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* The rug in the Foyer displays the Ratha Guild Motto: ''"Let your Light be a beacon to all."''
{{Store At A Glance |
{{Store At A Glance
Store Name = Paladins' Guild, Emporium |
|Store Name = Paladins' Guild, Emporium
Province = Qi'Reshalia |
Town = Ratha |
|Province = Qi'Reshalia
MapNumber = 91 |
|Town = Ratha
Owner = Ethasru |
|MapNumber = 91
NumRooms = 2 |
|Owner = Ethasru
|NumRooms = 2
Store Type = Paladin, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Jewelry, Alchemy}}
|restrict = Paladin
|Store Type = Paladin, Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Jewelry, Alchemy

|roomname=Paladins' Guild, Emporium
|roomname=Paladins' Guild, Emporium
|desc=The smell of recently polished metal pervades the room. Along the painted walls are decorative shields and crests of various sizes and colors. A large granite counter sits in the middle of the room with hinged wood partitions on both sides. You also see Ethasru, a darkened stairwell, a marble archway, a solid silver rack with some stuff on it, and a carved ash table with some stuff on it.
|desc=The smell of recently polished metal pervades the room. Along the painted walls are decorative shields and crests of various sizes and colors. A large granite counter sits in the middle of the room with hinged wood partitions on both sides.<br />
You also see a darkened stairwell, a solid silver rack with several things on it, Ethasru, a carved ash table with several things on it and a marble archway.<br />
Obvious exits: none.

{{ShopHeader|title=On the pewter tray (which is on a large granite counter)}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|segmented cambrinth armband|note=upper arm|29,103}}
|roomname=Paladins' Guild, Storage Room
{{ShopItem|t=i|cambrinth sphere resting in a pewter paw|12,000}}
|desc=At the bottom of the stone steps is a poorly lit narrow room filled with large wooden crates and boxes. Packing paper and straw are strewn haphazardly on the floor that is in dire need of sweeping. Hanging in the far corner of the room is a large lantern, lighting up a makeshift table that is covered with a variety of exotic wares. You also see an ironwood rack with some stuff on it, a mistwood mannequin with some stuff on it, a dragonwood mannequin with some stuff on it, and a darkened stairwell.}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|gold and cambrinth bracelet|note=wrist|36,300}}

