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Alchemy craft
Currently being beta tested in Platinum. Visit here For information about the alchemy system currently live Prime.
The Alchemy craft is the overarching crafting system that covers the Remedies, Poisons, and Cooking disciplines.
All crafts within it utilize the Alchemy skill.
See Crafting Tools for more details.
Bugs Chart
Society Bugs
Bug | Details | Result |
All Fixed so far... |
Crafting Bugs
Bug | Details | Result |
Can't seem to BREAK apart ingredients. Using more than the required amount also doesn't make 'additional' remedy. You always make the amount you should make with the formula. | You can currently MARK materials and then CUT them with scissors. Remedies craft at a 5:1 ratio. So using 25 dried nemoih would result in 5 nemoih salve. The exception is if mastercrafted they convert at a 4:1 ratio. | |
Terribly made remedies don't have any adjectives like terribly made forged goods (aka: no shattered, etc). | I added this, but Combining / Cutting may erase the adjective because we have no way to track this with stackables. | Fixed |
Messaging exists for smelling remedy, corresponding action can't be taken | Fixed, kinda | |
Smelling the salve doesn't work, but smelling the mortar makes you turn it, which works | smell my salv What did you want to turn? You sniff at the salve. smell my mortar You spin your mortar about while scraping the salve off the sides. The mixing continues exceptionally well and free of mistakes. Roundtime: 9 sec. |
Fixed. |
Can't combine water | Need to enter COMBINE WATER vs just COMBINE | |
Camb Pyramids, used indoors, will function, but not award alchemy xp. | May not be an indoor/outdoor issue but rather a material to be dried issue. The item used that was blue flowers. Have not been able to test Camb Pyramids, indoors, with an herb that is confirmed to award xp outdoors. | Blue flowers do not award EXP because you don't dry them to prepare them... |
Items don't seem to always indicate they're dried | Red flowers (and possibly other herbs?) drying in a pyramid didn't show they were dried until they were removed, combined, and cut into new portions | This was a problem with red flowers only. It is fixed. |
Can't combine alcohol | COMBINE and COMBINE ALCOHOL both don't work | This is fixed. |
Other Bugs
Bug | Details | Result |
Deeded materials only show quality and nothing else (no quantity or workability). | This is now fixed. | |
Deeded catalysts don't give catalyst-related information yet (so no extra details on a deeded coal, etc) | ||
Riolur leaf typo in remedies book chapter 1, page 3 | Rioulur Leaf | |
Salves continue trying to heal after wound already healed | Results in a scar notably worse than the wound—Minor chest abrasion turned into extremely severe chest scars | |
Salves might continue trying to heal a wound that is just a scar, also causing more scars |
Item Conversions Needed
Please place any items that you believe (1) should have been converted to a different quality (NOTE: Most older alchemy tools from festivals, regular stores, and events should become store quality, but cambrinth pyramids (for example) should all be rare-metal quality. If you have an item that is not a cambrith pyramid but you believe is still meant to be better, list it below.) or (2) are related to herbs/alchemy that need to be converted to properly work within the system.
NOTE: Items are sometimes not converted until they are used - you might not initially see crafting tool stats on a previously vaulted item. Once it is used, it should convert.
- green linen sack embroidered with a horn-of-plenty: currently produces pre-Alchemy herbs and potions.
- small powder-blue sack: Sack from Fenwyrthie's Curio Shop that contains cebi root and hisan salve.
- bamboo-edged wayerd pyramid: Gift you could pick up from the Tasidon Safari 'quests', these are soulbound.