Category:Barbarian Abilities: Difference between revisions

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rect 182 134 482 210 [[Buffalo Form]]
rect 182 134 482 210 [[Buffalo Form|Buffalo (Augmentation)]]
rect 182 234 486 314 [[Flame]]
rect 182 234 486 314 [[Flame]]
rect 182 562 486 642 [[Avalanche_(berserk)]]
rect 182 562 486 642 [[Avalanche_(berserk)|Avalanche (Augmentation)]]
rect 186 666 486 746 [[Anger the Earth]]
rect 186 666 486 746 [[Anger the Earth|Anger the Earth (Debilitation)]]
rect 182 994 482 1074 [[Seek]]
rect 182 994 482 1074 [[Seek|Seek (Augmentation)]]
rect 178 1094 486 1178 [[Everild's Rage]]
rect 178 1094 486 1178 [[Everild's Rage|Everild's Rage (Debilitation)]]
rect 542 130 846 210 [[Famine]]
rect 542 130 846 210 [[Famine|Famine (Warding)]]
rect 546 238 850 318 [[Power_(meditation)]]
rect 546 238 850 318 [[Power_(meditation)|Power]]
rect 546 562 846 646 [[Dragon Form]]
rect 546 562 846 646 [[Dragon Form|Dragon (Augmentation)]]
rect 546 666 846 746 [[Focus_(meditation)]]
rect 546 666 846 746 [[Focus_(meditation)|Focus (Augmentation)]]
rect 546 766 850 850 [[Death's Embrace]]
rect 546 766 850 850 [[Death's Embrace|Death's Embrace (Debilitation)]]
rect 546 994 846 1074 [[Landslide]]
rect 546 994 846 1074 [[Landslide|Landslide (Warding)]]
rect 546 1098 846 1178 [[Tornado_(berserk)]]
rect 546 1098 846 1178 [[Tornado_(berserk)|Tornado (Augmentation)]]
rect 550 1202 850 1282 [[Eagle Form]]
rect 550 1202 850 1282 [[Eagle Form|Eagle (Augmentation)]]
rect 902 134 1202 206 [[Monkey Form]]
rect 902 134 1202 206 [[Monkey Form|Monkey (Augmentation)]]
rect 902 238 1202 314 [[Contemplation]]
rect 902 238 1202 314 [[Contemplation|Contemplation (Augmentation)]]
rect 906 566 1202 646 [[Python Form]]
rect 906 566 1202 646 [[Python Form|Python (Augmentation)]]
rect 902 666 1206 746 [[Tenacity]]
rect 902 666 1206 746 [[Tenacity|Tenacity (Warding)]]
rect 898 766 1202 846 [[Unyielding]]
rect 898 766 1202 846 [[Unyielding|Unyielding (Augmentation)]]
rect 1262 134 1562 210 [[Cyclone_(berserk)]]
rect 1262 134 1562 210 [[Cyclone_(berserk)|Cyclone (Augmentation)]]
rect 1262 234 1562 314 [[Dispel_(meditation)]]
rect 1262 234 1562 314 [[Dispel_(meditation)|Dispel (Warding)]]
rect 1258 338 1554 414 [[Screech of Madness]]
rect 1258 338 1554 414 [[Screech of Madness|Screech of Madness (Debilitation)]]
rect 1258 562 1554 642 [[Wildfire]]
rect 1258 562 1554 642 [[Wildfire|Wildfire (Augmentation)]]
rect 1258 994 1558 1070 [[Flashflood]]
rect 1258 994 1558 1070 [[Flashflood|Flashflood (Warding)]]
rect 1254 1094 1562 1174 [[Wolverine Form]]
rect 1254 1094 1562 1174 [[Wolverine Form|Wolverine (Augmentation)]]
rect 1614 134 1910 210 [[Swan Form]]
rect 1614 134 1910 210 [[Swan Form|Swan (Warding)]]
rect 1614 994 1910 1070 [[Piranha Form]]
rect 1614 994 1910 1070 [[Piranha Form|Piranha (Augmentation)]]
rect 1606 1094 1910 1170 [[Bastion]]
rect 1606 1094 1910 1170 [[Bastion|Bastion (Warding)]]
rect 1606 1202 1914 1282 [[Kuniyo's Strike]]
rect 1606 1202 1914 1282 [[Kuniyo's Strike|Kuniyo's Strike (Debilitation)]]
rect 1970 130 2274 214 [[Bear Form]]
rect 1970 130 2274 214 [[Bear Form|Bear (Augmentation)]]
rect 1970 558 2270 642 [[Toad Form]]
rect 1970 558 2270 642 [[Toad Form|Toad (Augmentation)]]
rect 1974 666 2270 746 [[Serpent's Hiss]]
rect 1974 666 2270 746 [[Serpent's Hiss|Serpent's Hiss (Debilitation)]]
rect 1966 998 2262 1078 [[Owl Form]]
rect 1966 998 2262 1078 [[Owl Form|Owl (Augmentation)]]
rect 1962 1098 2266 1174 [[Staunch]]
rect 1962 1098 2266 1174 [[Staunch|Staunch (Augmentation)]]
rect 1962 1198 2266 1278 [[Prediction_(meditation)]]
rect 1962 1198 2266 1278 [[Prediction_(meditation)|Prediction (Augmentation)]]
rect 2326 130 2630 210 [[Tsunami_(berserk)]]
rect 2326 130 2630 210 [[Tsunami_(berserk)|Tsunami (Augmentation)]]
rect 2326 238 2634 318 [[Serenity_(meditation)]]
rect 2326 238 2634 318 [[Serenity_(meditation)|Serenity (Warding)]]
rect 2330 346 2630 418 [[Mage's Lash]]
rect 2330 346 2630 418 [[Mage's Lash|Mage's Lash (Debilitation)]]
rect 2322 562 2630 642 [[Volcano_(berserk)]]
rect 2322 562 2630 642 [[Volcano_(berserk)|Volcano (Augmentation)]]
rect 2326 666 2626 750 [[Earthquake]]
rect 2326 666 2626 750 [[Earthquake|Earthquake (Debilitation)]]
rect 2322 994 2618 1062 [[Panther Form]]
rect 2322 994 2618 1062 [[Panther Form|Panther (Augmentation)]]
rect 2686 130 2982 210 [[Turtle Form]]
rect 2686 130 2982 210 [[Turtle Form|Turtle (Warding)]]
rect 2682 230 2990 318 [[Death's Shriek]]
rect 2682 230 2990 318 [[Death's Shriek|Death's Shriek (Debilitation)]]
rect 2682 562 2986 642 [[Badger Form]]
rect 2682 562 2986 642 [[Badger Form|Badger (Warding)]]
rect 2686 670 2990 750 [[Wail of Torment]]
rect 2686 670 2990 750 [[Wail of Torment|Wail of Torment (Debilitation)]]
rect 2682 990 2978 1074 [[Slash the Shadows]]
rect 2682 990 2978 1074 [[Slash the Shadows|Slash the Shadows (Debilitation)]]
rect 3038 130 3338 214 [[Mana Torment]]
rect 3038 130 3338 214 [[Mana Torment|Mana Torment (Debilitation)]]
rect 3038 566 3342 642 [[Titan]]
rect 3038 566 3342 642 [[Titan]]
rect 3038 662 3338 746 [[Strategos]]
rect 3038 662 3338 746 [[Strategos]]
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Revision as of 02:23, 30 October 2014

