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This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2019.
This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2019.

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You see a schooner smoothly slicing through the waters, carried by steady winds. A small crew work the rigging, playfully ribbing one another in a barely comprehensible patois of insults. Suddenly, the boat slams into a vast chunk of nearly transparent crystal floating just beneath the water's surface, shattering a jagged line of broken glass and splintered timber as sailors and rigging are flung forward. Slowly recovering, a few cautiously step outward, walking onto the ankle-deep waters in wonder. Squinting at vaguely frozen forms beneath, one of the sailors points, and calls out, "*Player Name*, come quick!"

You find yourself holding a short axe, and with mighty swing, bring it down onto the strange crystal surface, and the vision fades.

You see yourself fiddling with a large contraption, turning knobs, twisting dials, and pulling levers as you make fine adjustments to a series of nested crystalline rings and prongs, sweeping the alignment of complex machinery towards the skies. Placing one hand on a raised column, you hear the stars burning and planets soaring in their orbits. As you focus the apparatus on a distant reach of empty space, you begin to hear a whispering beneath the crackle and hiss of the cosmos, a voice that defies your efforts to locate and identify.

With a series of deft adjustments, the background noise falls away, and you hear...


With a start, you see yourself slap at the controls of the machine, and the voice cuts short. The vision fades.

You see a woman sitting before you with a wide brimmed hat covering most of her face. You can make out a half smirk, and with a long and slow inhale, she draws from a cigarillo, the cherry tip glowing brightly. She begins to cough in long rasping dry heaves, and then for an eternity, exhales a haze of smoke, filling the area until you can see nothing but the outline of her form and the now dull glow of the cigarillo.

"*Player Name*," she says, "Pour your stories at my feet. Sacrifice your memories, core yourself hollow. Then and only then, will you be remade."

She begins to laugh, and the vision fades.

An endless stairway stretches before you, composed of cold radiant starlight that slightly shimmers. Stretching up to the sky and vanishing into a single point in the far distance, shifting cosmos and stellar phenomena can be seen between the gaps between the steps. You begin to climb, your eyes transfixed upon the pulsating nebulae and spinning galaxies spanning in front of you, punctuated by the diamond-hard starlight stairs. With each step you take, eons pass, as stars burn their last and erupt into sparkling nova, or ignite in the swirling gases of stellar clouds. Strange structures spin twin spears of radiance in opposite directions, and yawning voids bend light and tear space.

Suddenly, grasping shadows snap from between the steps, and wrap around your ankles, rooting you in place. You stagger, catching yourself as the shadows tighten and begin to pull you through the gap, and the vision fades.

You see a large metal sphere, and your nostrils are filled with the scent of solvent and oiled iron. A series of pipes merge with the sides of the sphere, which features a small, open doorway. Inside the sphere, a woman with your exact likeness sits, calmly staring at you. The doorway silently closes, and locks with a series of *clicks*. Brilliant runes spiraled around the sphere burst with incandescence and the pipes begin to hiss and vibrate, dripping with condensation and frost. As the sequence of illuminated runes intensifies, the sphere becomes too bright to look upon, and with a final surge of energy, goes dark.

The doorway unlocks with a soft *clunk*, and swings open, revealing an empty chamber. The vision fades.

A windswept mountain steppe unfolds around you, the air chill and bone dry. Half a dozen soldiers brandishing long spears stand in a semi-circle before a thin Elothean woman. A muscular alfar warrior stands at her side, casually holding a long black blade and spiked shield. One of the soldiers demands passage, but the woman does not react. Taking a single step forward and extending the spear until it is mere feet from the woman's face, the soldier repeats the demand. The woman takes a long, slow intake of breath, and explodes into action, stepping past the weapon's point and grabbing it with a twist, snapping the spearhead from the shaft. The soldier is pulled off balance and loses control of the spear. The woman suddenly appears at his side, and grasping his forearm and turning slightly, sends him sprawling. The alfar warrior smirks, the remaining soldiers begin to shout, and the woman takes a long, slow breath. The vision fades.

Everything takes on a murky darkness, as if viewed from underwater, and you see the broken remains of half a spider encrusted with deep sea flora and fauna. A school of sharks have torn at the exposed flesh and made way for smaller creatures, as great tube worms sprout from gaps between the spider's carapace and scuttling crabs pick at the ragged edges of the burst abdomen. In the distance, pinpoints of light begin to wind their way towards you, but you cannot make them out clearly. The vision fades.

The top of a wooden tower rises above the mists, choked in frost. Two men stand on either end of the platform, the one tall and proud, the other disheveled and battered, eyes red and his face covered in blood. The tall man holds out a small vial, and in broken Common, says "Take remedy, help wounds."<br>
The other man struggles to his feet, and after a few deep breaths, shakes his head, bows deeply, and in a single fluid motion, sinks into a fighter's stance as he draws forth a crackling sword composed of pure lightning. The tall man smiles, drops the vial, and asks "Ready?"<br>
With a sweeping kick, the battered man launches a razor-edged disk of spinning ice as he rushes forward, lightning blade swinging in an opposing arc. The tall man bats aside the disk with a shadow-wreathed backhand, and snaps a length of broken space against the lightning blade. Dancing in a flow of strikes, chaotic energies drip and spark as the two clash. The vision fades.

You see a woman walk down a wide beach and push a small rowboat out into the surf. Rowing out a short way, she secures the oars, and with a short net, expertly scoops a small bottle from the water. Uncorking the bottle, the woman gently taps out a tightly rolled parchment, and carefully breaking the seal, begins to read. After a long moment, the woman smiles, and looks up to the sky. Turning the boat, she begins to row back to shore, and the vision fades.

You see a well-lit tavern, the sound of a spritely reel flowing from the open doors as a young man wrestles with his lute. The crowd cheers and sings along, and the musician's hands fly across the neck of the instrument, his pick a blur as the sinuous melody demands the room's attention. As the song flows, the people begin to blur around the edges, their laughter melding into the background and the progression, swirled like watercolor around the focal point of the musician. A scowling woman appears at the door, dressed in an inky black cloak, and as she gazes at the musician, the sound of his music begins to quiet. He looks up in confusion, and the vision fades.

You find yourself flying along a vast steppe, winding valleys and broken forests splayed beneath as you exuberantly coast on rising thermals and building storms. A river winds between broken rocks, and a herd of horses spooks at nothing and begins to race to the west, the poetry of their stride and evident joy of their movement breathtaking to behold. They race along the grassland and suddenly smash into an unseen barrier, those leading the herd squealing with broken legs while those following are able to stagger to a fearful stop. A strange shimmer marks a long oval on the steppe, and -- as if between gaps in a mirage -- you catch a glimpse of a farmstead, a single hunched figure tilling the soil of a small rectangular plot. The figure pauses and looks up directly at you. Your prophetic senses chaotically howl with a deafening wrongness, and the vision fades.

You see a broad open field covered in pure white wildflowers, a wide and squat ring of a strangely dark stone before you. The stone is covered in glyphs and runes that pulsate with a circular periodicity around the structure. As you approach, six robed figures rise from the flowers and gaze upward. A storm gathers above, the clouds spiraling and reaching downward. Suddenly a radial burst of lightning explodes above, and a long column of purest black falls from the sky, streaked with light as it screams to the ground. With an earth-shuddering strike, the sky-column slams into the ring of stone, and the glyphs and runes flare with brilliance, sending flashing lights upward. The ring rotates with the sound of grinding stone, and the six figures melt back into the flowers. The ring and column reverberate with a distinct *click*, and the vision fades.

You see a softly lit tavern beneath a brilliant triple moonlit summer evening, the warm scent of baking bread and roasting meat wafting from the open windows. A couple stumbles from the open doorway, leaning into each other for support as they feed each other and share a flagon of wine, laughing in their youthful clumsiness and evident inebriation. Once clear of the taverns light, they lean against an adjacent building, and, meal and drink discarded, passionately embrace, kissing as the stars burn above. Suddenly, the young man leans over and vomits into the street, then begins to chuckle as the young woman rubs his back and holds his hair away from the splatter. Eventually she pulls him to his feet and the pair continues on, he half-asleep, she smirking and cooing reassurances that home is close. The stench of vomit passes, and the vision fades.

You find yourself walking through a gallery, the walls hung with beautiful oil paintings of scenes you find strangely familiar yet altogether quite alien. Some of the paintings include a forest road where six-legged beasts of burden pull carts laden with perfect cubes, a broad cliff with a single bow resting on a precipice, a distant city with a central tower stretching high above the clouds, an eagle soaring between a vine choked canyon, and a pristine mountain pass marked by a colorful prayer wheel. As you slowly progress through the echoing silence, you enter a room with bare walls, save for a single jade mask hung across from the entrance. As you approach, the mask tilts a fraction of an inch and falls, and with a deafening crash shatters to pieces. You stare at the wreckage of the mask for a long moment, and the vision slowly fades.

With a hammering blow, you feel the air torn from your chest and find yourself cast high into the sky, the curve of Elanthia falling away as you flail madly to orient yourself. Thin, icy winds tear at your skin. You are unable to draw breath, and after an agonizing moment, the winds cease, numbing cold crushingly pulls at your empty lungs, and everything is silent. You scan the landscape beneath you, the moons slowly drifting by above, and you see a massive rock soaring in your direction. It continues to grow in size as it approaches, geysers of debris and escaping gas hurled outward and slowly raining back to its surface, caught in its gravity. As it silently roars past, you notice movement on the surface, shifting plates and features orienting towards the land beneath you. The lack of air takes its toll, and everything fades to black as the vision fades.

You see two children, a boy and a girl, standing before one another in a small arena. Dressed in simple linen robes, they each hold wooden practice swords and hold graceful poses as they size one another up a long moment before leaping to the fight. The staccato crack of wood on wood rapidly echoes, and then they freeze, the boy having taken the advantage and stayed his weapon inches from the girl's forehead. They grin at one another and reset the match. The sharp *crack!* *crack!* *crack!* of their rapid assault and riposte again fills the air, and this time, the advantage goes to the girl, the two freezing with the point of her weapon inches from the boy's belly. They grin at one another and reset the match, and the vision fades.

