Category:Barbarian Abilities: Difference between revisions

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rect 182 134 482 210 [[Buffalo Form]]
rect 182 234 486 314 [[Flame]]
rect 182 562 486 642 [[Avalanche]]
rect 186 666 486 746 [[Anger the Earth]]
rect 182 994 482 1074 [[Seek]]
rect 178 1094 486 1178 [[Everild's Rage]]
rect 542 130 846 210 [[Famine]]
rect 546 238 850 318 [[Power]]
rect 546 562 846 646 [[Dragon Form]]
rect 546 666 846 746 [[Focus]]
rect 546 766 850 850 [[Death's Embrace]]
rect 546 994 846 1074 [[Landslide]]
rect 546 1098 846 1178 [[Tornado]]
rect 550 1202 850 1282 [[Eagle Form]]
rect 902 134 1202 206 [[Monkey Form]]
rect 902 238 1202 314 [[Contemplation]]
rect 906 566 1202 646 [[Python]]
rect 902 666 1206 746 [[Tenacity]]
rect 898 766 1202 846 [[Unyielding]]
rect 1262 134 1562 210 [[Cyclone]]
rect 1262 234 1562 314 [[Dispel]]
rect 1258 338 1554 414 [[Screech of Madness]]
rect 1258 562 1554 642 [[Wildfire]]
rect 1258 994 1558 1070 [[Flashflood]]
rect 1254 1094 1562 1174 [[Wolverine Form]]
rect 1614 134 1910 210 [[Swan Form]]
rect 1614 994 1910 1070 [[Piranha Form]]
rect 1606 1094 1910 1170 [[Bastion]]
rect 1606 1202 1914 1282 [[Kuniyo's Strike]]
rect 1970 130 2274 214 [[Bear Form]]
rect 1970 558 2270 642 [[Toad Form]]
rect 1974 666 2270 746 [[Serpent's Hiss]]
rect 1966 998 2262 1078 [[Owl Form]]
rect 1962 1098 2266 1174 [[Staunch]]
rect 1962 1198 2266 1278 [[Prediction]]
rect 2326 130 2630 210 [[Tsunami]]
rect 2326 238 2634 318 [[Serenity]]
rect 2330 346 2630 418 [[Mage's Lash]]
rect 2322 562 2630 642 [[Volcano]]
rect 2326 666 2626 750 [[Earthquake]]
rect 2322 994 2618 1062 [[Panther]]
rect 2686 130 2982 210 [[Turtle]]
rect 2682 230 2990 318 [[Death's Shriek]]
rect 2682 562 2986 642 [[Badger]]
rect 2686 670 2990 750 [[Wail of Torment]]
rect 2682 990 2978 1074 [[Slash the Shadows]]
rect 3038 130 3338 214 [[Mana Torment]]
rect 3038 566 3342 642 [[Titan]]
rect 3038 662 3338 746 [[Strategos]]
rect 3042 766 3346 850 [[Juggernaut]]
rect 3030 990 3338 1074 [[Duelist]]
rect 3030 1098 3334 1178 [[Tribalist]]
rect 3394 134 3698 206 [[Powermonger]]
rect 3398 238 3698 314 [[Yogi]]
rect 3398 338 3702 422 [[Templar]]

Revision as of 02:35, 7 September 2014

Ability Tree

Buffalo FormFlameAvalancheAnger the EarthSeekEverild's RageFaminePowerDragon FormFocusDeath's EmbraceLandslideTornadoEagle FormMonkey FormContemplationPythonTenacityUnyieldingCycloneDispelScreech of MadnessWildfireFlashfloodWolverine FormSwan FormPiranha FormBastionKuniyo's StrikeBear FormToad FormSerpent's HissOwl FormStaunchPredictionTsunamiSerenityMage's LashVolcanoEarthquakePantherTurtleDeath's ShriekBadgerWail of TormentSlash the ShadowsMana TormentTitanStrategosJuggernautDuelistTribalistPowermongerYogiTemplarBarbarian Abilities.png
About this image


