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{{RTS|T2|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Crossing NE Gate|RanikMap7|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>A whitewashed wooden fence stands between you and a cool pond beckoning from beside the road. White linens hanging from a clothesline wave slowly in the breeze behind a nearby cottage, from which wafts the scent of freshly baking bread.|Broad brushstrokes of sooty black paint form an X.}}
{{RTS|T2|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Crossing NE Gate|RanikMap7|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>A whitewashed wooden fence stands between you and a cool pond beckoning from beside the road. White linens hanging from a clothesline wave slowly in the breeze behind a nearby cottage, from which wafts the scent of freshly baking bread.|Broad brushstrokes of sooty black paint form an X.}}
{{RTS|T3|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Wolf Clan|RanikMap5|Therengia to Zoluren|Unknown|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>Empty wooden stalls line the road, and the grass is crushed in neat squares where tents stood during the day.|A broken clay stew pot standing in the high weeds bears the sign of the paw print.}}
{{RTS|T3|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Wolf Clan|RanikMap5|Therengia to Zoluren|Unknown|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>Empty wooden stalls line the road, and the grass is crushed in neat squares where tents stood during the day.|A broken clay stew pot standing in the high weeds bears the sign of the paw print.}}
{{RTS|T4|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Dirge|RanikMap13|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Riverbank]<br>A pungent smell rises from racks of salted fish standing like tattered skeletons against the evening sky. Thatched huts stand in a circle around you, their doors and windows locked against the evening gloom. You also see an abandoned fir-trimmed hovel, an abandoned mud brick hovel, an abandoned pine plank shanty, and an abandoned hut.|Unknown|Unknown}}
{{RTS|T4|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Dirge|RanikMap13|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Riverbank]<br>A pungent smell rises from racks of salted fish standing like tattered skeletons against the evening sky. Thatched huts stand in a circle around you, their doors and windows locked against the evening gloom. You also see an abandoned fir-trimmed hovel, an abandoned mud brick hovel, an abandoned pine plank shanty, and an abandoned hut.|The deeply carved lines are splintered along the edges, but the sign of the broken mountain is still clearly visible.}}
{{RTS|T5|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Kaerna Village|RanikMap9|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Riverbank]<br>This close to the river's edge, dry ground gives way to marshlands. A thick coat of bright green moss grows over many of the standing pools, and on the groups of elm trees rising from scattered muddy knolls. Waterfowl swim lazily on the ponds, diving under the water every now and again for a quick snack. The path runs atop a packed earth dike rising above the sodden ground.|You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone.}}
{{RTS|T5|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Kaerna Village|RanikMap9|Therengia to Zoluren|Easy|[North Road, Riverbank]<br>This close to the river's edge, dry ground gives way to marshlands. A thick coat of bright green moss grows over many of the standing pools, and on the groups of elm trees rising from scattered muddy knolls. Waterfowl swim lazily on the ponds, diving under the water every now and again for a quick snack. The path runs atop a packed earth dike rising above the sodden ground.|You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone.}}
{{RTS|T6|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Gwenalion Fens|RanikMap40a|Therengia|Very Advanced|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>Local folk gather alongside a clear running stream, chatting merrily as they wash their clothes on the smooth stones lining the riverbank. A flock of geese floating regally in the water add their own honking comments to the gossip and chatter on the shore.|Painted in a dull green on the side of the stall is the sign of the fenberry bush.}}
{{RTS|T6|Haven Ferry South Side|RanikMap14|Gwenalion Fens|RanikMap40a|Therengia|Very Advanced|[North Road, Farmlands]<br>Local folk gather alongside a clear running stream, chatting merrily as they wash their clothes on the smooth stones lining the riverbank. A flock of geese floating regally in the water add their own honking comments to the gossip and chatter on the shore.|Painted in a dull green on the side of the stall is the sign of the fenberry bush.}}

Revision as of 21:49, 15 November 2009

The Ranger Trail System is a complex route of ranger only trails which can cover vast distances in a short amount of time. To enter the trail system, a ranger must first SCOUT TRAIL in the room which a trail begins, then GO TRAIL.

An in game maps script can be found here.

See also: Trail Marker

Difficulty meanings: (these are an estimate, actual ranks needed can vary due to perception)

  • Beginner - 55 Ranks of Scouting
  • Easy - 85 Ranks of Scouting
  • Intermediate - 105 Ranks of Scouting
  • Advanced - 155 Ranks of Scouting
  • Very Advanced - 175 Ranks of Scouting
  • Expert - 255 Ranks of Scouting


