Property:Status is

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Description: A property for declaring the life status of an NPC or other figure.
Type: string
Allows Value: alive, dead, unknown, historical figure

There are currently 1885 items in this property, 695 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
historical figure  +
historical figure  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
dead  +
alive  +
alive  +
alive  +
historical figure  +
dead  +
alive  +
The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "alive", "dead", "unknown", "historical figure" ] } }