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Flame meditation intro Flame 0 0 Shows Inner Fire level and training status.
Yogi mastery Flame 1 0 Reduces up-front inner fire cost of meditations (meditations have no pulsing cost).
Buffalo Form form intro Flame 1 0 Reduces encumbrance.
Templar mastery Flame 1 0 Provides bonus to effective ranks (Augmentation, Warding, or Utility) when using forms, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Powermonger mastery Flame 1 0 +Primary Magic skill, Provides effective bonus to inner fire skill when calculating inner fire usage, 20% up to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Hurricane berserk intro Flame 2 0 +Accuracy of weapon-based attacks.
Power meditation basic Flame 0 1 Shows duration remaining of abilities
Famine berserk basic Flame 2 1 Vitality heal, Pulsing
Contemplation meditation advanced Flame 1 2 +Augmentation skill, +Brigandine skill, +Chain Armor skill, +Light Armor skill, +Plate Armor skill
Drought berserk basic Flame 2 2 A portion of incoming damage will be dealt to the next foe struck by the Barbarian.
Monkey Form form basic Flame 2 2 +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, pulsing recovery
Screech of Madness roar basic Flame 1 3 -Discipline (stat), -Reflex (stat)
Dispel meditation advanced Flame 2 3 Attempts to remove all magic on self.
Cyclone berserk advanced Flame 2 3 +Charisma (stat), voice recovery bonus, and max spirit health buff.
Swan Form form basic Flame 2 4 Weak integrity anti-magic barrier.
Bear Form form advanced Flame 2 5 +Warding skill, +Strength (stat)
Serenity meditation advanced Flame 2 6 Very strong integrity magic barrier. Drains inner fire on block. Increases roar cost.
Tsunami berserk expert Flame 2 6 Increases Balance and primary weapon stat of held weapon.
Mage's Lash roar advanced Flame 2 6 -Primary Magic skill, chance to interrupt a spell being prepared.
Death's Shriek roar expert Flame 2 7 -Defensive Factor, applied to blocking with a shield only, possibly drops to knees.
Turtle Form form expert Flame 2 7 Strong anti-magic potency barrier.
Mana Torment roar expert Flame 3 8 -Attunement pool


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Juggernaut mastery Horde 1 0 Increases inner fire gain from all kills against critters, and from strikes in PvP (60 second timer).
Anger the Earth roar intro Horde 1 0 Balance damage
Avalanche berserk intro Horde 1 0 Fatigue heal, Pulsing
Titan mastery Horde 1 0 Provides a reduction to the start-up cost and pulsing cost of berserks. Chance to reset War Stomp cooldown with a kill.
Strategos mastery Horde 1 0 Unlocks ROAR AREA and ROAR CREATURE
Blizzard berserk intro Horde 2 0 +Damage of weapon-based attacks.
Focus meditation expert Horde 1 1 +Locksmithing skill
Death's Embrace roar basic Horde 1 1 -Melee accuracy, -Ranged accuracy
Dragon Form form intro Horde 2 1 +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill, +Brawling skill, Only held melee weapon. Brawling is buffed if no weapon is held.
Unyielding meditation basic Horde 1 2 +Athletics skill
Python Form form basic Horde 1 2 +Parry Ability skill
Tenacity meditation basic Horde 2 2 Physical damage resistance.
Wildfire berserk basic Horde 2 3 +Agility (stat), bonus weapon speed.
Toad Form form expert Horde 2 5 Elemental damage resistance.
Serpent's Hiss roar advanced Horde 2 5 Makes enemies flee the room.
Volcano berserk expert Horde 3 6 Each death blow against them will instead drain Inner Fire.
Earthquake berserk, area of effect advanced Horde 3 6 -Balance, knockdown, pulsing AoE, triggers upgraded Whirlwind
Wail of Torment roar expert Horde 2 7 Immobilize.
Badger Form form advanced Horde 2 7 Moderate non-ablative barrier vs. Magic, Mind, Fear, or Charm attacks


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Duelist mastery Predator 1 0 Increases passive regen cap of inner fire pool by around 30%, providing more inner fire out of combat.
Tribalist mastery Predator 1 0 +Debilitation skill, Provides bonus to effective ranks when using Barbarian debilitation such as roars or Earthquake berserk, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Seek meditation basic Predator 1 0 +Outdoorsmanship skill
Exemplar mastery Predator 1 0 Form inner fire cost reduction
Paragon mastery Predator 1 0 20% (capped at 50 ranks) bonus to effective skill when using a meditation
Everild's Rage roar basic Predator 2 0 -Defensive Factor, applied to evasion only
Eagle Form form intro Predator 1 1 +Bows skill, +Crossbows skill, +Heavy Thrown skill, +Light Thrown skill, +Slings skill
Landslide berserk basic Predator 2 1 SvS barrier vs. attacks defended against with Reflex
Tornado berserk basic Predator 2 1 +Shield Usage skill, +Stamina (stat)
Wolverine Form form advanced Predator 1 3 Advancing speed boost.
Flashflood berserk advanced Predator 2 3 Pulsing anti-stun/anti-web/auto-standup
Piranha Form form basic Predator 2 4 +Evasion skill
Bastion meditation basic Predator 2 4 Strong ablative barrier vs. Willpower attacks.
Kuniyo's Strike roar advanced Predator 3 4 Stun and possible knockback.
Owl Form form advanced Predator 1 5 +Perception skill
Staunch meditation advanced Predator 2 5 Stops all bleeding for a time.
Prediction meditation expert Predator 3 5 When disabled (stun/immobilize/web/knockdown), you dive-roll out of the room.
Panther Form form expert Predator 1 6 +Stealth skill
Slash the Shadows roar expert Predator 3 7 -Stealth skill, Knock out of hiding.

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