Bobbin' For Bolts

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Bobbin' For Bolts
Event Hollow Eve Festival 392, Hollow Eve Festival 399, Hollow Eve Festival 406, Hollow Eve Festival 410, Hollow Eve Festival 414, Hollow Eve Festival 417, Hollow Eve Festival 421, Fate's Fortune's Games
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Game
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Bobbin' For Bolts]
An assortment of quivers and bolt cases are nailed, lashed, or otherwise affixed to the walls and rafters of this cramped and excessively humid building. Poor ventilation results in the combination of customers and "sales associates" smelling like a mixture of cucumbers, skunk, and old feet that have been wrapped in an unwashed loincloth, dipped in sour milk, and allowed to dry in the sun.
You also see a bucket of viscous gloop, a large sign and a snake pit.
Obvious exits: out.

A large sign reads:

                     ----- Da Rules 392 ----
1 - Ya pay 5 silver ta stick yer head in the snake pit
2 - Ya can try to GET TREASURE.  Good luck to ya.
3 - Ya can also try to GET a SNAKE, but I don't reckon that's a good idea.
4 - No refunds.  Ya get what ya get, even if it's bit.
5 - Da treasure dis time be bolts, includin' a few quads and pulz.

A large sign reads:

                     ----- Da Rules 399----
1 - Ya pay 5 bronze ta stick yer head in the snake pit
2 - Ya can try to GET TREASURE.  Good luck to ya.
3 - Ya can also try to GET a SNAKE, but I don't reckon that's a good idea.
4 - No refunds.  Ya get what ya get, even if it's bit.
5 - Da treasure dis time be bones and bolts, includin' a few quads and pulz.  
Mebbe even a fragment or two.

A large sign reads:

                 ----- Da Rules 406 & 410, 414, 417 & 421----
1 - Ya pay 5 bronze ta stick yer head in the snake pit
2 - Ya can try to GET TREASURE.  Good luck to ya.
3 - Ya can also try to GET a SNAKE, but I don't reckon that's a good idea.
4 - No refunds.  Ya get what ya get, even if it's bit.
5 - Da treasure dis time be bolts, includin' a few quads and pulz.