Health-Walk Suite (script)
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Health-Walk Suite (script) | |
Category | training |
Front-end | Genie |
Author | Isharon |
Run this script anywhere in Crossing to start health-walking. I've avoided popular destinations such as the bazaar tent and gem-selling room, because health-walking tends to annoy the occupants.
This script trains the following skills: appraisal, empathy, performance, scholarship, attunement, augmentation, life magic, utility, first aid, outdoorsmanship, and perception. You probably won't lock all of these skills while running this script, but it will keep them draining.
Required Genie Settings
You must define the following variables (for example):
#var {cambrinth} {cambrinth armband}
#var {instrument} {moonsilver zills}
You must have my wound-tending aliases and script. (Name the tending script tend.cmd.)
You must be using the official Genie maps and the Experience Tracker plugin to run this script.
Required Tools
- a compendium of anatomy charts
- the cyclic spells Guardian Spirit and Aesandry Darlaeth
- worn cambrinth
- a musical instrument
- the ability to COLLECT forageables
- 3/17/2015: fixed end point for Hibarnhvidar script
- 3/16/2015: added version for Hibarnhvidar
#debug 10 put #class racial on put #class rp on put #class arrive off put #class combat off put #class joust off timer clear timer start var cyclic_time 0 var lastaction APPRAISE put avoid !drag waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !hold waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !join waitforre ^You're now avoiding send stop play waitforre ^You stop playing your song|^In the name of love|^But you're not performing anything send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send get my compendium waitforre ^You get.*compendium|^You are already holding that send open my compendium waitforre ^You open your.*compendium to the section on|^That is already open! put #mapper load Map1_Crossing put look action put #queue clear;send $lastcommand when ^(\.\.\.wait|Sorry,) action goto PERC1 when ^AUTOMAPPER MOVEMENT FAILED goto PERC1 COMP: if $bleeding = 1 then { put .tend waitforre SCRIPT DONE|Script error: File not found: } if ($First_Aid.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Scholarship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto MAGIC send turn my compendium waitforre ^You turn to the section containing|^You attempt to turn.*compendium send study my compendium wait pause .5 var lastaction COMP goto HPERC MAGIC: if %t < %cyclic_time then goto FORAGE var spell gs if $Utility.LearningRate > $Augmentation.LearningRate then var spell ad send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release if $mana < 65 then waiteval $mana >= 65 send prep %spell 20 waitforre ^You feel fully prepared to cast your spell|^You have no idea how to cast that spell send cast waitforre ^Life energy floods through your veins|^(The|An?).*alfar warrior|^Rutilant sparks of light encircle you|^You don't have a spell prepared var cyclic_time %t math cyclic_time add 300 var lastaction MAGIC goto HPERC FORAGE: if ($Perception.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Outdoorsmanship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto APPRAISE send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 KICK: send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait var lastaction FORAGE goto HPERC APPRAISE: if ($Appraisal.LearningRate >= 34) then goto HPERC if (%spell = ad) then goto ASSESS if matchre ("$monsterlist", "(alfar warrior)") then goto APPRAISE2 waitforre ^(The|An?).*alfar warrior APPRAISE2: send appraise warrior quick wait pause var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC ASSESS: send get my $instrument from my $pack waitforre ^You get|^You are already holding|^What were you referring to send assess my $instrument wait pause send appraise my $instrument wait pause send put my $instrument in my harp case waitforre ^You put your var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC OTHER: wait pause 5 goto HPERC HPERC: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end pause .5 matchre %section ^You're not ready to do that again, yet\.$ matchre RETURN ^You sense|^You fail to sense anything, however send perceive health matchwait ACTIONCHOOSE: if %lastaction = COMP then var section MAGIC if %lastaction = MAGIC then var section FORAGE if %lastaction = FORAGE then var section APPRAISE if %lastaction = APPRAISE then var section COMP return PHMOVE: if $Attunement.LearningRate < 34 then put #var powerwalk 1 if $Attunement.LearningRate >= 34 then put #var powerwalk 0 pause .5 put #mapper walk %ROOMID waitfor %ROOMDESC pause .5 return RETURN: pause .5 return PERC1: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 312 var ROOMDESC Town Hall, Citizenship Registration Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC2: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 372 var ROOMDESC Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC3: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 394 var ROOMDESC Mongers' Bazaar, Traders' Market gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC4: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 440 var ROOMDESC Talmai's Cobblery, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC5: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 743 var ROOMDESC Martyr Saedelthorp, Dispensary gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC6: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 748 var ROOMDESC Gaethrend's Court, Dining Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC7: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 219 var ROOMDESC Mauriga's Botanicals, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC8: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 226 var ROOMDESC Chizili's Alchemical Goods, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC9: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 741 var ROOMDESC Elite Architecture gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC10: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 