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Post:Father Soraent Vomits Necklaces -- A Log - 05/04/2017 - 22:50

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Father Soraent Vomits Necklaces -- A Log · on 05/04/2017 10:50 PM CDT 2308
Summary: Father Soraent was spotted at the Temple and was able to produce PFE-enchanted necklaces by first consuming a prayer bead, then vomiting out the necklace. He gave out a large number of these, though it obviously taxed him greatly. A Necromancer made an appearance but was convinced to leave. Afterward we spoke to Father Soraent in a lengthy interview in which he spoke on demons, his dreams, the Elpalzi's worship, and other things.

Note that this was a very long log and is highly edited. I did my best to include most RP actions but clipped out all the talk about who had how many beads/necklaces.

Don't forget to check the calendar for the upcoming announcement by Lord Grigoire! Saturday, 8pm EST, at DiSilveron Manor.

[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]
A small wooden shrine lies to the north of the cobblestone road, the southern side of the path cradled by the protective walls surrounding the grounds area. A stubby stool stands before the shrine, allowing one to sit and seek audience with their deity. You also see a balsa stick, a balsa stick, a balsa stick, a balsa stick, a balsa stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, a fir stick, an apple stick, an apple stick, an apple stick, a ponderous Shadow Servant, a spruce limb and a bamboo limb.
Also here: Knight Magister Saragos who has a stony visage, Enef, Priestess Crisanya, Lord of the Sands Akudyn, Sand Herald Grenhart, Duskwalker Zesoma, Commando Raeyel, Art Historian Aranthalous, Tombwarden Mircea who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Kehlbins, Tarlof who has a stony visage, High Priestess Khaelyn, Siensa, Longbeard Ledia, Teebone, Hodierna's Fist Kaelie, Archivist Morlen, Klines who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, Perune, Fenasta Sveton Aliselyn, Councillor Aislynn who is sitting, Rhykin, Mazrian and High Temple Investigator Soraent who is sitting.

Obvious paths: northeast, west.

Rhykin says, "I wonder if these necklaces can be recharged."

Mazrian says, "But I'm not official personage or anything."

You smile at Soraent.

Akudyn says, "Okay."

You see High Temple Investigator Soraent, a Human.
Soraent has a square-jawed face and piercing dark eyes. His grey hair is short and curly. He has ebon skin and a wiry build.
He is tall for a Human.
He appears to be wizened.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a cup of ginger tea in his right hand and an ebony scorpion bead in his left.
He is wearing a grey woolen cassock clasped at the shoulder with the signet of the High Temple and some black leather boots.

You say to Soraent, "Father Soraent, so good to see you again."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You observe Soraent with fascination.

Aranthalous patiently exclaims, "Thank you father!"

Soraent says, "Hello again."

Soraent smiles.

Zeteivek hesitantly says, "That is..."

Aranthalous patiently exclaims, "I have to run... I will see everyone at the meeting!"

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You say to Soraent, "It seems you have been blessed with a unique gift, Father."

Klines leans over and whispers, "The High Investigator is eating beads and see..."

You give Klines a slight nod.

Soraent says to you, "They called to me, and I answered."

You nod to Soraent.

Zeteivek asks, "What is the purpose of these necklaces?"

Mazrian says to Zeteivek, "They hold the Protection from Evil spell."

Perune asks Soraent, "What does that sound like, by the way?"

Aislynn quietly says, "I will."

You say to Soraent, "When you have a moment, if you wish, I have a few questions for the Herald."

Soraent says to Perune, "It depends a great deal."

Zeteivek asks Mazrian, "A God spell?"

Perune says, "On which one is speaking, I guess."

Soraent takes a sip of his tea.

Iskra says, "Golly... that doesn't sound pleasant."

Mazrian says, "But we should probably stock up as many as Father Soraent is willing to produce, while he's able."

Soraent asks you, "When it is over, perhaps?"

Aislynn quietly asks Soraent, "Will these work for those without the Immortals' blessings? For example.. The elpalzi?"

Aislynn shifts her weight.

Soraent says to Aislynn, "I do not know."

Khaelyn says to Soraent, "I wish I could do more to help."

Silvenar exclaims, "Thank you so much father!"

You whisper to Klines, "This is indeed fascinating. Would you care to prepare some questions with me?"

Zeteivek says, "I do not think the magic cares for who wields it. It is the necklace that your Gods have given you, but it only contains the magic."

Klines leans over and whispers, "I did ask one question alread. Which deity he is praying to. He said that he is praying to whichever deity the bead is carved for. That leads me to believe They are united in this. He also said at one point, "The Demon comes.""

Felicini says, "Thank you for the gift and good luck to all of us in these trouble times."

Soraent says, "Stay strong and put your faith in the Immortals."

Zeteivek asks Mazrian, "When shall we know more about the attack on the Elpalzi?"

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Aislynn quietly asks Soraent, "Do you want to continue?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Mazrian says, "I couldn't say, but Lord Demesel is making an official announcement in a couple of days."

Soraent says to Aislynn, "I fear I must."

Tarlof politely says to Soraent, "For the poor."

Mazrian says, "I would plan to come to that. We'll probably find out more."

Perune asks Soraent, "This won't kill you, will it?"

You frown.

Iskra weakly says, "All this hucking and chuffing is making me feel queasy..."

Rhykin says, "Indigestion at most."

Khaelyn says, "If the gods called for it."

Iskra stumbles west.

Khaelyn says, "I would surely."

Rhykin says, "Has to be the work of Tallis."

Soraent asks Rhykin, "Pardon?"

Zeteivek says, "Hm. I am not much one for plans. I simply wish the way to be opened, by whatever means they have. I hunt, and the Elpalzi are just more beasts."

Mazrian says, "Denesal, pardon."

Mazrian rubs his neck.

Rhykin asks, "Tallis, the leader of the Cleric council, no?"

Aislynn quietly says to Zeteivek, "They are not beasts."

Aliselyn says, "I've got a primer if anyone else is able to carve and needs one."

Soraent asks Rhykin, "The High Priestess of the High Temple. What of her?"

Mazrian says, "Mm. Regardless, I'd probably show up."

Zeteivek says to Aislynn, "We are all beasts."

Aislynn quietly says, "I am most certainly not a beast."

Rhykin asks, "This was her doing?"

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Khaelyn says, "My hands hurt from all the carving."

Grenhart says, "No you are not."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Zeteivek says to Aislynn, "Then I suppose I will not hunt you."

You ask Khaelyn, "May I ease your suffering with magic?"

Aislynn snorts at Zeteivek.

Aislynn quietly says to Zeteivek, "I would sit on you."

Khaelyn says to you, "Whatever helps."

Aislynn grunts at Zeteivek.

You begin to sing, a gentle arpeggio of notes that segues into the softly melodic introduction to Hodierna's Lilt.

Aliselyn says to Aislynn, "I must admit, that would be amusing to see."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Raeyel says, "And thats team deathwish."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You release an accompaniment of elemental air into your song, as you introduce a variety of more complicated scales, slowly working the melody upward with ascending tones.

Raeyel says to Soraent, "Thank you very much for doing this for us."

Soraent smiles kindly and nods.

Zeteivek says to Aislynn, "You are not very large, Iskamur. I do not think I'm very afraid."

You say to Khaelyn, "I hope this song is helpful."

Aislynn quietly says to Zeteivek, "I am an empath. You would take a long nap, and awaken female."

