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Forging Society (Leth Deriel)

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Iltesh Neg Degti is a place to practice the forging disciplines of Blacksmithing, Armorsmithing, and Weaponsmithing.

There is no forging master on hand at this location to issue workorders, teach techniques, or grant a career or hobby.

Iltesh Neg Degti
Province Zoluren
Justice city
Town Leth Deriel
Map Ranik's Map 61
# of Rooms 4
Store Type Crafting shops, Forging shops, Estate Holder shops
Restrictions Estate Holder
This store only accepts Kronars

A tattered sign reads:

Welcome Estate Holders!


Tool Store

[Iltesh Neg Degti, Tool Store]
Surrounding the forge is a rock wall, meticulously arranged from a variety of colored stone in an obvious attempt to compensate for the normally sooty condition of the foundries. Despite the overall state of the well-maintained corral, indelible stains mark its surface, left by uncaring or uncautious workers as they dragged, pushed or pulled their metal projects across the earthen ground and out into the world. You also see a prestige board, a wooden post with a large sign on it and a leather curtain.
Obvious exits: east, south, southwest.

A large sign reads:

"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling all manner of Forging tools.  Please 
ANALYZE all purchased tools before asking for help.  You may ORDER merchandise at any 
time, or BUY it from the crate!"
Item Price Done
1). a diagonal-peen hammer - A fundamental tool used to pound metal on an anvil. 625   
2). some straight iron tongs - These sturdy tongs help grip metal being pounded on with a smith's hammer. 625   
3). a curved iron shovel - Basic tool for shoveling fuel into the forges, and mining. 625   
4). some plain iron pliers - Pliers are useful for bending wire and weaving armor links into place. 625   
5). a leather bellows - A handy tool for stoking forge fires. 1,500   
6). a flask of oil - A thick and syrupy substance that easily coats and lubricates metal. 50 uses 1,000   
7). a stirring rod - A stone rod used to stir crucibles full of molten metal. 625   
8). a pouch of aerated salts - Useful for cleaning and repairing crucibles. 1 use 125   
9). a flask of flux - A flask of borax flux useful for refining metals in a crucible. 50 uses 312   
10). an iron wire brush - A thick brush used to clean and repair metal tools. 50 uses 500   
11). a cleaning cloth - Used to clean and bring out new appearances of crafted items. 500   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]

Book Store

[Iltesh Neg Degti, Book Store]
Radically designed for a forge, Iltesh Neg Degti resembles more a stable than a place for serious metal working. Circular in shape, the outer building is predominantly wooden, with a low wall of unburnable stone as a foundation and wide windows to release the heat. Nestled at its heart, however, is a squat granite structure in which all the hottest work takes place. You also see a wooden post with a large sign on it.
Obvious exits: east, south, west.

A large sign reads:

"Welcome to our store!  We specialize in selling Forging instruction books.  Please ANALYZE and STUDY the 
books before asking for help.  You may ORDER merchandise at any time!"
Item Price Done
1). an apprentice blacksmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625   !!
2). a journeyman blacksmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 150,000   !!
3). a master blacksmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625,000   !!
4). an apprentice armorsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625   !!
5). a journeyman armorsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 150,000   !!
6). a master armorsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625,000   !!
7). an apprentice weaponsmithing book - A collection of easy instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625   !!
8). a journeyman weaponsmithing book - A collection of challenging instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 150,000   !!
9). a master weaponsmithing book - A collection of difficult instructions. Can be analyzed to learn how to use. 625,000   !!
10). a forging work order logbook - With this logbook, you can ask the crafting trainers for work. 625   
[You may purchase items from the shopkeeper with ORDER #]

Maker's Mark Ordering

[Iltesh Neg Degti, Maker's Mark Ordering]
The low stone wall that surrounds the entire complex curves toward the south, reminiscent of the serpentine tail of some lazy dragon. Stray grasses and weeds grow up here and there, close enough along the wall to be spared from being trodden by passing boots. Though the roof is high enough to allow the swirling of an occasional breeze, the constant use of the forges keeps the whole area heated to an extreme. You also see a wooden post with a large sign on it.
Obvious exits: southeast, south, west.

A large sign reads:

Welcome to the Maker's Mark Shop!  Crafters of some renown can ORDER BASIC specialized 
marking stamps for their designs here.  Crafters with great prestige can ORDER ADVANCED 
Marks.  These marks are permanent, and will span all Crafting Disciplines.
Item Price Done
Basic Maker Mark 125,000   No
Advanced Maker Mark - Not available yet. -   

Supply Shop

[Forging Society, Supplies]
All along the eaves, reed wind chimes and ornamental decorations jangle and dance, bouncing gently off one another. With every breeze, the soft clinks and jingles of the noisemakers rise in subtle crescendo, playing counterpoint with the steady pounding of hammer on steel in other sections of the forge. You also see a wooden post displaying several charts, a large sign and a steel crate.
Obvious exits: northeast.

A large sign reads:

"Welcome to our store!  Materials, ingredients and packets for deeding items used 
in the forging process are sold here.  Not all mining locations are civilized 
enough to offer immediate deeding of resources.  To accommodate the fearless miner, 
deed packets are available for purchase here.  Crafters may also use these to deed 
finished goods.  Please STUDY them for instructions, and ORDER them at any time!"
Item Price Done
1). a tiny coal nugget 31   No
2). a massive coal nugget 212   No
3). a tiny oravir nugget 62   No
4). a tiny tin nugget 50   !!
5). a tiny zinc nugget 125   !!
6). a tiny iron nugget 131   No
7). a massive iron nugget 1,250   No
8). a tiny steel ingot - medium carbon 225   !!
9). a massive steel ingot - medium carbon 2,000   !!
10). a tiny nickel nugget 125   No
11). a huge bronze ingot 562   No
12). a tiny copper nugget 81   No
13). a small packet of deed claim forms 1,250   !!
14). a packet of deed claim forms 6,250   !!
15). a large packet of deed claim forms 31,250   !!
tiny is 1 volume, huge is 5 volume, massive is 10 volume
See Crafting Materials for more details.
In the steel crate
Item Price Done
small leather backing 150   !!
large leather backing 312   !!
small cloth padding 62   !!
large cloth padding 150   !!
simple oak hilt 125   !!
simple oak haft 125   !!
short leather cord 150   !!
long leather cord 150   !!
short oak pole 100   !!
long oak pole 312   !!
iron shield handle 212   !!
iron shield boss 312   !!
leather strips 625   !!

Crafting Equipment

Equipment List
Item Name Quality
Crucible Exceptional quality (11/13)
Anvil well-crafted (8/13)
Slack Tub Exceptional quality (11/13)
Forge well-crafted (8/13)
Grindstone well-crafted (8/13)