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Silvermist family
The House of Silvermist
For more than a decade, the House of Silvermist has been watching over the Citizens of Elanthia, offering fellowship and guidance in quiet and meaningful ways. During Lady Kintalia Silvermist's tenure as Speaker for the Order of the Black Fox it was the House of Silvermist that quietly funded the Order's activities. The House remains neutral in its dealings with political leaders and provinces, choosing to mediate rather then to take sides. The wealth of the House is utilised primarily for the support of new adventurers in providing equipment and training. The House of Silvermist operates from the Silvermist Estate which is located next to the premium estate holder's portal on the Strand in the city of Crossings, Zoluren.
Admittance to the House is by invitation only. Those who are selected are chosen because of their willingness to sacrifice in the service of others.
The House of Silvermist has an open alliance with the Usho family effective from the year 430
The House of Silvermist has a long standing alliance to the House of Sorvendig
The Silvermist Family
- Kintalia Lady of House Silvermist
- Gotinx Patriarch of House Silvermist
- Damoza Silvermist, Daughter of House Silvermist
- Saramei Silvermist, Daughter of House Silvermist
- Klines Silvermist, House Silvermist Archivist
- Tantalia Silvermist, Blood Sister of House Silvermist
- Saphryna Silverwaters, Spiritual Sister to House Silvermist
The Bloodspire Family
- Netherlich Bloodspire, Knight of the House
- Legalosa Bloodspire, Knight of the House
- Ercold Seord, Knight of the House
- Caale Bloodspire, Knight of the House
- Kekahuna Bloodspire, Knight of the House
House Guard
- Tyrrum Kuldarn, Elite Guard Unit Member, Captain of the Guard
- Yanbelev Woodbury, Elite Guard Unit Member, Commander of the Guard
- Teloak Avenshire, Elite Guard Unit Member
- Kelir, Elite Guard Unit Member
- Aldanniel Erebus, Guard Member
- Dhara Laansraad, Guard Member
- Vivikka Laansraad, Guard Member
- Faelhathol, Guard Member
- Romal Sara'Thai, Guard Member
- Kiritan ThunderSoul, Guard Member
- Saphryna Silverwaters, Guard Member
- Varalia, Guard Member
- Favre Guile, Guard trainee
Commissioned Positions
- Thorena, Lady in waiting to the Lady Kintalia
(Those who have entered into a trial period for membership approval)
- Felruiane Endaysy, Sponsored by House Silvermist
- Caesya, Sponsored by House Silvermist
- Janaetta Sara'Thai, Sponsored by House Silvermist
- Zier Sara'Thai, Sponsored by House Silvermist
The Silvermist Estate
Entrance to the Silvermist Estate can be found on the [The Strand, Sandy Path] Following the roadside along the Oxenwaithe's bank, you are struck by the quiet beauty of the place. Taking pause to breathe in the crisp, clean air, you reflect on your surroundings. Sand, sparkling as if mixed with diamond dust, pours into deep blue undulating waters. A lush copse of trees spreads to the north, while to the southeast, a series of delightful small buildings is set back from the river's edge. You also see a uniformed representative, a graceful sana'ati gate carved with elegant ivy vines, a great banyan tree split down the center by a large rock and a festive meeting portal. Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.
A cluster of moonflowers circled by fierce, protective flames.