Aislynn flicks her tongue mischievously at Zeteivek and draws a tiny circle in the air with her tail.

Mewawl exclaims, "I appreciate it Father!"

Soraent asks, "Who yet waits?"

Bertan exclaims, "Me!"

Akudyn says, "I wait."

Soraent nods.

Saphryna says, "I do as well."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Zeteivek says, "I would still have my spear, and I would still hunt, and I would still seek what I seek. All else matters little."

Akudyn says, "Sorry for your pain."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Khaelyn says to you, "It is lovely."

Aliselyn says, "I also wait, though I am in no hurry."

Aislynn chuckles at Zeteivek.

You smile at Khaelyn.

Saphryna says, "We definately need protection from evil."

Zeteivek offers Quawl a necklace of aganylosh'a beads interspersed with anloral amulets.

Aislynn quietly says, "Could someone carve a unicorn bead? It's.. Ehm. It's a thing."

Aislynn shifts her weight.

Zeteivek says to Quawl, "Have this. I will not need it."

You ask Mazrian, "So, did you get your well-deserved rest?"

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

(Sophrona hugs all)

Mazrian says, "Rest? There wasn't much rest, no."

Zeteivek says, "I am not certain your Gods would wish to protect me anyway."

You say, "No? Too bad."

Akudyn says, "And now I am officially out of blocks."

Mazrian says, "Just how it is. No rest for the wicked, you know."

You say to Mazrian, "At least some pancakes. It's important to take breaks."

You say to Mazrian, "Also, I've a favor to ask."

Mazrian asks you, "Hmm. Are you up for baby sitting?"

Saphryna says to Soraent, "A painful way to get protection."

Soldiz asks, "Beads are needed for him to produce the necklace?"

You say to Mazrian, "I don't mind."

Rhykin says, "Correct."

Mazrian says, "Ok. We can bargain."

Mazrian flashes a quick grin.

You ask Mazrian, "Wait. How old are they?"

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Mazrian says, "Seven and three."

Mazrian nods to you.

Mazrian says, "Had to think about that for a moment."

Mazrian chuckles.

You say, "Done."

Mazrian asks, "Ah, fantastic. We get so little time alone. What can I help with?"

Mazrian smiles at you.

You say to Mazrian, "Should we be fighting on the front lines together, and should we both encounter Alret, give me a shot at him first."

Mazrian ponders.

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Saragos says to you, "That seems a bit unlike you."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You say to Mazrian, "He killed me once at the start of everything, and the memory still stings."

Zeteivek asks Soraent, "You were shown to make the necklaces. Were you shown what purpose they will serve? What waits for us in this battle?"

You stare deeply into Saragos's eyes.

Aislynn quietly says to Zeteivek, "Demons."

You raise your chin slightly, bolstering your courage.

Soraent coughs.

Zeteivek says, "Hm. I do not think I have ever hunted a demon."

Soraent rubs his throat

Mazrian gazes thoughtfully at you.

Aislynn rests her hand on Soraent's arm with a soft smile.

Mazrian says, "Revenge does seem unlike you."

You ask Saragos, "How is it unlike me, exactly? Am I not a fighter?"

You fold your arms across your chest.

Perune chuckles.

Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a cup of whiskey tea appears in her hand!

Aislynn offers Soraent a cup of whiskey tea.

Soraent asks, "Are there more yet?"

Aislynn quietly says, "There are. I am sorry."

Saphryna says to Soraent, "Thank you."

Soraent says to Aislynn, "Oh, but thank you. I could not."

Klines asks Soraent, "When They inspired you to make these necklaces, did They tell you anything else?"

Aislynn quietly says, "Oh. Whisky. Right."

Aislynn chuckles.

Saragos says to you, "Oh, you're a fighter alright. Just haven't seen you have the need to make sure your own blade was dipped in the blood before."

Saragos says to you, "Long as the job was done."

You say, "I think you both haven't known me long enough."

Soraent asks, "A bead?"

Siensa says to Soraent, "Thank you for the necklace. Please take care of yourself."

Saragos grins at you.

Saragos says to you, "Not that I disapprove, mind."

You say, "I have a long memory. Alret stopped my heart, and I intend to see that he feels my staff."

Saragos nods to you.

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Aislynn quietly says, "I will keep offering beads, for so long as the Father can accept them."

Aislynn frets.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You say, "And his assassins as well, should they be there."

Mazrian says, "If the chance comes up, I'll try to make sure you'll get your shot. But it's not likely to be anything as neat as a duel in there."

Mazrian shakes his head.

You nod to Mazrian.

You say, "I'm aware."

Kaelie says, "Next time I ask for a favor of Faenella I'm saying an extra prayer for you."

Kaelie nods to Soraent.

Soraent says to Kaelie, "Thank you."

Saragos says to you, "I'm there for the same."

Zeteivek asks you, "You are determined to find Alret, then?"

You smile at Saragos.

You say, "We all must find him. He is their leader."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Mazrian says, "It doesn't help, you know. Revenge, that is."

You say to Mazrian, "I suspect not."

You say, "But I intend to seek it anyway."

You fix Mazrian with a proud, defiant stare.

Binu says, "Hey everyone."

Akudyn says, "Thank you for the help everyone, and sorry for your troubles Soraent."

Mazrian says, "Heyo, Binu."

Saragos says to Mazrian, "It doesn't fix anything, but I've been told as well that it doesn't make you feel any better. Always felt pretty good to me."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

You say to Mazrian, "Oh, and I suspect he has trained in ways similar to our Barbarians, if that helps you."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Saragos says to Binu, "Good afternoon."

Grenhart says, "Never mourn the death of a slaver."

Binu says to Saragos, "Afternoon to you too."

Grenhart says, "Revenge or not."

Perune says, "I wouldn't have any expectations about Alret's abilities."

Binu says, "Thanks."

You say to Perune, "I speak only from my experience with him. Who knows how he has changed since then, though."

Mazrian says, "If he's trained as a Barbarian it may be all we can do to keep ourselves alive until he runs out of Fire."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

You say to Perune, "He stopped my heart with some kind of powerful roar."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Perune says, "Forget the man who killed you, he's gone."

You say, "I suggest we prepare for all possibilities."

Mazrian nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You ask Perune, "You suspect he is already consumed by the demon?"

Saragos asks Binu, "You planning on making a run at the Reach, when it's time?"

Binu says, "Of course."

Perune says, "His mind if not his body, and it is likely both. He is probably demonspawn by this point."

Saragos nods to Binu.

Binu says, "I will be there to battle Alret and his minions."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Zeteivek says, "I mean to return a gift to Alret."

Zeteivek tilts his assassin's dagger side to side, making the light play off it.

Soraent asks, "Are there any without now?"

Binu says, "Yes, I am without Soraent."

Saragos says to Binu, "Excellent. I'll be glad to fight alongside you. We'll need every hand we can get."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

You say to Perune, "Maybe so. Even still, we know so little of these things. As I said, best to prepare for different possibilities."

Binu says, "Yes we do."

Mazrian nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Grenhart says, "Release the slaves and we can talk."

Grenhart says, "Until then we burn the keep."

Grenhart says, "To rubble."

Binu asks Soraent, "Do you perhaps need some water?"

Binu offers Soraent a water ball.

Grenhart says, "Apparently not."

Soraent accepts Binu's water ball.

Soraent takes a drink from his water ball.

Soraent says, "Thank you."

