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<small>[[:Category:House_of_the_Revenant_Fang|< House of the Revenant Fang]]</small>

===First Email===
* This event opened in Prime on May 19th, 2017.
Coming soon: The House of the Revenant Fang!
* See [[House of the Revenant Fang]] for other dates this event has run.
Centuries ago, the [[Elothean Houses]] of the [[House of the Marching Lotus|Marching Lotus]] and the [[House of the Black Fang|Black Fang]] were wiped out in the [[Elven-Human War]]. While the scant Marching Lotus survivors were subsequently assimilated into other Houses, Black Fang was written off as obliterated. Contrary to the published history, a handful of remaining Black Fang warriors were surreptitiously ‘recruited’ into the ranks of the [[Melyo Rensh’a]], leader of the fabled [[House of the All-Seeing Eye]] and clandestine fourth counselor to the [[Ferdahl]].

Unfortunately, this integration soured over time, and political tensions within the ranks of the Melyo Rensh’a hit a divisive tipping point when a steadfast adherence to secrecy contributed to the murder of Ferdahl [[Kukalakai]] and the occupation of [[Shard]] by the [[Outcast]] army. An embittered traitor finally emerged, and the Melyo Rensh’a was assassinated by one of his own five generals, [[Ilva]] the Shrike of Dergati, who then launched a coup to revive the vengeful and warmongering House of the Black Fang from which she descended.

Supplementing her numbers with vicious lowlifes culled from [[Undershard]], Iilva has established a growing encampment east of Shard in [[Boleausun Bayou]], while the outnumbered Melyo Rensh’a loyalists have fallen back to their last defensible point, a hidden flying garden known as [[Ashala’taman]], and begun earnestly recruiting the help of brave adventurers.

Will the Melyo Rensh'a loyalists triumph?
* If so, who will rise to become the new Melyo Rensh'a, and how will the publicity of these events affect the formerly clandestine nature of the office?

Will the murderess Ilva be brought to justice?
* Or will the Black Fang defectors prevail, re-adding their fallen House to Ilithi and its political landscape?

Join your fellow adventurers as the story unfolds, beginning May 19th!

===Second Email===
Join the effort to quell the Black Fang coup!

~ May 19th until May 29th ~

Soar to mystical heights in the gardens of Ashala'taman!

Plunge headlong into dark and dangerous depths of Boleausun Bayou!


With origins shrouded in secrecy, the Elothean watchtower known as Ashala'taman soars unseen over eastern Ilithi. From this lofty perch, a clandestine war is being waged on the Black Fang defectors who threaten the order of the Ferdahl's demesne!

Join the fight, and plunge into the dark depths of Boleausun Bayou, where adventure, danger, and riches abound! Sharpen your swords and your wits as the battle rages from May 19th until May 29th!

Are you up to the task?

Help the keepers of Ashala'tam collect colorful supplies from the maze-like gardens, then head down into the bayou where a variety of missions await the brave of heart. Collect enemy intel, disarm traps, recover supplies, and more, but don't forget to watch out for the morgawr!

What can you do with the merits you earn?

* You could own your very own [[katana]]! There will be a limited number available.

* [[Jadeleaf moss|Jadeleaf]]
* [[Bogbirch]]
* [[vengeance ruby|Vengeance rubies]]
* [[Blackwater jet]]
* [[Morgawr scale]]s
* [[Morgawr tooth|Morgawr bones]]

* Tenebrous Sense
* Shadows
* Icutu Zaharenela
* Tezirah's Veil
* Beckon the Naga

* Winged boots
* High-capacity waist-worn cambrinth
* Resplendent Rings of Glory
* Unique titles!
* Item hiders!

Get your summons and join the effort to quell the Black Fang coup!

===Third Email===
Did you hear that?

The cries of slain adventurers echo through the swamps as the Morgawr claims another victim!

More heroes are needed!
And so greater rewards must be supplied!

You asked for it and your feedback has been received!
New items!
Optional faster ways to earn merits!
...and did we mention new items?

Now available in the Simucoin Store: MULTIPLIERS! Use this before your run and increase your earnings!
•Earn those merits faster!
•3x, 5x, and even 10x the payout!