Trail Number Start Location Start Map End Location End Map Province Difficulty Room Marker
Z1 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Zoluren Beginner [Northern Trade Road, Farmlands]
Rich farmland surrounds the road on both sides. The fresh scent of the tilled soil rises all about you. Southward, the walls of a fair-sized city rise near the banks of a glistening river. A faint haze of smoke hovers over the town, blurring the outlines slightly. To the north, distant hills rear up against the grey-blue horizon. You also see an open crate, a stone pile and an onager.
You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone
Z2 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Haven Ferry RanikMap14 Zoluren Easy [Northeast Wilds, Birder Lane]
One of the gates of the Crossing lies before you to the northwest, and a steady stream of adventurers flows by. You notice a high proportion of wizards, grey-bearded and fierce-eyed, leaning on staves or muttering to themselves or their familiars. A small lizard barely escapes death underfoot, and you pay more attention to where you tread, lest you inadvertently do in some Mage's favorite pet.
Sinuous lines etched into the stone form the sign of the rolling wave.
Z3 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Dirge RanikMap13 Zoluren Easy [Northern Trade Road, Farmlands]
Open grassland mingles with small farmsteads as the wide road passes through a cut where a low hill rises. The road is edged with tall hedges, apparently to keep cattle from wandering into the orchards and vegetable plots you see beyond the heavy, guarding branches. Some distance to the south, you see the smoke and haze of a city of some size. Northwards, low hills rise against the sky.
Carved into a slender branch in the hedgerow is the sign of the broken mountain.
Z4 Crossing West Gate RanikMap3 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Zoluren Beginner [Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
The path winds through a thick grove of trees running north and south along the walls of The Crossing. The pleasant smell of flowers mixed with damp earth permeates the air, and birds sing cheerfully from their homes in the foliage. Directly south, the trees part to reveal a grassy expanse stretching towards a low series of hills.
Shallow lines scratched into the smooth bark of the beech form the sign of the upright dagger.
Z5 Crossing West Gate RanikMap3 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Zoluren Beginner [Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Several constellations twinkle in the sky above as you travel the Mycthengelde.
You recognize the sign of a paw print etched with precision into the hard-packed earth.
Z6 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Zoluren Beginner [Northern Trade Road, Open Grasslands]
To the south the land turns a rough brown, shifting abruptly from plains to farming land
Two felenok pine sticks have been lashed together with rawhide to form an X
Z7 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Zoluren Easy [Northern Trade Road, Meadowlands]
The forest to the south is thick and dark, a stark comparison to the open meadow around you. Short, springy grass grows in soft mounds over hillocks and hollows. Tiny white wildflowers peek out amongst the greenery, their petals open to accept the sunlight.
Z8 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Dirge RanikMap13 Zoluren Easy [Northern Trade Road, Kaerna Outskirts]
There is almost a visible line drawn between the plains and the waystop of Kaerna, but it would appear that the thick grasses are winning out over the village's side-by-side buildings. Off to one side stands an abandoned militia shack, a silent casualty to the ongoing war between civilization and nature. You also see a weathered wooden sign.
Z9 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Zoluren Unknown [Northern Trade Road, Open Grasslands]
Miles upon miles of uncivilized land lie before you, devoid of any sign of humanity. A shifting sea of brown, green, and tan grasses rises about you, rustling with the movement of the occasional bird or butterfly that dares to plunge down into the vegetation. A line of dark mountains rises to the north, shadowed and gloomy, they climb abruptly from the grasslands.
Z10 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Zoluren Unknown [Kaerna Village, Near The Well]
Meandering eastward from the village well, a grassy footpath follows a gentle decline away from the bustle of the Northern Trade road and through a small copse of oak and aspen trees. Wildflowers grow in abundant banks on either side of the path, their delicate blossoms evolving with the seasons in an endless, ever-changing cycle of color and fragrance. You also see an abandoned unremarkable cabin and the village well.
Z11 Dirge RanikMap13 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Zoluren Easy [Lava Fields, Valley]
Fields of broken lava give way to a relatively open valley tucked between two gigantic rock outcrops. Almost mountains in themselves, the outcrops rise steeply from the valley floor. Nestled between them sits a small, drab-looking town. Buildings made of the same black rock as the mountains straggle across the tiny valley and back into the narrowing gorge behind it.
You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone
Z12 Dirge RanikMap13 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Zoluren Easy [Volcanic Ruins, Dirge]
Cinders and debris crunch beneath your feet as a cold wind stirs the ashes into small dust devils that dance about you in a curiously mocking way. To the north, twin volcanic cones loom high into the sky. The small town tucked between their towering masses seems to huddle in on itself.
Z13 Dirge RanikMap13 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Zoluren Easy [Dirge, Hangman's Road]
A narrow path of relatively smooth cinders and crushed stone ambles aimlessly among dead grey ash-heaps and piles of stone that once were houses. To the west and a bit north, a small hill rises, bleached white by the sun and the foul air until it resembles an exposed skull left unburied among the ruins.
Z14 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Crossing West Gate RanikMap3 Zoluren Beginner [Wilderness, Gully]
An occasional glimpse of distant peaks can be caught through the leafy canopy to the north. The sounds of birdsong are muted, with only a faint melody breaking the silence. A dry streambed cuts across the forest floor, spanned by an old rope bridge that sways gently in the breeze.
Pale goblin bones tied together to form an X sway and spin in the breeze.
Z15 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Zoluren Unknown [Wilderness, Sparse Forest]
There is a rustling sound in the undergrowth beyond a fallen tree. Suddenly, up pops a squirrel. He climbs up on the tree, stares around for a bit, then starts licking and cleaning his fur, pausing only to sniff at a tree beetle crawling nearby.
You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone
Z16 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Zoluren Unknown [Knife Clan, Woodlands]
Ancient trees soar skyward here in the heart of the primeval forest. The mammoth trunks dwarf even the Gor'Tog hunters that frequent the glade in search of game. One blackened stump pays testament to the violent storms that sometimes frequent these lands.
Z17 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Zoluren Unknown [Wildulf Woods, Dense Forest]
Soft, damp masses of dead leaves carpet the ground, filling the air with a moist, unpleasant odor. Unsightly growths of a spongy, greenish-brown moss cover the trunks of many of the trees. You can hear the murmur of rippling water nearby. The carcass of a deer lays discarded on the ground. A large black bird is perched on the ribs, casually pecking at decaying remnants of flesh.
You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone
Z18 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Crossing West Gate RanikMap3 Zoluren Beginner [Wildulf Woods, Dirt Road]
A wide dirt road cuts through impenetrable walls of timber and dense brush. A sudden movement in the trees catches your eye, but when you turn to look, the forest stands still and silent. You cannot shake the uncomfortable feeling that you are being watched and judged. Several rough buildings stand at the southern end of the road.
Pale goblin bones tied together to form an X sway from the branches of a stunted sourwood tree to one side of the road.
Z19 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Zoluren Unknown [Wolf Clan Home, Worn Path]
As the path meanders from the road forest dense with undergrowth begins to take over. Animals scurry in the brush cracking leaves and small limbs, making an orchestra of sound more complex than any town. You also see a small clearing and a road.
Z20 Crossing Ferry South Side RanikMap60 Leth Deriel RanikMap61 Zoluren Beginner [Southern Trade Route, Segoltha Plain]
The shouts of traders, caravan drivers, soldiers of fortune, scoundrels, thieves, bards, and less unsavory travelers echo across the flood plain along the road here as it narrows. Everyone must jostle each other to pass. Occasionally, a full-blown caravan or war party thunders by, which causes all the foot traffic to leap to the side of the road and turns the shouting to swearing.
Etched with an artist's hand, the fluid cuts in the stone form the sign of the great tree.
Z21 Crossing Ferry South Side RanikMap60 Gondola North Side RanikMap62 Zoluren Unknown [Endrus Forest, Clearing]
A thick, tangled wall of trees, underbrush and twining vines stands a respectful distance from the thick trunk of an ancient, and most peculiar, tree. Below your feet the moss-laden ground is even and free of debris and weeds. You also see a break in the dense foliage encroaching on the clearing.
A broad-tipped arrowhead lodged into the thick tree trunk is inscribed with the sign of the swift cloud.
Z22 Leth Deriel RanikMap61 Gondola North Side RanikMap62 Zoluren Beginner [Bosque Deriel, Whispering Woods]
A grove of old trees has shot up above the common height of the surrounding forest. They shut out the sight of the sky by the gloom of their matted boughs. You feel there is a spirit in this place, so lofty is the wood, so lone the spot, so wondrous the thick, unbroken shade. Their entwined leaves rustle amid the gurgling of the stream that flows north into the hollow, from its source, the lake to the south.
Z23 Leth Deriel RanikMap61 Crossing Ferry South Side RanikMap60 Zoluren Beginner [Bosque Deriel, Northern Reaches]
The trees thin out a bit to the southeast, where the path leads to some kind of junction. The sounds of crowds and carts along the way echo from that direction, an uneasy interruption of the deep silent reverie that pervades Bosque Deriel.
Z24 Ilaya Taipa RanikMap111 Crossing Ferry South Side RanikMap60 Zoluren Unknown [Old Crank's Road, Field]
The dark soil is damper to the north where the road emerges from the marsh than it is to the south. The dryer earth has been cultivated with cotton -- in the spring the delicate plants push through the dirt, the early summer brings rich full-bodied plants heavy with pink blossoms and the late summer foreshadows winter as the boles of cotton burst open to give the appearance of a heavy snowfall held aloft by dark, leggy stalks.
The rusty surface of an old machete, buried amongst some rocks, is inscribed with the sign of the flat wave.
Z25 Ilaya Taipa RanikMap111 Leth Deriel RanikMap61 Zoluren Unknown [Old Crank's Road, Forest]
Considerably drier than the lower lying points of the forest, the dirt road threading this section of land is firm and the ruts are less noticeable. The air has a fragrant tang from the pines and firs growing in profusion, and seasons of fallen leaves coating the path muffle the sounds of travel. Northeast, the ground seems to slope slightly upward.
Jagged knife marks make up the image of the great tree in the bark of a nearby fir.
Z26 Ilaya Taipa RanikMap111 Gondola RanikMap62 Zoluren Unknown [Old Crank's Road, Forest]
Leaves and debris fallen from the trees have done little to soak up the moisture from the soft, damp earth that composes the road. Heavily rutted, large puddles of muck fill the deep tracks sliced into the trail by passing wagons. A narrow ditch runs parallel to the path, but the water that drains into it is not enough to dry its surface.
A lone branch hanging from the alder tree bears the carved image of the swift cloud.