Binu says, "You are welcome."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Binu bows to Soraent.

You sniff at the bead.

Grenhart says, "Got one stuck in his throat."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Saphryna says to Binu, "That was thoughtful."

Binu says, "Hello there."

You say, "Cedar. I feel as though it must be a godly wood."

Aislynn smiles at you.

Soraent takes a drink from his water ball.

Saphryna says to Binu, "And hello to you too."

Soraent looks very tired.

Mazrian says, "Seems like cedar would be a little astringent."

Aislynn frets.

Aislynn rests her hand on Soraent's arm with a soft smile.

You glance with concern at Soraent.

Mordimer asks Aislynn, "How do I get one of them beads?"

Rhykin says, "Working on it."

Aislynn quietly says, "Someone needs to carve one for you."

You whisper to Aislynn, "I hope that my song is aiding him. Is he all right?"

Soraent asks, "Are there no more beads?"

Aislynn whispers, "He has been at this for a good while..."

Aislynn quietly says, "There will be more."

Iskra asks, "Miss Aislynn? Is that you?"

Aislynn quietly says, "It is, Iskra."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Iskra asks, "How come this poor man is chucking up so much? Can you help him?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You say to Iskra, "It is a Holy gift from the Immortals. We are aiding him with Empathic care, Hodierna's Lilt, and Zephyr."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Aislynn quietly says to Iskra, "It's... holy."

Zeteivek says, "He vomits so Alret will bleed. That is what is important."

Iskra scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Iskra says, "Well... alright."

Soraent rubs at his throat.

Rhykin says, "I have an idea."

Binu says, "I think he needs some strong tea."

You say, "I can go without if need be."

Saphryna says to Soraent, "Oh my .. you must be hurting."

You get a sky-blue imnera runestone marked with a symbol for Zephyr from inside your spellbook case.

>invoke rune

Closing your eyes, you carefully bend some mana streams through a sky-blue imnera runestone marked with a symbol for Zephyr.

The saturated tunnels in the runestone form the foundation of a spell pattern. With this template in place, you begin preparing the Zephyr spell.

That won't affect your current attunement very much.

Soraent says to Saphryna, "It is not particularly pleasant."

You tuck a sky-blue imnera runestone marked with a symbol for Zephyr into the runestone compartment of your spellbook case.

Mordimer asks Klines, "Does anyone else find it odd that he swallows a bead and then he vomits up a necklace?"

You gesture.

You contribute your harnessed streams to increase the pattern's potential.

A light cool breeze begins to stir.

You hear the voice of Chuman say, "Seems normal."

Perune says to Mordimer, "I asked about gnomes down there, but I guess not."

You say, "It's a miracle."

Mazrian says, "...more than a little. But hey, Gods..."

Saphryna says, "Awful to watch..."

Zeteivek asks, "There are things about your Gods that are not odd?"

Soraent says to Mordimer, "The Immortals are merely working through me."

Sophrona rubs Soraent gently, massaging his muscles.

You say, "You should have seen what he was vomiting just before last Hollow Eve."

You shudder.

Saphryna peers quizzically at you.

Mordimer says to Soraent, "I believe you, in fact the evidense is unmistakable."

You say to Saphryna, "Don't you read the papers? I can get a copy for you if you like."

Saphryna shakes her head at you.

You smile at Saphryna.

Saphryna says to you, "I would love a copy."

You say to Saphryna, "The First Land Herald. Look it up. We cover Zoluren current events."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

You say, "Let me get you the one about Father Soraent."

Sophrona asks, "How many times do you estimate we will need to use them?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Mazrian says, "Each necklace seems to be good for two uses."

Sophrona says, "I focused and it said 3 uses on mine."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Sophrona says, "Second one said 2."

(Navesi produces a rolled scroll and hands it to Saphryna.)

Sophrona nods to Mazrian.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

(Saphryna accepts the scroll from Navesi with intrest.)

Saphryna nods to you.

Sophrona asks, "We;d need them with cursed undeads only?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Saphryna says to you, "Thank you .. I had never met the Father until today."

Tiny red and purple shafts appear within the black mist surrounding XXX and writhe in frenzy.

Your spell loses cohesion when it attempts to pass through the unholy miasma.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Soraent asks, "Is the need still very great?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You hear a dark voice say, "I may be in need of such a device."

Sophrona asks, "Does anyone know if the rattle still works and if so how?"

Soraent stands up.

Tiny red and purple shafts appear within the black mist surrounding XXX and writhe in frenzy.

Your spell loses cohesion when it attempts to pass through the unholy miasma.

Aislynn quietly says, "I rather doubt that they'd help you."

Feltzer asks, "So anyone able to tell me what this is for?"

Soraent says, "There is a defiler here."

You frown.

Mazrian searches around for a moment.

You weave a soft melody, as you begin Sanctuary, the notes so light and airy they can barely be heard.

Grenhart searches around for a moment.

Mazrian asks, "Defiler?"

Kaelie says, "I imagine they will come in great use when we get to the charge against Alret."

Soraent says, "I can not continue unless it is removed."

You say, "I saw him, briefly."

Aislynn quietly says, "Please, Mortifer."

Mazrian says, "Remove yourself or be removed then, defiler."

Mircea says, "Necromancer I assume."

Your spell loses cohesion when it attempts to pass through the unholy miasma.

Aislynn mutters to herself.

You hear a dark voice say, "If you do not wish my help so be it."

Aislynn moves some bright green powder to her left hand.

Zeteivek points at Chuman, ruining his hiding place.

You release an accompaniment of elemental electricity into your singing, as you resolve the soft melody into a modal form. A dome of light begins to structure itself around you in response.

Zeteivek searches around for a moment.

Grenhart searches around for a moment.

As each feathery note falls from your lips, you weave it into a tapestry of subtle harmonics that support a line of melody in a minor key, forming the complex measures of the Sanctuary enchante.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a dome of faintly shimmering light [Spawn Reduced].

Chuman frowns at Zeteivek.

Mordimer searches around for a moment.

Klines searches around for a moment.

Iskra exclaims, "I didn't do it!"

Soraent says, "Creature, you are not of the Immortals and it is your own choice. Leave this place."

Your spell loses cohesion when it attempts to pass through the unholy miasma.

You hear someone chuckling.

You say, "I am warding this area against clairvoyance and most forms of invisibility. Defiler, I suggest you leave now."

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light [Clairvoyance Protection].

Elfverhan says, "Hello."

Perune asks Soraent, "Do you wish protection, sir?"

As Mordimer reaches for it, some deep violet powder spills and dissipates.

As Mordimer reaches for it, some deep violet powder spills and dissipates.

Aislynn quietly says, "Mortifer... he needs you to not be here to do his work. His help is more important than yours right now."

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light [Clairvoyance Protection].

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of shimmering light [Clairvoyance Protection].

Soraent says, "It has gone."

Mazrian searches around for a moment.

You give a slight nod.

Mazrian nods.

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light [No Hiding].

Aislynn puts her powder in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.

Deimeter exclaims, "Hi!"

You say, "No further hiding will take place here. It is warded."

Deimeter says, "Wow...."

Deimeter asks, "So...what are we doing?"

Deimeter smiles.

Mazrian asks, "Oh, very nice. What is doing that?"

Mazrian smiles at you.

Drissun asks, "Is this the necklace?"

Saphryna says to Deimeter, "Glad you came."

