Property:Ability effect is

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Description: A property used for the short effect of a spell.
Type: string

There are currently 602 items in this property, 116 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Prevents engagement  +
+Alchemy Skill, +Engineering Skill  +
+Thievery skill, +Discipline (stat)  +
-Tactics skill, -Reflex (stat), -Offensive Factor, Tactics is PvP only, OF is PvE only  +
+Locksmithing skill, Gives user a chance to dodge a blown trap while opening boxes.  +
Non-ablative, percentage barrier to physical damage.  +
remote view of neighboring room, passive spot on hidden  +
SvS barrier vs Will.  +
decrease advance time while hidden, 0RT sneaking in town  +
+Perception skill, darkvision  +
Pulsing invisibility.  +
Reduces chance of getting caught shoplifting (can reduce to zero)  +
+Bows skill, +Crossbows skill, +Heavy Thrown skill, +Light Thrown skill, faster aim  +
+Backstab skill, +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill, held weapon only  +
, , , , An instantaneous meditation, subsuming oneself provides a brief period where the Thief avoids the perception of others. If disrupted, there is a good chance it will quickly reform, though it should not be relied on for long term protection.  +
Single target immobilize.  +
Instant invisibility and retreat  +
Moves object on ground into neighbouring room.  +
Stun and possible knockback.  +
+Attunement skill, +Perception skill  +

Showing 1 related entity.