Thorkim Family Farm

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The Thorkim Family Farm was the location of Bacon Man's Birthday Bash 419. The farm was host to various merchants, as well as a pig catching maze where you could search for your very own pet pig.


Thorkim 2016.jpg

Barnyard Shop

[Thorkim Family Farm, Barnyard]
A few clumps of vegetation struggle to survive in the compacted dirt of the enclosure. Fencing for various paddocks and corrals, along with numerous structures, help define the irregular space. A few chickens wander across the expanse, searching for anything edible. You also see a parchment holder, a wooden tray with an infuser stone on it, a short stand with a potency crystal on it, a mud-splattered table with several things on it, a charity chest, a large wooden barrel and Farmer Thorkim.
Obvious paths: north.

Farmer Thorkim sells items for pigs in exchange for Grooba coins.

On a mud-splattered table
Item Price Done
light pig chalk 1   
heavy pig chalk 1   
cracked pig chalk 1   
colorful pig chalk 2   
On a parchment holder
Item Price Done
muddied parchment - Title: Bacon Buddy 1   No
dirty parchment - Title: Swine Savant 1   !!
dusty parchment - Title: Porcine Partier 1   !!
filthy parchment - Title: Pig Catcher 1   !!
smudged parchment - Title: Thorkim's Friend 1   !!
begrimed parchment - Title: Pork Farmer 1   !!
On a wooden tray
Item Price Done
infuser stone 4   
On a short stand
Item Price Done
potency crystal 5   

Pig Maze

The pig maze is located in the [Thorkim Family Farm, Barnyard] at the tip of the pig's tail on the map.

See pig for information on the pets that can be SEARCHed out after bribing Farmer Thorkim.

Finding a Pig

  • To enter the pig maze, ASK THORKIM ABOUT COIN twice while having at least one Grooba coin. You can check TICKETS to see how many coins you have.
  • Each room will message that a pig waddles in a direction OR that they are waddling around the area. Generally, you will want to explore each room in an area until you find the one with the message to search.
  • To find a pig, SEARCH after seeing the following message.
You notice a muddy piglet waddling around the area.
  • SEARCH (success): You search around the area and find a burly saddleback peccary! The saddleback peccary scampers toward you and oinks happily, quickly deciding you're its new owner. As you reach for the peccary, it scurries into a soft woven sack with a golden piglet charm, which is the peccary's home. You pick them both up, claiming your new pet.
  • SEARCH (failure): You search around the area and find a muddy piglet, but it squeals and bolts away!

Random Treasure








