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Revision as of 17:58, 16 December 2021 by SPICYDIAPSID (talk | contribs) (Added chrysoberyl info and natural colors.)
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Chrysoberyl at a Glance
Material Type Gems
Colors Yellow, Green, Clear, Yellowish-green, Blue, Red, Orange, Purple
Rarity Common
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations No

Ordinary chrysoberyl is yellowish-green and transparent to translucent. When the mineral exhibits good pale green to yellow color and is transparent, then it is used as a gemstone.

Varieties of Chrysoberyl
  • yellow-to-green chrysoberyl
  • cymophane - translucent yellow in color. Adopts a "cat's eye" effect when cut as a cabochon.
  • alexandrite -- emerald green, red, purple, orange-yellow, blue-green.
Color Tiny Small Medium Large Huge
Base Modifer Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper
Blue 257 800
Brass-colored 361 773
Bronze 2685 2685
Brown 283 644 826 826 8,259 8,259
Brown Banded 1,962 1,962
Brown Faceted 2208 2208
Brown Smokey 335 335
Chesnut 283 1,006 567 567
Chesnut Banded 826 826
Cinnamon 361 593 567 567 7,123 7,123
Cinnamon Smokey 257 257
Copper-colored 412 2,323 567 567
Gold-colored 303 903 583 583 1,652 1,652
Gold-colored Faceted 671 671
Green 283 289 1342 1342 2,182 2,182
Green Smoky
Green-yellow 386 1,703 567 567 1,548 1,548
Mint Green 257 1,238 722 722
Red-orange 412 851 619 619
Red Smoky 1891 1891
Yellow 333 903
Yellow Faceted 335 1,161
Yellow-green 308 335 877 1,497
Yellow-green Faceted 13,428 13,428
Yellow-green Smokey 385 385 826 826
Yellow-orange 308 722 567 567 1,548 1,548
Yellow-orange Banded 386 386

Alteration Rules

This material is not required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources

Platinum filigree jewelry box with glaes fittings


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