625 var ROOMDESC Medratha's Designs in Marble gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC11: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 222 var ROOMDESC Falken's Tannery, Supply Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC13: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 720 var ROOMDESC Taelbert's Inn, Bar gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC14: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 470 var ROOMDESC Taelbert's Inn, Tack Storage gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC15: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 472 var ROOMDESC Bards' Guild, Commons gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC16: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 437 var ROOMDESC Cormyn's House of Heirlooms gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC17: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 338 var ROOMDESC Exterior Motives gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC18: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 223 var ROOMDESC Herilo's Artifacts, Showroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC19: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 531 var ROOMDESC The Raven's Court, Membership Desk gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC20: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 339 var ROOMDESC Traders' Guild, Main Hall gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC21: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 666 var ROOMDESC Half Pint, Main Saloon gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC22: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 411 var ROOMDESC Brother Durantine's Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC23: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 404 var ROOMDESC The True Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC24: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 192 var ROOMDESC Tembeg's Armory, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC25: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 191 var ROOMDESC Milgrym's Weapons, Showroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC26: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 228 var ROOMDESC Catrox's Forge, Entryway gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC27: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 678 var ROOMDESC The Thin Veneer, Chair Gallery gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC28: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 708 var ROOMDESC Ulven's Warehouse, Storage gosub PHMOVE gosub %section gosub skill.check goto PERC1 skill.check: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end else return end: send echo YOU ARE MIND LOCKED IN EMPATHY. put #play MindLocked put #class arrive off put avoid all waitforre ^All AVOID options cleared send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release|^Release\? send close my compendium waitforre ^You close|^That is already|^What were send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what put #mapper walk 42 waitfor The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name.
Leth Deri'el
#debug 10 put #class racial on put #class rp on put #class arrive off put #class combat off put #class joust off timer clear timer start var cyclic_time 0 var lastaction APPRAISE put avoid !drag waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !hold waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !join waitforre ^You're now avoiding send stop play waitforre ^You stop playing your song|^In the name of love|^But you're not performing anything send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send get my compendium waitforre ^You get.*compendium|^You are already holding that send open my compendium waitforre ^You open your.*compendium to the section on|^That is already open! put #mapper load Map61_Leth_Deriel put look action put #queue clear;send $lastcommand when ^(\.\.\.wait|Sorry,) action goto PERC1 when ^AUTOMAPPER MOVEMENT FAILED goto PERC1 COMP: if $bleeding = 1 then { put .tend waitforre SCRIPT DONE|Script error: File not found: } if ($First_Aid.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Scholarship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto MAGIC send turn my compendium waitforre ^You turn to the section containing|^You attempt to turn.*compendium send study my compendium wait pause .5 var lastaction COMP goto HPERC MAGIC: if %t < %cyclic_time then goto FORAGE var spell gs if $Utility.LearningRate > $Augmentation.LearningRate then var spell ad send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release if $mana < 65 then waiteval $mana >= 65 send prep %spell 20 waitforre ^You feel fully prepared to cast your spell|^You have no idea how to cast that spell send cast waitforre ^Life energy floods through your veins|^(The|An?).*alfar warrior|^Rutilant sparks of light encircle you|^You don't have a spell prepared var cyclic_time %t math cyclic_time add 300 var lastaction MAGIC goto HPERC FORAGE: if ($Perception.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Outdoorsmanship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto APPRAISE send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 KICK: send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait var lastaction FORAGE goto HPERC APPRAISE: if ($Appraisal.LearningRate >= 34) then goto HPERC if (%spell = ad) then goto ASSESS if matchre ("$monsterlist", "(alfar warrior)") then goto APPRAISE2 waitforre ^(The|An?).*alfar warrior APPRAISE2: send appraise warrior quick wait pause var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC ASSESS: send get my $instrument from my $pack waitforre ^You get|^You are already holding|^What were you referring to send assess my $instrument wait pause send appraise my $instrument wait pause send put my $instrument in my harp case waitforre ^You put your var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC OTHER: wait pause 5 goto HPERC HPERC: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end pause .5 matchre %section ^You're not ready to do that again, yet\.