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The Outcasts were a group of Elves that claimed to have been cast out of Ilithi by a pact between Corik and Morganae. They had lived generations and grown strong in the Velka Desert northwest of Therengia and in the year 375 AV they brought an army out of the deserts on a march back to Shard, led by King Raenilar. This attack and the following occupation of Ilithi would last several years and be known as the Outcast War.


a faded arzumos hide scroll. It is very old... something about a road or journey. The writing is not clearly in a language that is understood. The badly worn and faded, the tattered hide depicts a line of Elves being forcibly marched away from a small island upon which a new city is being built. Almost all are burdened with heavy packs, overloaded carts and small children. The scroll has on it writing that reads: "Yol Malcisen... Uskela'jama..."
a chipped ceramic bowl. Though quite faded, the center of the bowl is painted with what appears to be a small island village in the middle of a crystalline lake. Around the rim are various scenes depicting what appear to be Elves engaged in battle or a bloody sport of some type.
a rough stone tablet. A relief depicting small groups of what appear to be Elves surrounded by larger, armed groups of indeterminate race is carved on the stone's rough surface. In the background, a small island village burns.


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