Collect command

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The COLLECT command is used to collect piles of items in the surroundings based on the foraging skill. Piles have a number of items in them based on the forager's skill relative to the difficulty of the item collected.


  • COLLECT <item>


  • Basic use results in 15 seconds.

Additional Notes

  • KICK PILE will destroy the pile.
  • Piles have a different look depending on the forager's guild. (If the forager is a Thief with a pretend guild, the piles will look like those of his pretend guild.)
    • Barbarian: The crude heap of [item] has bits and pieces of foreign matter sticking out at odd angles.
    Old version: A crude heap of [item] with bits and pieces of foreign matter sticking out at odd angles.
    • Bard: The artful arrangement of [item] might resemble a pile if you stare at it long enough.
    Old version: An artful arrangement of [item] that might resemble a pile if you stare at it long enough.
    • Cleric: The pile of [item] appears to vaguely resemble a miniature altar.
    Old version: A cairn-like mound of [item].
    • Commoner: A nondescript gathering of [item] put together without any clear organization.
    • Empath: Skillfully arranged, the pile of [item] is balanced in perfect harmony.
    Old version: A pile of [item] skillfully arranged to prevent the materials from shifting, at least in public.
    • Moon Mage: The archaic configuration of [item] vaguely resembles a crescent moon.
    Old version: An archaic configuration of [item] that might look like a pile in a different light.
    • Necromancer: The hideous pile of [item] vaguely resembles a corpse that's been hacked to bits.
    • Paladin: A heroic organization of [item], the pile boldly holds itself together against all odds.
    Old version: A heroic organization of [item] boldly holding itself together against all odds.
    • Ranger: The perfectly arranged pile of [item] echoes a delicate balance that preserves its natural essence.
    Old version: A perfectly arranged pile of [item] in which each piece rests against the other in a delicate balance that preserves its natural essence.
    • Thief: A misshapen pile of [item] that looks vaguely like it could be someone else's pile of [item].
    Old version: Same
    • Trader: A neat collection of [item] organized by weight and market value.
    Old version: Same
    • Warrior Mage: A loose stack of [item] that looks almost like a bundle of firewood.
    Old version: Same