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For the game command, see EXPERIENCE.

Experience, or exp, is the general term for all of the skill learning your character has attained.

In DragonRealms, your ranks in a skill are increased by using it. This is manifested by experience being granted for each action your character takes. The amount of experience gained is scaled to the difficulty of that action for your character at that time, and how successful your character is in performing it. It is common for a task that is very simple or unchallenging to grant zero experience.

Experience can potentially be lost as a consequence of character death, although this can be easily avoided.

Experience pools and pulses

Experience pools

Every skill has its own individual pool, which fills with field experience as you obtain it. The current amount of field experience in your pool ranges from empty (clear) to mind lock (full).

Factors that determine maximum pool size (in descending order of importance):

  1. whether the skill is in your primary, secondary, or tertiary skillset
  2. the number of ranks you have in the skill
  3. Intelligence
  4. Discipline (Note: It was planned for 3.0 to remove discipline from the experience pool effects, but as posted by Socharis on 1/18/13, "...So I looked into this, and Discipline was never taken out - It's not as significant as intelligence, but it definitely increases your [experience] pool size."

Amount Learning Mindstate Fraction Amount Learning Mindstate Fraction
clear 0/34 analyzing 18/34
dabbling 1/34 studious 19/34
perusing 2/34 focused 20/34
learning 3/34 very focused 21/34
thoughtful 4/34 engaged 22/34
thinking 5/34 very engaged 23/34
considering 6/34 cogitating 24/34
pondering 7/34 fascinated 25/34
ruminating 8/34 captivated 26/34
concentrating 9/34 engrossed 27/34
attentive 10/34 riveted 28/34
deliberative 11/34 very riveted 29/34
interested 12/34 rapt 30/34
examining 13/34 very rapt 31/34
understanding 14/34 enthralled 32/34
absorbing 15/34 nearly locked 33/34
intrigued 16/34 mind lock 34/34
scrutinizing 17/34

Experience pulses

This field experience is gradually converted into actual ranks. When field experience is converted to ranks, it is called a pulse. The size of the pulse is calculated as a fraction of your total pool size. The primary factor affecting this fraction is whether the skill is primary, secondary, or tertiary; higher Wisdom also increases this fraction. However, secondary skills under 50 ranks will drain like primary skills[1][2], and tertiary skills under 25 ranks will drain like secondary skills.[3]

Skillset Time to Pulse From Mind Lock to Clear
Primary 40-60 minutes
Secondary 50-80 minutes
Tertiary 70-100 minutes

Skills pulse in groups every 200 seconds, with each group being offset from the previous one by 20 seconds. These skill groupings are arranged by skillset in the order they appear in the experience list in game, with the exception of certain guild-only skills which are located with their historical group. The order and timing of the pulses is fixed, meaning the pulses happen at the exact same time for the same skills for every single player in the game.

Relative Time Offset Skill Group
0 sec. Shield Usage, Light Armor, Chain Armor, Brigandine, Plate Armor, Defending
20 sec. Parry Ability, Small Edged, Large Edged, Twohanded Edged
40 sec. Small Blunt, Large Blunt, Twohanded Blunt, Slings, Bow, Crossbow
60 sec. Staves, Polearms, Light Thrown, Heavy Thrown, Brawling, Offhand Weapon, Melee Mastery
80 sec. Missile Mastery, Primary Magic, Attunement, Arcana, Targeted Magic, Augmentation
100 sec. Debilitation, Utility, Warding, Sorcery, Evasion, Athletics, Perception, Scouting
120 sec. Stealth, Locksmithing, Thievery, First Aid, Outdoorsmanship
140 sec. Skinning, Backstab
160 sec. Forging, Engineering, Outfitting, Alchemy, Enchanting, Scholarship, Mechanical Lore, Appraisal, Bardic Lore, Trading
180 sec. Performance, Tactics, Astrology, Empathy, Thanatology, Expertise,
  • Endurance, Summoning, and Theurgy are currently missing from this list.

Stats and learning

Mental statistics now have a greater effect on the experience system. Intelligence and Wisdom affect all skills equally and have diminishing returns that are not logarithmically diminishing. (Every TDP spent on these stats provides a benefit.)

The effect of Intelligence and Wisdom is a percentage and not dependent on how many ranks you have in the skill. The effects of these stats can't be "tested" in an hour. This is something that assists you over the course of your entire career.

On 12/10/2015, GM Armifer shared some hard numbers on how intelligence and wisdom affect learning.[4] Using 10 as the baseline (100%), here is the magnitude of the effect of training those stats:

Stat Value Effect (Compared to 10)
Intelligence/Wisdom 30 112%
Intelligence/Wisdom 60 121%
Intelligence/Wisdom 90 125%
Intelligence/Wisdom 120 130%

"Discipline also increases pool size, at 10% efficacy, thus continuing its trend of doing just a little bit of everything." --GM Armifer

Experience drain at login

Experience drain at login is based on when you last logged out of the game. Starting at 30 minutes, you will drain a percentage of your experience equal to the number of minutes that you have been logged out divided by 360 (or 480 if you received a warning within the last six months).

When you're logged out, experience drains at a static rate, regardless of skillset placement, ranks, or stats. Technically, the experience doesn't actually pulse until you log back in. It's important when you log on to wait for the experience drain before logging off, as quickly logging in multiple times may cause the system to not apply your log on drain correctly.

