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Thorkim Family Farm

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Farmer Thorkim points over the gate he guards and says, "See them there lumps o'
mud?  They ain't no mud at all!"  He flashes a wide smile.  "Them pigs and
piglets are wallowin' about and hiding.  They's knowin' somethings going on and
tryin' not ter draw no attention to themselves."

"Pa Thorkim has an arrangement with the Bacon Man, see.  But them pigs been
more amorous than usual, and we almost gots more bacon than we know what to do

He concludes, "Iffen ye bring me one of them shiney coins that've been popular
all o'sudden, I might be convinced to look another way while ye sneak in and
grab one for yerself.  S'that or they're off to the market, in one form or
Farmer Thorkim responds, "Pa Thorkim met the Bacon Man years ago.  Pa ain't so
good at farmin', but ain't none better fer raising piggies.  They gots 'em an
arrangement, and the Bacon Man stops by real regular to get some of the older

"I was curious once about that bacon milk he sells, and pa bought me a glass."
Farmer Thorkim shakes his head and makes a face.  "It ain't fer me.  Some things
just ain't meant to be mixed.  Somehow, though, that Bacon Man sells it by the
barrel full along with all his other, erm, treats."
Farmer Thorkim looks mortified and leans in to whispers, "I ain't never met her
now, ye hear?  I ain't for knowin' anyone but the Bacon Man who ever has, but
the rumors say she runs some sort of house of ill repute, iffen ye catch my

He straightens and continues, "I ain't for knowin' why the Bacon Man got himself
into business with her sorts, but she sure did give him some shiney coins!  If
ye bring me one, I'll let you inside the pen to try and grab a piggie."

(without coin)

Farmer Thorkim shakes his head.  "Sorry there, madam.  Pa Thorkim says I gots to
keep visitors out."  He leans in and whispers, "If you bring me a Grooba Coin,
though, I might could find myself distracted with the fence for a bit."

(with coin)

Farmer Thorkim's eyes light up as he gazes at your proffered coin.  He clears
his throat and glances around before whispering, "If yer sure 'bout partin' with
that coin, I'm mighty interested in it.  You can sneak in and wallow about with
the piggies, maybe get one out without gettin' caught, iffen I can have that


See pig for information on the pets that can be searched out after bribing Pa Thorkim.

Finding a Pig

You want to wait until you see the following messaging and then SEARCH.

You notice a muddy piglet waddling around the area.

SEARCH (success): You search around the area and find a burly saddleback peccary! The saddleback peccary scampers toward you and oinks happily, quickly deciding you're its new owner. As you reach for the peccary, it scurries into a soft woven sack with a golden piglet charm, which is the peccary's home. You pick them both up, claiming your new pet.

SEARCH (failure): You search around the area and find a muddy piglet, but it squeals and bolts away!


Farmer Thorkim is selling items for pigs in exchange for Grooba Coins.

On a mud-splattered table
Item Price Done
light pig chalk 1   
heavy pig chalk 1   
cracked pig chalk 1   
colorful pig chalk 2   
On a parchment holder
Item Price Done
muddied parchment - Title: Bacon Buddy 1   No
dirty parchment - Title: Swine Savant 1   !!
dusty parchment - Title: Porcine Partier 1   !!
filthy parchment - Title: Pig Catcher 1   !!
smudged parchment - Title: Thorkim's Friend 1   !!
begrimed parchment - Title: Pork Farmer 1   !!
On a wooden tray
Item Price Done
infuser stone 4   
On a short stand
Item Price Done
potency crystal 5   

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