Deimeter says, "Thanks, Saph."

You say to Mazrian, "Sanctuary. I've become strong enough to elicit that effect from it."

Mitkiahn says, "Hello."

Mircea says, "Shaping prayer beads and giving them to Soraent who is vomiting up necklaces from them."

Mazrian asks, "Very nice. Does that work against the invisible as well?"

Zeteivek says to Mitkiahn, "A very strange day."

You say, "I've done some testing. It works against many forms, though not all."

You hear a dry voice say, "Ha."

Zeteivek says to Mitkiahn, "This will protect you."

Deimeter asks, "What these do?"

Mazrian says to Deimeter, "They contain the protection from evil spell."

Saphryna says to Deimeter, "Well.. Father Soraent here.. is going through a horrible riutal to produce these necklaces to protect us from evil."

Deimeter says, "How generous."

Mazrian says, "They'll probably be very useful later, in our conflict iwth the Elpalzi."

You hear a dry voice say, "Can I get two? I have a big neck."

You whisper to Mazrian, "Must be one of the forms I can't prevent. Sometimes if those invisible are already present..."

Saphryna says to Deimeter, "I see he has been blessed by the gods to produce these for something most likely to come our way."

Deimeter says, "Well the elpazi are getting a lot tougher...this morning in Dirge...rough."

Mazrian nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Binu says, "Oh yes, quite a rough morning."

Soraent says, "I do not know I can continue much longer."

Perune nods to Soraent.

Deimeter says, "Raeyel died a handful of times."

Deimeter says, "It was a slaughterfest."

Soraent says, "Please, if you've already one, do not take more unless all have theirs."

Mazrian says, "You've done more than anyone has a right to expect."

Mazrian nods to Soraent.

Perune says to Soraent, "You've done more than enough, surely Clerics will be at the battle as well."

Saphryna says to Soraent, "You have done well for us.. I imagine you have produced over 100 of those necklaces."

Sophrona says, "Thank you so much, Soraent."

Soraent accepts Grenhart's Dalesian slivovitz.

Deimeter says, "I just hope they protect from the right type of evil."

Grenhart says, "That'll fix ya up."

Deimeter says, "You never know."

Grenhart grins at Soraent.

Soraent says, "Thank you."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Zeteivek says to Soraent, "When this is finished, I would advise travelling to Zaldi Taipa. There is no better food found north of the Dark Hand."

Grenhart says, "For the throat."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Grenhart says, "You know."

Grenhart coughs.

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Deimeter says, "That looks rather unpleasant."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Saphryna says, "He cannot keep on doing this.."

Deimeter says, "Not safely."

Kaelie says to Saphryna, "This is dedication to service. Beyond a doubt."

Chuno deeply says, "Who can't keep doing what? Sorry, I just arrived."

Sophrona asks, "Who has cool drinks?"

Mordimer asks, "If it is divine intervention, why can he not?"

Deimeter looks at Mordimer and shrugs.

Aislynn quietly says, "He will continue until the Gods are done with him, I suspect."

Deimeter says, "I guess you have a point."

Soraent says to Mordimer, "Because I am but a man."

Saphryna says to Chuno, "I was just commenting on this ritual that Father Soraent is enduring, for a necklace that is produced for protection from evil."

Zeteivek says, "Know that this is a work of your Gods, and that eating wood in hopes of doing the same is likely unwise."

Mitkiahn says to Chuno, "Reflexes of a sloth."

Chuno deeply asks Mitkiahn, "Would you like an axe through your skull?"

Saphryna asks Chuno, "Did you get a necklace?"

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Soraent accepts Mordimer's icy snowball.

Soraent asks, "What is this for?"

Mitkiahn says, "Good thing barbarians are not typically politicians."

Chuno deeply says, "What am I even doing here."

Drissun says, "I have one, now."

Mordimer says, "Eat it."

Soraent takes a bite from his icy snowball.

Soraent says, "Ahh, thank you."

Chuno deeply says, "Yes, we answer most issues with a weapon in the skull."

Khaelyn asks Rhykin, "Do your hands hurt yet?"

Deimeter says, "Probably helps with the heartburn."

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

Sophrona asks, "Can a Barb wear the necklace?"

>focus my neckl

You focus your magical senses on a necklace of aganylosh'a beads interspersed with anloral amulets.

The necklace has a definite magic pattern, which is apparently a spell.

You recognize the pattern as a manifestation of Holy magic.

The pattern appears to be the Protection from Evil spell.

There is a weak point in one of the lines of energy, which will hold for two more uses.

Roundtime: 2 sec.

Chuno deeply says, "I don't even know what this does..."

Chuno mutters to himself.

You say, "I imagine a Barbarian could wear it, but I don't know about invoking its power."

Khaelyn says to Soraent, "Sorry."

Sophrona nods to you.

Mazrian says, "It holds the Protection from Evil spell."

You say, "It reads to me similar to a runestone."

Saphryna says to Soraent, "I wish I could somehow relieve you.. well no not really."

Chuno deeply says, "WAIT."

Rhykin says, "Great work Aislynn and Khaelyn."

Chuno deeply asks, "This holds MAGIC!?"

You nod.

Soraent pops the bead into his mouth, swallows, and utters a soft prayer.

Chuno removes a necklace of aganylosh'a beads interspersed with anloral amulets from his neck.

Deimeter says, "It's the thought that counts."

Chuno tries to eat a necklace of aganylosh'a beads interspersed with anloral amulets.

Aislynn quietly says, "It's to protect you against demonic influence."

Khaelyn says to Rhykin, "You too."

You say to Chuno, "I'm sorry it was not clear -- please do not waste our resources though."

Soraent's body goes rigid, then he proceeds to violently pitch forward at the waist and heave! A strange necklace comes flying out of his mouth and onto the ground!

You say, "Father Soraent has worked tirelessly to produce these holy aids."

Soraent says, "Please, no more."

Chuno deeply says, "I don' tneed a necklace."

Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Soraent's direction.

You stand near Soraent.

Perune says, "Let this man be."

Aislynn frets.

Khaelyn praises Soraent.

Aislynn rests her hand on Soraent's arm with a soft smile.

Perune says, "Some of you are holding multiples."

Deimeter says, "Thank you."

Chuno deeply exclaims, "I don't need magic to fight my battles. I am strong enough!"

Deimeter nods to Soraent.

Khaelyn says to Soraent, "You did well."

Kiashandra curtsies to Soraent.

You say to Chuno, "You may be so, but some of us need it."

Kaelie nods graciously at Soraent, giving him a polite smile.

Binu praises Soraent.

Aliselyn says to Soraent, "You have done us such a great service, and a noble sacrifice."

Kaelie says, "That was quite the devotion, Soraent."

Soraent says, "I can do no more. I am sorry."

Saphryna just hugged Soraent.

Khaelyn rubs Soraent in a friendly manner.

Binu says to Soraent, "Thank you for your service."

You quietly say to Soraent, "You've done enough, Father."

Saphryna exclaims, "I am so glad!"

Klines says to Soraent, "One thinks you have likely done more than any couild have asked."

Kaelie says to Soraent, "I would say you have done your level best to make sure we are protected."

Saphryna says, "My stomach hurts from watching."

Chuno deeply says, "Thank you for saying something, I almost ate these to to give me strength."

Khaelyn says to Soraent, "Thank you so much."

Klines asks Soraent, "I still wonder though, when They inspired you, did they indicate anything else of what may come to pass?"

