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Note: the following uses {{tt|folio}} as a place holder for whatever noun a scroll folio goes by, be it folio, book, binder, tome, or otherwise.
{{RTOC}}Note: the following uses {{tt|folio}} as a place holder for whatever noun a scroll folio goes by, be it folio, book, binder, tome, or otherwise.


Revision as of 17:43, 4 June 2017

Note: the following uses FOLIO as a place holder for whatever noun a scroll folio goes by, be it folio, book, binder, tome, or otherwise.


Introduced at Guildfest 423, scroll folios allow users to scribe (PUSH MY FOLIO WITH MY SCROLL) multiple copies of a number of different spell scrolls into them for organized compact retention. The scroll being scribed is destroyed in the proccess. Each copy can later be retrieved for use by scribing it onto a new scroll (PULL MY FOLIO). This removes one copy of whatever spell the folio is turned to from the folio and generates a new spell scroll on the type of PAPER the scroll folio uses. Some scroll folios allow for paper customization. To change the type of paper that a custom-paper scroll folio uses just PUSH MY FOLIO WITH MY PAPER when holding a different type of paper.


Spell Scrolls

Different scroll folios have different capacities. Standard scroll folios have 20 spell sections and allow for 10 copies of each. STUDYing your FOLIO will reveal its capacity as well as whether or not it allows for paper customization. FLIPing your FOLIO will reveal the number of spell sections it has (as it lists them) but not the number of copies it allows of each.

Scroll Folio Spell Sections Copies
elegant folio bound in pale leather 30 25
standard folio 20 10


Scroll folios are also containers capable of holding items. Standard scroll folios have an interior capacity of 6 length x 3 width x 3 height (60 stones). However, LOOKing IN your FOLIO will not reveal the items contained therein. To see what items your scroll folio contains you need to INVENTORY your FOLIO.

Common Verbs

STUDY: Examining the FOLIO, you're pretty sure you can OPEN, CLOSE, READ, LOOK, TURN, PUSH, PULL, FLIP.

Your FOLIO currently has [#] spell sections and allows for [#] copies of each.
[custom-paper folios] - Your FOLIO allows for custom paper on scrolls. Your FOLIO is currently configured to use <PAPER type> for scrolls. To change this, you can PUSH your FOLIO with a different PAPER.
To remove a written scroll: TURN MY FOLIO to find the spell. PULL MY FOLIO
  • OPEN: opens the FOLIO to the first section.
  • CLOSE: closes the FOLIO.
  • READ (when closed): The FOLIO is closed.
  • READ (when open to an empty section - empty folio): This section is empty.
  • READ (when open to an empty section - folio with contents): There's nothing in this section, but you may have spells on other sections. You can TURN FOLIO to check another section.
  • READ (when open to a spell section): The FOLIO is open to the <spell name> section. There is [#] copy/copies of the spell left. You can PULL FOLIO to remove the/a copy.
  • LOOK: Provides the same results as READ but precedes it (in all cases) with the scroll folio's long description.
Note: LOOK will not reveal items contained in a scroll folio. Use INVENTORY for this.
  • TURN (when closed): Turning your FOLIO vertical, you flip through the pages rapidly, glancing at the contents without really seeing what's there. [If you're trying to TURN to another section, you need to OPEN your FOLIO first.]
  • TURN (when open): You turn to a new section in your FOLIO.
  • PUSH (when closed): You tap your finger against your FOLIO pensively. [If you're trying to add something to your FOLIO, you need to open the FOLIO first.]
  • PUSH (when open): What are you trying to push into your FOLIO? [SYNTAX: PUSH FOLIO WITH (SCROLL|PAPER)]
  • PUSH TOME WITH [unlabeled] SCROLL: Realizing that the scroll is not labelled, you stop, unsure of where to add the spell in.
Note: Even though store-bought spell scrolls are labeled, they must be READ first before they will be considered "labeled" and can be scribed into a FOLIO.
  • PUSH TOME WITH [new] SCROLL: Not finding a matching section, you flip to an empty section, and after labeling it, you copy in the spell. Your scroll crumbles to dust afterward.
  • PUSH TOME WITH [duplicate] SCROLL: Flipping through the tome, you find room in a matching section, and copy in the spell. Your scroll crumbles to dust afterward.
Note: Scribing a scroll to a scroll folio leaves the FOLIO open to that spell's section.
  • PULL (when closed): You pull at the binding on your FOLIO. [If you're trying to remove a scroll, you need to open the FOLIO first.]
  • PULL (when open to an empty section): This section is empty.
  • PULL (when open to a spell section - multiple copies): places a <PAPER type> scroll labeled with <spell name> in your opposite hand.
Carefully, you remove a copy of the spell from your FOLIO.
  • PULL (when open to a spell section - last copy): places a <PAPER type> scroll labeled with <spell name> in your opposite hand and erases the section.
This was the last copy in that section. You erase the section from your FOLIO.
  • FLIP (when open or closed): Lists each section and its contents and closes the FOLIO.
You flip through the FOLIO, checking each section before closing it.
The <spell name> section has [#] copy/copies left.
Section [#] is empty.


ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Abyssal-black codexThe Book Wyrm (3)The Book Wyrm (1)true
Assortment of tattered papers swathed in heartstring laceSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/Incidental loot
Bamboo folder secured with a series of animite ringsDrogor Shrinetrue
Battered and string-wrapped parcelSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 450/End loottrue
Black and gold swirled codex crafted from woodThe Book Wyrm (3)The Book Wyrm (1)true
Bright green scroll case dangling gilded teapot crocus bloomsBlood and Gourd (5)true
Calligrapher's scroll folio covered in enaadaItem:Canvas tote pinned with a vardite tomeAesthene's Close 441/Raffletrue
Carmine codex featuring a stitched coverThe Book Wyrm (3)The Book Wyrm (1)true
Cerulean watersilk scroll case secured with a silver claspBlood and Gourd (5)true
Colorful scroll carrier covered with embroidered tartsSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 450/End loottrue
... further results

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