$ matchre RETURN ^You sense|^You fail to sense anything, however send perceive health matchwait ACTIONCHOOSE: if %lastaction = COMP then var section MAGIC if %lastaction = MAGIC then var section FORAGE if %lastaction = FORAGE then var section APPRAISE if %lastaction = APPRAISE then var section COMP return PHMOVE: if $Attunement.LearningRate < 34 then put #var powerwalk 1 if $Attunement.LearningRate >= 34 then put #var powerwalk 0 pause .5 put #mapper walk %ROOMID waitfor %ROOMDESC pause .5 return RETURN: pause .5 return PERC1: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 165 var ROOMDESC Madame Orris' Perfumerie, Salon gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC2: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 186 var ROOMDESC Arthianna's Clinic, Healing Tent gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC3: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 157 var ROOMDESC Khushi's, Back Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC4: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 170 var ROOMDESC Ongadine's Garb and Gear, Showroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC5: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 146 var ROOMDESC Reena's Rainbow, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC6: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 148 var ROOMDESC Dove's Delightful Dwellings gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC7: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 151 var ROOMDESC Sinjian's Bardic Requisites, Sales Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC8: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 154 var ROOMDESC Blanca's Basketry and Wickerworks, Showroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC9: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 156 var ROOMDESC Leth Deriel, Wooden Shack gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC10: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 160 var ROOMDESC Huyelm's Trueflight Bow and Arrow Shop, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC11: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 162 var ROOMDESC Morikai's, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section gosub skill.check goto PERC1 skill.check: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end else return end: send echo YOU ARE MIND LOCKED IN EMPATHY. put #play MindLocked put #class arrive off put avoid all waitforre ^All AVOID options cleared send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release|^Release\? send close my compendium waitforre ^You close|^That is already|^What were send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what put #mapper walk Kilth Aldiyaus waitfor Kilth Aldiyaus, Prayer Branch
#debug 10 put #class racial on put #class rp on put #class arrive off put #class combat off put #class joust off timer clear timer start var cyclic_time 0 var lastaction APPRAISE put avoid !drag waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !hold waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !join waitforre ^You're now avoiding send stop play waitforre ^You stop playing your song|^In the name of love|^But you're not performing anything send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send get my compendium waitforre ^You get.*compendium|^You are already holding that send open my compendium waitforre ^You open your.*compendium to the section on|^That is already open! put #mapper load Map67_Shard put look action put #queue clear;send $lastcommand when ^(\.\.\.wait|Sorry,) action goto PERC1 when ^AUTOMAPPER MOVEMENT FAILED goto PERC1 COMP: if $bleeding = 1 then { put .tend waitforre SCRIPT DONE|Script error: File not found: } if ($First_Aid.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Scholarship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto MAGIC send turn my compendium waitforre ^You turn to the section containing|^You attempt to turn.*compendium send study my compendium wait pause .5 var lastaction COMP goto HPERC MAGIC: if %t < %cyclic_time then goto FORAGE var spell gs if $Utility.LearningRate > $Augmentation.LearningRate then var spell ad send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release if $mana < 65 then waiteval $mana >= 65 send prep %spell 20 waitforre ^You feel fully prepared to cast your spell|^You have no idea how to cast that spell send cast waitforre ^Life energy floods through your veins|^(The|An?).*alfar warrior|^Rutilant sparks of light encircle you|^You don't have a spell prepared var cyclic_time %t math cyclic_time add 300 var lastaction MAGIC goto HPERC FORAGE: if ($Perception.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Outdoorsmanship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto APPRAISE send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 KICK: send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait var lastaction FORAGE goto HPERC APPRAISE: if ($Appraisal.LearningRate >= 34) then goto HPERC if (%spell = ad) then goto ASSESS if matchre ("$monsterlist", "(alfar warrior)") then goto APPRAISE2 waitforre ^(The|An?).*alfar warrior APPRAISE2: send appraise warrior quick wait pause var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC ASSESS: send get my $instrument from my $pack waitforre ^You get|^You are already holding|^What were you referring to send assess my $instrument wait pause send appraise my $instrument wait pause send put my $instrument in my harp case waitforre ^You put your var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC OTHER: wait pause 5 goto HPERC HPERC: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end pause .5 matchre %section ^You're not ready to do that again, yet\.