Saphryna says, "I hope if you are gifted any other abilities it will be with glitter and flowers."

Deimeter says, "Or money."

Paigil says, "Thank you."

Soraent looks wan.

Mordimer says, "I am glad the gods saw fit to offer us this protection."

You gently ask Soraent, "Are you feeling well enough for a few questions?"

Mordimer says, "But some more offensive tools would have been nice as well."

Aislynn offers Soraent a cup of cranberry tea.

Perune says to Soraent, "Get some rest, sir. Drink and eat slowly."

Soraent declines Aislynn's offer.

Mordimer says, "I am not looking to be greedy Soraent."

Qetu asks, "How do I use this necklace?"

Soraent says to you, "Yes. Your questions. Thank you for waiting."

You nod to Soraent.

Klines leans over and whispers, "I think we should ask if the Immortals told him anything else, obviously."

Deimeter asks, "So....what is all this for?"

Deimeter raises an eyebrow.

Qetu says, "Wonderful and beautiful."

You gently ask Soraent, "Would you like to retire to a quieter location?"

You give Klines a slight nod.

High Temple Investigator Soraent goes west.

You hear a dry voice say, "Getting a bit handsy with the holy man."

You say, "Hmm."

You say, "Anyone who would like to join me in talking to Father Soraent is welcome, if you can keep quiet."

You hear the voice of Kaelie say, "Somewhere were there are cool soothing drinks."

You walk west, leading your group.

[Temple Grounds, Cobblestone Path]

The astonishing sight of the grand temple lies to the north, atop a massive stairway. Three towers flank the sides of the structure, a complex network of walkways stretching between them and the temple's top levels. A smooth cobblestone path runs east and west here, curving around to the grounds areas on either side of the temple. You also see an iron-bound oak door next to the base of the stairway.

Also here: Wind Herald Mordimer, Chuman, Errand Boy Onain who is sitting, Magus Champion Deimeter who is sitting, Mangler Sophrona, Arcane Fury Kiashandra who is sitting, Sand Herald Grenhart and High Temple Investigator Soraent who is sitting.

Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Grenhart says, "Medicinal purposes and all."

Soraent says, "I don't think I've had such a thing before."

You hear a voice say, "Killing himn would be easier."

Soraent asks, "Killing who?"

You say to Soraent, "Father, I've asked others to join us if they can remain quiet."

You ask Soraent, "Are you comfortable here?"

Soraent says, "I don't mine the company, just please, no more fissures. It was so hot."

You nod.

You sit down near Soraent.

Klines comes and stands near you.

Chuno deeply says, "I agree Soraent."

You ask, "My first question. Have the Immortals revealed anything to you recently about the current events?"

Soraent says, "Not overmuch, other than the threat from the demon is very real."

You nod to Soraent.

You get a pristine goose feather quill from inside your black coat.

You jot down some notes.

Soraent says, "And well, of course this -- asking me to consume the prayer beads."

You ask, "How did They reveal the demon threat to you, may I ask?"

Soraent says, "Dreams. I thought everyone was having them at first, but with my tendencies... I of couse brought it to Tallis, and she went to the Council to discuss the matter."

Soraent says, "That is why the High Temple will be sending a group with the fighters when the time comes."

You ask, "What was the content of these dreams?"

Soraent says, "We donot know the extent of what will be found within Sorrow's Keep, but the demon is involved, and for that, we must be prepared."

You nod in agreement.

Soraent says to you, "A vast green, barbed tendrils within it, superimposed upon the bodies of Elpalzi."

Aliselyn winces.

You nod to Soraent.

You ask, "The color green. Does the Temple recognize this color as belonging to the demon?"

Soraent says, "It is less associated with her than some others, but it does have historical connections to her, yes."

You nod.

Nimthiriel says, "Nothing wrong with green."

Nimthiriel shrugs.

You ask Soraent, "And how did you come to discover your recent... gift? That you could produce these necklaces?"

Soraent says, "I ate a prayer bead."

You arch your eyebrow.

Hanryu asks, "Just on a whim?"

Soraent says, "I hadn't known what would occur, but that They wanted to me consume them."

Perune snickers at Hanryu.

You nod to Soraent.

Khaelyn says, "When the gods ask, you do."

Soraent says to Hanryu, "Hardly."

You ask, "How did you know this is what They wanted?"

Soraent says to Khaelyn, "That I do."

Soraent says to you, "They spoke to me."

You ask, "May I ask what They said?"

Khaelyn says, "I just happened by at the right time I think."

Soraent says, "The Immortals, all at once. I hadn't realized it was just me, until the sister here stated that she'd not felt the call."

You say, "So you heard Their voices, then, rather than a vision."

Soraent says to you, "Yes. They asked me to consume prayer beads, so I did. Well, once I had some. I'm not much of a carver, myself."

You nod to Soraent.

Hanryu asks Soraent, "Called to eat any more?"

Hanryu taps an onyx boar bead that he is holding.

You say, "On behalf of Zoluren and everyone present, I'd like to thank you once again for your service."

Soraent says, "Thank you."

You smile at Soraent.

Soraent says to Hanryu, "I am afraid I am quite taxed at the moment."

Hanryu nods to Soraent.

You say, "At this point I am opening the floor to others who may have questions. Please raise your hand so that we do not overwhelm the poor Father."

Hanryu says, "Understandable."

Klines raises his hand.

You point at Klines.

Kaelie raises her hand.

Grenhart asks, "How's that slivovitz?"

Klines says to Soraent, "Before you go, would you be willing to say a prayer for us all. It is evident that a battle, perhaps one of the largest many have ever seen is upon us. A prayer might help...calm...some of the people."

Grenhart cackles!

Soraent says to Grenhart, "Quite nice, thank you."

Grenhart says, "Fix ya right up."

Soraent says to Klines, "Certainly."

Klines nods politely to Soraent.

You ask Soraent, "Would you like to do so now or wait until after questions?"

Soraent says, "Perhaps once the questions are over."

You say, "Next is Kaelie."

Kaelie asks, "I understand there is also a ritual to be held, do you know anything about the nature of it?"

Kaelie peers quizzically at Soraent.

Soraent says to Kaelie, "It is some sort of attunement, from what I understand. To allows access to Sorrow's Keep."

Soraent says, "Much more a military matter than a clerical one, I'm afraid."

Kaelie nods to Soraent.

Kaelie softly says to Soraent, "Thank you."

You say, "Information given about the ritual has thus far been deliberately vague. We do not want word of the details to reach our enemies. However I imagine that Lord Grigoire will give us some more when he makes his upcoming announcement."

Soraent says, "Trethom, I believe, is the name of the Mage that will be running the attunement ritual."

You nod to Soraent.

You jot down some notes.

You say, "Any further questions for Father Soraent? Please raise your hand."

Mordimer says, "It is also suggested if you cannot handle the front lines of combat that you should assist us with the Ritual."

Grenhart says, "Pray for us father."

You say, "I've had a question given to me by someone wishing to remain anonymous. This person asks how we know this place is safe to speak of such things."

Grenhart says, "This could still go bad."

Tarlof raises his hand.

Sophrona raises her hand.

Perune chuckles.

Soraent says to you, "I place my faith in the Immortals. I also know when and where to keep quiet because Tallis wants it."

Soraent smiles.

You say, "If I may answer, we simply do our best. I've warded the area against those who would hide, though it's imperfect. But we've also made many public announcements so far regarding the Elpalzi battle."

