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{{AuctLoot|i|fingerless korograth leather gloves double-stitched with steelsilk threads|Calde|1,235|1,543|notes=Up to 50+ Locksmithing booster for 30min on RUB, with a 1 hour cooldown. Infinite charges. NMU friendly.}}
{{AuctLoot|i|some icesteel armor frosted with moonsilver |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|capacious Imperial weave saddlebag clasped with a soulstone tower|Dyerase|10,607|13,258|notes=Large pack (18x13x9 and 1500 stones) with a functioning soulstone. Contains a {{sloot|i|high war saddle clad in silversteel plates}}, a {{sloot|i|diamond-hide war bridle set with silversteel plates}}, a {{sloot|i|royal blue Imperial weave saddle pad}}, a {{sloot|a|gryphon-like plate chanfron forged from silversteel}}, a {{sloot|a|silversteel plate crinnet with feather-like plates}}, an {{sloot|a|ornately embossed silversteel peytrel inlaid with blackened moonsilver}}, some {{sloot|i|silversteel flanchards with moonsilver-limned embossing}}, a {{sloot|a|silversteel crupper adorned with luminous moonsilver wings}}, and a {{sloot|i|royal blue Imperial weave caparison embroidered with towers and stars}}. The barding is plate which means a horse must be at least 16 hands to wear it.}}
{{AuctLoot|i|shadowbark grimoire of sigils with moonsilver-edged pages |}}
{{AuctLoot|w|glaes and crimson moonsilver kris shaped like twining serpents|Viktorael|25,000|31,250|notes=T7 light edge}}
{{AuctLoot|i|bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoise |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|telothian-edged Tokka deck scattered with Fortune's Star diamond dust|Poly|38,000|47,500|notes=High level divination tool. Highly resistant to damage and high base level of power, accuracy, duration, and polarity.}}
{{AuctLoot|i|lifesculpted Aesetani applewood battle bow adorned with emerald ialalhe ribbons a crafter's toolbelt with a multitude of straps |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|pale green ialalhe healer's robe with wide gold-trimmed cuffs|Melomina|8,510|10,638|notes=Empathy set. Hider robe + verby sandals + herb stacker pouch + unusual noun parry stick (lifesculpted vine) + shock checker. Contains a {{sloot|i|pale grey vela'tohr blossom carved out of cassava root}}, a {{sloot|w|lifesculpted vela'tohr vine}}, a {{sloot|i|pale green ialalhe herb pouch stitched with the Empath's Guild crest}}, and a {{sloot|i|pair of pale green ialalhe sandals}}}}
{{AuctLoot|i|gerbil-shaped voucher |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|pale green ialalhe healer's robe with wide gold-trimmed cuffs |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|cambrinth stylus wrapped with fine wire|Kados|2,090|2,613|notes=300 mana non-worn cambrinth}}
{{AuctLoot|w|lifesculpted Aesetani applewood battle bow adorned with emerald ialalhe ribbons|Strithas|104,431|130,539|notes=T7 comp bow}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sapper's axe |}}
{{AuctLoot|a|crimson-scale leather mask embroidered with flames along the edge|Admoos|11,412|14,266|notes=T6 leather mask with enhanced elemental protection and T2/G2 fire flare}}
{{AuctLoot|i|cambrinth stylus wrapped with fine wire |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|gerbil-shaped voucher|Gigondas|50,000|62,500|notes=Good for one familiar alteration}}
{{AuctLoot|i|heretic black sniper's quiver fashioned from a hollowed mammoth-bone |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|jug of dark purple alyssum tea|Lilliwea|1,000|1,250|notes=100% death sting removal - 100 uses}}
{{AuctLoot|i|slim almanac with a thin kiralan cover |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoise|Plix|16,322|20,402|notes=500 coin moneybelt - Contains a {{sloot|i|kiralan neithrel band interspersed with silver striated tablature turquoises}} (Bardic ring with 2 chains and 'heirloom' style)}}
{{AuctLoot|i|some fingerless korograth leather gloves double-stitched with steelsilk threads a sungold lion icon with a fiery mane of solar rays |}}
{{AuctLoot|w|sapper's axe|Bukuma|5,050|6,313|notes=Dwarven racial weapon. In Dwarf hands it will be T6. Also includes a T1/G2 electric flare}}