Ability Tree

Buffalo (Augmentation)FlameAvalanche (Augmentation)Anger the Earth (Debilitation)Seek (Augmentation)Everild's Rage (Debilitation)Famine (Warding)PowerDragon (Augmentation)Focus (Augmentation)Death's Embrace (Debilitation)Landslide (Warding)Tornado (Augmentation)Eagle (Augmentation)Monkey (Augmentation)Contemplation (Augmentation)Python (Augmentation)Tenacity (Warding)Unyielding (Augmentation)Cyclone (Augmentation)Dispel (Warding)Screech of Madness (Debilitation)Wildfire (Augmentation)Flashflood (Warding)Wolverine (Augmentation)Swan (Warding)Piranha (Augmentation)Bastion (Warding)Kuniyo's Strike (Debilitation)Bear (Augmentation)Toad (Augmentation)Serpent's Hiss (Debilitation)Owl (Augmentation)Staunch (Augmentation)Prediction (Augmentation)Tsunami (Augmentation)Serenity (Warding)Mage's Lash (Debilitation)Volcano (Augmentation)Earthquake (Debilitation)Panther (Augmentation)Turtle (Warding)Death's Shriek (Debilitation)Badger (Warding)Wail of Torment (Debilitation)Slash the Shadows (Debilitation)Mana Torment (Debilitation)TitanStrategosJuggernautDuelistTribalistPowermongerYogiTemplarBarbarian Abilities.png
About this image