Don't like helping with the dye? Well that's ok, we have a NEW TASK!
*Help the scribe attune his scrying crystal, gaining intel on the movements of the [[Black Fang]] so that they can be crushed for good! Simply redeem your pass with the shadowy agent and then ask him about treasure. The new task is located to the northeast in the [[Shadowy Safehouse]]!

What can you do with the merits you earn?

:*[[Imperial weave]]
... and that's just a few of the newly added materials!

*Shroud of Invisibility! Invisibility cloaks are back!
*Stun hiders! Ankle worn!
*New mana and concentration pulsers! Thigh worn and wrist worn!
*A gnarled bogbirch branch! An old favorite, this branch casts Mental Focus!

Get your summons and join the effort to quell the Black Fang coup!

Q: What is the House of the Revenant Fang?<br />
A: It’s a [[SimuCoin]] event which takes place in Shard.

Q: Is the quest empath-friendly?<br />
A: Yep! Participating in combat is not required to complete the quest or earn incidental loot.

Q: Is there a minimal skill/level requirement?<br />
A: No, most enemies flex, but it's still recommended that you have at at least around 100 ranks in the relevant skills to participate in combat. You may also find that scholarship, outdoorsmanship, athletics, perception, and stealth skills can help you complete your tasks more quickly.

Q: How do I get incidental loot?<br />
A: Incidental loot is available in the second quest area, Boleausun Bayou. There, any action that counts as progress towards your assigned task has a chance to spawn incidental loot.

Q: Can I leave the quest area (for banking, healing, or whatnot) and then come back?<br />
A: No, you can abandon a quest run by asking a taskmaster NPC about quitting, but you forfeit any unearned prize credits for that run.

Q: What happens if I die while running the quest?<br />
A: When you depart, you’ll be returned to the starting point for the quest task you were working on.

Q: What is the [[morgawr]]?<br />
A: The morgawr is an enormous blind monster that swims around the eastern section of the bayou searching for prey. If encountered, it’s best to HIDE until it passes or flee towards land. If you stay out in the open too long or try to swim away into adjacent waters, you may just become morgawr food!

On arrival, you can find Grim Tailor [[Kilgamant]] and '''{{com|ask}} Kilgamant about task'''. This will start off a set of tasks that lead you throughout the area.
On arrival, you can find Grim Tailor [[Kilgamant]] and '''{{com|ask}} Kilgamant about task'''. This will start off a set of tasks that lead you throughout the area.
===Dye Task===
This is the initial task that you will get from '''Kilgamant''', and must be completed in order to get transport to the ground from the floating gardens.
When asked about tasks:
: Kilgamant straightens his lapels and clears his throat. "The House of the Black Fang is entrenched down in Boleausun Bayou and quickly expanding its operations. We're doing our best to keep pace, but we're running low on the aetheric dye we use for our missives, so before we send you to the front lines we need you to pitch in here."
: He hands you a string of apothecary jars and a botany guidebook. "Head outside and use these jars to {{com|COLLECT}} color extract from around the rotating gardens. During this process, it may be useful to {{com|ASSESS}} AREA with the guidebook to identify proper sources. The collected extract can then be returned here to the aetheric distillery to create dyes. To complete your task, you need to create ''<three dyes, randomized each turn>''. The dye recipes are engraved on the distillery and printed in the guidebook for reference.
:"Alright, off you go," he concludes. "If you forget what you're meant to do, you can {{com|STUDY}} the jars for a reminder."
To complete this task, {{com|go}} {{tt|arch}} and you will find yourself in the rotating gardens. As the gardens rotate, the possible colors in each room can change. Once you find and collect the colors you need for the dyes on your TASK, return to the room with '''Kilgamant''' by getting to the very center of the gardens (room number 13 on the map) and {{com|go}} {{tt|monolith}}.<br/>
To assemble your 3 dyes, {{com|turn}} the distillery to the color you need and then {{com|push}} {{tt|distillery with jar}}. You can {{com|study}} {{tt|distillery}} for complete directions.<br/>
It should be noted that if you collect more dye colors than are required for your task, you will receive a lower amount of [[Revenant Fang merits]] as a reward. <br/>
On completion, you will be sent back to the starting room (climb stairs then UP from Kilgamant) where you can {{com|ask}} {{tt|Averix about transport}}.<br>
Once on the ground, find Avenger [[Jirikana]] and once again ask about task. You will have a randomized choice of 2 from the following:

===Supplies Task===
When initially asked about tasks:
: Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance intercepting enemy supply drops. To track one down, you'll have search for clues inside the Black Fang encampment, focusing on the building interiors."

