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==Starlight Sphere Quest==
Quest Start Location: [[Therenborough]]

Exact Location: from the gate of Theren, n,n,e,e,n,ne,ne,n,ne,go arch,nw,nw,nw,w,s,go alley.
*40th circle
*[[Burn]] or [[Dinazen Olkar]]
*1 [[:Category:Magic#Spell slot progression|spell slot]]

#From the gate of [[Therenborough]] go n,n,e,e,n,ne,ne,n,ne,go arch,nw,nw,nw,w,s,go alley. (genie map location ID: 303; lich go2: 3149)
Here you will find a dais. Upon closer examination...<br>
;>look dais
#{{com|look}} {{tt|dais}}
:''Inset into the dais are several round shapes, clearly intended to represent a series of moons, and made out of stone, wood, copper, and tile.''<br><br>
#:Inset into the dais are several round shapes, clearly intended to represent a series of moons, and made out of stone, wood, copper, and tile.
#Push the tile and copper moons.

##{{com|push}} {{tt|tile moon}}
Now you must push these moons in any order: tile and copper. (The actual command is PUSH TILE MOON, PUSH COPPER MOON.) If you push any other moons before or between these two, you must wait until they reset and then try again. Pushing any other moons after these two has no effect unless the door has closed already.<br><br>
##{{com|push}} {{tt|copper moon}}

#*If you push any other moon before or in-between these two, you must wait until they reset and then try again.
Now go west and through the door, then north, here you will find the prophet.
#*Pushing the other moons after these two has no effect unless the door has closed already.

#Go west and through the door, then north, here you will find the prophet.
;>ask prophet about stellar magic
#{{com|ask}} {{tt|prophet about stellar magic}}
:''A blind prophet turns his head at an awkward angle and whispers to you, "Ask me of this spell I guard, yes? So be it, you shall learn..." In a monotone, the prophet recites, "Of the rarest of books, Stellar Magic, comes the spell beyond that door. Of the sparkling stars above, comes its power, so be not foolish and cast it during the daylight hours. When the Starlight Sphere forms, point it at your foes, and they shall be obliterated by its cold light."
#:A blind prophet turns his head at an awkward angle and whispers to you, "Ask me of this spell I guard, yes? So be it, you shall learn..." In a monotone, the prophet recites, "Of the rarest of books, Stellar Magic, comes the spell beyond that door. Of the sparkling stars above, comes its power, so be not foolish and cast it during the daylight hours. When the Starlight Sphere forms, point it at your foes, and they shall be obliterated by its cold light."

;>ask prophet about door
#{{com|ask}} {{tt|prophet about door}}
:''A blind prophet nods, chuckling. He whispers to you, "Beyond that portal is the task that awaits."
#:A blind prophet nods, chuckling. He whispers to you, "Beyond that portal is the task that awaits."
#{{com|ask}} {{tt|prophet about quest}}

#:The blind prophet taps the iron door behind him, allowing the slightest smile to curl his lips below his blindfold. He then whispers, "A simple task is the one I ask of you. Navigate the maze beyond this door to find the rune therein -- and that rune is your objective." With a chortle, he adds, "The air within smells quite bad, but you will breathe a sigh of relief when you get to the root of the matter. Nod to me," says he, "and I shall allow you to attempt this task we ask, and perhaps you shall even be rewarded upon its completion."
;>ask prophet about quest
#{{com|nod}} {{tt|prophet}}
:''The blind prophet taps the iron door behind him, allowing the slightest smile to curl his lips below his blindfold. He then whispers, "A simple task is the one I ask of you. Navigate the maze beyond this door to find the rune therein -- and that rune is your objective." With a chortle, he adds, "The air within smells quite bad, but you will breathe a sigh of relief when you get to the root of the matter. Nod to me," says he, "and I shall allow you to attempt this task we ask, and perhaps you shall even be rewarded upon its completion."
#:You nod to the blind prophet. "Very well," says the prophet as he opens the iron door. "You may pass... A moment" adds the prophet. "We humbly request that you attempt this simple task the way that the Prophets of G'nar Peth must." Moving with grace, he gestures at you! Sparks tear into your eyes, and you realize you've been blinded! A disorienting series of shoves and pushes immediately follow, and you find yourself alone, lost, and without the benefit of sight...