{{ShopFootnote|These hold 32 mana each.}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the crate}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel hammer with a lion's head handle|note=(HB/HT)|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt|note=(2HE)|15,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the large box}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the wall}}
{{ShopItem|t=s|bronzed shield engraved with a dragon entangled in ivy|note=very poor to high (significant hindrance)|17,990}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel bola joined by a spiked chain|note=(LT/LB) Three polished steel spheres dangle from a chain interspersed with tiny spikes. Stamped into the metal of each sphere is a tiny laurel leaf.|3,830}}
{{ShopItem|t=s|polished round shield emblazoned with a midnight black stallion|note=very poor to good (noticeable hindrance)|9,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|reed-hafted war hammer|note=(MB) From the roped socket to the blunt peens of the steel hammerhead, the metal is gouged and rough.|1,600}}
{{ShopItem|t=s|silver-banded steel shield etched with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=very poor to high (significant hindrance)|12,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|twisted short staff capped with a seahorse head|note=(QS) The rounded pole of ash has been planed and polished until it is silky smooth. Just below the ivory headcap the wood is carved into a thick spiral twist supporting the flare of stylized waves.|2,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel hammer with a lion's head handle|note=(HT/HB)|3,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=s|brass-edged battle shield|note=very poor to good (noticeable hindrance)|8,500}}
{{ShopFootnote|large shields}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|oak-hafted war mattock bearing an ornate iron hammerhead|note=(2HB) Three snarling mongoose heads extrude from the iron midsection of the hammerhead to form a savage wedge.|9,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel awl-pike|note=(Pike) The long, tapered head of the wicked spike ends in a rondel of steel affixed to a steel socket. A sturdy shaft of oak is attached by bronze rivets.|9,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|tarnished pike with a carved elm shaft|note=(Pike) Mottled with the patina of age and stains, the smooth diamond of the pike-head is firmly fixed onto the shaft by long, sturdy steel straps. A running pattern of a lion holding down a goshawk winds around the wood from base to tip.|5,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|polished scimitar with dark crimson leather wrapped around the hilt|note=(ME) The fierce-looking sword is a long curve of gleaming steel. A modest hilt is molded over the half-length push tang and affixed by heavy brass quillions that cut squarely across the blade.|6,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|long skinning blade engraved with a running hound|note=(LE) Etched into both sides of the satin-finished blade, the animal is forever caught mid-stride in the chase.|1,400}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt|note=(2HE)|36,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the makeshift table}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the silver rack}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|curved skinning knife with a bone handle|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|darkened broadsword stamped with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=heavy edged: 35 stones|7,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|double-bladed steel axe|note=two-handed edged: 85 stones|15,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|leather journal embossed with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=The pages of the journal have been carved out to allow small items to be hidden inside.|4,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|stone pestle with a smooth wooden handle|300}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|straight-edged spata|note=two-handed edged: 58 stones|8,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|silver filigree poignard|note=light edged: 12 stones|15,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|glossy white ceramic mortar|note=The mortar is a clever fusion of porcelain and terracotta. The outer bowl of the ceramic mortar is glazed a glossy pure white in contrast to the rich, unglazed, terracotta inner bowl. Around the lip of the mortar, running hounds in full stride have been painted in gold.|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|blued-steel halberd with a mahogany handle inset with a mongoose|note=halberd: 62 stones|7,500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On a carved ash table}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the ash table}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|weathered black sword belt adorned with jasper dragons|12,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|blue and green wool kilt fastened with a bronze starfish|note=pants|5,100}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|sun-bleached canvas baldric embroidered with the crest of the Paladin Guild|2,200}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|sun-bleached tabard stitched with two dolphins|note=shirt: 3 x 1 x 1 (10 stones)|4,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|soot-stained kilt trimmed with braided seaweed|5100}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|braided seaweed harness clasped with a shark tooth|note=shoulder: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones)|3,100}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|blue and green wool kilt fastened with a bronze starfish|2,900}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|weathered black sword belt adorned with jasper dragons|note=belt: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones)|12,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|sun-bleached tabard stitched with two dolphins|4,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|soot-stained kilt trimmed with braided seaweed|note=pants|2,900}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|blue linen sash embroidered with a green lion|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|sun-bleached canvas baldric embroidered with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=shoulder: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones)|2,200}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|braided seaweed harness clasped with a shark tooth|3,100}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|blue linen sash embroidered with a green lion|note=waist|500}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the metal jewelry box}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the wall}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|exquisitely carved garnet amulet etched with an upright mongoose|51,056}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|copper-riveted field plate engraved with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=plate: torso/arms/legs|40,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|pair of polished gauntlets trimmed with black seaglass|note=brigandine: hands|2,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=j|silver medallion carved with tiny hounds|note=In a circle on the medallion, eight hounds chase each other touching noses to tails.|2,400}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|polished hauberk embellished with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=chain: torso/arms/legs|15,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|highly polished jousting plate edged with dark leather straps|note=plate: torso/arms/legs|35,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|polished steel helm embellished with tiny seahorses|note=plate: head/neck/eyes|6,700}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|burnished war plate emblazoned with a dragon entangled by serpents|note=plate: torso/arms/legs|35,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the ironwood rack}}
|roomname=Paladins' Guild, Storage Room
{{ShopItem|t=w|stained yew standard topped with a black spidersilk banner|note=(Pike) Ruby colored threads adorn the black spidersilk while large steel rivets are affixed on the pole. Each rivet has either a body of a rampant lion, fierce mongoose or a shifty-eyed goshawk impressed in it.|20,000}}
|desc=At the bottom of the stone steps is a poorly lit narrow room filled with large wooden crates and boxes. Packing paper and straw are strewn haphazardly on the floor that is in dire need of sweeping. Hanging in the far corner of the room is a large lantern, lighting up a makeshift table that is covered with a variety of exotic wares.<br />
{{ShopItem|t=w|nicked ironwood standard bearing a torn white silk banner|note=(Pike) The scratches marking up the shaft along with the ripped fabric give the appearance that the standard has seen some sort of action. The Paladins' Guild crest is still obvious on the front of the white banner even though several tears and holes mar it.|20,000}}
You also see a mistwood mannequin with several things on it, a darkened stairwell and a dragonwood mannequin with several things on it.<br />