Time Logged Out %Pulsed (Clean) %Pulsed (Warning)
30 minutes 8.33% 6.25%
1 hour 16.67% 12.5%
2 hours 33.33% 25%
3 hours 50% 37.5%
4 hours 66.67% 50%
5 hours 83.33% 62.5%
6 hours 100% 75%
7 hours 100% 87.5%
8 hours 100% 100%
Note: Free to play players do not receive offline drain without a pass from the Simucoin store.
As of 03/12/2015, players who have received a warning within the last six months drain over eight hours instead of not being able to drain experience at login.[5]

Obsolete experience mechanics

Overall state of mind

The overall state of mind system was temporarily disabled in July 2009, meaning that your mind state will always be "clear." Mind murk will return in some form at an unspecified time.

Overall mind states decreased the rate at which you absorbed experience into new ranks. Whenever you are "mind locked" in a skill, you cannot not add new experience in the field pool of that skill until it pulses back down below mind lock. Under the overall mind state system, if you continued to gain experience while you were mind locked, the experience spilled over into the "mind state" pool. When you were mind locked in skills for an extended period of time, your mind state worsened.

The consequence of having a degraded mindstate was that you would absorb a diminished amount of field experience with each skill pulse, with the penalized percentage being lost entirely.

The overall mind states were as follows:

  1. clear
  2. fluid
  3. murky
  4. very murky
  5. thick: penalty begins
  6. very thick
  7. dense
  8. very dense
  9. stagnant
  10. very stagnant
  11. frozen: no longer absorbing experience
  12. very frozen

The learning penalty increased as your mind state worsened until you stopped absorbing any experience at "frozen." (Being "very frozen" simply meant that it took even longer for your mind state to improve.) The only way to improve a poor mind state was to stop gaining field experience for a while. This gave your overall mind state pool a chance to drain.

If you improved your pool size or pulse rate, it took longer to mind lock, and therefore, you could train for longer periods of time without filling your mind state pool. However, the best way to avoid a poor mind state was to avoid being mind locked in multiple skills for an extended period of time.

When the new experience system was released, mind states were disabled. At the time GMs stated that the mind state system would return, but not in the way it was previously implemented.

Wall cycle

Under earlier versions of the DR game engine, the rate of experience absorption varied by rank depending on skillset placement, following an eight- (primary), four- (secondary), or two-rank (tertiary) cycle. The last rank of the cycle was known as a "wall rank" since it was the slowest and hardest to gain, most especially for the tertiary skillset eight-rank cycle.

The wall cycle paradigm for experience gain was removed in the mid 2000's (precise date?). Technically, there is still a wall cycle of two ranks for every skill because the system wouldn't accommodate removing it entirely, however, the difference between a wall rank and a non-wall rank was made to be negligible. Now, primary skills always pulse better than secondary skills which always pulse better than tertiary skills.

Experience pool states

The experience pool states under the old system were:

  1. clear
  2. learning
  3. thoughtful
  4. pondering
  5. concentrating
  6. muddled
  7. very muddled
  8. perplexing
  9. perplexed
  10. bewildering
  11. bewildered
  12. dazed
  13. mind lock

RP messaging

Ranks in each skill are numerical. However, there is also a role-playing system of nomenclature set up for skills, to make it easier to integrate into game-play.

Ranks 1-49 / Novice

Within the above range:

  • + 0-09 = Lowly
  • + 10-19 = Promising
  • + 20-29 = Able
  • + 30-39 = Trained
  • + 40-49 = Full
Ranks 50-99 / Practitioner
Ranks 100-149 / Dilettante
Ranks 150-199 / Aficionado

Within the above ranges:

  • + 0-09 = Beginning
  • + 10-19 = Competent
  • + 20-29 = Proficient
  • + 30-39 = Experienced
  • + 40-49 = Skilled
Ranks 200-299 / Adept
Ranks 300-399 / Expert

Within the above ranges:

  • Rated by degrees 0-99
Ranks 400-499 / Professional
Ranks 500-599 / Authority
Ranks 600-699 / Genius

Within the above ranges:

  • + 20-39 = Exceptional
  • + 40-59 = Outstanding
  • + 60-79 = Renowned
  • + 80-99 = True
Ranks 700-799 / Savant
Ranks 800-899 / Master
Ranks 900-999 / Grand Master

Within the above ranges:

  • + 20-39 = Distinguished
  • + 40-59 = Venerated
  • + 60-79 = Exalted
  • + 80-99 = Transcendent
Ranks 1000-1249 / Guru
Ranks 1250+ / Legend

Bonus experience pools

During experience 3.0, when skills were combined, the "lost" experience was moved into the bonus pools, one for each skillset. When experience is absorbed through the normal method, an equal amount is removed from the appropriate bonus pool and added to permanent experience. This effectively doubles learning rates in the skillset so long as experience remains in the bonus pools.

The metric used is an arbitrary unit, the amount of bits that it takes to move a skill from 0 to 200. As the amount of actual necessary bits increases, this does not actually allow calculation, but does give a relative amount of experience left.


To view how much experience is left use EXPERIENCE BONUS. When there is no longer any experience left, you will receive the message "You do not have any experience in your bonus pools."

To toggle absorption, use EXPERIENCE BONUS TOGGLE <skillset>.


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