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Kenamer Maylan | |
Status | |
Race | Human |
Gender | Male |
Guild | Paladin |
Instance | Prime |
Relatives | Rairken, Heartsfyre, Addisyn, Healfdene, Sturm |
You are Battle Lion Kenamer Maylan, Vice-Speaker of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Human.
You have amber eyes. Your black hair is shoulder length and thick, and is worn loose, tucked behind your ears. You have tanned skin and an athletic build.
You appear to be in your prime.
Race: Human
Guild: Paladin
Age: 103
Circle: 200
Kenamer was born on the 40th day of the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 334 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Prized Possessions
- A gold-plated tower shield emblazoned with a majestic lion. You see the initials "H.G." impressed into the surface of the metal.
- Some damite full plate embellished with gold leaf around the edges.
Matte gold leave curves over the tops of both arms and legs as well as slithers up and down each side of the suit, growing more diffuse as it curls toward the center of the plate.
- A linked gold chain with a well-worn soulstone hanging from the bail
The soulstone is covered with tiny scratches and gouges and is generally in bad shape. It bears the telltale marks from a long ago Paladin that kept faithful vigil over a soul.
- A scrimshaw ivory pendant hand-etched with the image of a roaring lion
Etched carefully into the ivory is a golden lion, its gaping maw opened in a fierce roar and its huge paw resting protectively on an olive laurel.
- A hammered silver bracer embedded with a soulstone
Intricately engraved on each side of the soulstone are two large snowflakes. The soulstone is still functional even though it is partially housed in the metal. There appears to be something written on it. A silver bracer reads: "In the mountains, a snowflake glitters."
- An antiqued filigree clasp overlaid with a crimson shield bearing the embossed gold image of a rearing silvery gryphon
A regal gryphon segreant, upon a crimson field, holds a white rose in one talon and clenches a gold and crimson streamer in the other. Meticulously etched across the streamer is a flowing inscription. There appears to be something written on it. A filigree clasp reads: "Justice not Law, Deeds not Words."
Son: Rairken
Daughter: Addisyn
- Son in Law: Healfdene
Brother: Sturm
Sister: Heartsfyre
- Brother in Law: Tyx
A Paladins Journal
You see a simple leather-bound journal. The Leather is worn as if carried far distances yet the pages look as if great care has been taken to preserve them. On the inside cover is written: Kenamer Maylan - Paladin
You open a worn leather-bound journal to a red satin book mark and read...
It has been 437 years, 388 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Amber Phoenix. It is currently winter and it is sunset. 3 roisaen after the Anlas of Tamsine's Toil. - This weathered journal has seen many travels and recorded several adventures. Once again I dive into it's pages, quill in hand. Tonight the Coalition will attempt to offer aide to the inhabitants of the barrow village of the Basalt Island. Our plans have been made and re-made. Leaders have been chosen. Now the wait... - I have faith in those who come to offer aide to the people of this place, it's not their fault that such a vile creature has laid down upon their home. Those that come? Saragos, Briskinte, Madigan, Mazrian, Rakkor, Aisalynn, Navesi... just to name a few. All reach out to help these people that are unable to rise up and help themselves this is a noble cause and one I support fully. What obstacles will we face? I dare say none that we can not overcome as long as we stand united. May the Thirteen be with us tonight and guide us to ward off the evil we oppose.
You open a worn leather-bound journal to a red satin book mark and read...
It has been 437 years, 391 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Amber Phoenix. It is currently winter and it is mid-morning. - You're positive it's 12 roisaen after the Anlas of Peri'el's Watch. A few days have passed since the Coalition sent aide to the Village of Jeihrem's Barrow on the Basalt Isle. I've had time to rest and reflect on the mission. The goal, to offer escape to the villagers trapped there and bring them to the safety of Ratha. This goal was accomplished with little loss of life and several obviously distressed villagers leaving the island. I led a small group of highly trained and skilled adventurers, to say the least this was one of the great honors I've had in quite some while. Tankata, Penrhyn, Natarian, Aislynn, Ghannan, Collain, Kerizon, Zymi, Voranos and later Rakkor were all pivotal in setting up the Island for the larger aide to come from Ratha which was lead by Saragos and Mazrian. A list of notable Paladins leading and assisting with the fleeing villagers would most certainly include Sir Brisknite, Sir Madigan, Sir Tankata and Sir Nanakii. They displayed courage in the face of evil and upheld the paladin code with honor. To quote an excerpt from the code... - "He will seek to prevent harm to the innocent and will place himself at risk in order to accomplish this if need be." - I gathered most of my group in Crossing and with the assistance of Ghanan we gated to Ratha and the remainder gathered with me there. When ready we moved out to a separate location and by Ghanan's moon-gate we advanced to the basalt island. There on the dock we made ready to employ our plan. We moved to the gate for the village where Tankata immediately made it safe with his banner. He then moved through the village gate and set up a banner on the other side. This gave us our foot hold on the Island. - you turn the page - It also subsequently drew the attention of the Lich and his minions. Including the one named Sivroch. However now was not the time for us to strike, we needed to get the moongate opened for the main force still on Ratha. Ghanan once again flawlessly managed this. Opening the moon gate and allowing our force to move in. Once there we set up just inside the gate and started calling for those villagers who would leave. Some did show up! and managed to get to safety on Ratha. - The demon woman Sivroch once again showed up and managed to crush the Banner, at once we lept into action, slaying the Necromancers and protecting the support group. However some banyakea managed to make it into the area and ate some of the fleeing villagers. - A lull in combat allowed for more villagers to make way to our calls of aide and some more made it through to safety. While this happened some unfortunate events came to play, one of the villagers approached Saragos and started to speak... garbled and demonic sounding words from where I stood. They then... they... latched on to Saragos and their body started to distort. Then... they exploded... When my vision cleared Saragos had fallen in the explosion. I jumped into action with my crew, we started door to door around the village, I would call out to head to the village gate and Aislynn would knock on doors. We dispached a few more necromancers and returned to the village gates. - Once again Sivroch returned and this time set her gaze upon Tankata, in her viciousness his body was split in two before my very eyes. I choked back a gut wrenching feeling and a desire to scream out in fear and rage. Instead, keeping my composure to rally the team and keep pressing on. We managed to get Tank's body drug through a moon gate to Ratha and our Triage team there was able to save him. - you turn the page - A few more passes around the Village produced no more refugees and we returned to the village gate. On speaking with Mazrian and hearing that Saragos and Tankata were once again ok, the order was given to retreat back to the Ratha temple. My team covered the retreat and made sure that no one was left on the island. - Now, to kill a Lich...