Trail Number Start Location Start Map End Location End Map Province Difficulty Room Marker
T1 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Knife Clan RanikMap5a Therengia to Zoluren Unknown [North Road, Farmlands]
Long shadowy rows of vines stretch off to either side of the road like darkened corridors. A sweet smell drifts on the evening breeze from the ripe grapes hanging in thick bunches from the vines. You also see a large sign.
The sign of the upright dagger is incised into the grainy skin of the sinuous vine.
T2 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Crossing NE Gate RanikMap7 Therengia to Zoluren Easy [North Road, Farmlands]
A whitewashed wooden fence stands between you and a cool pond beckoning from beside the road. White linens hanging from a clothesline wave slowly in the breeze behind a nearby cottage, from which wafts the scent of freshly baking bread.
Broad brushstrokes of sooty black paint form an X.
T3 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Wolf Clan RanikMap5 Therengia to Zoluren Unknown [North Road, Farmlands]
Empty wooden stalls line the road, and the grass is crushed in neat squares where tents stood during the day.
A broken clay stew pot standing in the high weeds bears the sign of the paw print.
T4 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Dirge RanikMap13 Therengia to Zoluren Easy [North Road, Riverbank]
A pungent smell rises from racks of salted fish standing like tattered skeletons against the evening sky. Thatched huts stand in a circle around you, their doors and windows locked against the evening gloom. You also see an abandoned fir-trimmed hovel, an abandoned mud brick hovel, an abandoned pine plank shanty, and an abandoned hut.
The deeply carved lines are splintered along the edges, but the sign of the broken mountain is still clearly visible.
T5 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Kaerna Village RanikMap9 Therengia to Zoluren Easy [North Road, Riverbank]
This close to the river's edge, dry ground gives way to marshlands. A thick coat of bright green moss grows over many of the standing pools, and on the groups of elm trees rising from scattered muddy knolls. Waterfowl swim lazily on the ponds, diving under the water every now and again for a quick snack. The path runs atop a packed earth dike rising above the sodden ground.
You recognize the sign of the horned horse chiseled into the smooth surface of the brown fieldstone.
T6 Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Gwenalion Fens RanikMap40a Therengia Very Advanced [North Road, Farmlands]
Local folk gather alongside a clear running stream, chatting merrily as they wash their clothes on the smooth stones lining the riverbank. A flock of geese floating regally in the water add their own honking comments to the gossip and chatter on the shore.
Painted in a dull green on the side of the stall is the sign of the fenberry bush.
T7 Haven north gate RanikMap31 Haven east gate RanikMap31 Therengia Unknown [Wildlands, Path]
Peeking through the thick brush is the sign of the eastern tower gate chiseled into a rough-edged cobble.
T8 Haven north gate RanikMap31 Haven west gate RanikMap30a Therengia Unknown [Wildlands, Forest Edge]
Crudely carved into the tree's bark is the sign of the western tower gate.
T9 Haven east gate RanikMap31 Haven north gate RanikMap31 Therengia Unknown [Riverhaven Road, The Foothills]
Etched on the lichen-patched stone boulder is the sign of the noble gate.
T10 Haven east gate RanikMap31 Zaulfung RanikMap31 Therengia Unknown [Riverhaven Road, South Road]
Burned into a half-buried piece of bone is the sign of the cypress tree.
T11 Zaulfung RanikMap31 Haven east gate RanikMap31 Therengia Unknown [Zaulfung, Marsh]
Etched into a broken spear is the sign of the eastern tower gate.
T12 Haven west gate RanikMap30a Haven north gate RanikMap32 Therengia Unknown [Riverhaven West Wilds, Meadow]
Scratched into the fieldstone's uneven surface is the sign of the noble gate.
T13 Haven west gate RanikMap30a Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest Road]
The sign of the deer antler is scratched into the surface of the faded red brick.
T14 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Haven west gate RanikMap30a Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest]
A small circle of wood tied to the sapling is painted with the sign of the western tower gate.
T15 Langenfirth RanikMap41 Therenbrough RanikMap41 Therengia Unknown [North Road, Danduwen Forest]
Hedges of primroses and sunny yellow cat's-ear edge the road, adding a festive and fragrant border to the towering trees. Occasionally, tiny brown woodmice dart out of the hedges, quickly grabbing seeds from the ground and scampering back into their flowery home. You also see an adult oak log.
Carved into the end grain of the oak log is the sign of the crested shield.
T16 Langenfirth RanikMap41 Deer Trail RanikMap34 Therengia Unknown [North Road, Danduwen Forest]
Expertly carved into the smooth surface of the river stone is the sign of the deer antler
T17 Deer Trail RanikMap34 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest, Deer Trail]
Tied to a low branch is a small circle of wood painted with the sign of the gravestone and deer antler.
T18 Deer Trail RanikMap34 Langenfirth RanikMap41 Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest, Deer Trail]
Red paint on the circle of mistwood marks the sign of the two-handed tankard.
T19 Narrow Trail RanikMap34 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest, Narrow Trail]
Painted on a small circle of mistwood is the sign of the deer antler.
T20 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Gwenalion Fens RanikMap40a Therengia Very Advanced [Mistwood Forest, Northwest Road]