{{AuctLoot|i| triple-bladed Kaldaran Tyrant's slaughtersword |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sumptuous marblesilk prayer mat embroidered with a faiyka|Kalixia|6,820|8,525|notes=Prydaen-themed devotional prayer mat. Can be used for rituals.}}
{{AuctLoot|i|telothian-edged Tokka deck scattered with Fortune's Star diamond dust |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sungold lion icon with a fiery mane of solar rays|Byd|17,261|21,577|notes=Paladin Council-issued (meaning it will boost soul state when used in addition to recharging the weapon) holy weapon recharge icon}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sumptuous marblesilk prayer mat embroidered with a faiyka |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|shadowbark grimoire of sigils with moonsilver-edged pages|Totenus|12,969|16,211|notes=Sigil-book that holds 75 sigils}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sleek lime green jester's bag clasped with a theatrical comedy mask |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|embossed chakrel rimewolf medallion hung from an obvoluted icesteel linkage|Razhak|10,712|13,390|notes=Beltworn, infused chakrel (reduced activation meditation times)}}
{{AuctLoot|i| glaes and crimson moonsilver kris shaped like twining serpents |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|heretic black sniper's quiver fashioned from a hollowed mammoth-bone|Snowpanther|31,384|39,230|notes=General worn quiver. Holds 100 bolts with electricity damage. Contains some {{sloot|w|serrated bone bolt|serrated bone bolts}}}}
{{AuctLoot|i|animal storage voucher |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|small iridescent prism|Joolie|80,231|100,289|notes=Creates [a crystal tower] personal facade for 60 minutes per charge. Has 1,000,000 charges so should be effectively infinite.}}
{{AuctLoot|i| small iridescent prism |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines|Hotoke|35,000|43,750|notes=150 mana worn cambrinth}}
{{AuctLoot|i| jug of dark purple alyssum tea |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|animal storage voucher|Aislynn|22,306|27,883|notes=18 hand Kirmalia stallion with a glistening white coat. It has a black mane and tail. It is fully trained. House Linlaig of Leth Deriel has exclusive breeding rights to the breed.}}
{{AuctLoot|i| capacious Imperial weave saddlebag clasped with a soulstone tower |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sleek lime green jester's bag clasped with a theatrical comedy mask|Nahvani|22,730|28,412|notes=Performance set. Minor verby bag + insult stick (diamondwood cane) + verby hat (extra verby for Bards) + verby tunic + verby slippers. Contains some {{sloot|i|curly-toed cerulean slippers tipped with lime green bells}}, some {{sloot|i|loose-fitting faesilk trews striped in shades of cerulean and lime green}}, a {{sloot|i|flamboyant jester's tunic composed of harlequin-patterned faesilk}}, a {{sloot|i|five-pointed cerulean and lime green jester's hat festooned with jingly bells}}, and a {{sloot|i|glittery diamondwood cane topped with a grinning jester's head}}}}
{{AuctLoot|i| embossed chakrel rimewolf medallion hung from an obvoluted icesteel linkage |}}
{{AuctLoot|a|icesteel armor frosted with moonsilver|Maekthar|65,360|81,700|notes=T6 max weight plate armor with T2/G2 cold armor flare}}
{{AuctLoot|i|crimson-scale leather mask embroidered with flames along the edge |}}
{{AuctLoot|w|triple-bladed Kaldaran Tyrant's slaughtersword|Pazohn|130,076|162,594|notes=Kaldar racial weapon. In Kaldaran hands it will be T6. Also includes a T1/G2 frost flare}}
{{AuctLoot|i| pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines |}}
{{AuctLoot|i|crafter's toolbelt with a multitude of straps|Thires|110,000|137,500|notes=50 item tie belt that can hold almost every non-consumable tool. You think you can tie the following items: hammer, tongs, shovel, pickaxe, rod, bellows, chisels, pliers, rifflers, rasp, saw, shaper, drawknife, needles, yardstick, awl, scraper, slickstone, mortar, stick, pestle, bowl, sieve, pot, burin, loop, fount, book, logbook, brazier, tools, knife, pyramid, distaff, scissors, cloth, clamps, stamp, cauldron, axe, jar, stove.}}
{{AuctLoot|i|slim almanac with a thin kiralan cover|Odari|141,400|176,750|notes=Trains Guild-only skill by filling pool by 50% and useable every 10min}}

