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You see Historian Kohab Iani, Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Human.
You see Historian Kohab Iani, Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Human.

She has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her dark brown hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty silver rose haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.
She has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her dark brown hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty silver rose haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.

Revision as of 11:06, 5 January 2010

Kohab Iani
Race Human
Gender Female
Guild Unknown
Instance Prime


Public Records

  • Born on one of the islands in the Province of Qi'Reshalia.
  • One known relative, an older brother Teuthida.
  • Spent several years in a hospital for unknown injuries.
  • Frequently seen around Crossings and Leth Deriel in the Province of Zoluren.
  • Current Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox.
  • Suffers frequent dizzy spells and has been known to faint during moments of great fatigue.
  • Loves to read and write, spending anlas doing both behind the comforts of her desk at home and in the Order offices.


You see Historian Kohab Iani, Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Human.

She has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her dark brown hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty silver rose haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.

She is short for a Human.

Skillfully applied cosmetics accent her natural beauty, giving her artfully darkened lashes with a hint of chocolate-brown along her lids to emphasize her eyes. Her skin has a youthful glow, with a delicate peach blush highlighting her cheekbones. A pale pink tint stains her lips.


She is wearing a staghorn archer's ring, a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, a hooded parka crafted from lush black fox fur, a pair of light cotton house slippers, a black spidersilk backpack and a supple black leather saddlebag embossed with the crest of the Order of the Black Fox.


As she has made more of a public name for herself, small details concerning Kohab's activities (both past and present) have been documented by those who have interest in such matters.

Early Years

Kohab has had a very rough life. Orginally she was trained by her family to continue the traditions of the Barbarian guild. She was often careless and impulsive at a young age, her brother being a willing partner in crime. Nobody is sure how it happened, but at 12 years of age she was hospitalized for severe injuries. After spending three years in the care of medical professionals she was removed from their care by her brother who had given up the Barbarian ways to follow those of the Empaths. They rode a vessel to the mainland and have been there since. Despite the frequent spasms of pain, Kohab has never been happier. Though many whom knew her before can tell that something has changed within her, her former dedication to the warrior path has all but faded. Those who know the girl wonder what devices she has found to occupy her time.

A Year in the Crossings

Kohab was approached as being one of few surviving decendants, albeit far removed, of the orignal founders of the Order of the Black Fox. Being that her family clan lives an isolationist existance on the islands, Kohab never knew much of the old history. This knowledge rekindled her thrist for a social structure in her life and she has embraced the Order, including all that might come with it. She has the stigma of being the youngest Order Speaker, and has already begun to experience much opposition to her position. Despite this, she remains dedicated to the ways of the Order and will continue to serve the best way she knows how.

Leth Deriel: A New Home

As these times have just begun, little can be noted in this area. However it can be said that Kohab has gained living quarters in the region and can be seen frequenting the forests surrounding the legendary city.


Little details about Kohab and her life have been placed here for your viewing pleasure.

Kohab's Memoirs

An avid writer, Kohab has published several papers through various writing associations. Containing mostly loose thoughts and observational commentary, these works have been collected and placed here. Plainly titled "Kohab's Memoirs" and contantly updated with new material, the collection is nothing short of an in-depth look at her mental labors.

Kohab's Memoirs: The Collected Works

Kohab's Home


[Chelsea Overlook, Blacksilt Beach]

The breeze blows the dark silt across plank walkways weaving among the shorefront homes and plays the wind chimes hanging from pylons in the water that keep boats from the stony shallows. Insects chirp and hum from the clumps of cattails and reeds growing along the river. You also see a pink sandstone cottage, and a cozy stacked stone house with a crisp and well-maintained flag of Zoluren hanging near it.

Obvious paths: east, west.


[Kohab's Home]

A sailcloth mat adorns the smooth driftwood floor of this small room. A circular riverstone firepit, with a ship's wheel hanging above it, rests between a narrow rotted boat and a bulky pine desk pushed up against the salt-stained driftwood walls. The room holds a very faint scent of fresh water. You also see a thick port hole window, a driftwood sea chest etched with nautical symbols with a calendar on it, a notched dark pine weapon rack with some stuff on it, a polished dark pine armor stand with some stuff on it, a heavyweight dark pine bench and a gold-spotted Rissan cliff piltala.

Obvious exits: none