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Berries & Ink/Issues/Berries-01-07
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Publication: Berries & Ink |
Volume: 01 |
Issue: 07 |
Issue Date: September 1, 2024 |
Contributors: Nilme, Imroth, Ezathiel, Aislynn, Valynn, Shaylynne, Shaoimhe, Allye, Ahneya, Eruwyn, Crobin, Tirost |
Editor: Illiya |
You tap a colorfully illuminated parchment.
A blob of berry-red wax is affixed to the parchment. It is imprinted with a plump strawberry nestled in a crown of delicate leaves. |
[~* Vibrant watercolor strawberries grace the top of the page, depicting a basket overflowing with plump, juicy fruits interspersed with inkpots and feather quills around an unfurled scroll hand-lettered in a playful script: *~] Berries & Ink - Volume 1, Issue 7 [~* Editor's Note *~] Welcome back, dear readers, to another captivating issue of Berries & Ink. From fashion finds to poignant poetry mourning the lost - to the enigmatic mystery of what, indeed, is behind it all - this issue bears the marks of wild magic, much like our beloved Elanthia. This month we're thrilled to welcome our newest contributor, Imroth, whose insightful exploration of sorcery promises to ignite your imagination, if not your appetite. He joins all of your beloved favorites, providing thoughtful perspectives and comforting escapes from these chaotic times. We're also excited to announce our official sponsorship program. Your donation will directly support our talented contributors and ensure our continued growth. Interested in donating? Contact us! We hope this issue brings you comfort, inspiration, and a sense of community. Remember, we're here for you, and together we can weather this storm. ~With hope, Illiya [~* A heartfelt thank you to our generous sponsors for this issue: Dasheek, the Wagering Administration Commission, and Akeiro & Selame *~] [~* Framed by tiny clusters of rosebuds tinged in the diluted hues of a sunrise are the words "The Five by Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il" *~] Mana's been disturbed over many a year Visions appeared, but were never quite clear. Complacency reigned for consequences were mild. Then a surprising day came and magic went wild. Investigations were arranged, experiments begun. Questions were many - answers were none. Researching a Tower led to five in a prison, Visitors brought theories but created division. Solutions are elusive but some plan to attack When it's revealed who confines them and how to get them all back. To find them, many are studying all theories and claims Dantia, Mazrian Daemondred. Navesi Daerthon, Ayrell Evyntine, and Miskton Ramahk are their names. [~* Sorcery: A Sandwich by Imroth Rubywings *~] Sorcery, like a sandwich, is a beautiful merging of diversity that pushes the boundaries of what is possible. As with experimenting with new ingredients, it represents a profound expansion of capabilities. It is unstable and dangerous. Like trying to add coleslaw into your pulled pork sandwich - it can get messy. But, good things come to those who explore the edges of the known. Who first dared to combine balsamic vinegar and olive oil? Using this notorious discipline is perhaps our only choice against our unseen enemy. Not unlike using sandwiches against another invisible enemy: hunger. It is time to abolish the taboo of sorcery. To embrace the combination of mana types, and cast a spell with all the fixins. I call upon you to stand with us, and have a sandwich, too. [~* Disarray by Ezathiel "Ezzy" Karanea *~] In the heart of a world that once gleamed bright, Where magic wove with nature, pure and right, Now chaos reigns, a wild, untamed storm, Spells once steady now deviate from the norm. Sorcerers tremble, their craft now a curse, Each incantation met with something worse, Where light should bloom, shadows arise, Magic devours both the fool and the wise. Beings of might, dark and unknown, Have risen, their hearts as cold as stone, They seize the innocent, hearts held dear, Leaving behind only sorrow and fear. Prisoners cry from the depths of despair, Loved ones wail, their hopes laid bare, But every effort to break their chains Only deepens the wounds, increases the pains. Heralds rage against sorcery's blight, Condemning the spells that steal the light, While Messengers scatter, their words a maze, Confusion spreads like a choking haze. For how can one mend what is broken so deep? A state of affairs to make the Immortals weep? The answers are hidden, the way unclear, And the end of all things feels dreadfully near. [~* Thanks to Harawep by Aislynn Maylan *~] O Harawep, Great Spider Goddess who weaves the Web of Fate, We give thanks for the clarity to see the peril in Sorcery, The reckless mingling of unlike mana that threatens all creation. Grant us your blessing as we warn the world of this danger, And lend us your vigilance to stand firm in our vigil Against the chaos that seeks to unravel your sacred web. May your wisdom guide our words and actions, now and always. [~* Elven Epicurean Explorations, the Cheap Eats Edition by Valynn Aehre *~] East of Hibarnividar sits Momma's Bed and Breakfast a quaint inn serving sweet and savory breakfast fare for less than a silver dokora, unless you have a Gor'Tog appetite and then it might cost you three silver dokoras. Even though a mere pittance, the poached eggs on toast lacked spice. Try the brown sugar apples over oatmeal. Far more satisfying with a slight chew and caramel sweetness designed to delight. Hankering for something to fill your belly? Look to the sausage gravy ladled over a fluffy crispy biscuit so light it nearly levitates off the plate. All this deliciousness and free all you can stomach coffee. Out of pocket? A bowl of turnip and mutton stew on the stove in the kitchen is the answer. Talk about flavorful! After breakfast, sit on Momma's back porch and sip a cup of fresh java, digest your food and meditate on the good fortune Momma is there to feed you. [~* Seasonal Stargazing with Shaylynne *~] Lirisa the Archer: Made the effort to put down the bow and scoop up that one true love? Another season of affection is warranted before you race back off on the hunt. Shorka the Cobra: The world around you is overwhelmed