A brilliant cube of coruscating light hovers before you, internally illuminated by pulsating lines, and with the sound of shattering glass, begins to unfurl. First a series of nested triangles rotating around an axis that you only just now noticed and immediately lose track of, shifting to an asymmetrical octagon whose edges shorten and elongate. The form continues to grow and evolve, blooming into a fractal that somehow conveys disdain and disgust of your mere existence. The construction appears to slow, becoming inert, and suddenly shatters into fine dust.

A massive figure appears before you, frozen perfectly still between jagged crystal spears that pin it from every angle. Three pairs of muscular arms reach upward, motionlessly straining against invisible bindings, and an iron circlet affixed to the crown of the creature's head glows with a harsh white shimmer. You find yourself reaching forward, your hand irrevocably drawn to the circlet, and stepping between the jagged crystal spears, you barely graze the strangely cool metal.

Several things happen at once.

The circlet dims. The crystal spears collapse in a spray of evaporating liquid. The creature grabs you with all six arms, covering your mouth, and unhinges its wide maw in a deafening roar of miasmatic brilliant light that leaves you reeling, blind and deaf. "Soon, they will return soon!" the creature's thoughts echo in your mind, and it drops you, and you fall, fall, and the vision fades.

Pressing your back against a massive chunk of marble, you smell the fetid remains of a hissing amalgamation. The scent of burnt foliage and rotting vegetation assaults your nostrils while glittering rime wafts from the mass of rapidly decaying bramble. A massive tawny lion stands over the remains, panting heavily. Looking to the forest, the lion's eyes narrow, and it cocks an ear, listening for something in the distance. Collapsing into nothingness, the amalgamation vanishes. The lion bows its head, nudging the remains of a thick chain on the ground, which flares with golden light and wraps itself loosely around its neck. Shaking its powerful head, the color bleaches from its coat until it is an almost golden, brilliant white, and the lion roars to the skies in challenge. The forest echoes in response with otherworldly yowling and skittering. Claws extended, the lion snarls at the ready. The vision fades.

A windswept mountain steppe unfolds around you, the air chill and bone dry. A thin Elothean woman wearing a simple sapphire blue linen robe and thick canvas sandals stands proudly, holding herself in a statue-still martial pose, one hand a clenched fist, the other a rigid open palm, her feet spread wide. Sitting cross-legged at her side, a muscular alfar warrior slowly sweeps a whetstone across a long black blade, the harsh ringing of stone on metal punctuating the air at unwaveringly methodic intervals. The woman narrows her eyes, focusing on something in the distance, and without looking up, the Fae remarks, "An hour or less. They're making steady progress."

The woman does not seem to react, and the vision fades.

You find yourself beneath a blazing sun, endless golden dunes stretching as far as you can see. A Human scampers up the sands and approaches you, casting aside his white robes and standing nearly nude in the sun, pale skin glistening with sweat. He takes a long pull from a water skin, and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, begins to weave a tale of his exile and the home he lost. As the sun arcs in the sky, his skin begins to darken, and as the story of his travels continues, flowing designs begin to blossom across his flesh, writhing organic swirls and geometric patterns, analemma of the sun, moons and major constellations. The sun begins to set, the desert bathed with blood red light, and the man appears as little more than an inky silhouette, his flesh beginning to fluoresce. As the sun drops below the horizon, he radiates in the final vestiges of daylight, celestial diagrams glowing in shifting perspective. His tale ends, and the vision fades.

Everything fades to black, and you find yourself in a nearly featureless gloom. As your eyes adjust, you are barely able to make out a veritable forest of towering, perfectly square spires, stretching upward into the darkness, set in an exacting grid that expands outward in every direction, the interspaced geometric corridors converging at the horizon's edge. Wrapped in shadow, a figure approaches, dragging a makeshift handcart loaded with stone cubes. The figure pauses as it draws near and sets down the handcart, holding up one hand in caution.

"Are you lost?" the figure calls, but before you can respond the voice continues, "Just press on. You'll find it."

Suddenly, the figure, the cart, and the spires shatter, and the vision fades.

To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. Ravaged carapace and torn wings ooze crimson blood, and clinging to you tightly, it clasps its forelegs together as if in reverent prayer. A bizarre caterpillar with purple bristles and grasping prolegs slowly ambles down your shoulder and approaches the wasp, tilting its bulbous head almost curiously. As the wasp notices the caterpillar, it skitters forward a hungry half step, stinger protruding, but catches itself and begins to back away from the caterpillar. The caterpillar slowly follows, driving the wasp to your hand, when suddenly the wasp begins to scream in the voice of a frustrated woman, and the caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon of spun glass. You blink, and the wasp and caterpillar vanish.

Your vision dilates and contracts, and you see a crowded marketplace. Something takes root in your mind, and a strange pressure builds before the odd sensation of a dull *pop* twists the scene before you. Time slows: the tinkling coins dropped into a beggar's collection plate slowly turning in midair, a raucous laugh frozen in a gaping mouthed bellow. Their faces begin to peel away, nothing more than anatomical diagrams exposing their every whim and inner thought, the secrets that move them, the parasites that drive their true natures. You see them, leeches composed of shadow and wrong angles clinging to their dreams, drinking deeply as they pump the unsuspecting full of venom, preventing wakeful thoughts from forming. The light shifts, and you look up and see a web of crystalline tendrils blooming across the sky, and the vision suddenly fades.

Coursing shadows spread over your vision, and you find yourself standing before... yourself. A perfectly mirrored version of you squints into your face. Your vision flickers, and you feel a strange tickling in the back of your mind as your peripheral vision begins to recede. The facsimile opens her mouth, as if to ask a question. You find yourself asking, "Who are you?", the sound of your voice duplicated, spoken simultaneously. You think a moment, and begin to ask, "Are you real?", but she seems to speak first. After a moment, your memory fails and there are only you and this other woman, this other that is you. With a sudden realization, you begin to chuckle, and the question comes unbidden from the two of you between body-shaking laughter, "Am I real?"

You both continue to laugh. Suddenly, the reflection stops and inhales slightly, standing tall as she stares at you coldly, and you feel your laughter die in your throat. The vision fades.

Leaning around a massive chunk of marble for a better view, you watch as a hissing mass of bramble, ice, and smoke tears an unconscious albino lion in half, throwing each end in opposite directions and thrashing the ground in victory. The lion's severed head lands at your feet, the scarred and blooded face finally serene, and the chain binding it to the marble slab flares with golden light and detaches, falling to the ground. Without further pause, the writhing primordial amalgamation swells outward and speeds towards you and the chunk of marble. Suddenly, from beyond the clearing's edge, a tawny lion with black streaks in its mane runs forward, knocking the amalgamation aside. They square off for a long moment, and the tawny lion bends down to sniff the corpse of the albino lion. At the clearing's edge, you see the cryptic outlines of three more lions, watching, and the vision fades.

You see a parent sitting with their child, speaking before a warmly glowing hearth fire, the rest of the room obscured in shadow. The child is looking up at the parent, who speaks softly, gently, their voice blending with the crackling flames and howling of the storm against window shutters. "Your questions are profound, but only accidentally so. You inquire only to establish your boundaries. You will always be safe here," the parent says, squeezing the child in a hug.

The storm continues, and the walls groan with the effort of remaining upright. The parent begins to hum a comforting tune, and the child seems oblivious to the maelstrom outside. As the storm intensifies, so too does the parent's song, winding along octaves, strangely resonant and haunting. The hearth glows brighter, and suddenly, the parent stops, looks up at you and says sharply, "You do not have permission."

The door flies open, an icy wind howls around you, and the vision fades.

A sprawling woodland scene opens around you, the scent of pine and peat wafting along sunbeams broken by the swaying canopy. A thin young man sits cross-legged before a tall woman dressed in fine silks and crowned in gold and silver, and she gazes at him, her face stern and impassive. He begins to strum a lute, weaving a tune that is both playful and melancholy, and the woman leans forward slightly.

Time passes. The trees wither and bloom, snow falls and melts, summer winds stir the trees, and wild creatures come and go. The young man plays his lute, and the woman watches. His fingers begin to bleed, and a string snaps with a jarring *twang*, but still he plays, still the melody flows. Almost imperceptibly, the woman smiles. Time passes, and the vision fades.

You look to the skies and close your eyes, feeling the starlight and movements of the planets play comforting radiant cold and jagged edged pinpricks across your face. Streaming energies blend into an array of colors, coruscating wildly against the iron will of your perception. The gaps between motes call, demanding you notice and take heed, and as you focus your attentions, lines of whirling energy part, revealing...

An endless yawning void. Perched on crystalline shoals of warped reality and broken logic, a spinning lighthouse flashing terror and rage, an endless warning. You feel drawn forward, as entities without form become aware of your gaze, and begin to reach. The constellations sing, suddenly the gap seals, and the vision fades.

With an explosion of crystalline ice and rearranging facets, a rippling wall of flowing glass appears before you, a mad kaleidoscopic reflection of your surroundings. Your mirror image sputters, a chaotically unsynchronized reflection of your curious gaze and every movement. Tilting its head, the reflection squints at you in skeptical curiosity, and reaches forward, touching the surface of the glass. Suddenly, it recoils as if struck, and is wrenched backwards into the depths of the glass. In abject terror, your reflection desperately reaches, silently screaming, as it fades into the distance, begging for your help. You find yourself stepping forward, touching the flowing glass, which suddenly shatters into billowing smoke, leaving nothing behind.

You hide beneath your face, the familiarity of your eyes, and hear the cruel howl demanding your submission. It twists, no longer yours, and you retreat, fists clenched, ready for an opportunity to strike back. The mask quakes, crumbling porcelain flaking until locked in an unmistakably cruel sneer, and you swing wildly, your fist landing and rebounding, knuckles bloodied and wrist fractured. Nostrils flaring, the mouth opens wide and begins to inhale, a starry expanse of vacuum pulling you forward, and suddenly, the vision fades.

