property, 25 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
'''STAND'''<br/> ''You see'': You stand back up.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stands up.<br/> * Message may be different when standing from different surfaces (chairs, benches, beds, etc.) '''STAND (in shallow water)'''<br/> ''You see'': You stand up in the water.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stands up.<br/> '''STAND (in deep water)'''<br/> ''You see'': You swim back up into a vertical position.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' swims back up into a vertical position.<br/> '''STAND <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You stand near ''<Player>''.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' comes and stands near you.<br/> '''STAND <item> (Item that can be stood upon, like chair)'''<br/> ''You see'': You step onto ''<item>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' steps onto ''<item>''.<br/> '''STAND <item> (other items)'''<br/> ''You see'': You stand near ''<item>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stands near ''<item>''.<br/>  +
'''STARE'''<br/> ''You see:'' You stare blankly into the distance.<br/> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' stares blankly into the distance.<br/> '''STARE <self>'''<br/> ''You see:'' You stare meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.<br/> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.<br/> '''STARE <self> (if ELOTHEAN)'''<br/> ''You see:'' You stare pensively into the distance, lost in introspection.<br/> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' stares pensively into the distance.<br/> '''STARE <creature>'''<br/> ''You see:'' You stare blankly at a ''<creature>''.<br/> ''Others see:'' ''<Player>'' stares blankly at a ''<creature>''.<br/>  +
'''STRETCH'''<br/> ''You see'': You stretch your arms. Feels great!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stretches her arms.<br/> '''STRETCH (while lying down)'''<br/> ''You see'': You stretch every limb of your body, and it feels sooooo good!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stretches every limb of her body from where she lies, ending with an expression of extreme contentment.<br/> '''STRETCH <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You give yourself a tight hug.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' hugs herself tightly.<br/> '''STRETCH <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You stretch out a hand imploringly to <player><br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' stretches out a hand imploringly to you.<br/> '''STRETCH <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You stretch out a hand to <item><br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stretches out a hand to <item><br/>  +
'''STRUT'''<br/> ''You see'': You strut about.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' struts about.<br/>  +
'''SULK'''<br/> ''You see'': You begin to mope around, feeling very sorry for yourself.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' looks downright miserable.<br/>  +
'''SUPRISE <player> (from hiding)'''<br/> ''You see'': You jump in front of ''<Player>'', arms waving wildly and making really scary sounds, causing her/him to jump back startled. <br/> ''Target sees'': You let out an involuntary shriek as ''<Player>'' appears out of thin air, and jumps at you making scary sounds and waving her arms wildly.<br/>  +
'''SWEAR'''<br/> ''You see'': mumble something unprintable.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' mumbles something unprintable.<br/>  +
'''SWIM''' (in water) <br/> ''You see'': You swim about in lazy circles. <br/> ''Others see'': <name> swims about in lazy circles.<br/> '''SWIM <direction>''' (in water) <br/> ''You see'': You splash <direction>, moving against the light current. <br/> ''Others see'': <name> splashes <direction>, moving against the light current. <br/>  +
TAIL ''<OPTION>''<br/> TAIL ''<OPTION> <self / person / object>''<br/>  +
'''TAKE <item>''' <br/> ''You see'': You pick up <item>.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> picks up <item>.<br/>  +
'''TAP'''<br/> ''You see'': You tap your foot impatiently.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' taps her/his foot impatiently.<br/> '''TAP <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You tap yourself on the chest.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' taps her/himself on the chest.<br/> '''TAP <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You lightly tap ''<Player>'' on the shoulder.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' taps you lightly on the shoulder.<br/> '''TAP <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You tap ''<item>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' taps ''<item>''.<br/> * Note: many items will have special messaging for TAP.  +
'''TEASE <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You are a very strange person.<br/> ''Others see'': ''Nothing.<br/> '''TEASE <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You turn to''<Player>'' and teasingly stick your tongue out at her/him.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' sticks her tongue out at you in a playfully teasing manner.<br/>  +