{{ShopItem|t=w|sturdy teak standard capped with a colorful silk banner representing the Thirteen Immortals|note=(Pike) The vibrantly colored primary aspects are embroidered on the banner forming a circle while a single dragon slumbers in the center.|20,000}}
Obvious exits: none.
{{ShopItem|t=w|thick silverwillow standard bearing a storm-grey banner|note=(Pike)The grey banner displays a white fist clutching a black forge hammer. Embroidered within the hammer itself are the words, "Forging is a battle."|20,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the crate}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel hammer with a lion's head handle|note=heavy thrown/heavy blunt: 60 stones|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt|note=two-handed edged: 100 stones|15,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the mistwood mannequin}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the mistwood mannequin}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|scarlet canvas-backed bone breastplate|note=torso|11,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone mask|note=Carved from whalebone, the protection is crude but effective. A snowbeast fur lining allows the wearer some comfort.|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone gauntlets|note=Carved from whalebone, the hand protection is crude but effective. A snowbeast fur lining allows the wearer some comfort.|1,300}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone vambraces|note=arms|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|painted bone gauntlets|note=hands|1,350}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone greaves|note=Carved from whalebone, the leg protection is crude but effective. A snowbeast fur lining allows the wearer some comfort.|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone vambraces|note=Carved from whalebone, the arm protection is crude but effective. A snowbeast fur lining allows the wearer some comfort.|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone mask|note=head/neck/eyes|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|painted bone mask|note=head/neck/eyes|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone breastplace with painted lions|note=Carved from several whalebones and attached tightly by leather straps, the torso protection is crude but effective. A rampant lion painted in silver resides on the front plate while a charging black lion covers the back plate.|12,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone greaves|note=legs|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|scarlet canvas-backed bone breastplate|note=Tightly woven steelsilk threads secure the bones to the canvas in a diagonal design splaying out from the midline on both sides. Silver skull charms dangle along the bottom edge.|11,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone breastplate with painted lions|note=torso|12,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|painted bone mask|note=Meant to strike fear in an enemy, swirls and slashes of red flow from brow to chin across the skull of a large simian creature. Leather straps are attached to each side with silver and red crystal-bead-tipped fringes that will flow down the back of the wearer.|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bone vambraces with silver skull clasps|note=arms|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bone greaves etched with grimacing skulls|note=Steelsilk thread is woven through the bones to tightly secure the bones to each other. A skull has been etched onto each kneecap, as if to mock the fallen enemy.|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bleached bone gauntlets|note=hands|1,300}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|bone vambraces with silver skull clasps|note=Steelsilk thread tightly binds the bones together to help prevent the errant slip of a dagger. Leather straps are held secure by grimacing skulls at the wrist and elbow.|2,000}}
{{ShopFootnote|light armor}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|painted bone gauntlets|note=At first glance, what appears to be chaotic slashes of scarlet cover the back of each gauntlet. On closer observation, it is apparent that each ends in a distorted screaming skull.|1,350}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the large box}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|twisted short staff capped with a seahorse head|note=quarter staff: 50 stones|2,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel hammer with a lion's head handle|note=heavy thrown/heavy blunt: 60 stones|3,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel bola joined by a spiked chain|note=light thrown/light blunt: 30 stones|3,830}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|tarnished pike with a carved elm shaft|note=pike: 143 stones|5,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|long skinning blade engraved with a running hound|note=light edged: 9 stones|1,400}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|polished scimitar with dark crimson leather wrapped around the hilt|note=medium edged: 31 stones|6,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|steel awl-pike|note=pike: 143 stones|9,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|oak-hafted war mattock bearing an ornate iron hammerhead|note=two-handed blunt: 71 stones|9,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt|note=two-handed edged: 100 stones|36,000}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the dragonwood mannequin}}
{{ShopHeader|title=On the dragonwood mannequin}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|black quilted mask embroidered with a jade mongoose|note=The weasel-sized creature is curled upon itself around the face of the mask.|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|black quilted gloves embroidered with a scarlet goshawk|note=hands|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|black quilted gloves embroidered with a scarlet goshawk|note=A feathered creature with outstretched wings is embroidered into the palm of each glove.|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|dusky-grey quilted vest with silver buckles and clasps|note=torso|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|pair of dusky-grey thick cloth pants cut to fit around a boot|note=legs|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|black quilted shirt embroidered with a golden lion|note=The majestic creature's front paws and head cover most of the front part of the shirt. Twisting sideways, the lion's body curls around to the back of the shirt, showing its hind legs and lower body.|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|dusky-grey cloth hood with silver studding|note=head/neck|800}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|pair of black quilted pants with a wide leather belt|note=Starting from the waist, tiny lines of faded green, red, and gold run down the leg, creating a pinstripe effect. The lines fade to almost nothing by the time they reach the calf.|2,100}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|pair of dusky-grey cloth gloves with silver buckles on the wrists|note=hands|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|black cloth robe with a dark grey belt hanging loosely|note=Although simple at a glance, the robe effectively hides the padded protection underneath with dark colors that gives a slimming look.|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|pair of dusky-grey cloth gloves with silver buckles on the wrists|note=Thickly padded across the back of the hand and palm, the gloves are tightened at the wrist by a silver buckle.|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|black cloth robe with a dark grey belt hanging loosely|note=torso/arms|1,500}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|black quilted mask embroidered with a jade mongoose|note=head/neck|750}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|dusky-grey quilted vest with silver buckles and clasps|note=Heavily padded along the back, abdomen, and chest for protection, the vest uses silver threads in the quilting to provide a touch of elegance to this functional garment.|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|pair of black quilted pants with a wide leather belt|note=legs|2,100}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|pair of dusky-grey thick cloth pants cut to fit around a boot|note=Thickly padded to provide protection, the pants have a line of silver studs down each leg that makes them fashionable for wear outside of battle.|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|pair of dusky-grey padded sleeves with silver buckles|note=Thickly padded and quilted with silver threading, the sleeves provide protection as well as a bit of style for the wearer. Silver buckles clasp around the wrist tightly and are used to attach the sleeve to a vest, if desired.|1,800}}
{{ShopItem|t=a|pair of dusky-grey padded sleeves with silver buckles|note=arms|1,800}}
{{ShopFootnote|light armor}}
{{ShopItem|t=c|dusky-grey cloth hood with silver studding|800}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the jewelry box (which is on a makeshift table)}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|silver medallion carved with tiny hounds|note=neck|2,400}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|exquisitely carved garnet amulet etched with an upright mongoose|note=neck|51,056}}