Saragos says to Soraent, "I'm afraid that I must depart. Thank you, Investigator, for your time and your undergoing this discomfort."

You smile at Soraent.

Soraent says, "All I can say is that the information was set to be available to the public at large by those far above me who decide such things."

You say, "It is a balance between informing everyone and keeping some details hidden until the right moment."

You nod to Soraent.

Mordimer says, "And for the most part it was and is publicly know."

Sophrona asks, "What will the attunement ritual do?"

You point at Tarlof.

Mordimer says, "Known."

Mordimer says to Sophrona, "Safely weaken or even break the wards."

Tarlof asks, "Do the people known as Elpalzi have souls to speak of in your opinion good Father?"

Sophrona says, "Oh sorry, go ahead, Tarlof."

Soraent says, "Sophrona Allow entry to Sorrow's Keep, as I mentioned."

Soraent says to Tarlof, "Of course they do."

Tarlof says, "Thank you."

Soraent asks, "How else would we feel them when they walk the Starry Road?"

You say to Sophrona, "Sorrow's Keep has been impossible to breach for some time, which is why the conflict has gone on for so long."

You ask Soraent, "If I may follow up. Do you believe that they worship the Immortals?"

Aliselyn glances at you.

Soraent says to you, "Now that I have no idea on."

Mazrian says, "Anecdotally, they did at one point."

Byd dryly says, "If they hatched from Grazhir maybe."

You ask, "I've noticed that some depart in death the same way that we do, and promise that they will return. Is it possible to do this without worship of the Immortals?"

Soraent says to you, "Ask the Prydaen and Rakash."

Grenhart peers quizzically at Soraent.

Soraent says, "They do not follow the 13, yet their gods do allow renewed life."

You nod.

Mordimer says, "They do not worship the 13 as the other races do."

You jot down some notes.

Mordimer says, "Is what the priest means."

Mordimer nods to Soraent.

You ask, "Do you believe it is possible that the Elpalzi may worship some gods we do not know about?"

Mordimer frowns.

Byd dryly asks, "Like really tiny ones?"

Byd squints.

Soraent says to you, "Entirely possible. Or that they have very different practices even if they do give worship to the 13."

Grenhart cackles!

You nod.

You jot down some notes.

Mordimer says, "The Elpalzi are probably rather pragmatic when it comes to this."

You say, "I have not seen any further hands, so please raise again if you have a question."

Tarlof raises his hand.

You point at Tarlof.

Tarlof asks, "Have you spent much time among the the Elpalzi? Are they simply a people meant for the hard ships of war?"

Soraent says, "I've spent almost no time amongst them. I am a Temple investigator, not a military man."

Tarlof nods.

Chuno opens his mouth wide as a thunderous belch rolls up from the pit of his stomach.

Byd dryly says, "Distinct lack of dragons, the worldly type in your questions."

Leustyin peers quizzically at Chuno.

You ask, "Well if there are no other questions, I have one final question of my own. Is there an Immortal to whom you are particularly devoted, Father?"

Qiyan bops Chuno over the head.

Byd dryly says, "Unless they just decorate their weapons out of old habit, not devotion."

Chuno ducks his head.

Soraent says to you, "I do not find it wise to give devotion to one above another."

Chuno flashes a wide grin.

You nod.

You write something on a page in your oak-bound volume.

You ask, "Now, if questions are finished, perhaps you would lead us in prayer?"

Soraent says to Byd, "The Elpalzi? My understanding is that the silver dragon is just a symbol for them, but I really don't know."

You nod to Byd.

Mordimer quietly says to Klines, "Going to the wilds see if anything makes contact. Let me know if anything happens."

You say to Byd, "Ah yes, the silver dragon is their sigil, but we have no reason to believe it relates to any actual dragon. But we don't know."

Byd dryly asks, "No, nothing about crazed cultists?"

Byd ponders.

Soraent says, "Were there any other questions? I'm not the best source of information on Elpalzi culture or the like, but things pertaining to the Temple, or to my own work..."

Azettie says, "Gathering of intersting people here at the temple."

You say to Byd, "My investigations have turned up nothing, though I'm always willing to look at any evidence others have found."

Felicini raises her hand.

You point at Felicini.

Qiyan says, "I sorta kinda have a wee lil question."

Qiyan says, "Oh."

Kaelie says to Soraent, "You have been immeasurably helpful today."

Qiyan says, "Right."

Qiyan raises her hand.

You say to Qiyan, "You'll be next."

Grenhart says, "Or folk fighting for their families."

Felicini asks, "Is there anything else that you have uncovered in your investigations that would be helpful to share with us?"

Qiyan nods to you.

Grenhart says, "And freedom."

Grenhart shrugs.

Soraent says to Felicini, "Most of my recent work has been confirming the influence if the demon Maelshyve in current affairs."

Fariden frowns.

Felicini winces.

Felicini nods to Soraent.

Soraent says, "And ruling out the involvement of other demons."

Chuno deeply says, "I really need to bash something soon."

You ask, "Does this mean you have more evidence of Maelshyve's involvement beyond the dreams you mentioned?"

Soraent says, "So I suppose the most important thing I could relay is that the demon is but the one, and it is she."

Ledia raises her hand.

Soraent says, "So it is wise to prepare for that which is already known of her."

Qiyan gulps.

Soraent says, "And her minions."

Mazrian raises his hand.

Kaelie says, "So a tea party and a chat on negotiations is out. Got it."

You say, "Noting the hand-raisers."

Qiyan says, "This leads to my question."

Soraent says to you, "Yes, the portents of others, a situation where a cleric and several others witnessed demonic influences directly, along with her symbols."

Soraent asks Qiyan, "Yes?"

You nod to Soraent.

You jot down some notes.

Qiyan says to Soraent, "Are you able to sense the presence of a Demon... kinda like how empaths can sense the life essense."

Soraent says, "Myself? I'm quite sure I would, yes."

You hear a dry voice say, "So I'm not one after all."

Soraent says, "In fact I'm rather sure most people would, should the demon not be attempting to hide itself."

Soraent says, "My experience is that they rarely are."

You nod to Soraent.

Qiyan says, "So if say a Demon were lurking, you would know it as such."

Fariden asks, "What would it feel like, were it hiding?"

Fariden says, "Oh, whoops."

Fariden raises his hand.

You chortle at Fariden.

Soraent says to Qiyan, "Lurking is perhaps not a correct term."

You say, "Go ahead, it's related."

Soraent says, "Demons are not from our plane, they can not physically exist here easily."

Soraent says, "When they do manage to do so, it is never a 'lurk', as it were."

Qiyan says, "So its more an essense."

Soraent says, "The damage done to the plane by them physicall manifesting is far too much for them to hide."

Fariden asks, "Would it perhaps feel like... an invisible presence with a palpable aura of menace? Feels like all normal sounds are pushed away and you feel hunted, like prey in a forest?"

Soraent says, "If any of you remember the mana disruptions that the Hunger created when inhabiting Lyras' corpse."

Qiyan grins at Fariden.

Sophrona raises her hand.

You point at Ledia.

Soraent says to Fariden, "That is very specific."

Fariden nods to Soraent.

You say to Ledia, "You are next."

Ledia asks, "Does this particular Demon have any strengths we should know about or weaknesses we can take advantage of that you know of?"

You say, "Very good questions today."