'''THUMP'''<br/> ''You see'': You thump yourself on the head. Doh!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' thumps her/himself on the head. Doh!<br/> '''THUMP <player within 20 circles>'''<br/> ''You see'': You contemplate thumping ''<Player>'' over the head and then realize it may not be a wise thing to do.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''Nothing.''<br/> '''THUMP <player 20 circles below>'''<br/> ''You see'': With the speed of a striking snake, you thump ''<Player>'' in the neck with the edge of your flattened palm striking her/him in the vocal cords. ''<Player>'' clutches her/his throat, wheezing pathetically.<br/> ''Target sees'': With the speed of a striking snake, ''<Player>'' catches you in the throat with the edge of her flattened palm, knocking the air out of you and sending your vocal cords into shock!<br/> Removes targeted player's ability for speak for a short time. This action gives consent to the targeted player. '''THUMP <player> TEST'''<br/> To see if you can THUMP another character without actually doing so. '''THUMP <player> WARN'''<br/> ''You see'': You raise your hand to thump ''<Player>'' but stop in an obvious act of self-control.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' raises her/his hand to thump you but then stops in an obvious act of self-control.<br/> '''THUMP <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You thump ''<item>'' with the back of your hand.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' thumps ''<item>'' with the back of her/his hand.<br/>  +
'''TICKLE''' <br/> ''You see'': You tickle <PERSON><br/> ''Person sees'': <NAME> tickles you.<br/> ''Others see'': <NAME> tickles <PERSON>.<br/>  +
''''TIE <item>'''<br/> See examples below.  +
'''TILT <self>''' ''You see'': You tilt your head back.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head back.<br/> '''TILT UP''' ''You see'': You tilt your head up.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head up.<br/> '''TILT DOWN'''<br/> ''You see'': You tilt your head down.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head down.<br/> '''TILT SIDE'''<br/> ''You see'': You tilt your head to one side.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head to one side.<br/> '''TILT INQUISITIVE'''<br/> ''You see'': You tilt your head inquisitively.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head inquisitively.<br/> '''TILT CURIOUS'''<br/> ''You see'': You tilt your head with a curious expression.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> tilts <his/her> head, clearly curious about something.<br/> '''TILT MY HEAD'''<br/> ''You see'': You cock your head.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> cocks <his/her> head.<br/> '''TILT MY HANDS'''<br/> ''You see'': You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture.<br/> ''Others see'': <Person> holds up <his/her> hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.<br/>  +
'''TIME''' <br/> It has been 438 years, 312 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.<br/> It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Iron Toad.<br/> It is currently fall and it is evening.<br/> You have a feeling it's approaching the Anlas of Revelfae.  +
'''TIME DATE <YYYYMMDD>'''<br/> '''TIME DATE 20210713''' <br/> 2021/7/13 falls from the 30th day of the the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe (Day 310) in the year of the Iron Toad (438) to the 34th day of the the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe (Day 314) in the year of the Iron Toad (438).  +
'''TOSS <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You toss your head, your eyes sparkling with anger.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' tosses her/his head, her/his eyes sparkling with anger.<br/> '''TOSS <player>'''<br/> ''You see'': You toss your head derisively at ''<Player>''<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' tosses her/his head derisively at you.<br/> '''TOSS <item, not held>'''<br/> ''You see'': You toss your head derisively at ''<item>''.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' tosses her/his head derisively at <item>.<br/> '''TOSS <item, held, other hand empty>'''<br/> ''You see'': You toss your ''<item>'' from hand to hand.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' tosses her/his ''<item>'' from hand to hand.<br/> '''TOSS <item, held, other hand full>'''<br/> ''You see'': You awkwardly attempt to juggle ''<item>'' and ''<item2>'', barely managing to grab each object before it falls!<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' awkwardly attempts to juggle ''<item>'' and ''<item2>'', barely managing to grab each object before it falls!<br/> * Note: Some items will have special messaging for TOSS.  +
'''TOUCH <self>'''<br/> ''You see'': You tap the tip of your nose.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' taps the tip of her nose.<br/> '''TOUCH <Player>''' - Player's demeanor is neutral / friendly / warm<br/> ''You see'': You lay your hand on ''<Player>'''s arm.<br/> ''Target sees'': ''<Player>'' lays her hand on your arm.<br/> '''TOUCH <Player>''' - Player's demeanor isdemeanor: cold / reserved<br/> ''You see'': ''<Player>'' avoids your touch.<br/> ''Target sees'': You pull away from ''<Player>'''s touch.<br/> '''TOUCH <item>'''<br/> ''You see'': You reach out and touch <item>.<br/> ''Others see'': ''<Player>'' just touched <item>.<br/>  +