{{ShopHeader|title=In the small box}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|lacquered ebony sheath engraved with a silver ivy pattern|14,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|faded black satchel fastened with a pewter hammer clasp|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|scarred mahogany scabbard with a rusted clasp|750}}

{{ShopHeader|title=On the makeshift table}}
{{ShopItem|t=w|curved skinning knife with a bone handle|note=light edged: 10 stones|500}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|stone pestle with a smooth wooden handle|300}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|glossy white ceramic mortar|note=3 x 3 x 2 (60 stones)|2,000}}
{{ShopItem|t=i|leather journal embossed with the crest of the Paladin Guild|note=3 x 2 x 1 (20 stones)|4,500}}

Latest revision as of 19:13, 11 May 2021

  • The rug in the Foyer displays the Ratha Guild Motto: "Let your Light be a beacon to all."
Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Infobox entry on justice
Paladins' Guild, Emporium
Province Qi'Reshalia
Justice Unknown
Town Ratha
Map Ranik's Map 91
Owner Ethasru
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Paladin shops, Weapon shops, Armor shops, Clothing shops, Jewelry shops, Alchemy shops
Restrictions Paladin
This store only accepts Lirums

[Paladins' Guild, Emporium]
The smell of recently polished metal pervades the room. Along the painted walls are decorative shields and crests of various sizes and colors. A large granite counter sits in the middle of the room with hinged wood partitions on both sides.
You also see a darkened stairwell, a solid silver rack with several things on it, Ethasru, a carved ash table with several things on it and a marble archway.
Obvious exits: none.

On the pewter tray (which is on a large granite counter)
Item Price Done
segmented cambrinth armband - upper arm 29,103   !!
cambrinth sphere resting in a pewter paw 12,000   !!
gold and cambrinth bracelet - wrist 36,300   !!
These hold 32 mana each.
On the wall
Item Price Done
bronzed shield engraved with a dragon entangled in ivy - very poor to high (significant hindrance) 17,990   !!
polished round shield emblazoned with a midnight black stallion - very poor to good (noticeable hindrance) 9,500   !!
silver-banded steel shield etched with the crest of the Paladin Guild - very poor to high (significant hindrance) 12,000   !!
brass-edged battle shield - very poor to good (noticeable hindrance) 8,500   !!
large shields
On the silver rack
Item Price Done
darkened broadsword stamped with the crest of the Paladin Guild - heavy edged: 35 stones 7,500   
double-bladed steel axe - two-handed edged: 85 stones 15,000   
straight-edged spata - two-handed edged: 58 stones 8,000   
silver filigree poignard - light edged: 12 stones 15,000   
blued-steel halberd with a mahogany handle inset with a mongoose - halberd: 62 stones 7,500   
On the ash table
Item Price Done
blue and green wool kilt fastened with a bronze starfish - pants 5,100   !!
sun-bleached tabard stitched with two dolphins - shirt: 3 x 1 x 1 (10 stones) 4,000   !!
braided seaweed harness clasped with a shark tooth - shoulder: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones) 3,100   !!
weathered black sword belt adorned with jasper dragons - belt: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones) 12,000   !!
soot-stained kilt trimmed with braided seaweed - pants 2,900   !!
sun-bleached canvas baldric embroidered with the crest of the Paladin Guild - shoulder: 10 x 2 x 1 (80 stones) 2,200   !!
blue linen sash embroidered with a green lion - waist 500   !!
On the wall
Item Price Done
copper-riveted field plate engraved with the crest of the Paladin Guild - plate: torso/arms/legs 40,000   !!
pair of polished gauntlets trimmed with black seaglass - brigandine: hands 2,500   !!
polished hauberk embellished with the crest of the Paladin Guild - chain: torso/arms/legs 15,000   !!
highly polished jousting plate edged with dark leather straps - plate: torso/arms/legs 35,000   !!
polished steel helm embellished with tiny seahorses - plate: head/neck/eyes 6,700   !!
burnished war plate emblazoned with a dragon entangled by serpents - plate: torso/arms/legs 35,000   !!