You find yourself sitting in an endless field of lush grass, brisk gusts of strong wind rippling across the landscape, as brilliant but unknown constellations dance across a moonless sky. Perched around you is a veritable host of small, inky black faces, smirking in contempt and anticipation, each about the size of a fist, skittering and jostling in a crowd of ire. Suddenly, they evaporate into black smoke, spooling into a churning cloud that tears the air and surges towards you!

You begin to run, the grass blurring beneath your strides, the stars laughing above, and the ever pursuing darkness reaching for you, herding and blocking your escape.

You run, your feet scrabbling for purchase, lungs burning, your stride endless and undeterred.

You run, feeling them rippling ever closer, never far, and your legs begin to ache with the effort.

You run, and billowing manacles of endless night grasp your wrist and begin to pull.

The vision fades.

To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm, and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. It clicks its mandibles together, and tears its wings from its thorax in a spray of crimson blood, weeping in pain. It again looks up at you, antennae tapping your arm, asking a question you cannot understand. The wasp begins scraping its carapace, tearing and rending, exposing strips of gored flesh and muscle that scab over. Holding its abdomen high, a horrifically long stinger extends with the cold rasp of steel sliding along steel. The wasp pivots, and appears to wrestle with the stinger, trying to snap it in half, to no avail. You blink, and the wasp vanishes.

You see a twisted, grotesque, vaguely feminine form with five gleaming yellow eyes and three arms crouched on all five limbs shuddering in agony. Folded across her back, a pair of broken reptilian wings ooze with suppurating boils flaking with sickly looking dull scales. She unhinges her jaw and vomits a mass of steaming blue ichor before rolling onto her side gasping. A series of wet clicks emanate from the churning mass that withdraws into a tight sphere floating above the prone figure. It extends an amorphous tentacle to caress her twisted face a moment. The prone figure begins shaking her head, coughing as ichor dribbles from the side of her maw.

"More than we anticipated," she gasps. "We did not know."

The sphere begins to vibrate, the woman begins to scream, and the vision fades.

You see an endless expanse of desert, Yavash showing its full face as it paints the landscape a crimson red, perched high in a perfectly clear night sky. A massive procession of people, wrapped in rags, holding children and pulling sparse carts, progresses slowly across the featureless landscape. Xibar begins to rise, strange purple shadows flickering between the dunes and rendering stretched outlines of the travelers. You begin to hear singing, and as the words drift across the sands, the smell of roasting dates and honey is carried on the breeze. The vision fades.

To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm, and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. A horrifically long stinger extends from its abdomen, but the wasp seemingly keeps the dangerous appendage clear of your flesh. Retracting the stinger, the wasp begins to fastidiously clean its body, scraping grime and grit from its carapace with meticulous industry. Periodically glancing up at you, the wasp's ablutions become almost frantic, desperate, and as you watch, it peels off swaths of carapace to reveal bloody flesh beneath. You blink, and the wasp vanishes.
To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm, and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. A horrifically long stinger extends from its abdomen, but the wasp seemingly keeps the dangerous appendage clear of your flesh. Retracting the stinger, the wasp begins to fastidiously clean its body, scraping grime and grit from its carapace with meticulous industry. Periodically glancing up at you, the wasp's ablutions become almost frantic, desperate, and as you watch, it peels off swaths of carapace to reveal bloody flesh beneath. You blink, and the wasp vanishes.
|sub=The Redeemed|rep=True}}

You find yourself in a long hallway, inky darkness against billowing gloom. At the end of the hallway you can barely make out a vault door banded with complicated interlocking mechanisms. A brilliant light shines through a large keyhole, illuminating the hallway and casting around as if searching. Worming its way through the vault's keyhole, the luminescence begins to push at the mechanisms, though does not appear to be making any progress. Suddenly, the door shifts menacingly, the mechanism rearranging itself into a new configuration, and the light is cut off, plunging the hallway into darkness once again. The vision fades.
You find yourself in a long hallway, inky darkness against billowing gloom. At the end of the hallway you can barely make out a vault door banded with complicated interlocking mechanisms. A brilliant light shines through a large keyhole, illuminating the hallway and casting around as if searching. Worming its way through the vault's keyhole, the luminescence begins to push at the mechanisms, though does not appear to be making any progress. Suddenly, the door shifts menacingly, the mechanism rearranging itself into a new configuration, and the light is cut off, plunging the hallway into darkness once again. The vision fades.
|sub=Philosophers of the Knife|rep=True}}

You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A man stands against one wall, eyes narrowed as he peers through a haze of sawdust at a large pottery wheel spinning with great speed. Chunks of wet clay lay splattered in a perfect line around the workshop, cast radially by the spinning wheel. Snapped from its mooring shaft, the wheel precesses in a gyroscopic circle, grinding an increasingly deep groove into the workshop floor. The man slowly approaches, skepticism writ plainly across his face. He begins to murmur words and trace symbols in the air, and after a moment of study, breaks into an enormous grin. The wood floor begins to smoke, and the vision fades.
You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A man stands against one wall, eyes narrowed as he peers through a haze of sawdust at a large pottery wheel spinning with great speed. Chunks of wet clay lay splattered in a perfect line around the workshop, cast radially by the spinning wheel. Snapped from its mooring shaft, the wheel precesses in a gyroscopic circle, grinding an increasingly deep groove into the workshop floor. The man slowly approaches, skepticism writ plainly across his face. He begins to murmur words and trace symbols in the air, and after a moment of study, breaks into an enormous grin. The wood floor begins to smoke, and the vision fades.
|sub=The Perverse|rep=True}}

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The vision fades.
The vision fades.

Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in churning, tumultuous water that rises to his waist. He appears to be meditating, breathing calmly and intently, his hands folded in his lap. Suddenly, a line of black light etches a perfect circle around him, the nearby waters calming and draining to reveal a dry surface of twisted bone and jagged steel. He cracks his knuckles, his chest rises as he sucks a deep breath through clenched teeth, and suddenly, he falls through the thickly rippling ground, and disappears without a trace. The circle collapses, the waters spill inward, smooth as glass, and the vision fades.
Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in churning, tumultuous water that rises to his waist. He appears to be meditating, breathing calmly and intently, his hands folded in his lap. Suddenly, a line of black light etches a perfect circle around him, the nearby waters calming and draining to reveal a dry surface of twisted bone and jagged steel. He cracks his knuckles, his chest rises as he sucks a deep breath through clenched teeth, and suddenly, he falls through the thickly rippling ground, and disappears without a trace. The circle collapses, the waters spill inward, smooth as glass, and the vision fades.
|sub=Old Man|rep=True}}

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You find yourself standing on a tall cliff, churning clouds far below you, and endless sky above. A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes stands to your side, holding an enormous bow made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils. "We may only get one shot at this", he says, and notches two massive arrows composed of spiraling metal. Drawing the bow with ease, he looses the two arrows into the empty sky. They vanish into the distance, and after a moment, the world shakes with an enraged scream. The man nods grimly, reaches into his quiver, and the vision fades.
You find yourself standing on a tall cliff, churning clouds far below you, and endless sky above. A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes stands to your side, holding an enormous bow made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils. "We may only get one shot at this", he says, and notches two massive arrows composed of spiraling metal. Drawing the bow with ease, he looses the two arrows into the empty sky. They vanish into the distance, and after a moment, the world shakes with an enraged scream. The man nods grimly, reaches into his quiver, and the vision fades.

You find yourself staring at a horrific statue, a vaguely female form with five gleaming yellow eyes, slitted nostrils, and wide open maw bearing three rows of needle-like teeth. Shoulders bent, the body is wrapped in black scales, and a third arm protrudes grotesquely from the left shoulder, terminating into long and vicious looking four fingered talons. You are not sure what to make of this abomination, when to your surprise, the eyes blink in sequence, and she says "Bow to them, that you to may know their splendor." Extending her hands toward you, she makes contact with your forehead, your heart, and your stomach, and everything goes dark.
You find yourself staring at a horrific statue, a vaguely female form with five gleaming yellow eyes, slitted nostrils, and wide open maw bearing three rows of needle-like teeth. Shoulders bent, the body is wrapped in black scales, and a third arm protrudes grotesquely from the left shoulder, terminating into long and vicious looking four fingered talons. You are not sure what to make of this abomination, when to your surprise, the eyes blink in sequence, and she says "Bow to them, that you to may know their splendor." Extending her hands toward you, she makes contact with your forehead, your heart, and your stomach, and everything goes dark.

{{Visions|date=03/06/2019|vision=Against a backdrop of darkness you see the Old Man, an elderly Human dressed in the clothes of a peasant. He looks directly at you and says, "The greatest enemy of man is fear of change. From demon to Moon Mage, and what little exists inbetween, we fear the turmult of a real change to the status quo. Like so." He then plunges an iron knife, which had not been in his hand until that moment, into the ground. There is chaos, a flurry of visual artifacts and psychic noise. In a moment the world is both broken and healed; the surgeon's cut.
{{Visions|date=03/06/2019|vision=Against a backdrop of darkness you see the Old Man, an elderly Human dressed in the clothes of a peasant. He looks directly at you and says, "The greatest enemy of man is fear of change. From demon to Moon Mage, and what little exists inbetween, we fear the turmult of a real change to the status quo. Like so." He then plunges an iron knife, which had not been in his hand until that moment, into the ground. There is chaos, a flurry of visual artifacts and psychic noise. In a moment the world is both broken and healed; the surgeon's cut.
|sub=Old Man|rep=False}}

Your vision fades, and you stand before a large table with a map of an unfamiliar land painted upon its surface. Standing around the table are dozens of individuals of myriad form and shape. Various wooden and stone figurines are arrayed, their symbols and representations as indecipherable as the various flags that mark the nations and political allegiances of this foreign map. A tall woman with radiant green eyes stands at one end of the table. Grinning mischievously, she leans forward, shoves her forces to the center of the map, brushing aside all that stands in her way. The other individuals gaze at her in a mix of worry, amusement, and fear. The vision fades.
Your vision fades, and you stand before a large table with a map of an unfamiliar land painted upon its surface. Standing around the table are dozens of individuals of myriad form and shape. Various wooden and stone figurines are arrayed, their symbols and representations as indecipherable as the various flags that mark the nations and political allegiances of this foreign map. A tall woman with radiant green eyes stands at one end of the table. Grinning mischievously, she leans forward, shoves her forces to the center of the map, brushing aside all that stands in her way. The other individuals gaze at her in a mix of worry, amusement, and fear. The vision fades.

Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in a few inches of perfectly still water. His head bowed, he clenches and unclenches his fists as he looks at his calloused hands intently. He takes a few steadying breaths, and suddenly looks up at you, his face stern and somber. With a dull throb, a high pitched keening tone rends the air, and the water begins to dance and stir. Your vision fades.
Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in a few inches of perfectly still water. His head bowed, he clenches and unclenches his fists as he looks at his calloused hands intently. He takes a few steadying breaths, and suddenly looks up at you, his face stern and somber. With a dull throb, a high pitched keening tone rends the air, and the water begins to dance and stir. Your vision fades.

A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes leans over a workbench and gently bends a thin piece of metal into shape, slotting it into an orlog. Using a pair of fine tweezers, he manipulates the inside of the device a moment before nodding to himself and closing the back securely. He covers it with his hands, and closes his eyes in concentration, and after a moment the steady tick of uncoiling springs and spinning gears can be heard. He places the orlog on his workbench and stares at it intently, his lips pursed in contemplation. Your vision fades.
A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes leans over a workbench and gently bends a thin piece of metal into shape, slotting it into an orlog. Using a pair of fine tweezers, he manipulates the inside of the device a moment before nodding to himself and closing the back securely. He covers it with his hands, and closes his eyes in concentration, and after a moment the steady tick of uncoiling springs and spinning gears can be heard. He places the orlog on his workbench and stares at it intently, his lips pursed in contemplation. Your vision fades.

You find yourself on an open plain, a single tree dotting the horizon of an otherwise completely exposed plateau. You see a pack of snarling beasts sheltering under the wide branches of the tree, occasionally nipping at one another as they huddle together. The sun is momentarily blotted out by an immense shadow, and when you look up, you see a massive winged creature circling over head. A woman laughs maliciously, and the beasts whine in fear. You suddenly become aware of a heavy bow and enormous arrow that you are holding. The bow is made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils, and the arrow is a long twisted mass of spiraling metals. Looking up, you realize the beasts are silently staring at you. The winged creature begins to dive, and you fumble with the bow and arrow, and the vision fades.
You find yourself on an open plain, a single tree dotting the horizon of an otherwise completely exposed plateau. You see a pack of snarling beasts sheltering under the wide branches of the tree, occasionally nipping at one another as they huddle together. The sun is momentarily blotted out by an immense shadow, and when you look up, you see a massive winged creature circling over head. A woman laughs maliciously, and the beasts whine in fear. You suddenly become aware of a heavy bow and enormous arrow that you are holding. The bow is made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils, and the arrow is a long twisted mass of spiraling metals. Looking up, you realize the beasts are silently staring at you. The winged creature begins to dive, and you fumble with the bow and arrow, and the vision fades.

You awake, covered in sweat, in a humid jungle. You are momentarily overwhelmed by the thickness of the air, the screeching of birds and clicking of insects, but after a moment, your heart steadies and you take stock of your surroundings, noticing the Old Man leaning against a particularly large tree a little ways off. Rising to your feet, you approach him, and see that he is whittling a branch into the likeliness of a man. He looks at you in surprise, quickly sheathing his knife and tucking the carving into a sleeve in one swift motion. After blinking at you a moment, he shrugs and with a sweeping gesture upwards, draws your attention to the canopy above. You look up, and time slows, your neck grows stiff, your eyelids heavy, and as your gaze sweeps up the tree, you find yourself falling backwards, everything going dark. You catch the barest glimpse of a thousand people climbing the tree trunk before you fall into a deep sleep, and the vision fades.
You awake, covered in sweat, in a humid jungle. You are momentarily overwhelmed by the thickness of the air, the screeching of birds and clicking of insects, but after a moment, your heart steadies and you take stock of your surroundings, noticing the Old Man leaning against a particularly large tree a little ways off. Rising to your feet, you approach him, and see that he is whittling a branch into the likeliness of a man. He looks at you in surprise, quickly sheathing his knife and tucking the carving into a sleeve in one swift motion. After blinking at you a moment, he shrugs and with a sweeping gesture upwards, draws your attention to the canopy above. You look up, and time slows, your neck grows stiff, your eyelids heavy, and as your gaze sweeps up the tree, you find yourself falling backwards, everything going dark. You catch the barest glimpse of a thousand people climbing the tree trunk before you fall into a deep sleep, and the vision fades.
|sub=Old Man|rep=True}}

Latest revision as of 01:09, 22 April 2021


This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2019.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 12/22/2019
You see a schooner smoothly slicing through the waters, carried by steady winds. A small crew work the rigging, playfully ribbing one another in a barely comprehensible patois of insults. Suddenly, the boat slams into a vast chunk of nearly transparent crystal floating just beneath the water's surface, shattering a jagged line of broken glass and splintered timber as sailors and rigging are flung forward. Slowly recovering, a few cautiously step outward, walking onto the ankle-deep waters in wonder. Squinting at vaguely frozen forms beneath, one of the sailors points, and calls out, "*Player Name*, come quick!"

You find yourself holding a short axe, and with mighty swing, bring it down onto the strange crystal surface, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/22/2019
You see yourself fiddling with a large contraption, turning knobs, twisting dials, and pulling levers as you make fine adjustments to a series of nested crystalline rings and prongs, sweeping the alignment of complex machinery towards the skies. Placing one hand on a raised column, you hear the stars burning and planets soaring in their orbits. As you focus the apparatus on a distant reach of empty space, you begin to hear a whispering beneath the crackle and hiss of the cosmos, a voice that defies your efforts to locate and identify.

With a series of deft adjustments, the background noise falls away, and you hear...


With a start, you see yourself slap at the controls of the machine, and the voice cuts short. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Negotiants Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/22/2019
You see a woman sitting before you with a wide brimmed hat covering most of her face. You can make out a half smirk, and with a long and slow inhale, she draws from a cigarillo, the cherry tip glowing brightly. She begins to cough in long rasping dry heaves, and then for an eternity, exhales a haze of smoke, filling the area until you can see nothing but the outline of her form and the now dull glow of the cigarillo.

"*Player Name*," she says, "Pour your stories at my feet. Sacrifice your memories, core yourself hollow. Then and only then, will you be remade."

She begins to laugh, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/22/2019
An endless stairway stretches before you, composed of cold radiant starlight that slightly shimmers. Stretching up to the sky and vanishing into a single point in the far distance, shifting cosmos and stellar phenomena can be seen between the gaps between the steps. You begin to climb, your eyes transfixed upon the pulsating nebulae and spinning galaxies spanning in front of you, punctuated by the diamond-hard starlight stairs. With each step you take, eons pass, as stars burn their last and erupt into sparkling nova, or ignite in the swirling gases of stellar clouds. Strange structures spin twin spears of radiance in opposite directions, and yawning voids bend light and tear space.

Suddenly, grasping shadows snap from between the steps, and wrap around your ankles, rooting you in place. You stagger, catching yourself as the shadows tighten and begin to pull you through the gap, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/22/2019
You see a large metal sphere, and your nostrils are filled with the scent of solvent and oiled iron. A series of pipes merge with the sides of the sphere, which features a small, open doorway. Inside the sphere, a woman with your exact likeness sits, calmly staring at you. The doorway silently closes, and locks with a series of *clicks*. Brilliant runes spiraled around the sphere burst with incandescence and the pipes begin to hiss and vibrate, dripping with condensation and frost. As the sequence of illuminated runes intensifies, the sphere becomes too bright to look upon, and with a final surge of energy, goes dark.

The doorway unlocks with a soft *clunk*, and swings open, revealing an empty chamber. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/9/2019
A windswept mountain steppe unfolds around you, the air chill and bone dry. Half a dozen soldiers brandishing long spears stand in a semi-circle before a thin Elothean woman. A muscular alfar warrior stands at her side, casually holding a long black blade and spiked shield. One of the soldiers demands passage, but the woman does not react. Taking a single step forward and extending the spear until it is mere feet from the woman's face, the soldier repeats the demand. The woman takes a long, slow intake of breath, and explodes into action, stepping past the weapon's point and grabbing it with a twist, snapping the spearhead from the shaft. The soldier is pulled off balance and loses control of the spear. The woman suddenly appears at his side, and grasping his forearm and turning slightly, sends him sprawling. The alfar warrior smirks, the remaining soldiers begin to shout, and the woman takes a long, slow breath. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/9/2019
Everything takes on a murky darkness, as if viewed from underwater, and you see the broken remains of half a spider encrusted with deep sea flora and fauna. A school of sharks have torn at the exposed flesh and made way for smaller creatures, as great tube worms sprout from gaps between the spider's carapace and scuttling crabs pick at the ragged edges of the burst abdomen. In the distance, pinpoints of light begin to wind their way towards you, but you cannot make them out clearly. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/8/2019
The top of a wooden tower rises above the mists, choked in frost. Two men stand on either end of the platform, the one tall and proud, the other disheveled and battered, eyes red and his face covered in blood. The tall man holds out a small vial, and in broken Common, says "Take remedy, help wounds."

The other man struggles to his feet, and after a few deep breaths, shakes his head, bows deeply, and in a single fluid motion, sinks into a fighter's stance as he draws forth a crackling sword composed of pure lightning. The tall man smiles, drops the vial, and asks "Ready?"