$ matchre RETURN ^You sense|^You fail to sense anything, however send perceive health matchwait ACTIONCHOOSE: if %lastaction = COMP then var section MAGIC if %lastaction = MAGIC then var section FORAGE if %lastaction = FORAGE then var section APPRAISE if %lastaction = APPRAISE then var section COMP return PHMOVE: if $Attunement.LearningRate < 34 then put #var powerwalk 1 if $Attunement.LearningRate >= 34 then put #var powerwalk 0 pause .5 put #mapper walk %ROOMID waitfor %ROOMDESC pause .5 return RETURN: pause .5 return PERC1: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 488 var ROOMDESC Stormwill Tower, Entrance Hall gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC2: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 452 var ROOMDESC Zerek's General Store gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC3: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 574 var ROOMDESC Painted Ladies Design gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC4: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 508 var ROOMDESC Brickwell Tower, Guildmaster's Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC5: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 436 var ROOMDESC Sister Imadrail's Emporium gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC6: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 548 var ROOMDESC Province of Ilithi, Citizenship Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC7: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 215 var ROOMDESC Budd's Barber Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC8: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 225 var ROOMDESC Bettin' Birdies, The Casino gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC9: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 221 var ROOMDESC The Heraldry Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC10: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 220 var ROOMDESC Blazons and Banners gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC11: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 208 var ROOMDESC Coin of the Realm gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC13: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 158 var ROOMDESC Aelik's Pawn gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC14: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 164 var ROOMDESC Balint's Tiles gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC15: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 181 var ROOMDESC Mirrors by Noelle gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC16: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 249 var ROOMDESC Liani's Heaven, Private Table gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC17: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 243 var ROOMDESC Tower of Honor, Guildleader's Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC18: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 487 var ROOMDESC A Grand Entrance gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC19: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 483 var ROOMDESC Seats of Plenty gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC20: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 462 var ROOMDESC Golden Phoenix, Front Desk gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC21: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 463 var ROOMDESC Golden Phoenix, Tavern Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC22: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 395 var ROOMDESC Temple of Darkness, Glassus' Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC23: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 385 var ROOMDESC Shard's Osut'vie gosub PHMOVE gosub %section gosub skill.check goto PERC1 skill.check: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end else return end: send echo YOU ARE MIND LOCKED IN EMPATHY. put #play MindLocked put #class arrive off put avoid all waitforre ^All AVOID options cleared send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release|^Release\? send close my compendium waitforre ^You close|^That is already|^What were send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what put #mapper walk Kureta waitfor Shard, West City Gates
#debug 10 put #class racial on put #class rp on put #class arrive off put #class combat off put #class joust off timer clear timer start var cyclic_time 0 var lastaction APPRAISE put avoid !drag waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !hold waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !join waitforre ^You're now avoiding send stop play waitforre ^You stop playing your song|^In the name of love|^But you're not performing anything send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send get my compendium waitforre ^You get.*compendium|^You are already holding that send open my compendium waitforre ^You open your.*compendium to the section on|^That is already open! put #mapper load Map90_Ratha put look action put #queue clear;send $lastcommand when ^(\.\.\.wait|Sorry,) action goto PERC1 when ^AUTOMAPPER MOVEMENT FAILED goto PERC1 COMP: if $bleeding = 1 then { put .tend waitforre SCRIPT DONE|Script error: File not found: } if ($First_Aid.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Scholarship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto MAGIC send turn my compendium waitforre ^You turn to the section containing|^You attempt to turn.*compendium send study my compendium wait pause .5 var lastaction COMP goto HPERC MAGIC: if %t < %cyclic_time then goto FORAGE var spell gs if $Utility.LearningRate > $Augmentation.LearningRate then var spell ad send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release if $mana < 65 then waiteval $mana >= 65 send prep %spell 20 waitforre ^You feel fully prepared to cast your spell|^You have no idea how to cast that spell send cast waitforre ^Life energy floods through your veins|^(The|An?).*alfar warrior|^Rutilant sparks of light encircle you|^You don't have a spell prepared var cyclic_time %t math cyclic_time add 300 var lastaction MAGIC goto HPERC FORAGE: if ($Perception.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Outdoorsmanship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto APPRAISE send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 KICK: send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait var lastaction FORAGE goto HPERC APPRAISE: if ($Appraisal.LearningRate >= 34) then goto HPERC if (%spell = ad) then goto ASSESS if matchre ("$monsterlist", "(alfar warrior)") then goto APPRAISE2 waitforre ^(The|An?).