Ulf'Hara Keep

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Presently the home of Zoluren's royalty.

Was previously known as Ughtensgard Keep. This Keep was built during the Empire of the Seven Pointed Star to safeguard Imperial trade roads and their isolated cities. One Imperial Road ran from Keep Ughtensgard, through the savage Sorrow's Reach region, up to RiverHaven in the north.

The Keep was refurbished and renamed by Sirolarn, shortly after his accession to the throne. Sirolarn officially moved the royal residence from DiSilveron Manor during his coronation ceremonies and festival in 361 AV.

The current ruling family, the Sorvendig's reside here.

Rumors of ghostly hauntings have plagued the Keep. The specter of a headless man has been seen by several people on at least one occasion.