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Post:New War Stomp - 04/21/2021 - 23:50

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New War Stomp · on 04/21/2021 23:50 393
I've just rolled a new version of Barbarian's War Stomp into Prime and Plat. It now functions as a jump-to-melee maneuver that does a double attack upon landing. For those who hunt mech mice, it will respect your special material foot-worn weapons. Likewise, for those hunting undead, if you are blessed (Cleric or Kertigen), the ability will recognize it. The attacks do fire-themed damage, and the target is locked to melee for a short time. This project was done entirely by Grejuva, so all thanks to his efforts!

That one guy

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians / Barbarian Ability - War Stomp, by DR-JAVAC on the forums.