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|illegal=social outrage
|corrupt=divine outrage
|desc=The Call from Within spell is a Philosopher innovation to the classical skeletal minions known to accompany the necromancers of old. While the undead are assuredly soulless, those raised by high-end Animation magic need not be mindless. Bones animated by this spell will assemble anew into a stealthy, cunning creature, with spellcasting capacity of its own and some of its master's knowledge.
|desc=The Call from Within spell is a Philosopher innovation to the classical skeletal minions known to accompany the necromancers of old. While the undead are assuredly soulless, those raised by high-end Animation magic need not be mindless. Bones animated by this spell will assemble anew into a stealthy, cunning creature, with spellcasting capacity of its own and some of its master's knowledge.
|buffs=No buffs
|buffs=No buffs

Revision as of 15:09, 5 July 2024

Necromancer thumb.jpgNecromancer Guild

Call from Within Cyclic spell Justice triggering spell Causes outrage or corruption
Abbreviation: CFW
Prerequisites: Call from Beyond, Visions of Darkness, Vivisection
Signature: Yes
Spell Slots: 3
Mana Type: Arcane Magic
Spell Type: cyclic / utility
Difficulty: advanced
Prep (min/max): 5 / 25
Skill Range (min/max): 250 / 1000
Valid Spell Target: Self
Duration (min/max): Indefinite
Pulse Timing: 8-10 seconds
Justice: social outrage
Corruption: divine outrage
Description: The Call from Within spell is a Philosopher innovation to the classical skeletal minions known to accompany the necromancers of old. While the undead are assuredly soulless, those raised by high-end Animation magic need not be mindless. Bones animated by this spell will assemble anew into a stealthy, cunning creature, with spellcasting capacity of its own and some of its master's knowledge.
Effect: Puncture damage, Slice damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, summons a stealthy spell casting undead bug
Example Messaging: Prepared corpse cast:

Caustic violet and green lights pool underneath the remains of a ship's rat. As its flesh begins to sizzle, the lights congeal into a liquid which rises in a bubbling tide. The body is quickly skeletonized, and some of the gleaming, liberated bones swirl up and begin to rebuild themselves. Amidst a loud but ordered clatter, ligaments grow over the new connections, soon giving shape to a small, narrow-waisted beast with membranous wings.

In the span of a heartbeat, the bone wasp rotates around on the floor before launching itself into the air. You lose sight of it among the shadows.

Harvested material cast:
Caustic violet green lights ensheathe an acid-washed chunk of atik'et material as it leaps restlessly from your hand. Arrested in mid-fall, the gleaming, well-cleaned bones swirl down and begin to rebuild themselves. Amidst a loud but ordered clatter, ligaments grow over the new connections, soon giving shape to a small, long-bodied beast with a thicket of limbs.

In a flurry of legs and a ripple of its segmented back, the skeletal centipede drops to the ground at your feet. One end of it quests upward, jointed mouthparts gaping at you, before it runs off into the shadows with a rustle.

Ranged attack:
Driving in with exacting precision, a pale grey death scarab with miasma-filled wingcases fires a bone spine at a ship's rat. A ship's rat attempts to dodge, mis-stepping and blundering into the blow. The spine lands a very heavy hit to its left leg!
Moving with dominating grace, a pale grey death scarab with miasma-filled wingcases fires a bone spine at a ship's rat. A ship's rat attempts to dodge, taking the full blow. The spine lands a spine-rattling strike that severs the webs between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand!

Vivisection cast:
From the shadows, your death scarab directs an insidious assault at a ship's rat.
Cuts and tears appear all over a ship's rat's chest, creating a thin red mist in the general vicinity.

Vision of Darkness cast:
From the shadows, your death scarab turns a black gaze upon a ship's rat.
A ship's rat's eyes blacken very briefly.

A pale grey death scarab with miasma-filled wingcases flits into the area, flying low.

Your death scarab sneaks in.

The death scarab buffets rotten dust from its dissolving wings, then crumbles altogether.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.


  • Call from Within represents a shift of power from Universal Solvent for Forsaken necromancers.
  • This is a cyclic spell that will create a stealthy, spellcaster minion. There are two methods of casting: (1) On a corpse prepared to Arise, similar to Call from Beyond but without the need to heal the corpse. (2) On harvested material prepared with Acid Splash. Both methods will produce equally effective pets; the difference is cosmetic.
  • When cast at a prepared corpse it produces: an acid-green bone wasp with tarry black stripes.
  • When cast at a acid-washed harvested matierial it produces: an acid-green skeletal centipede mottled with dusky blue.
  • Spell customization items will replace both versions of the minion with the same customization.
  • The minion can cast Visions of Darkness and Vivisection. If you know Alkahest Edge or Sidhlot's Flaying, so will the minion.
  • In addition to the spells, the minion will throw spines at the target occasionally throwing more than one at a time.
  • The damage type inflicted depends on the minion's spells known and which attack or spell is being used.
  • Minion attacks will teach targeted magic.
  • Works with Ghoulflesh, Necrotic Reconstruction, and Reverse Putrefaction. A defensive RPU will also buff the minion's stealth.
  • Can coexist with other Animation pets.
  • The pulse rate appears slightly variable occurring 8, 9, or 10 seconds apart.
  • The minion will follow you when you move rooms even if it is engaged in combat. The minion attempts to do so stealthily if it was hiding when you moved, but be mindful about moving through justice areas with it up since the minion can be revealed and will trigger justice mechanics if out in the open. It is safest to release the cyclic if heading into justice areas.

Creature Info


Holding itself aloft in utter silence, the bone wasp bears only passing resemblance to an animal. Various unidentifiable, misshapen bone pieces have been polished to an unnatural greenish shine and put together in the loose approximation of a monstrous wasp, the length of a Human's arm.


Fearful witnesses recount tales of skeletons ripping themselves free of their corpses, only to collapse into hideous new configurations under the unholy ministrations of a necromancer.

Combat Behavior

  • The minion cannot be commanded at all.
  • The minion will attempt to remain in stealth and will try to prevent enemies from advancing on it.
  • The minion will only attack or cast spells at creatures that are engaged with either itself or the casting necromancer.
  • It will prioritize targets you're facing > afflicted with Visions of Darkness > engaged with you > engaged with itself.
  • If neither the minion nor the casting necromancer are engaged with anything it will remain inactive in stealth.

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