[Paladins' Guild, Storage Room]
At the bottom of the stone steps is a poorly lit narrow room filled with large wooden crates and boxes. Packing paper and straw are strewn haphazardly on the floor that is in dire need of sweeping. Hanging in the far corner of the room is a large lantern, lighting up a makeshift table that is covered with a variety of exotic wares.
You also see a mistwood mannequin with several things on it, a darkened stairwell and a dragonwood mannequin with several things on it.
Obvious exits: none.

On the crate
Item Price Done
steel hammer with a lion's head handle - heavy thrown/heavy blunt: 60 stones 1,500   
burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt - two-handed edged: 100 stones 15,000   
On the mistwood mannequin
Item Price Done
scarlet canvas-backed bone breastplate - torso 11,000   !!
bleached bone vambraces - arms 750   !!
painted bone gauntlets - hands 1,350   !!
bleached bone mask - head/neck/eyes 1,500   !!
painted bone mask - head/neck/eyes 2,000   !!
bleached bone greaves - legs 750   !!
bleached bone breastplate with painted lions - torso 12,000   !!
bone vambraces with silver skull clasps - arms 2,000   !!
bleached bone gauntlets - hands 1,300   !!
light armor
In the large box
Item Price Done
twisted short staff capped with a seahorse head - quarter staff: 50 stones 2,500   
steel hammer with a lion's head handle - heavy thrown/heavy blunt: 60 stones 3,000   
steel bola joined by a spiked chain - light thrown/light blunt: 30 stones 3,830   
tarnished pike with a carved elm shaft - pike: 143 stones 5,000   
long skinning blade engraved with a running hound - light edged: 9 stones 1,400   
polished scimitar with dark crimson leather wrapped around the hilt - medium edged: 31 stones 6,500   
steel awl-pike - pike: 143 stones 9,000   
oak-hafted war mattock bearing an ornate iron hammerhead - two-handed blunt: 71 stones 9,000   
burnished greatsword with an ebony mongoose twisting around the hilt - two-handed edged: 100 stones 36,000   
On the dragonwood mannequin
Item Price Done
black quilted gloves embroidered with a scarlet goshawk - hands 500   !!
dusky-grey quilted vest with silver buckles and clasps - torso 2,000   !!
pair of dusky-grey thick cloth pants cut to fit around a boot - legs 2,000   !!
dusky-grey cloth hood with silver studding - head/neck 800   !!
pair of dusky-grey cloth gloves with silver buckles on the wrists - hands 500   !!
black cloth robe with a dark grey belt hanging loosely - torso/arms 1,500   !!
black quilted mask embroidered with a jade mongoose - head/neck 750   !!
pair of black quilted pants with a wide leather belt - legs 2,100   !!
pair of dusky-grey padded sleeves with silver buckles - arms 1,800   !!
light armor
In the jewelry box (which is on a makeshift table)
Item Price Done
silver medallion carved with tiny hounds - neck 2,400   !!
exquisitely carved garnet amulet etched with an upright mongoose - neck 51,056   !!
In the small box
Item Price Done
lacquered ebony sheath engraved with a silver ivy pattern 14,000   No
faded black satchel fastened with a pewter hammer clasp 2,000   !!
scarred mahogany scabbard with a rusted clasp 750   No
On the makeshift table
Item Price Done
curved skinning knife with a bone handle - light edged: 10 stones 500   
stone pestle with a smooth wooden handle 300   !!
glossy white ceramic mortar - 3 x 3 x 2 (60 stones) 2,000   
leather journal embossed with the crest of the Paladin Guild - 3 x 2 x 1 (20 stones) 4,500   !!