With a sweeping kick, the battered man launches a razor-edged disk of spinning ice as he rushes forward, lightning blade swinging in an opposing arc. The tall man bats aside the disk with a shadow-wreathed backhand, and snaps a length of broken space against the lightning blade. Dancing in a flow of strikes, chaotic energies drip and spark as the two clash. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/6/2019
You see a woman walk down a wide beach and push a small rowboat out into the surf. Rowing out a short way, she secures the oars, and with a short net, expertly scoops a small bottle from the water. Uncorking the bottle, the woman gently taps out a tightly rolled parchment, and carefully breaking the seal, begins to read. After a long moment, the woman smiles, and looks up to the sky. Turning the boat, she begins to row back to shore, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 12/5/2019
You see a well-lit tavern, the sound of a spritely reel flowing from the open doors as a young man wrestles with his lute. The crowd cheers and sings along, and the musician's hands fly across the neck of the instrument, his pick a blur as the sinuous melody demands the room's attention. As the song flows, the people begin to blur around the edges, their laughter melding into the background and the progression, swirled like watercolor around the focal point of the musician. A scowling woman appears at the door, dressed in an inky black cloak, and as she gazes at the musician, the sound of his music begins to quiet. He looks up in confusion, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 11/10/2019
You find yourself flying along a vast steppe, winding valleys and broken forests splayed beneath as you exuberantly coast on rising thermals and building storms. A river winds between broken rocks, and a herd of horses spooks at nothing and begins to race to the west, the poetry of their stride and evident joy of their movement breathtaking to behold. They race along the grassland and suddenly smash into an unseen barrier, those leading the herd squealing with broken legs while those following are able to stagger to a fearful stop. A strange shimmer marks a long oval on the steppe, and -- as if between gaps in a mirage -- you catch a glimpse of a farmstead, a single hunched figure tilling the soil of a small rectangular plot. The figure pauses and looks up directly at you. Your prophetic senses chaotically howl with a deafening wrongness, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 11/9/2019
You see a broad open field covered in pure white wildflowers, a wide and squat ring of a strangely dark stone before you. The stone is covered in glyphs and runes that pulsate with a circular periodicity around the structure. As you approach, six robed figures rise from the flowers and gaze upward. A storm gathers above, the clouds spiraling and reaching downward. Suddenly a radial burst of lightning explodes above, and a long column of purest black falls from the sky, streaked with light as it screams to the ground. With an earth-shuddering strike, the sky-column slams into the ring of stone, and the glyphs and runes flare with brilliance, sending flashing lights upward. The ring rotates with the sound of grinding stone, and the six figures melt back into the flowers. The ring and column reverberate with a distinct *click*, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 11/9/2019
You see a softly lit tavern beneath a brilliant triple moonlit summer evening, the warm scent of baking bread and roasting meat wafting from the open windows. A couple stumbles from the open doorway, leaning into each other for support as they feed each other and share a flagon of wine, laughing in their youthful clumsiness and evident inebriation. Once clear of the taverns light, they lean against an adjacent building, and, meal and drink discarded, passionately embrace, kissing as the stars burn above. Suddenly, the young man leans over and vomits into the street, then begins to chuckle as the young woman rubs his back and holds his hair away from the splatter. Eventually she pulls him to his feet and the pair continues on, he half-asleep, she smirking and cooing reassurances that home is close. The stench of vomit passes, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 11/9/2019
You find yourself walking through a gallery, the walls hung with beautiful oil paintings of scenes you find strangely familiar yet altogether quite alien. Some of the paintings include a forest road where six-legged beasts of burden pull carts laden with perfect cubes, a broad cliff with a single bow resting on a precipice, a distant city with a central tower stretching high above the clouds, an eagle soaring between a vine choked canyon, and a pristine mountain pass marked by a colorful prayer wheel. As you slowly progress through the echoing silence, you enter a room with bare walls, save for a single jade mask hung across from the entrance. As you approach, the mask tilts a fraction of an inch and falls, and with a deafening crash shatters to pieces. You stare at the wreckage of the mask for a long moment, and the vision slowly fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 11/8/2019
With a hammering blow, you feel the air torn from your chest and find yourself cast high into the sky, the curve of Elanthia falling away as you flail madly to orient yourself. Thin, icy winds tear at your skin. You are unable to draw breath, and after an agonizing moment, the winds cease, numbing cold crushingly pulls at your empty lungs, and everything is silent. You scan the landscape beneath you, the moons slowly drifting by above, and you see a massive rock soaring in your direction. It continues to grow in size as it approaches, geysers of debris and escaping gas hurled outward and slowly raining back to its surface, caught in its gravity. As it silently roars past, you notice movement on the surface, shifting plates and features orienting towards the land beneath you. The lack of air takes its toll, and everything fades to black as the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 10/11/2019
You see two children, a boy and a girl, standing before one another in a small arena. Dressed in simple linen robes, they each hold wooden practice swords and hold graceful poses as they size one another up a long moment before leaping to the fight. The staccato crack of wood on wood rapidly echoes, and then they freeze, the boy having taken the advantage and stayed his weapon inches from the girl's forehead. They grin at one another and reset the match. The sharp *crack!* *crack!* *crack!* of their rapid assault and riposte again fills the air, and this time, the advantage goes to the girl, the two freezing with the point of her weapon inches from the boy's belly. They grin at one another and reset the match, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 10/11/2019
A brilliant cube of coruscating light hovers before you, internally illuminated by pulsating lines, and with the sound of shattering glass, begins to unfurl. First a series of nested triangles rotating around an axis that you only just now noticed and immediately lose track of, shifting to an asymmetrical octagon whose edges shorten and elongate. The form continues to grow and evolve, blooming into a fractal that somehow conveys disdain and disgust of your mere existence. The construction appears to slow, becoming inert, and suddenly shatters into fine dust.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 10/10/2019
A massive figure appears before you, frozen perfectly still between jagged crystal spears that pin it from every angle. Three pairs of muscular arms reach upward, motionlessly straining against invisible bindings, and an iron circlet affixed to the crown of the creature's head glows with a harsh white shimmer. You find yourself reaching forward, your hand irrevocably drawn to the circlet, and stepping between the jagged crystal spears, you barely graze the strangely cool metal.

Several things happen at once.

The circlet dims. The crystal spears collapse in a spray of evaporating liquid. The creature grabs you with all six arms, covering your mouth, and unhinges its wide maw in a deafening roar of miasmatic brilliant light that leaves you reeling, blind and deaf. "Soon, they will return soon!" the creature's thoughts echo in your mind, and it drops you, and you fall, fall, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 10/10/2019
Pressing your back against a massive chunk of marble, you smell the fetid remains of a hissing amalgamation. The scent of burnt foliage and rotting vegetation assaults your nostrils while glittering rime wafts from the mass of rapidly decaying bramble. A massive tawny lion stands over the remains, panting heavily. Looking to the forest, the lion's eyes narrow, and it cocks an ear, listening for something in the distance. Collapsing into nothingness, the amalgamation vanishes. The lion bows its head, nudging the remains of a thick chain on the ground, which flares with golden light and wraps itself loosely around its neck. Shaking its powerful head, the color bleaches from its coat until it is an almost golden, brilliant white, and the lion roars to the skies in challenge. The forest echoes in response with otherworldly yowling and skittering. Claws extended, the lion snarls at the ready. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 09/21/2019
A windswept mountain steppe unfolds around you, the air chill and bone dry. A thin Elothean woman wearing a simple sapphire blue linen robe and thick canvas sandals stands proudly, holding herself in a statue-still martial pose, one hand a clenched fist, the other a rigid open palm, her feet spread wide. Sitting cross-legged at her side, a muscular alfar warrior slowly sweeps a whetstone across a long black blade, the harsh ringing of stone on metal punctuating the air at unwaveringly methodic intervals. The woman narrows her eyes, focusing on something in the distance, and without looking up, the Fae remarks, "An hour or less. They're making steady progress."

The woman does not seem to react, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/21/2019
You find yourself beneath a blazing sun, endless golden dunes stretching as far as you can see. A Human scampers up the sands and approaches you, casting aside his white robes and standing nearly nude in the sun, pale skin glistening with sweat. He takes a long pull from a water skin, and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, begins to weave a tale of his exile and the home he lost. As the sun arcs in the sky, his skin begins to darken, and as the story of his travels continues, flowing designs begin to blossom across his flesh, writhing organic swirls and geometric patterns, analemma of the sun, moons and major constellations. The sun begins to set, the desert bathed with blood red light, and the man appears as little more than an inky silhouette, his flesh beginning to fluoresce. As the sun drops below the horizon, he radiates in the final vestiges of daylight, celestial diagrams glowing in shifting perspective. His tale ends, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/21/2019
Everything fades to black, and you find yourself in a nearly featureless gloom. As your eyes adjust, you are barely able to make out a veritable forest of towering, perfectly square spires, stretching upward into the darkness, set in an exacting grid that expands outward in every direction, the interspaced geometric corridors converging at the horizon's edge. Wrapped in shadow, a figure approaches, dragging a makeshift handcart loaded with stone cubes. The figure pauses as it draws near and sets down the handcart, holding up one hand in caution.

"Are you lost?" the figure calls, but before you can respond the voice continues, "Just press on. You'll find it."