by choices and actions against the imbalance of wild magic. Trust your deepest instincts or follow your tribe, it might not be right for everyone but it will be right for you. Uthmor the Giant: That weird moonie-in-law came back and told me to announce a wedding anniversary. They said you'd know who you are, and if you don't, you're in big trouble Mister. Arhat the Fire Lion: Arhat Barbarians can't do much to alleviate a mana surge in the area. Nonetheless, if they stand there and roar at it for fun, they may still feel some primal sense of relief. Try not to judge if you witness this bizarre ritual. [~* A stack of delectable-looking tarts are drawn piled against the words "Sweet and Savory by Shaoimhe Bramblebairn" *~] I have several great loves in my life - tarts, tumbling, the Troupe...and Sebastian and Ridley. These are the bestest, most sweetest animals I've ever had the pleasure of snuggling. Sebastian - a boar - and Ridley - a beagle - are my best friends, and we go on adventures and picnics and attend events together. Once, they got so muddy I couldn't even tell who was who! And I promise they've only stolen a tart once...well, twice. Okay, all the time. And maybe they terrorize the Arthe Dale scarecrow a few times a week. Anywaaaay. What animals have you been lucky enough to go through life with? Are they mischievous or sweet or feisty? What do you get into with them? I hope whatever the answers, you appreciate the journey with a cute companion by your side! [~* Fashion Alley with Allye: Wild Magic Trends Alert *~] Elegant readers: even in uncertain times, naught can stop the steady thrum of sartorial progress. As adventurers choose factions among messengers in our midst, they also choose fashions: ~ Via the entity Liraxes we discover a new, extraplanar trend: fractal chic. ~ Summoner Valenal and his elementals-in-residence demonstrate that sandwiches both provide sustenance and also make rather fine hats. ~ The Farmer Miraena sprouts a bouquet of blue-shaded clothing and embroidered iris florals. ~ We marvel at Scholar Asildu's use of dragon scales as a skin-worn accessory. ~ From Truffenyi's Chosen Unaka, a craze for horned pauldrons has thrown armor shops across Kermoria into disarray. This columnist prays that when lost in the dark, you never stop seeking the most stylish light. [~* Dear Ahneya *~] Q: What has been going on with magic? Dearest gentle and likely spongy and pale reader, Ahneya left to spend time in her homeland and came back to this mess. It makes Ahneya sad that she cannot leave people alone without everything going horribly. Fortunately, Ahneya is back to address this. It seems to me that your damp and mossy lands gave rise to the miscreant Harold and his other Harolds that seem to be the root of this. Have no fear readers, for Harold and his Harold friends will see reason and set magic straight and return those acquaintances and mostly alright people they stole from us. The Harolds send people to speak for them, likely because they are shy and possibly deformed or have unsightly blemishes. Ahneya has one thing to tell the Harolds: you are alright and very not ugly so give us back magic and we will be friends. [~* Twin apple tree branches abloom with pale pink petals embrace the words "Guess Who? by Eruwyn Cholares" *~] Verdant runners twine around the edges of the portrait, half concealing the plump red berries that grow amidst the groupings of leaves. Standing on tiptoe, one hand reaching toward the juiciest-looking fruit is a petite Human woman with a sweet, heart-shaped face. The profile shows off one of her silver-limned violet eyes and an adorable dimple where it peeks out from her cheek due to the wide grin curling her lips. A striped dress of strawberry-pink and cream follows the graceful lines of her slender figure and is just short enough to show off her strawberry embroidered stockings and a pair of dainty white boots covered in tiny lollipop charms. (Last month's portrait: Briaen. Winner: Isharon. MAIL in your guess for this month! The winner will be revealed next issue.) [~* The Adventures of Lavacano Gator, Ch. 7: Sneaking into the Crossing by Crobin Yuanfen *~] Determined to enter the Crossing despite the guards' hostility, Lavacano Gator devised a cunning plan. As he lingered near the Northern Trade Route, he noticed a trader caravan preparing to depart for the city. Among the goods piled high on the wagons, an empty wooden crate caught his eye. With a quick glance to ensure no one was watching, Lavacano slipped inside the crate, pulling the lid over himself. The darkness inside was stifling, but his heart raced with anticipation. As the caravan rumbled along the trade route, Lavacano remained hidden, his small frame curled tightly within the box. Hours passed, and Lavacano felt the wagon slow as it approached the Crossing. He held his breath as the guards inspected the caravan, but they paid little attention to the ordinary-looking crate. With a final jolt, the wagon rolled through the gates and into the city. Once the caravan came to a stop inside the bustling city, Lavacano waited until the traders were distracted. Then, with practiced stealth, he eased the lid off the crate and slipped into the shadows of the marketplace. A triumphant smile spread across his face as he realized he had finally made it into Crossing, his adventure just beginning. [~* The Quiet Rose by Tirost Armagna *~] A lively, din-filled tavern That with th' queen of flowers shares her name, Where surrounded with good company Shone Lady Ayrell in her reign, Her court of adventurers daring, Artists whose gifts in all hearts bloom, Warriors of transcendent power, And all that to her light were drawn Have faded into memory. Here slants a yellow light. Now quiet save the publican, Who 'gainst the bar reclines. Gone are merry voices. No new brandy lines the bar. A few Dwarves speak of catastrophe. A woman pulls low her shawl, Yet the Mountain Guard's Commander, And all Elamiri's Pride, Remains to us unforgotten If still out of sight. Gods grant her fortitude and strength, And us good guidance send, So the Rose instead of withered, Will be full of life again. [~* Thank you for reading! Look out for more juicy bites next month! *~] |