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Motto: Light strengthens through Darkness

Arkalye Starstone
Race Dwarf
Gender Male
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime
Relatives Peeku, Jennaria, Jennantar, Chyral


You are Paladin of Eylhaar Arkalye Starstone, Haalik Showldh of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Dwarf.
You have a square-jawed face, silver-flecked crystal green eyes and a bulbous nose. Your lavender-streaked black hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn tied back in an intricate five-stranded braid. You have leathery skin and a broad-shouldered build.
You are of modest height for a Dwarf.
You are an adult.
You have a thick mustache and a full beard that is split into thirds and woven into three thick braids that hang down to your waist. Wound around each beard plait is a wide kertig ring graced with a fractured spear of night black zephyr's heart.
Your right palm has a tattoo of a pure white jackal surrounded by a silvery nimbus.


Race: Dwarf
Guild: Paladin
Age: 53
Circle: 100


Arkalye was born on the 24th day of the 7th month of Moliko the Balance in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 390 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.

  • 434

Joined the Paladin Guild in River Crossings.

  • 439

Joined the Order of the Dragon Shield
Fought in the Raid on Basalt Isle, assisting with the activation of the Sanyu Aes.

  • 440

Promoted to Councilor in the Order of the Dragon Shield.

  • 441

Wed Chyral De'Lux, in a service on the shores of Mirror Lake, surrounded by dear friends and family.

  • 441

Co-Founded the Jackals of Eylhaar with Cote and Schakal

Prized Possessions

  • a battle-worn vardite aegis with a kertig inlay that you are wearing.

Inlaid in kertig on a field of vardite is a depiction of a Dwarven paladin in hulking battle plate kneeling before an ivory-skinned, black haired woman. She is flanked by a pair of onyx jackals, her hands outstretched to the dwarf, who places his heart, made of brilliant heartstone, into her hands in solemn offering. There appears to be something written on it.

A battle-worn vardite aegis reads: "Forever her Paladin"

  • a massive dawnfire steel greatsword with kertig inlays upon the blade

Your greatsword is emanating a powerful sense of holiness.

Dark kertig inlays depict a striking image upon the grey dawnfire steel: a slender, dark-haired woman resting her hand on the heads of a pair of jackals as they stand vigil over a silent graveyard. Mottled pale blue and grey deathfiber is bound tightly around the mikkhalbamar hilt. Its broad kertig crossguard is set with ebon jackal's heart pearls and capped by howling jackals. Trailing from the silversteel pommel is a sungold chain that ends with a mournful jackal carved from a clear dwaglim. There appears to be something written on it.

A massive dawnfire steel greatsword reads: "Unsheathed, so others may know Her peace."

  • a black kertig great helm shaped like a jackal skull with sungold accents

Multiple braids of golden jackal fur interwoven with black and grey deathfiber cascade down the sides of this massive sculpted helm composed of polished black kertig. Two enormous canine ears filled with radiant fur-like sungold filaments stand prominently from the top, and oversized eye sockets loom above an etched snout supporting heavy sungold fangs. The pale blues and greys of the deathfiber accent the dark metal of the helm, while golden jackal fur trims the collar. There appears to be something written on it.

A kertig great helm reads: "~From pink to teal, made with love for love.~"

  • some hulking battle plate with kertig pauldrons resembling howling jackals

Eyes of jackal's heart pearl glint with an ebony sheen from the dark kertig jackal-shaped pauldrons, accented by the blue-grey knarn fur rimming the collar. On the chest a pack of jackals lead a scared little girl into the loving arms of a slender dark haired woman, depicted in an inlay of kertig and uthamar. The mottled pale greys and blues of the deathfiber padding accent the armors sheen, while a long strip of pale grey deathfiber trails from each pauldron, embroidered with an ebon jackal.

  • a deathfiber carryall with jackal hide straps bound with kertig buckles.

Kertig buckles shaped like howling jackals placed along the fabric allow for different configurations of the straps, adjusting where the large container can be worn on one's body. A trio of jackal's heart pearls set in a sungold clasp hold the mottled grey and purple material closed. Crudely cut and worn jackal hide straps bear signs of use in the form of palm-shaped sweat stains darkening the leather.