Almost as wide as a Gor'Tog is tall, a lightning-blasted stump is all that remains of a once-mighty mistwood tree. The charred wood, crackled by heat, is split into jagged spikes that tower above the fallen branches. Blueberry bushes cluster around its base, thriving in the ashes. To the northwest, the forest gives way to fields of wheat and barley surrounding a palisaded wooden fort. You also see a tan lynx that is sleeping. Obvious paths: east, northwest.

Painted on the small circle of weathered mistwood is the sign of the fenberry bush.
T21 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Shepard’s Meadow RanikMap34a Therengia Unknown [Mistwood Forest, Forest's Edge]

Soft-edged shadows pool beneath the low shrubs at the edge of the forest. The path winds back and forth as it traverses the thicket, obeying the instincts of generations of deer as they follow the sound of rushing water that heralds a nearby river to the south. Obvious paths: south, northwest.

Carved into the pale wood is the sign of the shepherd's crook.
T22 Shepard’s Meadow RanikMap34 Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34a Therengia Unknown [Shepherd's Meadow, Grazing Land]
Crudely scratched into a smooth fieldstone is the sign of the deer antler and gravestone.
T23 Therenbrough RanikMap41 Langenfirth RanikMap41 Therengia Unknown [North Road, Farmlands]
Tawny acres of birch trees and furlongs and picturesque crofter's cottages spread out across the land, forming an enchanting panorama of Therengian farmland.
T24 Gwenalion Fens RanikMap40a Rossman’s Landing RanikMap34 Therengia Very Advanced [Gwenalion Fens]

A fallen log blocks the path to the south and forces travelers to skirt around the puddle at its base. Many years dead, its branches are chewed off, its trunk is split, and old char marks near a split limb hint at fire or lightning as a contributing factor in its demise. But life springs from death in the fens as in the forest, and graceful orchids and bromeliads have turned the fallen trunk into a nurse tree on which they feed. Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest, northwest.

