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Nilme shares several homes throughout the realms with Useff Budna, and rents several to other people.


The Rest, Fayrin's Rest, Modren Daelfa (Primary Residence)  
  • Outside (Daytime): The path bends as it curves around the trunk of an aged ash tree. Bees fly in and out of a hole in the tree, their wings buzzing with a monotonous drone as they bear their burden of nectar back to the local hive. Several small homes crouch in the shade of the tree, their brightly-painted front doors picking out the colors of the surrounding wildflowers. You see a sturdy grey fieldstone house set with a huge oak tree placed by its entrance..
  • Outside (Night): The path bends as it curves around the trunk of an aged ash tree. The low drone of crickets drifts from its branches, filling the night air with soft music. Several small homes crouch in the shadow of the tree, warm yellow light glowing through their cheerfully-colored curtains. You see a sturdy grey fieldstone house with a huge oak tree placed by its entrance.
  • Inside: Walls of rough-hewn oak and an oak floor inlaid all over with tiny brass lockpicks covered by a soft rug woven with the shape of a weeping willow enclose this small room. In one corner lies a sturdy oak table, and near the table sits a massive black oak canopy bed with a large tasseled cushion embroidered with a flying dragon and a storyteller's quilt stitched with colorful scenes on it. A rough carved stone fireplace burns along the far wall with a textured sheet of drawing paper hanging above it. The room holds a mild scent of incense.
  • You also see: a small rock, a large oak-framed window, a rounded goldenoak door painted with a weeping willow, a gold-inlaid ebonwood weapon rack with a couple of things on it, a heavy deobar claw-foot armor stand, an elegant rich brown dragonwood bookcase with dragonclaw-foot legs with several things on it, a dark red velvet armchair that is facing the fireplace and a dark red velvet armchair that is facing the fireplace.
Sofa House, Almalne Alolan, Grassy Road (Spot for Entertaining)  
  • Outside (Night): Ancient and twisted, the trees along this part of the road all seem to have different personalities due to their varied shapes. One hunches over to the side, while another sends branches to sweep the ground almost blocking the lane. Placed between two of these monoliths is a delicately carved wooden gate. You also see a stylish burlwood cottage with a blooming apple blossom tree in the yard.
  • Inside: A rich black cashmere sofa and a narrow dark dragonwood table with dragonclaw-foot legs with some stuff on it rest upon the varnished honey pine floor of this small room. A darkened oak mantel fireplace, with a pure white alerce Bardic Spirit Knot hanging above it, burns from its resting place at the edge of the cotton rug covering the honey pine floor. Polished maple walls enclose the area, holding in its mild smell of sandalwood.
  • You also see: a large garden window with sparkling glass panes, a rich black cashmere armchair, a rich black cashmere armchair and a polished lunat liquor cabinet inlaid with a regal bronze dragon with several things on it.
Writing Retreat, Crystal Forest, Frozen Glade (Respite)  
  • Outside: Black leaves crunch underfoot, breaking the palpable silence with their icy condensation. The trickling sound of water alludes to the snow melting all around the underbrush. Shielded by thick pines, the homes stretch further into the forest, gaining some extra security from the darkness. You also see an elegant aspen lodge.
  • Inside: Unfurnished as of 8/15/2022
Fayrin's Rest, Modren Daelfa (Renting to a friend)  
  • Outside (Night): A patch of close-cropped grass stands between the trail and a cluster of rustic homes. In parts, the area is muddied by small hoofprints, and a noticeable thinning in the low-level foliage suggests this area is regularly grazed by local herds. A few clumps of bright yellow ragwort have managed to escape consumption, thanks only to the bitter taste of their flowers. You also see an oak plank home.
Shard, Opal Street (Renting to a friend)  
  • Outside (Daytime): The Bridge of Sparrows can be seen just peeking up over the northeast horizon, its simple wooden construction diminished before the impressive front of Brickwell Tower beyond it. The headquarters for the Traders League of the city, the rounded keep is built of brick upon dense brick of cut azure crystal. Against that richly textured background, the houses that make up the narrow street pale in comparison. You also see an elegant brown brick residence with a blooming apple blossom tree in the yard.
  • Outside (Night): Small shingle-roofed flats and whitewashed storefronts form the narrow lane of Opal Street, their shutters pulled tight and their chimney stacks releasing fragrant woodsmoke into the air. Water collects in the small round potholes that have eaten away some of the cobblestones, no doubt to be deprived of their mercurial mirrored liquid come the morning and the arrival of adventurous children. You also see an elegant brown brick residence with a blooming apple blossom tree in the yard.
Shard, Pearl Street (Renting to Nilme's daughter)  
  • Outside (Night): A low brick fence encloses a diamond-shaped patch of greenery that grows in the middle of the cobblestone street. The road splits to swerve around the tiny herb garden maintained by local residents. Culinary herbs fill the garden, arranged in an intricate tapestry of color and texture. You also see a neat white block cottage surrounded by several flickering will-o-wisps.


