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Feralclaw family

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Family Members

  • Snarky Cythra Feralclaw née Seord Wildclaw, Legendary Bard, Word Mistress of Elanthia, Head Diplomat for the Court of Nytfrost
  • Opol Feralclaw
  • History

    (in progress)

    Both born with their mother’s lavender eyes in the Prydaen lands of the west, Cythra and Opol were as close as sisters could be. Though Opol was the younger of the two girls she was stronger of will and heart than the quiet, reserved Cythra. When their family became targeted by the evil infecting their land Opol convinced Cythra to escape with her to Eastern Kermoria. With the reluctant blessing of the Pryde, they left their parents and their baby sister, who was too young to make the journey, behind. They fled the hub with nothing but their mother’s eyes and their father’s… coins.

    At one point in their flight they were ambushed, each girl fleeing a different direction to evade the pursuers. Their hunters split up to seek out their young, vulnerable prey.

    Running blindly, Cythra, discovered by one of the assailants, turned to face him. During the ensuing struggle she managed, in her desperation, to stab him with his own blighted-gold knife which she carries with her still. Injured, he ran off while Cythra wounded and bleeding fell unconcious. After searching for what seemed like forever, Opol stumbled across her sister who was laying on the ground still and bleeding. Being to small to drag her big sister, Opol ran the rest of the way to Crossing to seek help. She found herself telling her tale to Salvur who provided her with the necessary remedies. Heart pounding, ran back to try to save Cythra but could not find her.

    Opol returned to Crossing but found she was too young to join the Empath's so she was escorted to Riverhaven to become an assistant to Guildleader Nebela within the guild there. After a couple of years passed, Nebela no longer required Opol's aid so the young assistant moved to Shard to help Guildleader K'miriel. Upon reaching the proper age, Opol then moved back to Crossing to join the guild as a full member to fulfil her promise to Salvur.

    Cythra woke alone. Concerned for Opol she wandered searching for her until she became hopelessly lost and disoriented in the dark of the forest and could find no signs of her beloved sister. Thinking Opol dead, Cythra trudged along, in tears, aimlessly until she somehow found herself in the town of Crossing.

    One of the first people she met in town was Ariya who, gauging the young girl’s charisma and lyrical voice, brought Cythra to meet Silvyrfrost. Silvyrfrost offered Cythra a new home within their halls as a member of the Bard’s Guild. Determined that she would be strong in memory of her lost sister that she loved and admired, Cythra vowed that she would be bold; she would never consider herself a “bardess” but a true bard of Elanthia. She would be THE Cythra to honor Opol’s strength and the memory of those left behind. Taking the name Feralclaw, Cythra kept their true family name secret to protect them from any who might wish to harm them.

    After a few years passed, Cythra, heeding a message from the Claw of Tenemlor, briefly returned to her homeland to do her part in the fight against the corruption of Lyras. While there she was unable to determine the whereabouts of her family.

    Cythra has tried to block out the traumatic events of her life before coming to Crossing and has always been reluctant to discuss her past in order to avoid dredging up those heartrending memories.