===Traps Task===
When initially asked about tasks:
: "We could also use assistance weakening the enemy's perimeter defenses. If you disarm some of the traps scattered around the open bayou, it would help our patrols. Enemy scouts are also believed to arrange dropoffs in the area, so useful supplies may turn up in the search for traps."
When chosen as your task:
: Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due east into the open bayou and {{com|SEARCH}} for traps to disarm. The traps are unlikely to be present in deep water, so focus your search on barrier islands and other patches of land. Once you've disarmed 5, report to the agent at the northern end of the bayou for transport out of the combat zone. Good luck, and watch out for the morgawr."
: [You can check the status of your mission at any time with the {{com|TASK}} verb.]
To complete this task, go thru the curtain and in a general north-east direction until you see the '''open bayou'''. Once in the bayou, you'll be {{com|search}}ing rooms. When you see the message ''You poke and prod, but fail to find anything of interest.'', it means that you are in a room that will potentially produce a trapped box, however you failed to find it and should search again.<br/>
Once you locate a trap box, you'll {{com|disarm}} it to advance your TASK, and you should also {{com|pick}} it in order to receive coins, gems and possible incidental treasures.<br/>
Throughout the area can randomly spawn the [[morgawr]]. It can be seen from distant rooms using {{com|hunt}} and {{com|perceive}} {{tt|health}}. If you do run into a room with this creature, there is a high chance it will grab you with a tentacle. While grasped, you will be webbed, will sustain wounds and fatigue drain, and in some cases may incur a stun. As soon as you are free of webbing and un-stunned, you can {{com|hide}} and wait for the creature to submerge (leave). <br/>
Upon disarming 5 traps, you will no longer locate additional trapped boxes in the area and all {{com|search}} messaging will return to standard results.

===Hunting Task===
'''note: as of 5/21/17, this can not be completed by empaths using manipulate and GS kills.'''<br/>
When initially asked about tasks:
: Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance disrupting enemy scouting. On Darkmist Moor above the bayou, Black Fang watchers are utilizing the shambling undead kobold population as unwitting patrolmen, embedding them with enruned spikes that allow remote tracking and surveillance. If you could recover some of these spikes and destroy them, it would be a great help."
When chosen as your task:
: Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due west and climb up to Darkmist Moor. Defeat the undead kobolds or Black Fang watcher there to recover the enruned crystal spikes. Once you've destroyed 8, report to the agent at the western end of the moor for tranport out of the combat zone. Good luck."
: [You can check the status of your mission at any time with the TASK verb.]

===Surveillance Task===
When initially asked about tasks:
:Jirikana strokes the chin of her acenite mask. "At the moment, we could use assistance collecting intelligence on the new Black Fang recruits. We need agents to sneak into the enemy encampment and OBSERVE the enemy without being noticed. Or, come to think of it, killing a Black Fang enemy is just as good as information. It's your call."
When chosen as your task:
:Jirikana nods. "We're counting on you. Head due north to the Black Fang encampment and find a way inside unnoticed. Once inside, OBSERVE 8 Black Fang recruits from hiding. Or, if you're feeling brash, barging in and killing 8 of them is just as good. Once you're done, report to the agent at the northern end of the bayou for transport out of the combat zone. Good luck."
* note: you can receive incidental loot using the OBSERVE option, you'll see an additional line to the task completion:
: ''In the course of your reconnaissance, you notice an unattended purple weevil and surreptitiously claim it for yourself!''

On completion of your 2 tasks (DYE + one from Jirikana), find '''a shadowy agent''' past the bayou or at the NW part of the kobald hunting, and {{com|ask}} {{tt|agent about transport}}. This will be a one-way transport to the final prize area, and doing this will give you your [[Revenant Fang merits]] for the 2nd task.<br/>
To check how many merits total you have total, use {{com|TICKETS}}.

