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Cleric Guild Leader Esuin

Guild: Cleric
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Known Relatives: Emuin (Brother, Deceased)
Location: Crossing Cleric Guild, Crossing

"One never feels unwelcome when stepping into Lord Esuin's world. He has an aura that betrays his wisdom, and his stare speaks volume abour his devotion to his guild and his duties. A most revered mentor and leader, and yet one can only wonder at the shadows that sometimes darken his benevolent eyes..."
-Excerpt from Leading Souls of the Guilds, by Alexsei Krauser

A tall man sporting hazel eyes and amber hair, Esuin Jaleven is a proud, friendly man, the quiet head of the Crossing Cleric Guild. Taking office after the departure of lady Tallis, now High Priestess of the new Crossing Temple, Esuin continues to teach the ways of the Gods to both fledgeling and veteran clerics with a passion that displays his utmost devotion to the immortals. In direct relation to this devotion is the Guild Leader's will and desire to help the various people of the Realms, whom he believes were put into the Cleric's care by the Gods themselves.

Esuin is surprisingly young for the position he maintains, although the way he carries himself and the aura of authority that emanate from his person is so inspiring one would most likely not register this fact. He dresses simply yet elegantly in gaments befitting a man of faith. His manners are friendly and comely, and yet he sometimes displays a certain tension - a strain that shows whenever he finds himself troubled. Whether it is a reaction to his responsibilities as a relatively young Guild Leader, or some other personal trouble, is currently unknown.