Soraent says to Fariden, "I haven't had reports of that specific feeling being associated with a demonic activity, but without a full investigation, I wouldn't rule it out."

Soraent says to Ledia, "Maelshyve enjoys her presence on this plane."

Ledia nods to Soraent.

Chuno deeply says, "Only for a short time."

Soraent says, "And she feels that the Void was hers, is hers."

Chuno deeply says, "She'll be dead before long..."

Ledia nods.

Qiyan pats Chuno on the back.

Soraent says, "She is perhaps much more involved in our plane due to her anger at our Immortals."

You hear a dry voice say, "Haven't heard her side of the story though."

Soraent says, "That is unusual amongat demons."

Ledia nods to Soraent.

Soraent says to Chuno, "We do not know that a demon can be killed at all."

Soraent asks, "Sent away from our plane, certainly, but killed?"

Soraent says, "That would be quite the thing."

Chuno deeply says, "I am quite the thing."

Chuno flashes a wide grin at Soraent.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Chuno struts about.

Mazrian says, "A manifestation of Maelshyve has been killed or dispersed or whatnot at least once. When I was young, it happened."

You point at Mazrian.

Mazrian nods.

You say to Mazrian, "I believe it's your turn."

Soraent says to Mazrian, "A manifestation is not the demon itself."

Mazrian nods at Soraent, obviously agreeing with his views.

Soraent says, "Killing a manifestation is a removal, not a true death."

Felicini raises her hand.

Mazrian asks, "What is known about the minions we may face? Some are present in Maelshyve's Fortress, but might there be others?"

Mazrian says, "Anything you can add might help keep us alive."

Chuno deeply says, "All of this talking."

Soraent says to Mazrian, "I don't think anyone could answer that, child."

Chuno deeply says, "Just point me at her."

Mazrian dryly says, "I imagine I'm at least your age, Investigator."

Soraent says to Mazrian, "I would caution all to prepare for anything."

You whisper to Mazrian, "No accounting for maturity."

Mazrian nods to Soraent.

You flash a quick grin at Mazrian.

Soraent says to Mazrian, "You might imagine incorrectly."

Mazrian says, "Wise advice."

Mazrian says, "At any rate, thank you for answering my question."

Soraent smiles kindly.

You point at Sophrona.

Sophrona asks, "Were there total mana disruptions due to lyra's corpse back then?. I dont remember. Disruptions that disallowed spells to be cast?"

You smile at Sophrona.

Soraent says to Sophrona, "Mana storms."

Soraent says, "Significant damage done by those, plus the movement of mana streams..."

You say, "I'm told it made entire areas feel very differently to mages, in terms of the mana they sensed there. But I never read anything about disruption of spellcasting."

Sophrona says, "Oh good."

Soraent says, "You say that until you see a mana storm."

Soraent nods to Sophrona.

You say, "That happened previously with the Heralds, but that's a story for another day."

You point at Tarlof.

Tarlof politely asks Soraent, "Pardon my ignorance in these matters if this is widely known. You mentioned symbols of Maelshyve's presence and influence, what sort of iconography is associated with this entity?"

Sophrona asks, "What did the storm do?"

Soraent says, "A triple tined claw, mostly."

You say to Sophrona, "The mana in various areas changed. Some areas became more powerful and some less so."

Sophrona says, "Thank you."

Merlun asks, "Soraent, has Karszen been informed of her potential involvement?"

Klines says to Tarlof, "Her symbol is that of a triple-tined claw."

You clear your throat.

You say to Merlun, "There's one other before you."

Merlun says, "Oh I apologize."

Merlun nods.

Soraent says to Merlun, "Karszen is well aware of what is happening."

You point at Felicini.

Felicini asks, "In your investigations have you learned how to achieve a true deadh of a manifestatin and also how to convince a demon to leave this realms?"

Soraent says to Felicini, "Manifestations can die in many ways, it depends largely on not only the demon, but what conduits they have managed to create for themselves."

Soraent says, "And you do not convince a demon of anything. They are not things to be reasoned with."

You jot down some notes.

Soraent says, "You push them out by destroying their conduits."

Felicini nods to Soraent.

You say, "That was the end of the current list. Any further questions, please raise your hands now."

Merlun whispers, "I have a another question I have been pondering if Soraent has time"

Chuno raises his hand.

Grenhart raises his hand.

You say, "First Merlun."

You point at Merlun.

You say, "Others, you've been noted."

You smile at Chuno.

Chuno winks at you.

Merlun says, "I've been pondering on this since Maelshyvve became involved..."

Merlun says, "How does the temple define a demon."

Merlun says, "For instance, the Heralds that even the gods have been rumored to kneel before aren't viewed as demonds and some suppose they might be powerful entities from another plane."

Soraent says, "There is only one definition of a demon, an antinomian creature from outside of our plane that causes destruction to our plane by even its mere presence here."

Merlun nods to Soraent.

Merlun says, "Thank you, that is very helpful."

You point at Chuno.

Chuno deeply says, "OK."

Soraent says, "The very fiber of the being of a demon causes damage to our plane, even if they do nothing else."

Chuno deeply says, "I have a couple statements."

Chuno deeply says, "And then a question."

Merlun jots down some notes.

Merlun bows to Soraent.

You say, "Just don't take too long. The Father is very tired."

You smile at Chuno.

Chuno deeply says, "Firstly, we don't need to reason or logically understand this thing."

Chuno deeply says, "We just need to kill it, or however you educated people put it... "remove" it."

Chuno deeply says, "Whatever, removed, dead. Point me at it."

Chuno deeply says, "Question."

Soraent says, "I do believe that is what I said before, yes."

Chuno deeply asks, "Where is it, and can we kill it tonight?"

Perune chuckles.

Qiyan smirks.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Chuno deeply says, "I just want to bash things."

Soraent says, "If I knew where Maelshyve was, I'd not be sitting here."

Chuno deeply says, "How do we get her out."

Khaelyn smiles at Soraent.

Soraent says, "Again, if I could draw down demons, I'd not be sitting here."

Soraent smiles kindly.

Chuno deeply asks, "Then what's the point of this?"

You say, "Lord Grigoire is making an announcement shortly, most likely about our attack on the Keep. That is our best bet at ridding ourselves of the demon influence, as we know that she has power among the Elpalzi, particularly Alret."

Chuno deeply says, "It's making my head hurt."

Qiyan says to Chuno, "Why don't you go stand out there and call for her, she will come to you Chuno... I mean why wouldn't she right, yer you."

You say, "That is why there is so much interest in Maelshyve. We may face her minions in that assault."

Soraent asks Chuno, "People asked me questions after I displayed Holy will. My purpose was to be polite and answer them. What is your purpose?"

Chuno deeply says to Qiyan, "That's true."

Chuno deeply says to Soraent, "My purpose is to kill all that oppose me."

Chuno deeply says to Soraent, "My loved ones, and my home."

You say to Chuno, "Do come to the assault. We have need of you."

You say, "The next question..."

You point at Raeyel.

Perune asks, "You kill your opposition and your support?"

Perune says, "Brutal."

Chuno deeply says to you, "More than you know."

Raeyel says, "Ok, two question."

Chuno deeply says to Perune, "I paused to make a point."

Raeyel asks, "First off, you spoke of them having a conduit?"

Soraent nods.

Chuno deeply says to Perune, "Listen better."

Raeyel asks, "Now is it a person or totem?"