Angular lines deeply etched into the rock form the sign of the deer antler.
T25 Gwenalion Fens RanikMap40a Haven Ferry South Side RanikMap14 Therengia Unknown [Gwenalion Fens]
Wood chips litter the ground around a low stump. The surface is smooth and slightly curved, making a perfect seat on which to rest before continuing on the way, and the pile of broken sticks and snapped limbs tossed into the nearby underbrush suggests that a youngster just learning to carve wood has done just that.
The scratched lines form a rough image of a rolling wave.


Trail Number Start Location Start Map End Location End Map Province Difficulty Room Marker
I1 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Ilithi Unknown [Obsidian Pass, Mountain Trail]
The packed-down road that winds its way through the mountains glitters with chips of onyx that have been embedded in it, lending the pass its darkling name. The Spine Mountains stretch like an arched cat to the east and west. Said to be the only part of the World Dragon visible through the shell of the earth that encases the mythic creature, the little fable seems to be confounded by the fact that the mountain is clearly stone and earth, not scale and bone. You also see a wrecked catapult.
The sign of the standing horse is formed in deep relief on the surface of the ebony stone.
I2 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Seord Kerwaith RanikMap126 Ilithi to Forfedhdar Unknown [Obsidian Pass, The Edge of the Forest]
The tall shadow of the Spine Mountains towers into the skies, casting a dark shroud over the area. Thin, green grasses and small wiry flowers eat away at the crumbling rock here at the base of the foothills. Their presence signifies the proximity of the forest's edge. You also see a switchbacked path leading into the mountains.
The sign of the mountain gorge is faintly visible on the post.
I3 Shard RanikMap66 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Ilithi Beginner [Lake of Tears, East Gate Road]
The expansive body of water that Shard is constructed over ripples as a slight breeze brushes over the lake, the cool calmness radiating from the serene cobalt surface almost hypnotic.
Sinuous ridges raised in the smooth surface of the stone form the sign of the swift cloud.
I4 Shard RanikMap66 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Ilithi Beginner [Southern Trade Route, Road to Shard]
Elegant rosewood trees line the roadside, their pale red leaves rustling as they slowly drift to the ground. To the south, the tips of a crystal city peek into view.
A small tile painted with the sign of the standing horse is bound with cord to a low branch.
I5 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Shard RanikMap66 Ilithi Beginner [Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail]
The trail fades into a narrow channel left by the course of a long-ago flash flood, though a network of tracks on the other side indicates that it continues. Nearly overgrown with a lush tangle of evening primrose bushes that fill the night with their intoxicating scent, the channel still bears the marks of the torrent that created it.
The sign of the tall spire is painted onto a thin clay tile bound to a branch of the bush with cord.
I6 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Ilithi Unknown [Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail]
Thick-spiked windfeather and mature bluestem create a nighttime mosaic worked in moonlight and shadows that stretches to the horizon, competing with the vastness of the sky. Occasionally, the joyful, raucous yips of coyotes can be heard as they hunt for field mice or create their particular and unique brand of trouble.
An arc of clay tile nestled in the grass is painted with the sign of the swift cloud.
I7 Blackthorn Canyon RanikMap68b Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Ilithi Unknown [Blackthorn Canyon, Entrance]
Broad arms of stone rise to either side, drawing the ancient road into the cool embrace of a dark canyon that wears a grey-green mantle of forested slopes and lacy snowcapped peaks.
Sinuous ridges rising from the granite surface form the sign of the standing horse.
I8 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Ilithi Unknown [Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail]
The tawny expanse of grasses is broken by the dark crowns of several oak trees nearby. Clumps of coyote mint thrust themselves up amongst the grasses, permeating the air with a sharp-sweet scent when crushed underfoot.
Partially hidden by the grass is the sign of a stocky miner.
I9 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Seord Kerwaith RanikMap126 Ilithi to Forfedhdar Unknown [Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail]
Screens of grass part to allow passage but quickly close ranks again, as though reminding travelers that they are merely visitors in this place. Trilling through the bright air, the sonata of savannah sparrows and meadowlarks accompanies the sun as it stakes its claim on the prairie.
The grass almost conceals the sign of a mountain gorge.
I10 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Blackthorn Canyon RanikMap68b Ilithi Unknown [Gilen Otso Steppes, Game Trail]
Ridges in the earth mark the place where water once flowed, and will likely flow again if rains are heavy. Thanks to the presence of a bare trace of silt left behind by the flood, ghostflowers inhabit the sides of the channel. The rounded, bushy plants are crowded with translucent, pale yellow blossoms in branched clusters.
The sign of the crenellated wall has been carefully painted on a thin clay tile.
I11 Shard RanikMap70 Seord Kerwaith RanikMap126 Ilithi to Forfedhdar Unknown [Western Road, Foot of Wyvern Mountain]
Chunks of rock and debris have fallen from the heights of the mountain to lie scattered haphazardly on the road. The air is dense with the scent of mosses and damp earth, and the sound of Wyvern's great waterfall rumbles all around. To the north, the Dragon Spine Mountains lurch in jagged silhouette against the skyline.
The deep cuts form the sign of a mountain gorge.
I12 Shard RanikMap70 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Ilithi to Forfedhdar Unknown [Wyvern Trail, Narrow Path]
Fields lie fallow and overgrown by weeds, the farms abandoned to time and the wind. With each step, a small cloud of dust rises into the air to hang there for a moment before dispersing.
The split river sign is clearly painted on the rusty blade.
I13 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Shard RanikMap66 Ilithi Unknown [Obsidian Pass, Foothills]
A wooded path winds its way through some low foothills on the edge of both forest and mountain. To the south stands the Forest of the Dragon's Breath, a place of much myth and legend. To the north, the Spine Mountains rise over the land, their jagged peaks tearing rents into the sky.
Raised lines in the otherwise smooth surface of the mica-flecked stone form the sign of the tall spire.
I14 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Blackthorn Canyon RanikMap68b Ilithi Advanced [Dragon's Spine, Mountain Foothills]
The trail becomes spotty as it meanders its way along the rock strewn canyon beside a wide riverbed containing a tiny trickle of water. Sage and juniper cover backsides of steep tan sandstone hogback ridges that angle downward toward Shard. Underbrush rustles as tiny brown sparrows, blue-bellied lizards, and russet squirrels forage for food. You also see a switchbacked path snaking its way out of the mountains.
The sign of the crenellated wall is scratched onto one of the ridges of the sandstone.
I15 Blackthorn Canyon RanikMap68b Gondola RanikMap64 Ilithi Advanced [Blackthorn Canyon, Entrance]
Clusters of hardy scrub oak and pine struggle to grow through the uninterrupted shadows thrown across the thin soil of the canyon floor by the surrounding mountains. Each day life on the basin bottom fights to regain ground lost to the ravages of mining operations ages ago.
Etched onto an old miner's axe is the image of a swift cloud.