Suddenly, the figure, the cart, and the spires shatter, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 09/15/2019
To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. Ravaged carapace and torn wings ooze crimson blood, and clinging to you tightly, it clasps its forelegs together as if in reverent prayer. A bizarre caterpillar with purple bristles and grasping prolegs slowly ambles down your shoulder and approaches the wasp, tilting its bulbous head almost curiously. As the wasp notices the caterpillar, it skitters forward a hungry half step, stinger protruding, but catches itself and begins to back away from the caterpillar. The caterpillar slowly follows, driving the wasp to your hand, when suddenly the wasp begins to scream in the voice of a frustrated woman, and the caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon of spun glass. You blink, and the wasp and caterpillar vanish.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/29/2019
Your vision dilates and contracts, and you see a crowded marketplace. Something takes root in your mind, and a strange pressure builds before the odd sensation of a dull *pop* twists the scene before you. Time slows: the tinkling coins dropped into a beggar's collection plate slowly turning in midair, a raucous laugh frozen in a gaping mouthed bellow. Their faces begin to peel away, nothing more than anatomical diagrams exposing their every whim and inner thought, the secrets that move them, the parasites that drive their true natures. You see them, leeches composed of shadow and wrong angles clinging to their dreams, drinking deeply as they pump the unsuspecting full of venom, preventing wakeful thoughts from forming. The light shifts, and you look up and see a web of crystalline tendrils blooming across the sky, and the vision suddenly fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/29/2019
Coursing shadows spread over your vision, and you find yourself standing before... yourself. A perfectly mirrored version of you squints into your face. Your vision flickers, and you feel a strange tickling in the back of your mind as your peripheral vision begins to recede. The facsimile opens her mouth, as if to ask a question. You find yourself asking, "Who are you?", the sound of your voice duplicated, spoken simultaneously. You think a moment, and begin to ask, "Are you real?", but she seems to speak first. After a moment, your memory fails and there are only you and this other woman, this other that is you. With a sudden realization, you begin to chuckle, and the question comes unbidden from the two of you between body-shaking laughter, "Am I real?"

You both continue to laugh. Suddenly, the reflection stops and inhales slightly, standing tall as she stares at you coldly, and you feel your laughter die in your throat. The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/29/2019
Leaning around a massive chunk of marble for a better view, you watch as a hissing mass of bramble, ice, and smoke tears an unconscious albino lion in half, throwing each end in opposite directions and thrashing the ground in victory. The lion's severed head lands at your feet, the scarred and blooded face finally serene, and the chain binding it to the marble slab flares with golden light and detaches, falling to the ground. Without further pause, the writhing primordial amalgamation swells outward and speeds towards you and the chunk of marble. Suddenly, from beyond the clearing's edge, a tawny lion with black streaks in its mane runs forward, knocking the amalgamation aside. They square off for a long moment, and the tawny lion bends down to sniff the corpse of the albino lion. At the clearing's edge, you see the cryptic outlines of three more lions, watching, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/29/2019
You see a parent sitting with their child, speaking before a warmly glowing hearth fire, the rest of the room obscured in shadow. The child is looking up at the parent, who speaks softly, gently, their voice blending with the crackling flames and howling of the storm against window shutters. "Your questions are profound, but only accidentally so. You inquire only to establish your boundaries. You will always be safe here," the parent says, squeezing the child in a hug.

The storm continues, and the walls groan with the effort of remaining upright. The parent begins to hum a comforting tune, and the child seems oblivious to the maelstrom outside. As the storm intensifies, so too does the parent's song, winding along octaves, strangely resonant and haunting. The hearth glows brighter, and suddenly, the parent stops, looks up at you and says sharply, "You do not have permission."

The door flies open, an icy wind howls around you, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/18/2019
A sprawling woodland scene opens around you, the scent of pine and peat wafting along sunbeams broken by the swaying canopy. A thin young man sits cross-legged before a tall woman dressed in fine silks and crowned in gold and silver, and she gazes at him, her face stern and impassive. He begins to strum a lute, weaving a tune that is both playful and melancholy, and the woman leans forward slightly.

Time passes. The trees wither and bloom, snow falls and melts, summer winds stir the trees, and wild creatures come and go. The young man plays his lute, and the woman watches. His fingers begin to bleed, and a string snaps with a jarring *twang*, but still he plays, still the melody flows. Almost imperceptibly, the woman smiles. Time passes, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/18/2019
You look to the skies and close your eyes, feeling the starlight and movements of the planets play comforting radiant cold and jagged edged pinpricks across your face. Streaming energies blend into an array of colors, coruscating wildly against the iron will of your perception. The gaps between motes call, demanding you notice and take heed, and as you focus your attentions, lines of whirling energy part, revealing...

An endless yawning void. Perched on crystalline shoals of warped reality and broken logic, a spinning lighthouse flashing terror and rage, an endless warning. You feel drawn forward, as entities without form become aware of your gaze, and begin to reach. The constellations sing, suddenly the gap seals, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 08/13/2019
With an explosion of crystalline ice and rearranging facets, a rippling wall of flowing glass appears before you, a mad kaleidoscopic reflection of your surroundings. Your mirror image sputters, a chaotically unsynchronized reflection of your curious gaze and every movement. Tilting its head, the reflection squints at you in skeptical curiosity, and reaches forward, touching the surface of the glass. Suddenly, it recoils as if struck, and is wrenched backwards into the depths of the glass. In abject terror, your reflection desperately reaches, silently screaming, as it fades into the distance, begging for your help. You find yourself stepping forward, touching the flowing glass, which suddenly shatters into billowing smoke, leaving nothing behind.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 07/14/2019
You hide beneath your face, the familiarity of your eyes, and hear the cruel howl demanding your submission. It twists, no longer yours, and you retreat, fists clenched, ready for an opportunity to strike back. The mask quakes, crumbling porcelain flaking until locked in an unmistakably cruel sneer, and you swing wildly, your fist landing and rebounding, knuckles bloodied and wrist fractured. Nostrils flaring, the mouth opens wide and begins to inhale, a starry expanse of vacuum pulling you forward, and suddenly, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 07/14/2019
You find yourself sitting in an endless field of lush grass, brisk gusts of strong wind rippling across the landscape, as brilliant but unknown constellations dance across a moonless sky. Perched around you is a veritable host of small, inky black faces, smirking in contempt and anticipation, each about the size of a fist, skittering and jostling in a crowd of ire. Suddenly, they evaporate into black smoke, spooling into a churning cloud that tears the air and surges towards you!

You begin to run, the grass blurring beneath your strides, the stars laughing above, and the ever pursuing darkness reaching for you, herding and blocking your escape.

You run, your feet scrabbling for purchase, lungs burning, your stride endless and undeterred.

You run, feeling them rippling ever closer, never far, and your legs begin to ache with the effort.

You run, and billowing manacles of endless night grasp your wrist and begin to pull.

The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 07/14/2019
To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm, and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. It clicks its mandibles together, and tears its wings from its thorax in a spray of crimson blood, weeping in pain. It again looks up at you, antennae tapping your arm, asking a question you cannot understand. The wasp begins scraping its carapace, tearing and rending, exposing strips of gored flesh and muscle that scab over. Holding its abdomen high, a horrifically long stinger extends with the cold rasp of steel sliding along steel. The wasp pivots, and appears to wrestle with the stinger, trying to snap it in half, to no avail. You blink, and the wasp vanishes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 07/14/2019
You see a twisted, grotesque, vaguely feminine form with five gleaming yellow eyes and three arms crouched on all five limbs shuddering in agony. Folded across her back, a pair of broken reptilian wings ooze with suppurating boils flaking with sickly looking dull scales. She unhinges her jaw and vomits a mass of steaming blue ichor before rolling onto her side gasping. A series of wet clicks emanate from the churning mass that withdraws into a tight sphere floating above the prone figure. It extends an amorphous tentacle to caress her twisted face a moment. The prone figure begins shaking her head, coughing as ichor dribbles from the side of her maw.

"More than we anticipated," she gasps. "We did not know."

The sphere begins to vibrate, the woman begins to scream, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 07/14/2019
You see an endless expanse of desert, Yavash showing its full face as it paints the landscape a crimson red, perched high in a perfectly clear night sky. A massive procession of people, wrapped in rags, holding children and pulling sparse carts, progresses slowly across the featureless landscape. Xibar begins to rise, strange purple shadows flickering between the dunes and rendering stretched outlines of the travelers. You begin to hear singing, and as the words drift across the sands, the smell of roasting dates and honey is carried on the breeze. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/15/2019
To your surprise, a massive wasp lands on your arm, and looks up at you with intelligent, pleading compound eyes. A horrifically long stinger extends from its abdomen, but the wasp seemingly keeps the dangerous appendage clear of your flesh. Retracting the stinger, the wasp begins to fastidiously clean its body, scraping grime and grit from its carapace with meticulous industry. Periodically glancing up at you, the wasp's ablutions become almost frantic, desperate, and as you watch, it peels off swaths of carapace to reveal bloody flesh beneath. You blink, and the wasp vanishes.
Possible Subjects: The Redeemed Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
You find yourself in a long hallway, inky darkness against billowing gloom. At the end of the hallway you can barely make out a vault door banded with complicated interlocking mechanisms. A brilliant light shines through a large keyhole, illuminating the hallway and casting around as if searching. Worming its way through the vault's keyhole, the luminescence begins to push at the mechanisms, though does not appear to be making any progress. Suddenly, the door shifts menacingly, the mechanism rearranging itself into a new configuration, and the light is cut off, plunging the hallway into darkness once again. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Philosophers of the Knife Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A man stands against one wall, eyes narrowed as he peers through a haze of sawdust at a large pottery wheel spinning with great speed. Chunks of wet clay lay splattered in a perfect line around the workshop, cast radially by the spinning wheel. Snapped from its mooring shaft, the wheel precesses in a gyroscopic circle, grinding an increasingly deep groove into the workshop floor. The man slowly approaches, skepticism writ plainly across his face. He begins to murmur words and trace symbols in the air, and after a moment of study, breaks into an enormous grin. The wood floor begins to smoke, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: The Perverse Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
Glancing around a massive chunk of marble, you stare in horror at a hissing mass of bramble, ice and smoke clawing savagely at a prone albino lion, which swipes and snaps in defense, but is clearly at a disadvantage. The enormous lion is covered in lacerations and becoming increasingly tangled in the long chain wrapped around its neck, binding it to the chunk of marble. The hissing mass slams a twisted thorn through one of the lion's hind legs and, wrapping a long icy vine around the lion's other leg, begins to pull. The lion scrambles against the now taut chain, pinned on an otherworldly rack, suffocating. Snarling, heaving, the lion clamors against the restraint, kicking desperately at the hissing mass, pulling at the soft dirt. Blood vessels burst in the lion's eyes, sinew tears along its legs, and you watch its consciousness begin to slip, when suddenly, you hear a deep roaring bellow behind you, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
You see a woman and a small child standing before a large chalkboard, each engrossed in their respective work. The woman has completed a large and convoluted polytope, and has nearly completed her work on an equation that while you do not understand any part of, you innately recognize as a transformation of the polytope. The child is drawing his own fanciful images, and with every connected diagram and symbol modified he completes, you notice a shift in the woman's polytope and correspondingly in her equation. The woman frames a large matrix, and referencing the equation for a hash calculation, she translates symbols and numbers, each of which cause elements of the polytope to evaporate into chalk dust. With a giggle, the little boy continues his work, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
You find yourself on a small ship, a steady wind behind you carrying the scent of brine and the charge of passing storms. The mainsail is full, and the seas steady. Crackling lightning plays in the distance behind you, and clear skies and a bright sun grace the bow. You inhale deeply, and find yourself humming an old ditty that you had forgotten until this moment. The vision fades, and the smell of the ocean with it.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 06/13/2019
You are suddenly enveloped in the sounds of screaming and the scent of burning chemicals. With dull thuds, a flock of smoldering orbs are launched, and arc crisscrossed ribbons of fire in the sky. Your throat and eyes burn as they pass over head, slamming into the distant ground with heavy thuds and geysers of liquid fire, burning brilliant rainbows overhead. Suddenly, the suspended threads of fire extinguish with a thump, and collapse into tight streaks of silver-green smoke. "Now, do it now!" someone screams, and a growing whine begins building, a thrum that increases in intensity as you begin to taste copper and your teeth begin to tingle. Your eyes widen, the streaks crackle with lightning, and the sky splits. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 05/07/2019
Your vision goes dark, and you realize you are floating above a perfectly reflective inky black mirror. Stretching all around you, the horizon is a perfect line dividing dark skies from dark nothingness. Everything is silent, featureless, the dichromatic universe yielding nothing further. After a few moments, you feel the threads of prophecy relinquish their hold over you, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/23/2019
You see a twisted, grotesque, vaguely feminine form with five gleaming yellow eyes and three arms kneeling before a mass of churning shadows and amorphous tentacles which sweep the air in agitation. The kneeling creature sings a winding paean that builds like shattering glass and scraping steel. As the song concludes, the shadows emit a series of snarls and guttural intonations, and the woman nods. "I will see to it," she replies. "They will be prepared."