  • a nacreous jackal icon set within an alcove of starstone

So dark a blue as to appear nearly black, the stone backdrop is spangled with myriad glittering flecks. The pearl jackal set within stands watch over a Dwarven Paladin in hulking battle plate.

  • Luminia

A rose grey horse, purchased from and trained by Kyssandra that is eighteen hands high with a red-tinted medium grey coat. It has a dark grey mane and tail. The mare has a white star-shaped mark surrounding the left eye.


Brothers: Peeku Starstone, Jennantar Starstone
Sister: Jennaria Starstone
Spouse: Chyral Starstone
Friends: Kenamer, Aislynn, Phoul, Penrhyn, Thyon, Cote, Schakal


Order of the Dragon Shield - Council Member
Jackals of Eylhaar - Founding Member

His Story

Arkalye was born in a mining colony near the Stone Clan, from the time he could walk he followed his big brother Peeku everywhere. His mother passed on from childbirth with him and that just left Arkalye and his Dad, but if you ask Arkalye, Peeku raised him.

  When their father passed away in a cave-in and the mining colony was closed the brothers set out for Crossings. They set about settling into the strange town, as they sought out a way to take care of each other. While Peeku ran off to join the Warrior Mages and become an adventurer, Arkalye spent time volunteering at the temple. He worked as a runner bringing bandages and water to the adventurers caring for those fighting on the front lines against Lyras and her forces. Surrounded by so much pain and death the beardling dwarf fell into despair, till the day he met a young cleric working in the midst of the chaos. the Pyrdean rushed back and forth aiding whoever she could, trying to snatch them from the clutches of Aldauth. 
   In between attacks, the 2 struck up a friendship, where Arkalye confided in her his feelings of hopelessness among all the death they had seen. Touched by his kind soul the young cleric took him into the temple and up to the Eyes of the thirteen. There she led him through an ebony arch into an alcove containing an ivory lacewood altar with delicate traceries of ebony stain and a heavily carved altar of black ironwood. Here she said rested the altar to the Goddess Eylhaar and the God Aldauth. Over the course of the next few hours, she spoke to him about Eylhaar, the goddess she served. This became a recurring trend, she taught him how to care for the altar and how to give offerings to Her. She spoke to him about becoming a Cleric of Eylhaar and Arkalye was keen to do that when he came of age. 
    However, fate is a fickle thing, and one day the triage was overrun by the forces of Lyras. The last thing Arkalye saw before falling to the vicious claws of the undead was the young cleric lying upon the stones of the courtyard a dim lifelessness in her eyes as her life's blood spread out around her. He awoke at the big altar within the temple, sick to his stomach he began to dry heave, partially from the shock of resurrection and partially from seeing his dear friend and mentor dead on the ground. A calming hand gripped his shoulder and with a soothing purr, she led him back upstairs to the alcove. There she offered thanks to Eylhaar. Arkalye knelt beside her and did the same, but also remembered how close he came to losing his friend. He knew his path was not to be that of a cleric. He would be the shield that stood between the innocent and the talons of Alduath. He knew he couldn't stand by and allow people to have the promise of Eylhaar's embrace stolen away.
  He had seen them, the ones he wanted to follow, rushing headfirst to the frontlines, leading the defenders, marshaling the forces against the undead hordes. These warriors cut through the evil and the darkness with the light of the Immortals. Paladins, this was his fate, this was his calling. He spent a few more years learning and serving Eylhaar as a minor acolyte, till he came of age. the day he turned 50 he hugged his friend mentor and adopted sister then set out to speak with Guildleader Verika, he bore his soul to her telling his tale and his desire to join her guild. She smiled at the young dwarf, she told him the journey would be long and hard and would temper his mind, body, and soul till he was a force for good.  
   He joined the paladin guild a couple of days after his 50th birthday. Wearing the armor and shield his sister had procured for him he began his training. Today he is one of the few if not the only paladin of Eylhaar. He overlooks her Temple in Kweld Gelvdael, in the Jackal's Heart acting as caretaker and guardian to the altar to the goddess he has sworn his life to, Forever her paladin.