Qi Reshalia

Trail Number Start Location Start Map End Location End Map Province Difficulty Room Marker
Q1 Ratha RanikMap93 Old Fields Road RanikMap94 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Reshalia Trade Road]
The land near the city has been denuded of all vegetation save for weeds, and even the useful among their number have been rooted up and foraged into extermination. All that's left are some scrubby grasses and a few patches here and there of a particularly ugly creeper. An occasional insect creeps, hops or buzzes about its business, but even the bugs have largely sought more hospitable terrain.
The sign of the singing bluff is chiseled into a grey-veined brown fieldstone.
Q2 Old Fields Road RanikMap94 Ratha RanikMap92 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Old Fields Road, Low Hills]
Tufts of grass grow around an old post. A comparative oasis in this barren area, the small patch of life only further underscores the bleakness of the landscape. The sullen volcano rises to the west and dominates the countryside with rumbles and belches.
Heavy lines burned into the sun-bleached wood form the sign of the gate of commons.
Q3 Ratha RanikMap92 Abandoned Road (leucros) RanikMap93 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Reshalia Trade Road, Farmland]
The road runs close by the edge of the barley fields to the west. On the opposite side of the way the land resembles a rural garbage heap. The farmers apparently dumped stumps and boulders dug out of the fields across the road, and then continued dumping anything else they didn't want there in subsequent years. Beyond the narrow strip of rocks and refuse the land rises in a steep slope, a berm covered with grass and weeds and loose-looking rocks.
Deep lines etched into the rotting wood form the sign of the broken road.
Q4 Abandoned Road (leucros) RanikMap93 Ratha RanikMap92 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Abandoned Road, The Pit Edge]
More a path than a road, the way circles the gap where the pit edge has crumbled away. The new face is almost vertical, eroded deeply and as yet untamed by plant or weather. The gravel miners far down in the pit seem to avoid the area just below the gap, perhaps from bitter experience.
Thin lines etched into the basalt form the sign of the gate of commons.
Q5 Gravel Pit (leucros) RanikMap93 Roadblock RanikMap93 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Reshalia Trade Road, Gravel Pit]
The sounds of hard labor drift out of the gravel pit to one side of the road. The whacking of pickaxes, the scrape and crash of rock being loaded with shovels, the ringing of sledge hammers and the rattle of gravel in sorting screens all blend into a chaotic din that assaults the ears. The woods on the other side of the road are thin, with many stumps and few grown trees. The wooden scaffolding and sheds and lean-tos down in the pit show where the wood likely went to.
The lopsided sign of the one-legged seabird is artistically carved into the wood.
Q6 Roadblock RanikMap93 Reshalia Trade Road (leucros) RanikMap93 Qi Reshalia Unknown [Reshalia Trade Road, Woods]
The grass shivers in waves on the ground as the breeze from the ocean passes over it. A ring of little brown-capped mushrooms is set in the shade of a tree, like a council room for tiny fae, gathered to discuss a coming moonlight dance or the flavor of this season's honeydew. You also see a tall oak tree.
The sign of the caravan wheel is burned into the bark of the branch.


