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Augmenting loop

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Augmenting loop are crafting tools used in the Artificing discipline of the Enchanting skill
See Crafting Tools for details.

Creation and Repair

Augmenting loop are created using the a short <wood> pole or a short bone pole,a long bone pole, a short <stone> pole or a long <stone> pole from the Shaping discipline or Carving discipline.


Augmenting Loop use capacity to derive their potency.

  Durability Cap Speed Cap
Type Difficulty Weight Durability Speed Durability Speed
Store Bought -
oval augmenting loop 04 - simple
oblong augmenting loop 05 - basic
circular augmenting loop 07 - challenging
flat augmenting loop 10 - difficult


Diamondique augmenter's loop adorned with crushed Imperial rubytruetremendously effective11particularly weak5masterfully-crafted12
Glittering augmenting loop of dark blue starstonestruevery effective8marginally vulnerable8masterfully-crafted12
Tamarak augmentation loop coated with a cerulean lacquertruerather effective7marginally vulnerable8masterfully-crafted12

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