*alfar warrior APPRAISE2: send appraise warrior quick wait pause var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC ASSESS: send get my $instrument from my $pack waitforre ^You get|^You are already holding|^What were you referring to send assess my $instrument wait pause send appraise my $instrument wait pause send put my $instrument in my harp case waitforre ^You put your var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC OTHER: wait pause 5 goto HPERC HPERC: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end pause .5 matchre %section ^You're not ready to do that again, yet\.$ matchre RETURN ^You sense|^You fail to sense anything, however send perceive health matchwait ACTIONCHOOSE: if %lastaction = COMP then var section MAGIC if %lastaction = MAGIC then var section FORAGE if %lastaction = FORAGE then var section APPRAISE if %lastaction = APPRAISE then var section COMP return PHMOVE: if $Attunement.LearningRate < 34 then put #var powerwalk 1 if $Attunement.LearningRate >= 34 then put #var powerwalk 0 pause .5 put #mapper walk %ROOMID waitfor %ROOMDESC pause .5 return RETURN: pause .5 return PERC1: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 257 var ROOMDESC Sisters-in-Lore, Herbal and Alchemical Supplies gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC2: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 122 var ROOMDESC Ratha, Port Walk gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC3: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 321 var ROOMDESC Magical Art, Thuyza's Tattoo Place gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC4: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 320 var ROOMDESC Ratha Bait and Tackle gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC5: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 244 var ROOMDESC MAMAS Company, Ratha Branch gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC6: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 243 var ROOMDESC Mother Magpie's Gems and Metals gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC7: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 235 var ROOMDESC Kygar's Pub, Common Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC8: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 237 var ROOMDESC Grimbly's Forge, Supplies and Rental Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC9: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 242 var ROOMDESC Paedraig's Pawn gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC10: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 272 var ROOMDESC Onsuwayo's Clinic, Treatment Room One gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC11: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 328 var ROOMDESC Paganell's Carpets gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC13: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 305 var ROOMDESC Krrikt'k's Forge, Salesroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC14: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 330 var ROOMDESC Amorand the Tailor gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC15: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 304 var ROOMDESC The Raven's Mask and Leatherworks, Sales Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC16: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 329 var ROOMDESC Dennats Baya gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC17: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 275 var ROOMDESC Furrier's Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC18: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 303 var ROOMDESC Elepaio's Luthierre gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC19: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 327 var ROOMDESC Captain Namazzi's Ship Goods gosub PHMOVE gosub %section gosub skill.check goto PERC1 skill.check: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end else return end: send echo YOU ARE MIND LOCKED IN EMPATHY. put #play MindLocked put #class arrive off put avoid all waitforre ^All AVOID options cleared send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release|^Release\? send close my compendium waitforre ^You close|^That is already|^What were send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what put #mapper walk Truffenyi's Green waitfor Truffenyi's Green
#debug 10 put #class racial on put #class rp on put #class arrive off put #class combat off put #class joust off timer clear timer start var cyclic_time 0 var lastaction APPRAISE put avoid !drag waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !hold waitforre ^You're now avoiding put avoid !join waitforre ^You're now avoiding send stop play waitforre ^You stop playing your song|^In the name of love|^But you're not performing anything send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what|^There isn't|^The .* is too long to fit in the send get my compendium waitforre ^You get.*compendium|^You are already holding that send open my compendium waitforre ^You open your.*compendium to the section on|^That is already open! put #mapper load Map116_Hibarnhvidar put look action put #queue clear;send $lastcommand when ^(\.\.\.wait|Sorry,) action goto PERC1 when ^AUTOMAPPER MOVEMENT FAILED goto PERC1 COMP: if $bleeding = 1 then { put .tend waitforre SCRIPT DONE|Script error: File not found: } if ($First_Aid.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Scholarship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto MAGIC send turn my compendium waitforre ^You turn to the section containing|^You attempt to turn.*compendium send study my compendium wait pause .5 var lastaction COMP goto HPERC MAGIC: if %t < %cyclic_time then goto FORAGE var spell gs if $Utility.LearningRate > $Augmentation.LearningRate then var spell ad send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release if $mana < 65 then waiteval $mana >= 65 send prep %spell 20 waitforre ^You feel fully prepared to cast your spell|^You have no idea how to cast that spell send cast waitforre ^Life energy floods through your veins|^(The|An?).