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Faenrae chanter
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A cousin to the faenrae reaver, the faenrae chanter stands close to six feet tall, with the broad, powerful shoulders of a formidable warrior. Deep-set crimson eyes stare out from the rugged, angular face, framed by a flowing mane of reddish hair. The skin of the the chanter is a dark gray and leathery, and gleaming claws wait at the end of long, spindly fingers.
In Depth
Faenrae Chanters first appeared during the Chorus of Madmen introduction events.
Recall Information
Little is known of the faenrae chanters beyond their kinship with reavers, stalkers, and other faenrae. Like the reavers, the chanters are stout warriors, but use powerful chants to disrupt their foes and enhance their own abilities. These chants make these faenrae among the most dangerous of their kin.
According to some, the faenrae chanters are among the favored of Idon, and receive their formidable chants through the Reaver's grace.
- It is carrying a broadsword.
- Casts Ethereal Shield, Tremor, Vertigo and Thunderclap spells.
A faenrae chanter begins to chant under its breath!
A faenrae chanter grins triumphantly as it completes its chant, revealing a set of wickedly sharp teeth.
A shimmering shield surrounds a faenrae chanter.
Special Attack
- Chant attack similar to Bardic Screams.
A faenrae chanter draws itself up to its full height as it chants feverishly, culminating in a ear-splitting shout directed at you. The concussive blast lands a good strike against your right leg!
[You're hurt, somewhat off balance with opponent in strong position. Dartenian=7 chanter=11]
A faenrae chanter takes a long, deep breath before unleashing a powerful shout at you. The blast lands a glancing strike against you, sending you flying across the area to land in a sprawling heap!