Trail Number Start Location Start Map End Location End Map Province Difficulty Room Marker
F1 Seord Kerwaith RanikMap126 Gondola South Side RanikMap64 Forfedhdar to Ilithi Unknown [Seord Kerwaith, Crystalline Gorge]
The frost-covered remnants of several broken crates rest in a heap along the back valley wall, their weather-worn surfaces painted with a faded blood-red insignia. Small patches of slowly shifting snow rest in wind-lashed drifts. Gentle wisps of white crystals dance across the ground with each errant breeze.
The crate bears the sign of the swift cloud.
F2 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, Himineldar Shel to Ain Ghazal]
One might almost call traveling the Haalikshal Highway a pleasure, given the luxury of a good road, pastoral surroundings and views of majestic mountains. Why, even the scarecrows are distinctive, judging by the one erected some distance from the road.
The branded sign on the stake resembles a stocky miner.
F3 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Frostweyr Bear RanikMap126 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, Himineldar Shel to Ain Ghazal]
The road rises and falls over the hills that slope from the western mountains to the river landing. The evidence of Dwarven industry lies on every side, and not just farming or herding -- cultivated wood lots testify to a thriving logging business, and loaded ore wagons rumble from the mines to the forges of Hibarnhvidar.
The moss has been cleared in one spot to expose the sign of the white tipped peak.
F4 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Raven's Point RanikMap126 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, Himineldar Shel to Ain Ghazal]
Rugged terrain forces the road to sometimes hug a hillside or avoid an outcropping of rock. But the Dwarven penchant for straight lines is evident in the stone bridges that leap streams and the fills and cuts that smooth the way.
The trailmarker bears the image of a raven in flight.
F5 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Gilen Otso Steppes RanikMap71 Forfedhdar to Ilithi Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, The Sky Road]
The road lies along the side of the western range, passing from sight at times as it follows the contours of the hillside.
Clearly visible on the worn rock is the sign of a standing horse.
F6 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Mountain Giants RanikMap125 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, The Sky Road]
For a stretch of several hundred yards the road widens, taking advantage of a natural ledge. The area offers unobstructed views of the roadway for a good distance up and down the slope, and the level ground allows caravans or wagons going in opposite directions to pass in safety.
The image of a mountain trail is scratched into the shard.
F7 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, The Sky Road]
A spate of water roars down the mountainside with deafening noise and drenching mist, rushing under a stone bridge that carries the road across its path. A high brick parapet on the side toward the cataract screens the roadbed from the worst of the spray.
The sign of the split river is faintly scratched on the bridge.
F8 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Raven's Point RanikMap126 Forfedhdar Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, The Sky Road]
Nearing the summit, the road traverses its steepest grade in its passage along the mountainside. A stone parapet lines the valley side of the roadway, giving warning and some protection against a misstep. Iron eyebolts have been driven into the cliff face, spaced about a furlong apart, for wagons that need to be secured while the team is changed or repairs are made.
Barely visible beside the eyebolt is a raven in flight.
F9 Mountain Giants RanikMap125 Frostweyr Bear RanikMap126 Forfedhdar Unknown [On the Mountainside, Stony Trail]
Stones underfoot make traversing the trail precarious, as every step dislodges bits of rubble to send them skittering down the path. On one side of the trail, scrub and sturdy pines cling tenaciously to the boulders that jut out of the mountainside. On the other is air, though a fall here would deal little damage.
The white tipped peak is painted clearly on the slab.
F10 Mountain Giants RanikMap125 unknown unknown Forfedhdar Unknown [Himineldar Shel, Trail's End]
As the trail abruptly leaves the wooded area, a large cracked boulder almost completely blocks the path. In the distance, the winds and weather have left only the hardiest of pines and shrubs on this face of the mountain.
Carved into the boulder is the sign of the icy stalactite.
F11 Mountain Giants RanikMap125 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap115 Forfedhdar Unknown [On the Mountainside, The Crevice]
Seismic force has sundered the mountain, splitting the summit to leave behind a vast crevasse. Pine trees, gnarled and stunted at this altitude, grow in scattered clumps with fallen trunks littering the area.
The branding on the trunk shows a stocky miner.
F12 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap119 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, Chedik Bridge]
Cresting above the thundering rapids, the bridge affords the traveler a panoramic vista of the entire region. To the north, the forests of northern Forfedhdar extend as far as the eye can see. Southward lies the great walled city of Hibarnhvidar, backed by the mountains rising in the distance. The river rushes onward to the west, where it empties into the many-armed Sawstwar Lake.
The sign of the charging boar is etched into the bridge wall.
F13 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Black Goblins RanikMap128 Forfedhdar Damaska Boars [Boar Clan, A Narrow Dirt Road]
Softwood trees make up much of the forest glade but there are also many hardwoods scattered throughout. Deep grunting sounds echo through the darkness from deeper in the glade.
The sign of the winding river is partially obscured by the grass.
F14 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Clerics Guild RanikMap129 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, Dense Forest]
Situated at the peak of its steady, gradual climb from the Biiskbowr River, the land is relatively level here but begins to descend to the southeast. A ring of firs circles a small clearing, which houses a stone bench upon which weary travelers can rest.
On the rock beside the bench is the sign of the monastery.
F15 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap119 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, Dense Forest]
The evergreens flanking the thoroughfare are tall and straight with high crowns of thickly needled branches. Tight clusters of shiny-leaved azalea dot the understory amid sprawling groups of feathery fern.
Behind the fern is the sign of the stocky miner.
F16 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, Dense Forest]
Long pine boughs reach down from above to brush the pates of the road's taller travelers. The wind plays in the branches and releases their clean, crisp scent. Occasionally, the trees' movement will liberate sap-sugared pinecones that fall to the ground with a dense "thud."
Branded on the pine bough is the sign of the snowy cliffs.
F17 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Black Apes RanikMap130 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, Dense Forest]