===Prime Stats===

! Platinum Lirums
! Platinum Kronars
|'''Total Spent'''||959,906||1,199,882
|'''Minimum Price'''||1,000||1,250
|'''Median Price'''||22,306||27,883
|'''Mean Price'''||38,396||47,995
|'''Maximum Price'''||141,400||176,750
|'''Standard Deviation'''||42,233||52,791

==Plat (August 18, 2019)==

*Everyone bids on the {{sloot|i|golden idol wrought in the form of an animated auctioneer}}.
*Bids can sometimes be for tickets instead of coins.
*Winner selects any remaining item on the auction list.
*Two wins per account.
*Any items not claimed on will be added to the [[treasure map]] system as unique drops.

{|class="wikitable sortable"
{{AuctLoot|w|lifesculpted Aesetani applewood battle bow adorned with emerald ialalhe ribbons |Arathael|500|625|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|shadowbark grimoire of sigils with moonsilver-edged pages|Uzmam|300|375|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|slim almanac with a thin kiralan cover|Amythyste |100|125|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|cambrinth stylus wrapped with fine wire|Rubicante |121|151.25|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoise|Beronica|56.1|70.125|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|w|glaes and crimson moonsilver kris shaped like twining serpents|Asbhuan |1|1.25|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|small iridescent prism|Uzmam|200|250|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|heretic black sniper's quiver fashioned from a hollowed mammoth-bone|Arathael|200|250|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines|Beronica|55|68.75|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|w|sapper's axe|Asbhuan|30|37.5|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|telothian-edged Tokka deck scattered with Fortune's Star diamond dust|Jaderiver|30|37.5|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|a|some icesteel armor frosted with moonsilver|Amythyste|10|12.5|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|w|triple-bladed Kaldaran Tyrant's slaughtersword|Rubicante |0.01|0.0125|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sungold lion icon with a fiery mane of solar rays |Faerek|0.01|0.0125|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|pale green ialalhe healer's robe with wide gold-trimmed cuffs|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|some fingerless korograth leather gloves double-stitched with steelsilk threads|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sumptuous marblesilk prayer mat embroidered with a faiyka|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|sleek lime green jester's bag clasped with a theatrical comedy mask|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|animal storage voucher|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|jug of dark purple alyssum tea|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|capacious Imperial weave saddlebag clasped with a soulstone tower|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|embossed chakrel rimewolf medallion hung from an obvoluted icesteel linkage|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|a|crimson-scale leather mask embroidered with flames along the edge|N/A|0|0|notes=}}
{{AuctLoot|i|gerbil-shaped voucher|N/A|0|0|notes=}}

===Plat Stats===

! Platinum<br>Lirums
! Platinum<br>Kronars
|'''Total Spent'''||1603.12||2003.9
|'''Minimum Price'''||0.01||0.0125
|'''Maximum Price'''||500||625
|'''Mean Price'''|| ||
|'''Median Price'''|| ||
|'''Standard Deviation'''|| ||

[[rare source::true| ]][[page type is::event| ]]

Latest revision as of 14:40, 5 December 2020

[Owirvald Auction Company, Display Room]
Rich sandalwood covers the interior walls of this spacious caravan, its high-polished sheen reflecting the light from the various brass lanterns hung about the room. A pair of glass-topped display tables flank the opal-beaded curtain leading into the main hall.
You also see an ornately lettered notice, a carved archway and a brass-bound sandalwood door leading out.
Obvious exits: none.

