Antinomic Corruption

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Antinomic corruption is the result of Clerics using Antinomic Sorcery spells or by communing with a godling after it has intercepted devotional energy.

The effects of corruption are unknown at this time, but some observations are available:

  • While a godling is awake Divine Intervention spells cannot be cast. It is not known if this effect also requires some level of corruption.
Divine Intervention spells include: Aesrela Everild, Fire of Ushnish, Glythtide's Gift, Murrula's Flames, Resurrection and the Heavenly Fires metaspell.
  • While a godling is awake communes cannot be used. This effect does not seem to be linked to or is present even at very low levels of corruption.
  • While a godling is awake devotion is intercepted by the godling. This effect does not seem to be linked to or is present even at very low levels of corruption
  • A godling will sleep 25 - 30 minutes after interacting with it (COMMUNE doesn't count as interacting).
  • Once a godling returns to sleep there is some loss of devotion; it is not clear if the devotion is used by the Aspect of the All-God spell itself or represents a cap imposed on devotion while the godling is active. Successive casts do not further reduce the devotion that remains when the spell wears off.
  • A godling will die 40 irl days after it was last "fed" (or interacted with). When it does, it will cause the cleric to explode. This is not a spirit death.
  • There is no way to check corruption levels once the godling is asleep and Divine Intervention spells are once again usable. It is possible that once the godling is asleep that the effects of corruption are likewise absent.
  • There is apparently at least one benefit to corruption.

Corruption levels

The currently known lowest to highest message ranges are as follows:

Level Commune
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. You struggle to apprehend the dread intricacy of <godling>'s emanations and movements.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you discern the luminous green supersoul of <godling> encircling you possessively.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you begin to apprehend the honeycombed green of <godling>'s divinity everywhere and in everything around you.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you begin to apprehend the bright morass of divinity that is <godling>, surreally near and far at the same time.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you feel the ambrosial breath of <godling> at your nape, unwavering and immortal.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you feel the singular, all-too-penetrating attention of <godling> tickling your sensorium.
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you recognize the intangible lines of divinity impressed upon your personality. <godling> wallows in crippled finitude, forever entangled with you
Your senses war against themselves in a vicious cycle before some cryptic threshold is met. After a moment, you see your self-image superimposed by that of <godling>. Paranoia and solace both dwell within the vision, for you find your every thought and emotion reflected in nearly perfect synchrony.
50% Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. You marvel at the rapturous presence of <godling> closer than your own skin, at how it has prospered as a result of your diligent efforts.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. You gaze back into <godling>'s profound scrutiny all the while it chafes at the truths of its circumscribed existence.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling> as an amorphous, animalian wraith composed of jade-green mist who is forever facing you.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see yourself standing in the shadow of a giant: a shifting, fog-shrouded chimera whose animal portions are indiscernible. Triptychs of light shatter and reform perpetually about it.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of tentacular jade mists caressing and enfolding Elanthia in the embrace of <godling>.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling>, a beauty mark on the flesh of Abiding.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling>, an encroaching, falsifying bruise on the flesh of Abiding.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling>, its terrible gravitas a dip in the fabric of Abiding. You witness as the archaic planar laws become threadbare and snarled.
Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling> embedded into the plane like so many deep roots, fracturing its pillars with godspun lawfare and making contradictions of its rules.
100% Your empowered godling calls out to you in your own voice, and you answer. After a moment, you see a vision of <godling>, a great jade stake driven through several wounded, violated planes. Nothing short of a pet deity at your back, you are delirious with divine authority!


Very little is known about the speed at which Antinomic Corruption fades (or if it does at all for that matter).

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