Beyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras

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You thought she was gone for good.

You thought that she was finally and truly destroyed.

You were wrong.


A cry of help has come from the far west, further than even Forfedhdar. What was once the wild highlands of the Prydaen is now the wasteland left behind by a long and brutal war. Too few in number to finish the war themselves, the last of the Claw of Tenemlor will rely on you to rid the land of the scourge of undead once and for all, and restore both life and peace to a dead land. From cleansing the land of its corruption, to aiding the Claw in their work, your help is needed. And ultimately, the last remnant of Lyras waits...for you.

Do you have the courage to go Beyond the Barrier?

Aid the Claw of Tenemlor in the last fight against the corruption that Lyras wrought on the far west. Battle the undead, travel to the Sunfell Hub, and put an end to the Remnant of Lyras once and for all! This quest lasts roughly four hours, and has a maximum size of ten people.

EARLY BIRD BONUS! All questers who participate in one of the first thirty (30) quest runs at the introductory price will be able to choose between two very special limited edition items that will never, ever be offered again!

Limited Edition Prizes

These let you play a game of siegery against another person with a set (easier to work pieces in "good" versus "evil" battles).

a white box of special gifts

a black box of special gifts

Boss Loot

Incidental Loot




Crafting Related





End Treasure

On the Woolen Rug

On the Wooden Table

New End Treasure

On the wooden bench

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