An ornately lettered notice reads:

 ! Magical properties may be   !
 ! difficult or impossible to  !
 ! discern at this time, due to!
 ! the extra precautions taken !
 ! with warding in the face of !
 ! previous attempts to        !
 ! THREATEN our BUSINESS and   !
 ! our SAFETY!                 !
 !                             !

Prime (August 17, 2019)

Item Buyer Platinum
fingerless korograth leather gloves double-stitched with steelsilk threads Calde 1,235 1,543 Up to 50+ Locksmithing booster for 30min on RUB, with a 1 hour cooldown. Infinite charges. NMU friendly.
capacious Imperial weave saddlebag clasped with a soulstone tower Dyerase 10,607 13,258 Large pack (18x13x9 and 1500 stones) with a functioning soulstone. Contains a high war saddle clad in silversteel plates, a diamond-hide war bridle set with silversteel plates, a royal blue Imperial weave saddle pad, a gryphon-like plate chanfron forged from silversteel, a silversteel plate crinnet with feather-like plates, an ornately embossed silversteel peytrel inlaid with blackened moonsilver, some silversteel flanchards with moonsilver-limned embossing, a silversteel crupper adorned with luminous moonsilver wings, and a royal blue Imperial weave caparison embroidered with towers and stars. The barding is plate which means a horse must be at least 16 hands to wear it.
glaes and crimson moonsilver kris shaped like twining serpents Viktorael 25,000 31,250 T7 light edge
telothian-edged Tokka deck scattered with Fortune's Star diamond dust Poly 38,000 47,500 High level divination tool. Highly resistant to damage and high base level of power, accuracy, duration, and polarity.
pale green ialalhe healer's robe with wide gold-trimmed cuffs Melomina 8,510 10,638 Empathy set. Hider robe + verby sandals + herb stacker pouch + unusual noun parry stick (lifesculpted vine) + shock checker. Contains a pale grey vela'tohr blossom carved out of cassava root, a lifesculpted vela'tohr vine, a pale green ialalhe herb pouch stitched with the Empath's Guild crest, and a pair of pale green ialalhe sandals
cambrinth stylus wrapped with fine wire Kados 2,090 2,613 300 mana non-worn cambrinth
lifesculpted Aesetani applewood battle bow adorned with emerald ialalhe ribbons Strithas 104,431 130,539 T7 comp bow
crimson-scale leather mask embroidered with flames along the edge Admoos 11,412 14,266 T6 leather mask with enhanced elemental protection and T2/G2 fire flare
gerbil-shaped voucher Gigondas 50,000 62,500 Good for one familiar alteration
jug of dark purple alyssum tea Lilliwea 1,000 1,250 100% death sting removal - 100 uses
bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoise Plix 16,322 20,402 500 coin moneybelt - Contains a kiralan neithrel band interspersed with silver striated tablature turquoises (Bardic ring with 2 chains and 'heirloom' style)
sapper's axe Bukuma 5,050 6,313 Dwarven racial weapon. In Dwarf hands it will be T6. Also includes a T1/G2 electric flare
sumptuous marblesilk prayer mat embroidered with a faiyka Kalixia 6,820 8,525 Prydaen-themed devotional prayer mat. Can be used for rituals.
sungold lion icon with a fiery mane of solar rays Byd 17,261 21,577 Paladin Council-issued (meaning it will boost soul state when used in addition to recharging the weapon) holy weapon recharge icon
shadowbark grimoire of sigils with moonsilver-edged pages Totenus 12,969 16,211 Sigil-book that holds 75 sigils
embossed chakrel rimewolf medallion hung from an obvoluted icesteel linkage Razhak 10,712 13,390 Beltworn, infused chakrel (reduced activation meditation times)
heretic black sniper's quiver fashioned from a hollowed mammoth-bone Snowpanther 31,384 39,230 General worn quiver. Holds 100 bolts with electricity damage. Contains some serrated bone bolts
small iridescent prism Joolie 80,231 100,289 Creates [a crystal tower] personal facade for 60 minutes per charge. Has 1,000,000 charges so should be effectively infinite.
pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines Hotoke 35,000 43,750 150 mana worn cambrinth
animal storage voucher Aislynn 22,306 27,883 18 hand Kirmalia stallion with a glistening white coat. It has a black mane and tail. It is fully trained. House Linlaig of Leth Deriel has exclusive breeding rights to the breed.
sleek lime green jester's bag clasped with a theatrical comedy mask Nahvani 22,730 28,412 Performance set. Minor verby bag + insult stick (diamondwood cane) + verby hat (extra verby for Bards) + verby tunic + verby slippers. Contains some curly-toed cerulean slippers tipped with lime green bells, some loose-fitting faesilk trews striped in shades of cerulean and lime green, a flamboyant jester's tunic composed of harlequin-patterned faesilk, a five-pointed cerulean and lime green jester's hat festooned with jingly bells, and a glittery diamondwood cane topped with a grinning jester's head
icesteel armor frosted with moonsilver Maekthar 65,360 81,700 T6 max weight plate armor with T2/G2 cold armor flare
triple-bladed Kaldaran Tyrant's slaughtersword Pazohn 130,076 162,594 Kaldar racial weapon. In Kaldaran hands it will be T6. Also includes a T1/G2 frost flare
crafter's toolbelt with a multitude of straps Thires 110,000 137,500 50 item tie belt that can hold almost every non-consumable tool. You think you can tie the following items: hammer, tongs, shovel, pickaxe, rod, bellows, chisels, pliers, rifflers, rasp, saw, shaper, drawknife, needles, yardstick, awl, scraper, slickstone, mortar, stick, pestle, bowl, sieve, pot, burin, loop, fount, book, logbook, brazier, tools, knife, pyramid, distaff, scissors, cloth, clamps, stamp, cauldron, axe, jar, stove.
slim almanac with a thin kiralan cover Odari 141,400 176,750 Trains Guild-only skill by filling pool by 50% and useable every 10min

