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Chris' Mass Festival 389

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Festival Introduction Vision

A soothing, benevolent voice that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere intones, "I have walked among you and found what I hoped to be true. As Jeolandu passed, I sought those who would give to others even when unprompted and I did, indeed, find m

The baritone voice continues , "I watched some give, only expecting something in return. I watched some give, presuming their gifts will garner favor or considerations. But I also watched many show me that they know the joy and happiness that comes from giving freely and without expectation."

A clear image begins to form in your mind. You see Teamarie smiling and holding a lyre and cloth in her outstretched hands. Celinth stands nearby, a knapsack and pouches collected in her arms and Ilmilerias offers you an origami primer. Renala and Katralyn look on and hold embroidery supplies at the ready. Voozinghia works patiently, showing you how to carve sticks into blocks and blocks into beads.

A beam of green rises up into the sky from somewhere in Ilithi. The sky is lit with a sudden burst of red as the voice simply says, "Each gift brought it closer."

The image wavers and changes to one of Gulphphunger, smiling and offering you a glass of Lethean ouisque while sitting next to a broadly grinning Rajiruji who is surrounded by a swirling, misty entourage of smoke images. Close at hand, you see Zadie patiently lecturing a class while Quanette sits nearby, healing a wounded companion while illuminated in a bright sunbeam. Bluewither, Faehlan, Ciarra, and Silverklaw sit together in a circle, chatting happily, but curiously, as they exchange pleasantries and examine carved beads and origami figures.

A beam of red rises up into the sky from somewhere you think may be along the Southern Trade Route. The sky is lit with a sudden burst of green as the voice repeats, "Each gift brought it closer."

A rapid succession of other faces and images begin to fade in and out slowly at first, but then more quickly as they continue: A smiling Daysey seated outside the Ranger Guild... fading to Cyiarriah being nuzzled by a dairy cow while Heartsfyre stifles a grin.. . shifting to Lomelinde offering you a bottle of wine while watching over Eruwyn as she heals... morphing into Ragabrel cuddled up to a confused, but amiable, arbelog.

Swirling and twisting beams of red and green rise up into the sky from Leth Deriel. The sky is lit with a sudden burst of gold as the voice repeats, "Each gift brought it closer."

The faces begin to change more rapidly: Nettek, Tishra, Annieka, Zhai, Xinge, Ysselt, and then dozens more in an unidentifiable blur before snapping into black.

A final image fades in from the darkness. You see a thoughtful Urwin holding a walking stick and glancing your way while slyly perusing a parchment.

The comforting voice says, "Many know the importance of Jeolandu, which has already passed. The acts of kindness and unselfishness of these new Friends should serve as an example to you all of the power of giving that has brought The Mass close enough for you to see. Be merry, and may it be an inspiration to you all and remind you of its power."