To access this area, find the [[Meeting portal]] hub in your city. Once there, {{com|redeem}} a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}} and then {{com|ASK}} {{tt|AGENT ABOUT ACCESS}}.
To access this area, find the [[Meeting portal]] hub in your city. Once there, {{com|redeem}} a {{ilink|i|furtive summons}} and then {{com|ASK}} {{tt|AGENT ABOUT ACCESS}}.
* [[:File:Map_ashala_taman.jpg|Map of the Ashala Taman tower]]
* [[:File:Map_ashala_taman.jpg|Map of the Ashala'taman tower]]
:* The tower also has a number of pickable flowers and food, [[Ashala'taman|listed here]].
* [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|Map of the Boleausun Bayou]]
* [[:File:Map_boleausun_bayou.jpg|Map of the Boleausun Bayou]]

* [[Black Fang deadeye]]
* [[Black Fang recruit]]
* [[Black Fang watcher]]
* [[blue-belly crocodile]]
* [[skeletal kobold headhunter]]
* [[skeletal kobold savage]]

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* Grim Tailor [[Kilgamant]] - task giver
* Grim Tailor [[Kilgamant]] - task giver
* Avenger [[Jirikana]] - task giver
* Avenger [[Jirikana]] - task giver
* [[shadowy agent]] - only talk to this NPC when you are ready to leave the area and visit the [[Shadowy Safehouse]].
* [[shadowy agent]] - only talk to this NPC when you are ready to leave the area and visit the [[House of the Revenant Fang 423/Shadowy Safehouse|Shadowy Safehouse]].

==Incidental Loot==
==Creatures & Tasks==
See the [[House of the Revenant Fang]] page for an overview of the tasks and creatures available to hunt during the event.

See [[House of the Revenant Fang 423/Teasers]].
*{{sloot|w|dark steel broadsword with a bogbirch hilt}}
*{{sloot|w|gnarled swamp cypress quarterstaff banded with muracite}}
*{{sloot|w|hardened cypress dueling pike tipped with a gently curving blade}}
*{{sloot|w|heavy iron trench knife with a spiked knuckle guard}}
*{{sloot|w|lacquered bogbirch nightstick streaked with wispy swirls}}
*{{sloot|w|ring-pommeled throwing dagger with a diamond-shaped blade}}

==Incidental Loot==
See [[House of the Revenant Fang 423/Incidental loot]].
*{{sloot|s|black ironwood buckler with a skull-shaped damite boss}}
*{{sloot|a|jadeleaf-padded chainmail balaclava with greenish grey muracite links}}
*{{sloot|a|midnight green morgawr-scale legwraps}}
*{{sloot|a|articulated steel vambraces with a dark matte finish}}
*{{sloot|a|notched bone breastplate with crocodile skull pauldrons}}
*{{sloot|s|stalwart tower shield enameled with a rampant morgawr}}
*{{sloot|a|verdigris chainmail gloves encrusted with swamp sludge}}

*{{sloot|i|blue weevil}}
*{{sloot|i|cambrinth morgawr with vacant blackwater jet eyes}}
*{{sloot|i|creamy white seashell painted with a Cha'Walkas landscape}} - teleporter preset to [[Aesry]]
*{{sloot|i|gaethzen snapping turtle with weathered gilding}}
*{{sloot|i|golden weevil}}
*{{sloot|i|green weevil}}
*{{sloot|i|little violet-labeled jar}} - 5 use powder to reveal hidden targets
*{{sloot|i|little green-labeled jar}} - 5 use powder to reveal hidden targets
*{{sloot|i|porcelain teacup saucer painted with the Great Tower gardens}} - teleporter preset to [[Shard]]
*{{sloot|i|purple weevil}}
*{{sloot|i|terra cotta tile painted with a charging yeehar}} - teleporter preset to [[Muspar'i]]