Rosewood Hall, Crossing, Siryn's Courtyard, Verse Terrace (Central Landing Spot)  
  • Outside: Rosewood trees strung with creamy white seashells and silvery windchimes border the walkway that winds through the various residences in this spacious terrace. In contrast to the simple austerity of the border, brightly colored tulips and buttercups are planted at each bend of the path, providing splashes of colors to please the eyes.

You also see some rosewood trees, an elegant grey marble hall framed behind a blossoming archway of pink and red roses

  • Inside: An overstuffed dark sana'ati four-poster bed with sheer curtains and a narrow rich brown applewood table with carved floral motifs with some stuff on it rest upon the bamboo floor of this room. A colorful tile fireplace with a forest design, with a gilt-framed oil painting depicting a peaceful winter landscape hanging above it, burns near the far wall. Tamboti-paneled walls enclose the area, holding in its lingering smell of wild roses.

You also see a long-haired pure white cat, a diamond-shaped window with mistglass panes, a tamboti door with niello inlay, a weeping willow-shaped armor stand made from redwood, a delicate redwood weapon rack carved into the likeness of a bowing tree with a slender rosewood quarterstaff with covellite tips on it, a floral chintz easy chair that is facing the fireplace and a floral chintz easy chair that is facing the fireplace.


Aesry Surlaenis'a, Meadowlands, Surlaenis (Writing Retreat)  
  • Outside: The lane climbs sharply upwards towards the next terrace, with green meadowlands rising above it. The ground is studded with chunks of rock, and the walls bordering the path are made from the same fieldstone cleared from the pastures. On clear days you can see the stark white rim of the island above to the south, and the rising mists of Lake Cha'walkas down to the northwest. You see a cozy white-washed cottage surrounded by several flickering will-o-wisps.
  • Inside: A hand-loomed woolen rug adorns the packed-earth floor of this small room. An open brick-lined hearth, with a fragile crystal-framed painting in shades of rose and green hanging above it, rests between an antique pearwood canopy bed and a polished pearwood lady's desk pushed up against the cream plaster walls. The room holds a mild scent of geshiloira.
  • You also see: a diamond-paned frosted glass window, a door, an elegant dark red applewood trunk with delicate openwork with a miniature Ilithi peach tree set in a large clay pot on it and a fretwork sandalwood armchair.
Ratha, Mastik Mews, Reshalia (Respite Retreat)  
  • Outside: Bees buzz happily, finding a wealth of pollen in the neat rows of flowers and vegetables of a community garden. Neighbors chat casually as they share in the toils of tending the plot. Covered and protected against the elements, the more delicate of the fruits and flowers flourish under the added attention. You also see a clean white-shuttered house.
  • Inside: Deep blue silk-draped walls and a dove-grey tile floor covered by a tasseled cotton rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a graceful silverwillow bed, and near the bed sits a sturdy oak table on which rests a bouquet of Romantic Ballad peonies arranged in a silver lyre vase. An oak-mantled brick hearth burns along the far wall with a shimmering gaethzen rose hanging above it. The room holds a mild scent of lotus blossoms.
  • You also see: You also see an engraved rosewood chair that is facing the hearth, a wide wood-framed window, a door, a narrow dark sana'ati trunk with silver filigree with a fragrant bouquet of jes-roses twined with Elven ivy on it and an engraved rosewood chair that is facing the hearth.

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  • Discord: Nilme Iondu'il#2122