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Post:Zamidren and Dwarath (log) - 9/2/2009 - 1:37:47

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Zamidren and Dwarath (log) · on 9/2/2009 1:37:47 AM 11393
Zamidren was about today with Dwarath. Dwarath had some coughing spasms which aren't shown here because I grabbed this log from my talk window. But anyways, here you go.

Zamidren says, "Good afternoon."
Dwarath says, "I'll let you know when I'm ready. Mother."
You say, "Greetings, Sir."

Terra says to Zamidren, "I have been wondering how your progress is going? You seemed to have a lot to think about last time I saw you."
Zamidren says, "Unfortunately, nothing new in the fight against it."

Xzean asks, "No more meaning has been gleaned from the symbols, then?"
Zamidren says, "I searched the province rather extensively for more symbols, to no avail."
Terra asks, "And you've found nothing?"

Zaran says, "You mentioned you thought the symbols were only a simple map."
Zaran asks, "A map to Dirge or a map elsewhere?"
Dwarath says, "Not so simple, if you ask me."
Terra asks, "The map led to Dirge did it not?"

Zamidren says, "That's my belief."
Zamidren says, "And that the Inquisitor nabbed the author."
Xzean says, "Such an odd way to be a map, considering the gravity of the symbols subject matter."
Terra asks, "Yes, he did. Didn't he?"
Dwarath says, "Good job, that. I need to meet that fellow."

Xzean darkly says, "Yes and then disposed of him before anything could be learned."
Zamidren says to Dwarath, "You need to rest."
Terra asks, "Did you even see the last symbol? Did he manage to ink it upon the wall?"
Zaran says, "The inquisitor is a little, er, intense."
Terra asks Zamidren, "Is this your.. assistant?"

Dwarath asks, "Assistant. Always second fiddle, eh?"
Zamidren says, "They can't be expected to know."
Zamidren says, "This is Dwarath. More often than not, I'm HIS assistant."
Terra says to Dwarath, "Forgive me if I made an incorrect assumption, I did not mean to offend. I have just never seen you before, and Master Book seems to be concerned for your well being."

You say, "It is an honor."
Terra says, "Indeed."
Dwarath says, "He's only concerned because he thinks it's his fault."
You say, "His fault that the artist was captured? I'm not sure I understand."
Xzean says, "I think he means the injuries."
Terra says to Dwarath, "Well, it is a true honor to meet you."

Dwarath says, "He blames himself for.. yes. My condition."
Terra asks, "What is your condition?"
Zamidren says, "Sick."
You ask, "What kind of sick?"
Dwarath says, "A reasonably strong necromantic poison of some sort. The ol' witch snuck up on me."

Dwarath says, "I'll live."
You say, "Which witch? I know several."
Dwarath says, "Probably."
Terra asks, "Yes, what witch?"
You ask, "Lyras hmm?"
Zamidren says, "No, not the Devourer."
You ask, "The elven woman we see in visions maybe?"
Dwarath says, "We can say it was."

Zaran says, "A very unpleasant bunch."
Terra says, "Sithsia, surely not."
Dwarath says, "There I was... crawling into the den of the Devourer..."
Dwarath says, "Truth be told, it was but a minor nuisance that got lucky."
Zamidren says, "Because I was distracted. She shouldn't have gotten around you."

Terra asks, "Do you know who the witch was?"
Dwarath says, "I swear, if I thought it'd shut you up, I'd cut my beard off and stuff it in your mouth old man."
Zamidren says, "Destroyed now, in any case."
You ask, "'You are recovering then? Not getting worse?"
Xzean says, "Necromantic poison...I did not even think one could recover from it, given past experience."

Dwarath says, "I've felt better."
Dwarath says, "But looking at those monks day in and out gets tiring. Good excuse to get outta bed."
You ask, "I've no experience with it myself. Care to elaborate?"
Terra asks Zamidren, "Can you share with us anything that you have learned since last I saw you?"
Xzean says to you, "It was a long time ago, dealing with Vorclaf's rise."

You say, "I see."
Zamidren says to Xzean, "The late Prince of Zoluren in fact overcame such a poison. Though, I cannot say the strength of that case."
Xzean says, "Did not many others perish, though? It has been long since I thought about it."
Zaran asks Dwarath, "Anything I can offer to aid your recovery?"
Terra says to Zamidren, "I must confess my concern to you."
Dwarath says, "Eh. I'll live."

Terra says, "We are no closer than we were when the Devourer arrived in finding a way toward her end. And after this last bit, with our very reality being altered as she plunged that knife into her chest and brought about... well, heavens only know what that was."
Terra says, "The Moon Mages have visions of course."
Terra says, "One of the most recent involving three arrows bringing her down."

Zamidren says, "So I had heard, one of them poisoning the land itself."
Xzean says, "And then who knows what the most recent vision ment, with that figure..."
You say, "There is another one I saw just yesterday for the first time."
Terra says, "One was wreathed in silver light, obviously similar to that of the bless spell in it's most neutral incarnation. One was covered in the golden light of the sun. And the third of as dark poison that killed the very land around it."

Dwarath says, "It is NOT the way."
Terra says, "I know your expertise is Necromancy, MIster Book. But perhaps you can help me answer another question."
Zaran asks, "Master Dwarath, care to explain?"
Zamidren says, "If I can."
Xzean asks, "The way?"
Zaran says, "A group of eager students if there every was."

Terra says, "They had a vision recently of a man. Bruised and beaten, grey in skin but on him was a crown of braided sunlight. All around him in this empty looking plane were demons made of sunlight and fire, tethered by earthen brown ropes."

Terra says, "Some held swords, but could not use them to strike."
Terra quietly says, "Sorry..reflex."
Terra says, "But.."
Terra says, "The man walked over and sat amongst the tethers when it was over."
Terra asks Zamidren, "I do not mean to pry about random subjects while you are currently tending to such a predicament. But I can find nothing, metaphorical or literal that is shedding any light on that last vision. Does it mean anything to you?"

Zamidren says, "Interesting."
Xzean says, "Ominous, but otherwise mysterious."
Zaran says, "I don't recall seeing the figure in previous visions."
Xzean says, "It is certainly new."
Zamidren says, "Immediately? No... nothing in it strikes me as familiar."
You say, "The grey skin I've seen. In reference to Sahfra. A risen."

Zamidren asks Dwarath, "Tell me, do you recognize any of the images described?"
Terra says to Dwarath, "Please.. anything could help us. I know you are ill, but if you could help us.. please."
Dwarath says to Zamidren, "No. I do not."
Terra says, "Our time draws to a close, and the provinces bicker over political intrigue and I fear what will happen if nobody makes a move."
Zamidren says, "I will ponder it. Go through my research."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ General Discussions - Events in General (OOC) (5), by VAHLISSA on the forums.