Tablature turquoise

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Tablature turquoise at a Glance
Material Type Gems
Colors Blue, Gold, Silver, White, Bardic blue
Symbolism Peri'el, Lyre, Flute, Music, Song, Score
Rarity Auction-Tier
Cultural Relevance
Required for Alterations Yes

The tablature turquoise are a unique variety of turquoise harvested exclusively from mines currently controlled by the Sisters of Peri'el. Their base color is a rich, Bardic blue and most often have golden, silver, or pure white marbling in patterns that mimic finger placements upon instruments such as lyres or flutes.

The Sisters often must sift through thousands of stones before finding even one with a readable song upon it, which are considered gifts of nature -- or perhaps even Peri'el herself, and not written by mortal hand. This makes their recent decision to offer up a limited amount of the turquoise to outsiders particularly special.

Common description: Dozens of thin striations cross over the surface of the cabochon, nearly flat gem, creating an exactingly detailed pattern that shows a readable musical score.

Released at Guildfest 431.

Alteration Rules

This material is required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources


ItemSource isRarity is
Bardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoiseGuildfest 431/Auction
Carved tablature turquoise jar affixed with an elegantly written labelWhite mistglass cosmetic case shaped like a clam shellauction
Crested Elven gold ring set with a polished tablature turquoise cabochonOwirvald Riverhaven Auction 420
Dawnfire steel neithrel band adorned with tablature turquoise stonesGuildfest 445/Auctionauction
Kiralan neithrel band interspersed with silver striated tablature turquoisesBardic blue Imperial weave sash pinned with a magnificent tablature turquoiseGuildfest 431/Auction
Oceanic orichalcum shortbow draped in lengths of azure songsilkHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Polished crystal-bone theorbo with tablature turquoise around its soundholesHollow Eve Festival 450/AuctionHarp case of pocked red coral with blue zoetaen togglesauction

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