Prime Stats

Platinum Lirums Platinum Kronars
Total Spent 959,906 1,199,882
Minimum Price 1,000 1,250
Median Price 22,306 27,883
Mean Price 38,396 47,995
Maximum Price 141,400 176,750
Standard Deviation 42,233 52,791

Plat (August 18, 2019)


Item Buyer Platinum
lifesculpted Aesetani applewood battle bow adorned with emerald ialalhe ribbons Arathael 500 625
shadowbark grimoire of sigils with moonsilver-edged pages Uzmam 300 375
slim almanac with a thin kiralan cover Amythyste 100 125
cambrinth stylus wrapped with fine wire Rubicante 121 151.25
bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoise Beronica 56.1 70.125
glaes and crimson moonsilver kris shaped like twining serpents Asbhuan 1 1.25
small iridescent prism Uzmam 200 250
heretic black sniper's quiver fashioned from a hollowed mammoth-bone Arathael 200 250
pale khiynit tail guard entangled in thorny cambrinth vines Beronica 55 68.75
sapper's axe Asbhuan 30 37.5
telothian-edged Tokka deck scattered with Fortune's Star diamond dust Jaderiver 30 37.5
some icesteel armor frosted with moonsilver Amythyste 10 12.5
triple-bladed Kaldaran Tyrant's slaughtersword Rubicante 0.01 0.0125
sungold lion icon with a fiery mane of solar rays Faerek 0.01 0.0125
pale green ialalhe healer's robe with wide gold-trimmed cuffs N/A 0
some fingerless korograth leather gloves double-stitched with steelsilk threads N/A 0
sumptuous marblesilk prayer mat embroidered with a faiyka N/A 0
sleek lime green jester's bag clasped with a theatrical comedy mask N/A 0
animal storage voucher N/A 0
jug of dark purple alyssum tea N/A 0
capacious Imperial weave saddlebag clasped with a soulstone tower N/A 0
embossed chakrel rimewolf medallion hung from an obvoluted icesteel linkage N/A 0
crimson-scale leather mask embroidered with flames along the edge N/A 0
gerbil-shaped voucher N/A 0

Plat Stats

Total Spent 1603.12 2003.9
Minimum Price 0.01 0.0125
Maximum Price 500 625
Mean Price
Median Price
Standard Deviation

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