Chuno falls over.

Soraent says to Raeyel, "Again, that depends greatly on the demon at hand."

Raeyel says, "What identifying factors should we look for, and what can take them the fastest."

Soraent says, "It could be an object, it could be an area, a person."

Soraent says, "A system of belief."

Raeyel asks, "So crap shoot kill em all?"

Soraent says, "I suppose that could be one way to handle a conduit. I fear, though, you may have a misguided notion that we are likely to destroy Maelshyve herself."

Felicini frowns.

Soraent says, "That seems exceedingly unlikely."

Perune squints at Qiyan.

Mazrian says, "Hopefully we don't come within a country mile of Maelshyve herself."

Mazrian coughs.

Raeyel says, "Granted."

Soraent says to Mazrian, "My hope as well."

Raeyel says, "Thats all from me, thank you."

Raeyel bows to Soraent.

You nod to Raeyel.

You point at Grenhart.

Soraent says, "Our fight will become something much different if we meet a direct manifestation."

Grenhart asks, "Has there been word of anything that we can identify the Elpalzi that wish to cross sides?"

Grenhart says, "I'd hate to kill some poor soul simply attempting to flee and save it's family."

Grenhart asks, "Or is that a question for the Steward?"

Soraent says to Grenhart, "I'm afraid I am not a military man."

Soraent says to Grenhart, "That would likely be better to ask oft he Steward."

Sophrona asks, "Do you feel this demonic attack is imminent, Father Soraent?"

Soraent says, "My understanding is that it has been easy to tell, as they are the ones fighting their kin."

Chuno paces back and forth.

You say to Grenhart, "I would save it for Lord Grigoire. I suspect a few may have a way of revealing themselves to us in a way we can trust, but I can't say for certain. Many are likely to be forced to fight and die as before."

Grenhart says, "Not so easy if the have been manipulated."

Grenhart cackles!

Qiyan says to Soraent, "Thank you sir for taking our questions."

Soraent says to Sophrona, "I feel that it is not coincidence that the Immortals prompted my expelling of amulets against evil at this time."

Sophrona nods to Soraent.

You say, "That was the end of the current list of questions. I have thought of another actually."

Soraent asks you, "Was that everyone?"

Soraent nods slightly.

You ask Soraent, "Did you feel Geva's soul being consumed by Maelshyve? Do you think it is possible Geva will ever return, and if so in what form?"

Soraent says, "I had acute awareness of that, yes."

Mazrian quietly asks, "Perhaps demons excrete?"

Mazrian rubs his head.

Soraent says, "I do not think Geva is able to return in any more, no."

You nod.

Soraent says, "It felt as if she were consumed."

Fariden ponders.

Chuno deeply says, "Mazrian did an amazing job of ridding the world of Geva, we are all proud and thankful."

Chuno deeply says, "But we need to kill more of this bastards."

Perune nods at Chuno, obviously agreeing with his views.

You say, "Could her body return? I recall that the Devourer Lyras may have been little more than a body controlled by a demon."

Soraent says to you, "Necromantically, I suppose that could be possible."

You nod.

You jot down some notes.

Soraent says, "I do not know if her corpse was destroyed when she died."

You glance at Mazrian, a male Elf.

Soraent says, "Perhaps a better question for those there when she did."

You ask Mazrian, "It was yes?"

Soraent says, "If her corpse was destroyed, then no, she would not be coming back in any form."

Mazrian says, "There was nothing left of her body."

You nod to Soraent.

Mazrian says, "Just her posessions."

You say, "Good to know."

Chuno deeply asks, "What did she leave behind?"

You say, "Any other questions? Raise hands please."

Grenhart says, "Teeth and fur."

Mazrian says, "A shirt, some boots, gloves, a pouch, a choker...I think that was it."

Soraent says to you, "I'm afraid I can not continue."

Kaelie says, "She left this choker."

You nod to Soraent.

Kaelie rubs a black leather choker accented by a brilliant red ruby set into the center.

Chuno deeply says, "Beautiful."

Soraent says, "I do need to report to Tallis about all of this, after all."

You say, "Father Soraent is too tired and so we will draw our questions to a close. Thank you again, Father."

Chuno deeply says to Kaelie, "And no one else more deserving."

Felicini curtsies to Soraent.

You stand back up.

Ledia says, "Thank you for all your wisdom."

Soraent says, "A prayer though, before I leave."

Chuno deeply says, "Thank you Soraent."

You gently ask Soraent, "Would you like my arm?"

Azettie says, "She gave out more."

You gently close a slender oak-bound volume incised with "The First Land Herald".

You put your volume in your black coat.

Heartsfyre kneels down.

(Navesi offers one arm to Father Soraent in support.)

Sophrona kneels down.

Chuno mutters something into the air about prayer being worthless.

Chuno deeply says, "Woops, too loud."

Leustyin kicks Chuno!

Grenhart kneels down.

Leustyin kneels down.

Chuno bends slightly and slaps Leustyin!

You frown at Chuno.

Soraent closes his eyes and intones, "To all of the Immortals we pray, let none be forgotten, none ignored. Let all be feared, all be loved, all be understood, so that we, your children, may hold to your Will, and from it become protected."

Chuno sighs.

Chuno kneels down.

Khaelyn glances heavenward a moment and utters a desperate prayer.

You pause for a moment, head down and eyes closed as you clench your fist to your heart in ancestral respect.

Soraent opens his eyes.

Grenhart studies the ground for a moment.

Aliselyn kneels down and begins to pray.

Chuno continues praying.

Aliselyn continues praying.

Felicini kneels down and begins to pray.

Soraent says to you, "Thank you, but no. I am well to walk."

Ledia kneels down and begins to pray.

Grenhart continues praying fervently.

Jezerey kneels down and begins to pray.

You nod to Soraent.

Azettie leans on her telek.

Sophrona continues praying.

Sophrona continues praying.

Aliselyn continues praying fervently.

Mazrian says, "Good evening, then, Father."

Grenhart prays fervently.

Heartsfyre stands up.

Leustyin stands up.

Hanryu says, "Safe paths."

Grenhart prays fervently.

Perune stands up.

Jezerey stands up.

Grenhart continues praying fervently.

Soraent says, "Watch for each other, children, and for the signs."

Ledia stands up.

Sophrona waves to Soraent.

Aliselyn continues praying.

Soraent bows.

Grenhart rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Sophrona just hugged Soraent.

Aliselyn stands up.

Chuno leaps to his feet!

Kaelie stands up.

Merlun bows to Soraent.

Soraent steps onto a massive stairway, beginning his ascent.

(Navesi gazes worriedly at Father Soraent as he ascends.)

You say, "Well, thank you all for coming and for being so quiet. It was very helpful."

Chuno deeply says, "I need to kill something."

Chuno bows to you.

Leustyin says to Chuno, "There are other things to life than killing."

Chuno deeply says to Leustyin, "Name one."

Leustyin says, "Rum."

Chuno deeply says to Leustyin, "I concede."

You say, "Do not miss Lord Grigoire's announcement. Check your calendars."

Azettie says, "Be at that one with bells on."

You say, "It will be at DiSilveron Manor."

Merlun says, "Meraud be with you all."

You say, "I had best go gather my notes together. Take care everyone."

Chuno deeply says to you, "Be well, and thanks again."

Hanryu says, "I'm off as well. Safe paths everyone."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Zoluren Events, by PRIMEQ on the forums.