Estate Holder Mini-Fest 442/Auction

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Prime Auction

Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022, at 9 PM ET

Winning bids and descriptive statistics have been rounded to the nearest whole number in plats.

Item Buyer Platinum
starlight ruby phoenixes Spyra 12,933
crisp white furniture voucher painted with a dark grey hippo Venik 4,000
set of two asharsh'dai studs each capped with a tiny moonspun ruby Felles 32,153
icy tome bound in leather Voranos 150,000
strapless oceanmist satin gown draped with strands of seastar tourmalines Allye 54,212
icy blue repair case etched with a decrepit tomb Morkim 97,768
alluring chaosknit skirt composed of cascading layers of ruby-red fabric Unknown

arzumos-pelt tome of sigils with a crushed-sapphire icicle inlaid upon the cover Unknown
delicate trinket box lifesculpted out of e'erdream Unknown
exquisite cloudbark alpine shortbow wrapped in smokewhorl Unknown
exquisite azurelle jewelry box inlaid with nightfire opals Unknown
light brown marnet fur cloak Unknown
ostentatious treasureweave vest with the words "FILTHY LUCRE" on the back Unknown
oxblood and black war kilt pinned with a miniature maelstone sword Unknown
peaked abyssium crown inlaid with cambrinth stones Unknown
pristine white pouch worked to resemble a golden-horned unicorn Unknown
shimmering royal blue Imperial weave kimono scattered with daggers Unknown
sleek smokewood compact encased in gold filigree Unknown
spiritgem doorbell shaped like a star Unknown
voluminous forest-green wool cloak trimmed with silver embroidery Unknown

Prime Auction Stats

Stat Platinum
Total Spent
Minimum Price
Median Price
Mean Price
Maximum Price
Standard Deviation

Plat Auction

Date: Sunday, June 26, 2022, at 9 PM ET

Winning bids and descriptive statistics have been rounded to the nearest whole number in plats.

Item Buyer Platinum

Plat Auction Stats

Stat Platinum
Total Spent
Minimum Price
Median Price
Mean Price
Maximum Price
Standard Deviation

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