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Flame meditation intro Flame 0 0 Shows Inner Fire level and training status.
Powermonger mastery Flame 1 0 +Primary Magic skill, Provides effective bonus to inner fire skill when calculating inner fire usage, 20% up to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Yogi mastery Flame 1 0 Reduces up-front inner fire cost of meditations (meditations have no pulsing cost).
Buffalo Form form intro Flame 1 0 Reduces encumbrance.
Templar mastery Flame 1 0 Provides bonus to effective ranks (Augmentation, Warding, or Utility) when using forms, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Hurricane berserk intro Flame 2 0 +Accuracy of weapon-based attacks.
Power meditation basic Flame 0 1 Shows duration remaining of abilities
Famine berserk basic Flame 2 1 Vitality heal, Pulsing
Contemplation meditation advanced Flame 1 2 +Augmentation skill, +Brigandine skill, +Chain Armor skill, +Light Armor skill, +Plate Armor skill
Monkey Form form basic Flame 2 2 +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, pulsing recovery
Drought berserk basic Flame 2 2 A portion of incoming damage will be dealt to the next foe struck by the Barbarian.
Screech of Madness roar basic Flame 1 3 -Discipline (stat), -Reflex (stat)
Cyclone berserk advanced Flame 2 3 +Charisma (stat), voice recovery bonus, and max spirit health buff.
Dispel meditation advanced Flame 2 3 Attempts to remove all magic on self.
Swan Form form basic Flame 2 4 Weak integrity anti-magic barrier.
Bear Form form advanced Flame 2 5 +Warding skill, +Strength (stat)
Serenity meditation advanced Flame 2 6 Very strong integrity magic barrier. Drains inner fire on block. Increases roar cost.
Tsunami berserk expert Flame 2 6 Increases Balance and primary weapon stat of held weapon.
Mage's Lash roar advanced Flame 2 6 -Primary Magic skill, chance to interrupt a spell being prepared.
Death's Shriek roar expert Flame 2 7 -Defensive Factor, applied to blocking with a shield only, possibly drops to knees.
Turtle Form form expert Flame 2 7 Strong anti-magic potency barrier.
Mana Torment roar expert Flame 3 8 -Attunement pool


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Strategos mastery Horde 1 0 Unlocks ROAR AREA and ROAR CREATURE
Juggernaut mastery Horde 1 0 Increases inner fire gain from all kills against critters, and from strikes in PvP (60 second timer).
Anger the Earth roar intro Horde 1 0 Balance damage
Avalanche berserk intro Horde 1 0 Fatigue heal, Pulsing
Titan mastery Horde 1 0 Provides a reduction to the start-up cost and pulsing cost of berserks. Chance to reset War Stomp cooldown with a kill.
Blizzard berserk intro Horde 2 0 +Damage of weapon-based attacks.
Focus meditation expert Horde 1 1 +Locksmithing skill
Death's Embrace roar basic Horde 1 1 -Melee accuracy, -Ranged accuracy
Dragon Form form intro Horde 2 1 +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill, +Brawling skill, Only held melee weapon. Brawling is buffed if no weapon is held.
Unyielding meditation basic Horde 1 2 +Athletics skill
Python Form form basic Horde 1 2 +Parry Ability skill
Tenacity meditation basic Horde 2 2 Physical damage resistance.
Wildfire berserk basic Horde 2 3 +Agility (stat), bonus weapon speed.
Toad Form form expert Horde 2 5 Elemental damage resistance.
Serpent's Hiss roar advanced Horde 2 5 Makes enemies flee the room.
Earthquake berserk, area of effect advanced Horde 3 6 -Balance, knockdown, pulsing AoE, triggers upgraded Whirlwind
Volcano berserk expert Horde 3 6 Each death blow against them will instead drain Inner Fire.
Badger Form form advanced Horde 2 7 Moderate non-ablative barrier vs. Magic, Mind, Fear, or Charm attacks
Wail of Torment roar expert Horde 2 7 Immobilize.


Ability Type Skill Difficulty Path Cost Prereqs Effect
Paragon mastery Predator 1 0 20% (capped at 50 ranks) bonus to effective skill when using a meditation
Duelist mastery Predator 1 0 Increases passive regen cap of inner fire pool by around 30%, providing more inner fire out of combat.
Tribalist mastery Predator 1 0 +Debilitation skill, Provides bonus to effective ranks when using Barbarian debilitation such as roars or Earthquake berserk, 20% to a maximum of 50 ranks.
Seek meditation basic Predator 1 0 +Outdoorsmanship skill
Exemplar mastery Predator 1 0 Form inner fire cost reduction
Everild's Rage roar basic Predator 2 0 -Defensive Factor, applied to evasion only
Eagle Form form intro Predator 1 1 +Bows skill, +Crossbows skill, +Heavy Thrown skill, +Light Thrown skill, +Slings skill
Tornado berserk basic Predator 2 1 +Shield Usage skill, +Stamina (stat)
Landslide berserk basic Predator 2 1 SvS barrier vs. attacks defended against with Reflex
Wolverine Form form advanced Predator 1 3 Advancing speed boost.
Flashflood berserk advanced Predator 2 3 Pulsing anti-stun/anti-web/auto-standup
Bastion meditation basic Predator 2 4 Strong ablative barrier vs. Willpower attacks.
Piranha Form form basic Predator 2 4 +Evasion skill
Kuniyo's Strike roar advanced Predator 3 4 Stun and possible knockback.
Owl Form form advanced Predator 1 5 +Perception skill
Staunch meditation advanced Predator 2 5 Stops all bleeding for a time.
Prediction meditation expert Predator 3 5 When disabled (stun/immobilize/web/knockdown), you dive-roll out of the room.
Panther Form form expert Predator 1 6 +Stealth skill
Slash the Shadows roar expert Predator 3 7 -Stealth skill, Knock out of hiding.

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