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Item:Dark brown woolen greatcloak lined with light orange silk brocade

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type

dark brown woolen greatcloak lined with light orange silk brocade
Look: You see nothing unusual.
Weight: 20 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 40,375 Kronars32,300 Lirums <br />29,134.6 Dokoras <br />40.375 LTBpoints <br />40.375 Tickets <br />40.375 Scrips <br />
  • This item is a container or has pockets.
  • This item is worn in the shoulders slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Capacity: 3 length x 3 width x 3 height (200 stones)
Sources: Source is Boggle Blast (5), Boggle Blast (4), Boggle Blast (3), Boggle Blast (2), Boggle Blast (1)

Verbs (While Worn)

  • HUG: You nonchalantly smooth the folds of your greatcloak.
[Player] nonchalantly smooths the folds of her greatcloak.
  • KICK (hands must be empty): Drawing your greatcloak aside, you bow courteously, sweeping your free hand outward before you.
[Player] draws her greatcloak aside, and bows courteously, sweeping her free hand before her.
  • NUDGE: You leap forward, your greatcloak rising majestically.
[Player] leaps forward, her greatcloak rising majestically.
  • POKE: You draw attention to some flowing script embroidered along the inside edge of your greatcloak. It reads, "Crafted by the hand of Edword Lasa'Thalger."
[Player] draws attention to some flowing script embroidered along the inside edge of her greatcloak. It reads, "Crafted by the hand of Edword Lasa'Thalger."
  • PULL: You pull your greatcloak closed, enveloping yourself in its ample folds.
[Player] pulls her greatcloak closed, enveloping herself in its ample folds.
  • PUNCH: You move forward with an urgent stride, your greatcloak flapping gallantly in your wake.
[Player] moves forward with an urgent stride, her greatcloak flapping gallantly in her wake.
  • PUSH: You grasp the corner of your greatcloak and draw it before you with a gallant flourish.
[Player] grasps the corner of her greatcloak and draws it before her with a gallant flourish.
  • ROLL: Drawing up the corners of your greatcloak, you step back with a gracious bow.
[Player] draws up the corners of her greatcloak, and steps back with a gracious bow.
  • RUB: You throw open your greatcloak, ready for action!
[Player] throws open her greatcloak, ready for action!
  • SNUGGLE: You pull your damask greatcloak close around you, enjoying the comfortable, almost snuggly warmth.
[Player] pulls her damask greatcloak close around her, snuggling comfortably in its warmth.
  • THROW: You seize the corner of your greatcloak and throw it across the opposite shoulder, then turn upon your heels.
[Player] seizes one corner of her greatcloak and throws it across her opposite shoulder, then turns upon her heels.
  • TURN: You shrug your greatcloak back over your shoulders and assume a guarded stance.
[Player] shrugs her greatcloak back over her shoulders and assumes a guarded stance.
  • WAVE: You step forward with a sweeping bow, causing your greatcloak to swirl around you.
[Player] steps forward with a sweeping bow, causing her greatcloak to swirl around her.
  • YANK: You swagger about with an air of confidence, your greatcloak swinging from side to side.
[Player] swaggers about with an air of confidence, her greatcloak swinging from side to side.