#Now you must {{com|smell}} each room and try to find your way to the least smelly room, just follow your nose to the better smelling rooms, for me this tended to go northernly but your results may differ.
;>nod prophet
#*You may need to smell a room multiple times before seeing an option that smells better. It is also possible to not have a better option. Move rooms and try a different direction. You may wish to smell a room multiple times and map out your options before moving.
:''You nod to the blind prophet. "Very well," says the prophet as he opens the iron door. "You may pass... A moment" adds the prophet. "We humbly request that you attempt this simple task the way that the Prophets of G'nar Peth must." Moving with grace, he gestures at you! Sparks tear into your eyes, and you realize you've been blinded! A disorienting series of shoves and pushes immediately follow, and you find yourself alone, lost, and without the benefit of sight...
#*You will finally reach a room which when smelled you will get, "You sniff the air around you. It seems oddly clear of bad smells."

Now you must SMELL each room and try to find your way to the least smelly room, just follow your nose to the better smelling rooms, for me this tended to go northernly but your results may differ. You will finally reach a room which when smelled you will get, '''''"You sniff the air around you. It seems oddly clear of bad smells."''''' At this point LISTEN and you will hear '''''"You pause a moment to listen, and hear the whistling of a slight breeze, as if it were blowing through the eye of a needle."'''''
#:You pause a moment to listen, and hear the whistling of a slight breeze, as if it were blowing through the eye of a needle.

;>rub needle
#{{com|rub}} {{tt|needle}}
:''You reach out and rub a glossy moonstone needle and realize that it must be the rune! Now you know where it is.
#:You reach out and rub a glossy moonstone needle and realize that it must be the rune!
#{{com|focus}} {{tt|needle 100}}

#:You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
;>foc needle 100
#:Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
:''You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
#:You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
:''Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
:''You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
#:You strain, but the needle resists your efforts to channel that much energy into it.
:''You strain, but the needle resists your efforts to channel that much energy into it.
#:You sense the power in the needle increase due to your adjustment.
#:Roundtime: 15 seconds.
:''You sense the power in the needle increase due to your adjustment.
#Continue to charge the needle with {{com|focus}} {{tt|needle 100}}
:''Roundtime: 15 seconds.
#*For me it did not need to be completely full. Once you have done this a few times try to {{com|focus}} {{tt|needle}} and if it's ready you will learn the spell, otherwise try charging a few more times.

#*This does not use up your harness at all.
Repeat this a few times. For me it did not need to be completely full but once you have done this a few times you can just FOCUS NEEDLE and if it's ready you will learn the spell. This also does not use up your harness at all.
#{{com|focus}} {{tt|needle}}

#:You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
;>focus needle
#:Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
:''You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
#:You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
:''Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
:''You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
#:The lines of power in the needle flash with enormous bursts of magical energy.
:''The lines of power in the needle flash with enormous bursts of magical energy.
#:The pattern is clear and precise, burning in your mind's eye with the brilliance of a sun!
#:Notions of magical formulae and visions of swirling constellations fill the blackness of your blinded state as you realize that you have memorized the Starlight Sphere spell!
:''The pattern is clear and precise, burning in your mind's eye with the brilliance of a sun!
#:Roundtime: 15 seconds.
:''Notions of magical formulae and visions of swirling constellations fill the blackness of your blinded state as you realize that you have memorized the Starlight Sphere spell!
:''Roundtime: 15 seconds.
#:Footsteps approach behind at a brisk pace, and you suddenly find hands grasping you! Someone lets out a soft yet sinister chuckle, and you realize you're being led blindly through the dark...

:''Footsteps approach behind at a brisk pace, and you suddenly find hands grasping you! Someone lets out a soft yet sinister chuckle, and you realize you're being led blindly through the dark...
#:You suddenly see your new location flashing as a vision in your mind...

:''You suddenly see your new location flashing as a vision in your mind...
#:A voice whispers, "Ah, you have proven yourself worthy of such a prize. Now go forth with your new knowledge..."

#Go south of and {{com|pull}} {{tt|lever}} to open the door to the outside. Congratulations!
:''A voice whispers, "Ah, you have proven yourself worthy of such a prize. Now go forth with your new knowledge..."