*alfar warrior|^Rutilant sparks of light encircle you|^You don't have a spell prepared var cyclic_time %t math cyclic_time add 300 var lastaction MAGIC goto HPERC FORAGE: if ($Perception.LearningRate >= 34) && ($Outdoorsmanship.LearningRate >= 34) then goto APPRAISE send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 send collect torn cloth wait pause .5 KICK: send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait send kick pile waitforre Assuming you mean a pile|^I could not find what you were referring to|^\.\.\.wait var lastaction FORAGE goto HPERC APPRAISE: if ($Appraisal.LearningRate >= 34) then goto HPERC if (%spell = ad) then goto ASSESS if matchre ("$monsterlist", "(alfar warrior)") then goto APPRAISE2 waitforre ^(The|An?).*alfar warrior APPRAISE2: send appraise warrior quick wait pause var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC ASSESS: send get my $instrument from my harp case in my $pack waitforre ^You get|^You are already holding|^What were you referring to send assess my $instrument wait pause send appraise my $instrument wait pause send put my $instrument in my harp case waitforre ^You put your var lastaction APPRAISE goto HPERC OTHER: wait pause 5 goto HPERC HPERC: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end pause .5 matchre %section ^You're not ready to do that again, yet\.$ matchre RETURN ^You sense|^You fail to sense anything, however send perceive health matchwait ACTIONCHOOSE: if %lastaction = COMP then var section MAGIC if %lastaction = MAGIC then var section FORAGE if %lastaction = FORAGE then var section APPRAISE if %lastaction = APPRAISE then var section COMP return PHMOVE: if $Attunement.LearningRate < 34 then put #var powerwalk 1 if $Attunement.LearningRate >= 34 then put #var powerwalk 0 pause .5 put #mapper walk %ROOMID waitfor %ROOMDESC pause .5 return RETURN: pause .5 return PERC1: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 269 var ROOMDESC Hibarnvhidar, Stable gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC2: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 368 var ROOMDESC Hibarnvhidar, Stable gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC3: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 254 var ROOMDESC Smavold's Toggery gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC4: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 245 var ROOMDESC Agrobov's Green Grocer gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC5: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 386 var ROOMDESC Hibarnhvidar Hospital, Shalvard's Room gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC6: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 197 var ROOMDESC Hibarnhvidar, Office of Citizenship gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC7: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 199 var ROOMDESC Hibarnvhidar, Office of Moving gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC8: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 299 var ROOMDESC Orfna's Oddities gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC9: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 298 var ROOMDESC Gemsmith, Rasiya's Appraisal gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC10: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 297 var ROOMDESC The Fashion Firmament gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC11: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 284 var ROOMDESC Hvairn's Showldh Stal gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC13: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 277 var ROOMDESC The Thirteenth Passage, Barroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC14: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 96 var ROOMDESC Inner Hibarnhvidar, Main Cavern gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC15: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 319 var ROOMDESC MAMAS Hibarnhvidar, Main Office gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC16: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 408 var ROOMDESC Forging Society, Inner Corridor gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC17: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 320 var ROOMDESC Hibarnhvidar, Ladar's Shop gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC18: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 214 var ROOMDESC Cargil's Engraving, Showroom gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC19: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 215 var ROOMDESC Stawk's Brothers Minderal and Supply gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC20: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 229 var ROOMDESC Reliable Pawn and Dry Goods Emporium gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC21: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 228 var ROOMDESC Drones and Drums gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC22: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 232 var ROOMDESC Hibarnhvidar Trader Guild, The Floor gosub PHMOVE gosub %section PERC23: gosub ACTIONCHOOSE var ROOMID 218 var ROOMDESC Vandorf's House of Hides gosub PHMOVE gosub %section gosub skill.check goto PERC1 skill.check: if $Empathy.LearningRate > 33 then goto end else return end: send echo YOU ARE MIND LOCKED IN EMPATHY. put #play MindLocked put #class arrive off put avoid all waitforre ^All AVOID options cleared send release all waitforre ^You aren't harnessing any mana|^You aren't preparing a spell|^You have no cyclic spell active to release|^Release\? send close my compendium waitforre ^You close|^That is already|^What were send stow right waitforre ^You put|^Stow what send stow left waitforre ^You put|^Stow what put #mapper walk 78 waitfor Gold leaf defines the edges of the carvings on the wall while those on the ceiling and inside of the arch are outlined in silver.