The air rumbles with malevolence, and the kneeling figure nods and says, "Only a few, though they are dedicated and desperate."

The tentacles writhe and issue a series of wet clicks, and the once-woman shakes her head, and replies, "Mostly distractions, the flailings of the ignored."

Flickering with a mad radiance, the shadows shudder. Nictitating membranes close over the eyes of the kneeling figure, and she clenches her third claw as she snarls, "Understood."

The vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Sivroch Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/11/2019
Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in churning, tumultuous water that rises to his waist. He appears to be meditating, breathing calmly and intently, his hands folded in his lap. Suddenly, a line of black light etches a perfect circle around him, the nearby waters calming and draining to reveal a dry surface of twisted bone and jagged steel. He cracks his knuckles, his chest rises as he sucks a deep breath through clenched teeth, and suddenly, he falls through the thickly rippling ground, and disappears without a trace. The circle collapses, the waters spill inward, smooth as glass, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Old Man Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/24/2019
Your vision fades, and you stand before a large table with a map of an unfamiliar land painted upon its surface. A tall woman with radiant green eyes is laughing as she places small tokens made of green glass all over the land, brushing aside all other tokens. The green glass melts into ooze, staining the map, and causing the other individuals standing around the table to frown, their faces a mix of concern, confusion, and pity. Some of the pushed aside tokens begin to slowly regroup, and the scene fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/23/2019
You find yourself standing on a tall cliff, churning clouds far below you, and endless sky above. A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes stands to your side, holding an enormous bow made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils. "We may only get one shot at this", he says, and notches two massive arrows composed of spiraling metal. Drawing the bow with ease, he looses the two arrows into the empty sky. They vanish into the distance, and after a moment, the world shakes with an enraged scream. The man nods grimly, reaches into his quiver, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Osven Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/23/2019
You find yourself staring at a horrific statue, a vaguely female form with five gleaming yellow eyes, slitted nostrils, and wide open maw bearing three rows of needle-like teeth. Shoulders bent, the body is wrapped in black scales, and a third arm protrudes grotesquely from the left shoulder, terminating into long and vicious looking four fingered talons. You are not sure what to make of this abomination, when to your surprise, the eyes blink in sequence, and she says "Bow to them, that you to may know their splendor." Extending her hands toward you, she makes contact with your forehead, your heart, and your stomach, and everything goes dark.
Possible Subjects: Sivroch Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
Against a backdrop of darkness you see the Old Man, an elderly Human dressed in the clothes of a peasant. He looks directly at you and says, "The greatest enemy of man is fear of change. From demon to Moon Mage, and what little exists inbetween, we fear the turmult of a real change to the status quo. Like so." He then plunges an iron knife, which had not been in his hand until that moment, into the ground. There is chaos, a flurry of visual artifacts and psychic noise. In a moment the world is both broken and healed; the surgeon's cut.
Possible Subjects: Old Man Repeat: False

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
Your vision fades, and you stand before a large table with a map of an unfamiliar land painted upon its surface. Standing around the table are dozens of individuals of myriad form and shape. Various wooden and stone figurines are arrayed, their symbols and representations as indecipherable as the various flags that mark the nations and political allegiances of this foreign map. A tall woman with radiant green eyes stands at one end of the table. Grinning mischievously, she leans forward, shoves her forces to the center of the map, brushing aside all that stands in her way. The other individuals gaze at her in a mix of worry, amusement, and fear. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
Everything goes black, and you see a tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes kneeling in a few inches of perfectly still water. His head bowed, he clenches and unclenches his fists as he looks at his calloused hands intently. He takes a few steadying breaths, and suddenly looks up at you, his face stern and somber. With a dull throb, a high pitched keening tone rends the air, and the water begins to dance and stir. Your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Osven Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes leans over a workbench and gently bends a thin piece of metal into shape, slotting it into an orlog. Using a pair of fine tweezers, he manipulates the inside of the device a moment before nodding to himself and closing the back securely. He covers it with his hands, and closes his eyes in concentration, and after a moment the steady tick of uncoiling springs and spinning gears can be heard. He places the orlog on his workbench and stares at it intently, his lips pursed in contemplation. Your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Osven Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
You find yourself on an open plain, a single tree dotting the horizon of an otherwise completely exposed plateau. You see a pack of snarling beasts sheltering under the wide branches of the tree, occasionally nipping at one another as they huddle together. The sun is momentarily blotted out by an immense shadow, and when you look up, you see a massive winged creature circling over head. A woman laughs maliciously, and the beasts whine in fear. You suddenly become aware of a heavy bow and enormous arrow that you are holding. The bow is made of a strange crystalline wood carved with softly glowing sigils, and the arrow is a long twisted mass of spiraling metals. Looking up, you realize the beasts are silently staring at you. The winged creature begins to dive, and you fumble with the bow and arrow, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
You awake, covered in sweat, in a humid jungle. You are momentarily overwhelmed by the thickness of the air, the screeching of birds and clicking of insects, but after a moment, your heart steadies and you take stock of your surroundings, noticing the Old Man leaning against a particularly large tree a little ways off. Rising to your feet, you approach him, and see that he is whittling a branch into the likeliness of a man. He looks at you in surprise, quickly sheathing his knife and tucking the carving into a sleeve in one swift motion. After blinking at you a moment, he shrugs and with a sweeping gesture upwards, draws your attention to the canopy above. You look up, and time slows, your neck grows stiff, your eyelids heavy, and as your gaze sweeps up the tree, you find yourself falling backwards, everything going dark. You catch the barest glimpse of a thousand people climbing the tree trunk before you fall into a deep sleep, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Old Man Repeat: True