Go south of there and pull the lever to open the door to the outside. Congratulations!

Latest revision as of 15:00, 25 April 2021

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This article reveals in-game secrets, spoilers, walkthroughs, or other information not intended for general knowledge in-game.



  1. From the gate of Therenborough go n,n,e,e,n,ne,ne,n,ne,go arch,nw,nw,nw,w,s,go alley. (genie map location ID: 303; lich go2: 3149)
    Inset into the dais are several round shapes, clearly intended to represent a series of moons, and made out of stone, wood, copper, and tile.
  3. Push the tile and copper moons.
    • If you push any other moon before or in-between these two, you must wait until they reset and then try again.
    • Pushing the other moons after these two has no effect unless the door has closed already.
  4. Go west and through the door, then north, here you will find the prophet.
    A blind prophet turns his head at an awkward angle and whispers to you, "Ask me of this spell I guard, yes? So be it, you shall learn..." In a monotone, the prophet recites, "Of the rarest of books, Stellar Magic, comes the spell beyond that door. Of the sparkling stars above, comes its power, so be not foolish and cast it during the daylight hours. When the Starlight Sphere forms, point it at your foes, and they shall be obliterated by its cold light."
    A blind prophet nods, chuckling. He whispers to you, "Beyond that portal is the task that awaits."
    The blind prophet taps the iron door behind him, allowing the slightest smile to curl his lips below his blindfold. He then whispers, "A simple task is the one I ask of you. Navigate the maze beyond this door to find the rune therein -- and that rune is your objective." With a chortle, he adds, "The air within smells quite bad, but you will breathe a sigh of relief when you get to the root of the matter. Nod to me," says he, "and I shall allow you to attempt this task we ask, and perhaps you shall even be rewarded upon its completion."
    You nod to the blind prophet. "Very well," says the prophet as he opens the iron door. "You may pass... A moment" adds the prophet. "We humbly request that you attempt this simple task the way that the Prophets of G'nar Peth must." Moving with grace, he gestures at you! Sparks tear into your eyes, and you realize you've been blinded! A disorienting series of shoves and pushes immediately follow, and you find yourself alone, lost, and without the benefit of sight...
  9. Now you must SMELL each room and try to find your way to the least smelly room, just follow your nose to the better smelling rooms, for me this tended to go northernly but your results may differ.
    • You may need to smell a room multiple times before seeing an option that smells better. It is also possible to not have a better option. Move rooms and try a different direction. You may wish to smell a room multiple times and map out your options before moving.
    • You will finally reach a room which when smelled you will get, "You sniff the air around you. It seems oddly clear of bad smells."
  10. LISTEN
    You pause a moment to listen, and hear the whistling of a slight breeze, as if it were blowing through the eye of a needle.
    You reach out and rub a glossy moonstone needle and realize that it must be the rune!
  12. FOCUS NEEDLE 100
    You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
    Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
    You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
    You strain, but the needle resists your efforts to channel that much energy into it.
    You sense the power in the needle increase due to your adjustment.
    Roundtime: 15 seconds.
  13. Continue to charge the needle with FOCUS NEEDLE 100
    • For me it did not need to be completely full. Once you have done this a few times try to FOCUS NEEDLE and if it's ready you will learn the spell, otherwise try charging a few more times.
    • This does not use up your harness at all.
    You focus your magical senses on a glossy moonstone needle.
    Exotic lines of Stellar Magic flow through the needle, unlike any other rune you've ever examined.
    You sense that the needle contains the Starlight Sphere spell.
    The lines of power in the needle flash with enormous bursts of magical energy.
    The pattern is clear and precise, burning in your mind's eye with the brilliance of a sun!
    Notions of magical formulae and visions of swirling constellations fill the blackness of your blinded state as you realize that you have memorized the Starlight Sphere spell!
    Roundtime: 15 seconds.

    Footsteps approach behind at a brisk pace, and you suddenly find hands grasping you! Someone lets out a soft yet sinister chuckle, and you realize you're being led blindly through the dark...

    You suddenly see your new location flashing as a vision in your mind...

    A voice whispers, "Ah, you have proven yourself worthy of such a prize. Now go forth with your new knowledge..."
  15. Go south of and PULL LEVER to open the door to the outside. Congratulations!