Far from large cities or towns, animals in this forest have little fear of passersby. Here and there, one can see deer browsing shoots of grass unconcernedly or a hare twitching its nose in curiosity. A sound in the distance is more likely to be the growl of a prowling bear than a hammer striking an anvil.
The tree trunk shows the sign of a stand of trees.
F18 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap119 Cleric Guild RanikMap129 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hawstkaal Road, North River Bank]
The impressive Chedik bridge spans the Segoltha to the south, rising in a sturdy granite arch above the rapids. To the north, the Dwarven-laid paving stones end abruptly, and the road becomes packed dirt, still navigable but more subject to the whims of nature.
The rock bears the sign of the monastery.
F19 Black Apes RanikMap136 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Forfedhdar Unknown [Paasvadh Forest, Understory]
Spindly shoots adorned with only a pale leaf or two spring up from a low mound in the mulch. Whatever lay composting beneath the leaf-strewn mound is nourishing the next generation of the forest that will compete for a space in the canopy when an elder falls.
The charging boar is half visible under the rotting leaves.
F20 Black Goblins RanikMap128 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hunter's Glade, Northern Tract]
Cooler night winds sigh among the pine boughs, creating a sense of quiet solitude broken only by the sound of the boars that inhabit the forest. A loud grunting sound usually precedes their barreling heedlessly through the area, snapping thin saplings and turning up the smooth brown carpet of pine needles. Frequently, they stop to sharpen their tusks or just scratch themselves on the pines' rough bark, flaking chunks off and leaving the pale wood exposed.
Branded on the base of the pine is the sign of the charging boar.
F21 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Blighted Tangle (Dryad) RanikMap134 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hag's Crag, Vela'Tohr Overlook]
Shattered pieces of granite, finely dusted with tiny flecks of crystal, are strewn along the ground and encased in thin films of ice. Occasionally, additional pieces careen down the mountainside, skittering to an abrupt halt to lie amidst the rocky debris that has accumulated.
Cut into the granite is the sign of the briar patch.
F22 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Woods, Withered Foothills]
Small rugged pebbles and sharp rock splinters scatter the area, runoff from the majestic mountain towering above. Random spots of green -- vegetation battling with the debris it's buried in -- offer muted color amidst the drab shards.
The chunk of debris bears the sign of the charging boar.
F23 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Cleric Guild RanikMap129 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Woods, Withered Foothills]
Clinging precariously to the stony ground, scrub pines sway and rustle in time with the fickle wind. Pebbles shift alarmingly underfoot and a few skitter over the edge of the ridge, a perilous reminder of rockslides. Stubborn ice glints dully from the shadowed clefts in the granite cliffs.
Painted at the base of the pine is the sign of the monastery.
F24 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Hags Crag RanikMap137 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Woods, Withered Foothills]
Bent and twisted by strong mountain winds, an ambitious copse of witchclaw trees struggles along the sloping rise. Huddled in solitude at the edge of the ridge overlooking the tangle, a scraggly pine draped with veils of crone's hair moss broods over its reflection in a dark pool.
Faintly carved on the broken bough is the sign of a mountain temple.
F25 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Dark Burrows (Ogres) RanikMap135 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Overlook, Rocky Cliff]
Horizontal cracks rive the rock face below, offering scant finger- and toeholds. The slope rising above this small ledge angles inward for a slightly easier climb. Crumbling stone and small pebbles trickle down the cliff, careening and echoing noisily as they make their rapid descent. The temperature begins to drop considerably in the higher altitude.
You notice a trailmarker cut into a crumbling stone.Cut into stone is a stylised jagged fissure.
F26 Cleric Guild RanikMap129 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Forfedhdar Unknown [Pilgrimage Trail, Overlook]
The trees thin to the north, exposing a warm twinkle of lights indicating a small settlement down slope. Occasionally a small, rodent-like creature scurries out of the concealing vegetation beside the road to disappear into the thick grass on the other side.
The scratches on the stone form the sign of the snowy cliffs.
F27 Cleric Guild RanikMap129 Hibarnhvidar RanikMap119 Forfedhdar Unknown [Pilgrimage Trail, Vela'Tohr Valley]
A faint orange glow rises above the dark wall from the torches and lamps of the buildings within. Chill breezes mutter through the dry grass, carrying a faintly disturbing scent of decay and ash.
Cut into the wall is the sign of the stocky miner.
F28 Cleric Guild RanikMap129 Boar Clan RanikMap121 Forfedhdar Unknown [Pilgrimage Trail, Vela'Tohr Valley]
A high wall along the dirt road prevents goats from wandering into the monastery's fields. The intermittent, brisk snap of cloth fluttering in wind emanates from somewhere in the night off the west side of the track.
The charging boar is painted at the base of the wall.
F29 Dark Burrows (Ogres) RanikMap135 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Woods, Dark Burrows]
Damp walls close in tightly, thin rivulets of water trickling and dripping into puddles on the stone floor. The rough granite has been partially smoothed into angular planes of chiseled rock. A flickering torch dimly illuminates the tunnel and provides evidence that this area is regularly traveled.
You notice a trailmarker chiseled into a piece of jagged granite.
F30 Blighted Tangle (Dryad) RanikMap134 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Forfedhdar Unknown [Vela'Tohr Woods, Blighted Tangle]
Draped with tattered grey moss, the barren trees resemble skeletal black arms clad in the rotting remnants of winding sheets. Reaching through the icy fog shrouding the forest, the dense tangle of vegetation forms an impenetrable barrier blocking passage at nearly every turn.
Barely visible under the dropping moss is the sign of the snowy cliffs.
F31 Hags Crag RanikMap137 Vela'Tohr Overlook RanikMap136 Forfedhdar Unknown [Hag's Crag, Cliff Ledge]
Nature's hand has carved out a steep escarpment that leads upwards. Wind-filled tempests and natural elements have eroded and shaped it lovingly -- a harsh testament to the power they wield.
Cut into the side of the eroded boulder is the sign of the snowy cliffs.
F32 Ferry to Ain Ghazal RanikMap115 Shard RanikMap70 Forfedhdar to Ilithi Unknown [Haalikshal Highway, Himineldar Shel to Ain Ghazal]
The road moves among low hills, through a patchwork quilt of fields and wood lots. The cry of a boatman on the nearby river breaks the night silence from time to time.
A clear representation of a tall spire is painted on the smooth rock.