Serenity (ship)

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Serenity (ship)
Class: cog
Rooms: 3
Pilot: Tefgu
Source: Barana's Shipyard


[Serenity, Bow]
The bowsprit stretches forward from the ship where the starboard and port gunnels meet. An iron-banded oak capstan is bolted securely to the deck for use in hauling up the anchor, setting the shrouds, or any other work where great purchases are required.
Ship paths: aft.

[Serenity, Main Deck]
A brass-hinged gangway is inset into the starboard bulwark, allowing for a boarding plank to be ran in and out from there with ease. The ship's rigging hangs above like an intricate spider's web. You also see the mainsail and the main mast.
Ship paths: forward, aft.

[Serenity, Quarterdeck]
In the middle of the quarterdeck is the ship's wheel mounted on a slightly higher platform. Shrouds, running from mast to cleats on the bulwark, are ran overhead along with sheets from the ship's rigging. You also see Pilot Tefgu, the ship's bell and a large spoked wheel.
Ship paths: forward.


You see Pilot Tefgu, a Dwarf.
He is wearing a simple tunic and some sailcloth trousers.