====Clothing and Jewelry====
*{{sloot|i|charcoal-grey khaddar waistcoat with polished ban-minahle buttons}}
*{{sloot|i|diamondique shesegri circlet twined about pale blue cabochon thealstones}}
*{{sloot|i|elegant lotus-patterned shoulder wrap of soft pink Elothean silk}}
*{{sloot|i|lusterless blackwater jet teardrop earrings}}
*{{sloot|i|midnight black silk tabard emblazoned with a curving white fang}}
*{{sloot|i|muskrat fur toupee}} - hides gweths
*{{sloot|i|pair of crusty old socks}}
*{{sloot|i|pair of rectangular eyeglasses with black crystal lenses}} - feature enhancer
*{{sloot|i|pale jade bracelet crafted to resemble a water snake eating its tail}}
*{{sloot|i|primitive diadem of braided rencate}} - feature enhancer
*{{sloot|i|viscous swamp ooze}} - feature enhancer
*{{sloot|i|wide bogbirch armband tooled with wispy swamp specters}}
*{{sloot|i|faceted vengeance ruby nose stud}}
*{{sloot|i|velvety jadeleaf tunic belted with a plait of silver vines}}
*{{sloot|i|dergatine clerical stole embroidered with a red-eyed butcherbird}}
*{{sloot|i|swamp-stained overalls cuffed at the ankle}}

====Crafting & Crafting Materials====
*{{sloot|i|morgawr tooth}}

*{{sloot|i|ball of scraggly swamp moss bound in tangled rope netting}} - belt worn {{ilink|i|rat}} container
*{{sloot|i|bent brass sewing needle}} - box opener
*{{sloot|i|braided spidersilk rope affixed with a steel grappling hook}}
*{{sloot|i|crocodile skin armband tooled with ivory-buttoned pockets}} - container
*{{sloot|i|mottled jadeleaf hip purse with a cypress toggle closure}} - container
*{{sloot|i|dark velvet gem pouch suspended from a blackwater jet belt toggle}}
*{{sloot|i|dingy canvas satchel embroidered across the flap with a serpentine swamp monster}}
*{{sloot|i|felted wool riverboat with a maplewood waterwheel}} - {{ilink|i|kitten}} home
*{{sloot|i|folded steel bushcraft knife with a blackwater jet handle}} - wrist worn
*{{sloot|i|Ilithian cedar thigh quiver lined with jadeleaf moss}}
*{{sloot|i|morgawr-scale sword belt studded with muracite rivets}}
*{{sloot|i|pewter stein wrought with a coiling morgawr}}
*{{sloot|i|plush green-grey crocodile with a fat mesh belly}} - belt worn {{ilink|i|pig}} container
*{{sloot|i|plush green-black morgawr with ivory fangs}}
*{{sloot|i|potency crystal}}
*{{sloot|i|small leather pouch}}
*{{sloot|i|plush jadeleaf wrist purse fashioned to resemble a swamp toad}}
*{{sloot|i|swamp-green wool scarf patterned with ochre chevrons}} - neck worn container
*{{sloot|i|swamp-stained oak hairbrush with wiry bristles}}
*{{sloot|i|wide bogbirch armband tooled with wispy swamp specters}}
*{{sloot|i|wispy-grained bogbirch scabbard with ornate animite fittings}}
*{{sloot|i|woven swamp grass herb pouch}}
*{{sloot|i|red leather pouch clasped by an onyx scarab beetle}}

*{{sloot|i|violet-streaked vengeance ruby}}

*{{sloot|i|Elothean basil blue lemonade|glass of Elothean basil blue lemonade }}
*{{sloot|i|herb and lemon rice pastry garnished with Elothean basil}}

==End loot==
See [[Shadowy Safehouse]].
See [[House of the Revenant Fang 423/Shadowy Safehouse]] for prizes and prices.

{{cat|Quests, MicroTrans Events}}
{{cat|House of the Revenant Fang, Microtrans events}}

Latest revision as of 00:08, 16 June 2021

< House of the Revenant Fang





On arrival, you can find Grim Tailor Kilgamant and ASK Kilgamant about task. This will start off a set of tasks that lead you throughout the area.


To access this area, find the Meeting portal hub in your city. Once there, REDEEM a furtive summons and then ASK AGENT ABOUT ACCESS.

  • The tower also has a number of pickable flowers and food, listed here.


Creatures & Tasks

See the House of the Revenant Fang page for an overview of the tasks and creatures available to hunt during the event.


See House of the Revenant Fang 423/Teasers.

Incidental Loot

See House of the Revenant Fang 423/Incidental loot.

End loot

See House of the Revenant Fang 423/Shadowy Safehouse for prizes and prices.