Date and Time: 03/06/2019
The stars begin to howl, and beams of jagged light coalesce into spun glass, fragile and shimmering. You reach out and touch a single ray, and it explodes, fragmenting painlessly against you in a cool wind of melting energy that caresses your cheek and drips down your fingers. The moons begin to laugh, and you are filled with a sense of uncertainty -- your purpose and place unclear -- as the distant hours beckon, and the churned strands of Fate dance to forces beyond your understanding. They mock, or encourage, but the shoals stretch beyond your comprehension, and the stars begin to shift into new configurations. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/20/2019
You see a woman and a small child standing before a large chalkboard, each engrossed in their respective work. As they work, you notice that with each completed figure or symbol the child draws, something subtly shifts in the woman's work, though she does not seem to notice the manipulations. As the two projects continue, you begin to notice discrepancies compounding on errors in the woman's calculations. Her designs and formulae begin to spiral into nonsense, though she continues meticulously adding to each equation, seemingly unaware of the building deviations. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You peek around a massive chunk of marble, your eyes following the line of a long chain embedded in the chunk, snaking across the churned, bloodied, gore-speckled dirt, and winding around the neck of an enormous albino lion. The lion is panting, steam rising from its maw. At its feet lie the twisted remains of shattered glass and rapidly rusting steel. The lion is wounded, one eye swollen shut, a chunk of an ear missing. A long, ragged flap of skin hangs from its hip, dripping brilliant ruby-red blood that vanishes when it touches the ground. The lion looks at you and snarls in pain, showing pearly white teeth and fangs as long as your hand, though you sense no danger or threat from the beast. Suddenly, tensing and casting its one-eyed gaze to the side, the lion is knocked from its feet as a hissing mass of bramble and ice and smoke barrel into its flank, and the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A man sits before a large pottery wheel, which seems to be spinning rapidly, gaining in speed. A finished project sits atop the wheel, and as the wheel continues accelerating, the project begins to wobble and fall apart. The man looks worried, and presses a thick soled boot against the wheel, but the wheel continues spinning. The man leans his weight down, but the wheel does not slow. As the smell of burning leather fills the room, the man steps back with a start, his eyes widening in concern, and the project destabilizes entirely, flinging wet clay around the workshop. The wheel continues spinning faster and faster, and your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You see a plain white room. Perfectly centered is a blue woven carpet, with a richly polished stone table holding a tall octagonal crystal fish tank. The tank is magnificent, with splashes of bright red- and green-striped fish darting around delicately waving plants. Moss covered driftwood shelters a host of tiny, almost translucent shrimp, which fastidiously forage for food in the gravel bottom. As you peer closer into the tank, you hear a sound behind you, and when you turn, the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
An engineer fiddles with a mechanical contraption, gently adjusting a gasket until the seal is satisfactory. She nods, and depresses a face of the device, and a series of clicks and pops can be heard as the machine slowly ramps up to a steady hum. The woman goes wide-eyed with joy, and gathering the softly humming device in her arms, she rushes out of her workshop -- directly into the waiting blade of a shadowy figure. Her eyes flash with rage as he covers her mouth to muffle a scream, and he eases her to the ground as she dies. Noticing the still humming device, the man casually crushes it beneath his boot. Your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You see a long shelf with numerous glass specimen jars. Scrubbed stone and brightly burning lanterns illuminate a clean laboratory. A tall man wearing immaculately bleached linen robes leans over a workbench, and with the utmost of care and precision, pins a dead beetle to a sheet of cork. Carefully manipulating the creature's limbs and wings, mandibles and antennae, the man studies the beetle a moment. As the man takes copious notes in a large leather bound journal, you notice at the top of the page the phrase "Preventing Destruction" and accurate anatomical drawings of an dissected human female. Along with a tight script, you can make out splayed beetles, fat larvae, and devoured husks of corn. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You sense an elemental maelstrom, six symbolic forms spiraling together. The maelstrom appears to churn the Web of Fate as it flows along, though you are unable to glean more without a closer look.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
You find yourself in a stone prison, looking out through a narrow stone window -- breathtakingly high in the air -- with birds and clouds wheeling far below you. Before you, shackled to the wall, lies the decaying corpse of an Elothean woman, a thin, angry red scar perfectly encircling the crown of her skull. As you consider her remains, a small bird flies into the cell and pecks at the woman's hand, freeing a platinum coin. With a faint clink, the coin rolls across the room, and stops at the cell door. Following its trajectory, you see a tall man gazing through a small porthole in the door. He frowns, and slides the porthole shut. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Arbiter in Darkness, The Negotiants, Dehvra Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
Everything fades to black, and you find yourself standing on the shore of a wide but still river, the waters entirely covered by a blanket of protea blossoms emitting a heady fragrance. The stars cast a baleful, radiant glow on the flowers, which open widely, their petals drinking in the starlight. Suddenly, a large snake-like creature flings itself from the waters, protea blossoms clinging to its flank as it arcs through the air. Majestic and unlike anything you've ever seen, the creature bears long catfish-like whiskers and jagged antlers that appear to be made of nothing more than distorted space. Iridescent scales reflect the strange light, glittering madly, and a howl escapes from an open maw lined with crystalline fangs. The creature hangs in the air a moment, defying gravity, and shatters into dust, a scattering of protea blossoms raining back down to the river. The fragrance intensifies, and the scene suddenly vanishes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
A Dwarven man leans against a stack of lumber, watching the final moments of the setting sun. As the last rays stain the landscape crimson, the air begins to cool, and the shadows lengthen. The man picks up his axe and turns to the stack of lumber. Rolling his shoulders and flexing his hands, he sweeps the axe back in a smooth arc. As he slams the axe into one of the logs, a geyser of blood sprays across his face and chest, and for the briefest of moments, the stack of lumber resembles a stack of corpses. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/04/2019
Everything goes black, and you find yourself standing before a wall of silver liquid, which flows sluggishly like streaming teardrops. The liquid gives off a faint luminescence, and strange shapes manifest in the mirrored liquid briefly, only to flatten out moments later. Your reflection, and that of your surroundings, gently undulates with the flow, though, something about your appearance seems... off, and you take a step forward inquisitively. Suddenly, superimposed over your reflection, a pair of piercing green eyes open, and you hear a malicious peal of feminine laughter behind you! Whirling around, you catch a glimpse of a triple-tined claw reaching for your right eye, and suddenly the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Everything goes black, and an oppressive weight begins to press against you from all sides. Against the inky nothingness, you make out a series of creeping capillary-like tendrils worming towards you, wrapping around your ankles and writhing up your legs. The tendrils reach your knees, and high above, a piercing pair of massive green eyes open and gaze upon you. You hear a woman's malicious laughter in the distance, horribly echoing around and through you. With a lurch, you manage to tear one of your feet free of the creeping tendrils, and suddenly the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Maelshyve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You find yourself looking out a narrow stone window, breathtakingly high in the air, with birds and clouds wheeling far below you. Turning around, you see the mutilated corpse of an Elothean woman shackled to the far wall, a thin bright red scar perfectly encircling the crown of her skull. A tall man dressed in fine robes stands by the open cell door holding an empty bowl and a jug of water. He gazes upon the body of the woman impassively for a moment, then turns to leave the cell. Beyond the jailer, you see a hallway that -- given the dimensions of the tower -- seems to stretch incongruously long. Countless cell doors line the hallway. You briefly hear someone scream in the distance, and the jailer slams the cell door shut, locking you in with the dead woman. The vision fades..
Possible Subjects: Arbiter in Darkness, The Negotiants, Dehvra Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Everything fades to black, and you find yourself standing on the shore of a mighty river. The stars seem to resonate in place, reflecting angry, radiant light along the ripples and whorls of the rushing waters. Downriver, a horde of perfectly white protea blossoms slowly bobbles against the current, working their slow way upstream. The river courses defiantly, surging erratically, but the blossoms continue undeterred. After some time, the blossoms have blanketed the river, and the water quiets, as if subdued. A heady fragrance begins to fill your nose, and the scene suddenly vanishes.
Possible Subjects: King protea flower, Taisidon Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
An endless library stretches before you, with shelving twice the height of a Gor'Tog stretching as far as you can see. Soft gaethzen lamps illuminate the room, and bright sunlight streams in through wide stained glass windows. A wizened librarian walks down an aisle, past two students sitting at a bench, studying from large tomes. One of them coughs, eliciting a loud shush from the other. They both glare at one another a moment, then go back to their studies. The librarian smiles softly, and continues walking down the aisle.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a pottery workshop, with shelves full of well-crafted urns, vases, bowls, and sculptures. A large wheel rests next to a sturdy bench, and a kiln glows with heat. A man sits at the bench, and leaning over the wheel, manipulates something you cannot see and mutters words you cannot hear. With a smooth start, the wheel begins to turn of its own volition, and slowly gains in speed. Nodding, the man grabs a handful of clay and after working it in his hands a bit, slaps it down on the wheel and expertly begins to shape it into a beautiful piece of art. The wheel spins quickly, and the man's skill is evident in the gentle curves and elegant form that take shape under his hands. Finalizing the project, he presses a heavily booted foot against the corner of the wheel to slow it down. Oddly, the wheel simply continues spinning, still gaining in speed. The man looks down at the wheel with a mix of confusion and worry, and your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
Before you sprawls a market, each stall festooned with brilliantly dyed fabrics, sheets of wool and linen and cotton snapping in the gentle breeze. A large gathering of guards, merchants, and customers appear to be arguing, with no clear divisions between the groups. At the center of the crowd stands a guard holding a bloodied and battered child by the collar. The child's nose is broken and his front tooth snapped in half. Gruesomely, his left arm ends in a bloody stump just below the elbow. Blood loss has left the child pale, his tear-streaked face a mask of pain. However, he glares defiantly upward at the guard constraining him. The chaos intensifies, as everyone shouts in both condemnation and defense of the actions of both the child and the guard, and you notice the child slipping his remaining hand around the hilt of his distracted captor's dagger. The din grows, the child tightens his grip, and your vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a stack of lumber drying in the setting sun, thick grass and idyllic hills spreading out to the horizon. A Dwarven man leans against the stack, eating a simple meal and watching the sun set. A warm breeze plays across the scene, stirring the grass, and the man smiles slightly as he closes his eyes and inhales deeply. A single hawk circles far above, floating effortlessly against the bright sky. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You hear the snarling of something made of glass and steel and violations, and in a panic you begin to run. Your lungs burst with the effort, and your legs feel leaden as your every step fails to add any distance between you and the thing behind you. As you feel yourself slowing, and the hot acrid breath of the thing begins to fill your nostrils, you suddenly fall and tumble. Dazed, you look up from the soft dirt, and find yourself next to a massive chunk of marble. A chain extends from the marble, snaking across the ground around the neck of a massive albino lion. The lion gives an ear-splittingly loud roar, and leaps at you, massive claws extending, as it soars over your shoulder and collides savagely with the thing. You cower behind the marble, listening to the sounds of battle, and after a while, the lion roars in victory -- and in pain. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Chadatru Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You see a long shelf with numerous glass specimen jars. A tall man walks over to one of the jars, and carefully removes the corpse of a beetle. The man gently turns the beetle over in his hands, and you notice a faint line marring the abdominal portion of the beetle's carapace. Placing the beetle's corpse on the table, the man reaches for a stoppered vial, but hesitates. He leaves the vial, places the beetle back in the jar, and replaces the jar on the shelf. The vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/05/2019
You hear a squeal of laughter and see a small child running down a richly carpeted hallway, awkward but full of joy. Turning abruptly and pulling a heavy door open, the child tries to sneak into a work room, where a woman is scratching symbols onto a chalkboard. The woman pauses in her work, tilts her head mischievously at the child, and with a wink invites him over. The boy rushes to her side, and careful to not disturb her work, begins drawing his own childish pictures and symbols in one of the corners of the blackboard. The woman smiles as she watches him play, and does not seem to notice that with every addition to his own project, something shifts slightly in hers. After a moment, she refocuses on her own work, and the sounds of chalk scratching against board fade.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True